No Prisoners MC Box Set

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No Prisoners MC Box Set Page 48

by Lilly Atlas

  Jester didn’t like a woman with a six-pack and rippling muscles. He preferred his women have softness to counter the hardness of his own body. Speaking of hardness, his dick was so stiff he could feel the teeth of his zipper digging in.

  “You know, it’s kind of cheating if you hold my leg up for me,” Emily quipped with a sassy grin.

  Jester still didn’t speak. He wasn’t sure he could, but he speared her with a molten look that left no question as to his desire. Then he slowly slid his hand down her leg pausing to caress the smooth skin of her inner thigh before he released her. With a glance downward, he noticed a dark spot on her panties, directly over her pussy. She was wet.

  That knowledge was all Jester needed to kick him into action. No way would his woman lie there wet and wanting while he was in the room. He’d take care of her, and enjoy the hell out of it.

  In a move so fast he must have shocked her, Jester dropped to his knees and tore her panties off. Her yelp followed the sound of ripping fabric. Mesmerized by her heady aroma, he lowered his head. Just before his mouth made contact with her weeping slit, Emily squeaked and started to lower her leg. “Jester, what are you doing?”

  “I have to taste you, Emily.” His voice sounded strained to his ears. One hand pushed her leg back into position.

  An idea popped into his head. This was going to be fun. “Don’t drop your pose, Em. I’ll stop if you fall out of position.”

  She raised her head and met his eyes with a hesitant look. “Um…I’ve never…I mean no one has ever…” Her face reddened, but she kept her light eyes locked with his.

  He stared at her, mouth inches away from taking her to paradise. “You trying to tell me no man has ever eaten your pussy?”

  “Jester!” she shrieked, turning even redder at his explicit words than she’d been seconds before.

  “Well, that’s a damn shame, baby. And not a problem you have to worry about anymore. I’ll eat you out any damn time you want. I would have gotten to it sooner, but every time I get near your naked body I can’t seem to keep my dick out of you. Now, lie back. I’ve got—” He shifted his eyes toward the television. “—two minutes and forty-five seconds to make you come.”

  Emily started to lay her head back when Jester thought of one more thing. “Oh, and, babe? Don’t hold back. I want to hear you lose control.”

  She dropped her head on the carpet with a soft thud. “Oh my God,” she whispered.

  Jester chuckled as he dipped his head, swiping his tongue through her folds from the base of her pussy up to her clit, in a long, slow lick.

  “Oh my God.” This time it came out on a moan.

  Oh my God was right, he thought as the taste and smell of her assaulted his senses. She was intoxicating. From the corner of his eye Jester caught her fingers flexing against the carpet as though trying to grab onto the fibers. She thought she needed something to anchor herself now? Just wait until he really got going. Damn, this was going to be fun.

  Jester got back to work, licking, sucking and nibbling, just grazing over her clit. Emily’s breathing increased, and she rotated her head from side to side as though trying to clear her mind. Not gonna happen, baby, Jester thought.

  He swirled his tongue once around her swollen nub before wrapping his lips around it and sucking it into his mouth. Emily cried out and her legs began to tremble. The combination of the intense pleasure, and the physical strain of holding the yoga pose made her overworked muscles quiver.

  She cried out again when he licked into her, fucking her tight channel with his tongue. The leg that had been held up in the air now rested over his shoulder, the heel digging into his back.

  Damn, her pussy was sweet, he could keep this up for hours, drawing her right to the brink and backing off, suspending her in a sexual limbo until he finally let her crash over the edge. It was a shame he had less than two minutes to finish this little game.

  Emily’s hips moved with purpose now, and Jester knew if their positions had been reversed, and she was on top, she’d be riding his face like a rodeo queen. He filed that idea away as a must try in the very near future.

  Jester was so hard he spared a second to wonder if his cock could split through the zipper on his jeans. He felt like a fuckin’ king, being the first man to introduce Emily to oral sex. Her responses were honest and unguarded, and she did nothing to hide the fact that she loved the feel of his mouth on her, in her.

  She didn’t play games, didn’t use her body to manipulate him. Emily was a woman who didn’t have much experience, but who seemed to revel in her sexuality as she discovered the power of it. He couldn’t wait until the day she was confident enough to demand what she wanted from him, and take what her body needed to be satisfied.

  The walls of her sex began to flutter around his tongue. She was getting close. After one last thrust of his tongue, he moved back up to her clit, flicking it over and over as her cries grew louder and more desperate.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Emily was lost in the intense sensations rocketing from her pelvis. Her entire body shook with the strain of holding the pose. She’d lost the battle of keeping her leg in the air, but there was no way she was lowering her hips and risking Jester stopping. Nothing had ever felt this good.

  She was making a lot of noise, probably sounded like a wild animal, but she couldn’t control it. The sounds poured from her throat, and Jester seemed to enjoy hearing how much she enjoyed his efforts.

  Lifting her spinning head, Emily peered down her body and her stomach tightened at the image of the powerful man who worshiped her with his head buried between her thighs. The sight was humbling. He was so gorgeous, so strong and sexy; he could have, and did have, any woman he wanted. Yet he chose to kneel between her legs to bring her tremendous pleasure. Her heart clenched with an unfamiliar emotion and a longing that would never be fulfilled.

  Jester slid his tongue from inside her, licking back up to her clitoris. Emily couldn’t have stopped the orgasm from ripping through her if she tried. Somewhere in the back recesses of her endorphin swamped mind, she registered the sound of a woman’s voice counting down five…four…three…two…one, and sure enough, just as the instructor reached, one Emily exploded. Her muscles clenched and her vision clouded as she literally screamed with the force of her release.

  Feeling physically sated and emotionally dazed, Emily finally allowed her limp legs to collapse to the ground. There wasn’t any point in trying to stand, her legs couldn’t possibly hold her after the workout they just had.

  “Did that really just happen?” she asked, glad her voice still worked after all that screaming.

  “It sure did, babe, and it was the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen.” Jester scooped her up off the floor and carried her to the couch, arranging her so her legs straddled him and her torso rested intimately against his when he sat.

  Where just seconds ago she thought she was too drained to do much more than breathe for the rest of the day, she now felt a prickle of renewed desire forming as Jester’s hardness nestled into the junction of her thighs.

  The ridge pressed against her flesh, sensitive from her recent orgasm, and reminded her of exactly how well-endowed Jester was. She snickered out loud, and the movement caused her sex to rub against his erection.

  “Care to share? I know there is no way you are laughing at my skills,” Jester said, giving her hair a tug.

  Emily lifted her head from his shoulder so she could see his face. “Never that. I was just thinking that I’ve barely had any sexual encounters, but when I do finally get some it’s with a man who is packing this monster.” She giggled again rolling her hips to emphasize exactly which monster she was referring to.

  Jester laughed along with her. “What can I say, babe? Looks like you were just holding out for the big boys.”

  Emily smiled at him, and reached out a hand to trace a finger along his smooth jaw. Her eyes drifted closed in contentment as Jester’s hands traveled up and down the bare skin
of her back. His hands were so large they spanned her entire back and wrapped part way around her rib cage. His palms and fingertips were roughened and callused, and Emily shivered at the slight tickle they evoked everywhere he trailed them.

  She grew restless as need pumped through her blood, and suddenly the light touching was no longer sufficient. Opening her eyes, she found Jester watching her, matching desire burning in his own gaze. This time when his hands smoothed up her back he helped her remove the sports bra, and let it drop to the floor forgotten.

  His hands moved around her body and up to her breasts, and his thumbs rubbed over her pointed nipples, making her pussy clench almost violently with need. Emily forced her eyes to stay open; mesmerized by the yearning she saw reflected back at her.

  If she didn’t get him inside her soon, she might cry, so with shaking hands she reached out and unzipped his jeans, careful not to injure his cock where it strained against the metal. She rose up on her knees and helped him wiggle the denim down over his hips. It didn’t matter if they went down farther, just as long as he was free enough to get inside her.

  Emily didn’t waste any time. Jester’s swollen length sprang free from its confines, and she immediately lowered herself onto him. Wet from her previous orgasm and current arousal, he slid in easily. He went incredibly deep, the sensation so intense it bordered on painful, and Emily wanted him to stay there forever.

  Jester hissed out a curse as she descended, and his hands locked on her hips once he was fully seated. “Christ, Emily, you’re so tight, so hot.” He leaned forward and captured her mouth in a hungry kiss.

  Emily could taste herself lingering on his tongue as he took his time exploring her mouth. She tried to move. She needed to feel the friction of him sliding in and out of her, but he held her firmly anchored to him, and she was no match for his strength. The only movement she could manage was small rocks of her pelvis against his. She shifted her legs, shoving them between the cushions of the couch so she could wrap around Jester’s body and lock her ankles together. The action sunk him even deeper, and each time she tilted her pelvis forward her clit dragged across his pubic bone.

  She gasped, breaking the kiss; shocked by the power of the pleasure she was feeling. Lifting her lashes, she met Jester’s eyes and was captivated by the force of the emotion blazing in them. Emotion welled in her also; emotion that felt very close to love.

  No. No. No.

  This was not supposed to be happening. She couldn’t afford this. Emotional attachment had the potential to get Johnny killed. It could get her killed. And it could destroy Jester. Emily shifted her gaze, hoping to halt the growing connection between them. She could allow herself the physical pleasure but nothing else.

  Jester, however, wasn’t having that. “Emily,” he ground out, the command in his voice unmistakable. She hesitated for one second, staring at his heaving chest before she lifted her lashes and met his eyes once again. She tried to harden her heart, but the effort was futile.

  “Come with me, baby,” he said before he kissed her again. A bone deep orgasm rolled through her, as consuming emotionally as it was physically. Jester’s hard body shuddered beneath her arms as he came with a rough groan.

  Spent, she collapsed against his heaving chest. Snake’s words invaded her mind and ruined the intimate moment. Men tend to let things slip when their dicks are happy. She opened her mouth, prepared to ask him for some details on the club’s business, but the words died in her throat.

  She would do it. She’d find a way to get Snake his information. Despite Jester’s talk about being an uncomplicated man and keeping things simple between them, Emily had no doubt her betrayal would cut him to the bone. There just wasn’t any way she could bring herself to use information Jester shared with her in an intimate moment.

  She was a fool, acting like she could preserve her relationship with Jester and give Snake what he needed to release Johnny. Emily blinked furiously, refusing to let the tears that flooded her eyes fall. She felt tortured, divided in her feelings of complete happiness and abject misery.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “How’s it going?” Jester asked Acer with a grunt as he released the barbell and rubbed a muscle that twitched in his chest. The flicker reminded him of yesterday’s yoga session with Emily. If he wasn’t careful, his muscles wouldn’t receive enough blood to complete the next set.

  “You need me to spot you?” Acer raised his gaze from the laptop he’d been plugging away at in silence for the past fifteen minutes.

  “Nah, bro, I’m good. One more set.” He wrapped his hands around the heavy metal bar lifting it straight up from the supports and lowering it toward his chest as he exhaled. He was tired, but the burn in his muscles felt good, and they weren’t near the point of failure so he didn’t need a spotter.

  With a shake of his head Acer returned to his work. “If the club had known you were such a meathead jock when you were prospecting, you’d have never been voted in.”

  Jester waited until he’d powered through his ten reps before answering. It was hard to carry on a conversation while he raised and lowered more than three hundred pounds of metal directly over his chest. The weights clanged back into the holder as he sat up and stretched his arms behind his back loosening the tight muscles in his chest. “Hey, man, don’t hate just because you’re a puny thing.”

  Acer snorted without looking up or missing a keystroke. While Acer didn’t have nearly the bulk Jester did, he was no slouch and could certainly hold his own in a fight. He just had a leaner build.

  “Besides,” Jester continued, “the ladies love how huge I am. They’re drawn to my guns like a baby to the teat.”

  “First off, you’re more drawn to tits than any baby. And second, ladies? Don’t you mean lady? Because it seems to me there is only one of those these days. This Emily chick getting under your skin, bro?”

  Jester opened a bottle of water and guzzled the entire contents, allowing himself a chance to consider Acer’s question.

  “All kidding aside?” He pulled up the hem of his shirt to wipe the sweat off his face. “She’s sunk her claws in deep. I’m sure this makes me a complete dick, but I can’t remember ever wanting to spend time with a woman after I’ve fucked her. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve fucked a broad more than once, and it’s not like I stuck around for conversation afterward.”

  Acer shrugged. “We’re all like that, man. With the amount of willing and able pussy that hangs around the club we’ve no reason to be anything else.” Even though Acer spoke, his attention was still firmly on the monitor in front of him.

  “Hook and VP seem to like what they’ve got now,” Jester said, referring to the monogamous relationships of their friends.

  Acer stopped typing and gave Jester his full attention. “Shit, you thinking along those lines?”

  With a self-deprecating grunt Jester sat up on the weight bench, and leaned forward, resting his forearms on his powerful thighs. “No. Fuck no. I just…” He rolled his eyes. “Oh fuck it. I can’t stop thinking about her. All day. Every day. I’d rather be with her than just about anywhere else, and I can’t seem to fuck her out of my system. She’s smart, she sweet, she gets me, she’s just…good.”

  Acer cracked up, not appearing phased by the dark scowl that his laughter brought to Jester’s face. “So why don’t you just quit whining and enjoy it? Seriously man. We don’t meet many women like that. Most who come through the club are hardened, bitter, and used up. Seems to me, you find one who’s all that shit you mentioned, plus she’s as fuckable as your Emily, you should hold tight and enjoy the ride.”

  Jester glowered at Acer’s description of Emily, but he couldn’t argue with the man. He wanted inside her every chance he got. Even now, just hearing her name he was semi-erect.

  “She doesn’t seem in any hurry to kick your overgrown ass to the curb either, brother. Consider yourself one of the lucky ones and roll with it.”

  Jester nodded, and let
Acer’s words sink in. His brother was right, he just needed to shut up and enjoy her. To his surprise, he didn’t miss the revolving door of easy women he’d had before. Emily was more than satisfying his sexual needs. On top of that, she calmed him and soothed his rough edges. She was accepting of his lifestyle, but as Acer mentioned, she wasn’t a washed up biker whore. He liked talking to her, and liked hearing what she had to say as well.

  “There’s just one thing.”

  “What’s that? She doesn’t let you be on top enough?” Acer laughed at his own joke.

  “I’m serious, asshole.”

  “All right, what’s the thing?”

  “Sometimes I feel like she’s hiding something. She doesn’t tell me much about her life. It’s like she’s holding something back.”

  “You may be the only man in history to complain that his woman talks too little.”

  Jester flipped him the bird. “Forget it, asshole.”

  Acer laughed again. “Okay, I’m done bustin’ your balls. You worried she’s not into a relationship?”

  Jester rubbed a hand across his chin. “Maybe, but I think it’s more than that. I can’t shake the feeling something’s bothering her, maybe some kind of trouble.”

  “So, why don’t you just ask her?”

  He shook his head. “I doubt she’d tell me. I can’t get her to talk about much of anything personal.”

  “Give it time, brother. You forget that you just met her. Trust takes time to build.” Acer shrugged. “Maybe it’s just too soon for her to put her burdens on you.”

  He made a good point.

  “Thanks, Dr. Phil. Next time you need help with a woman, you know who to call.”

  Acer snorted. “Fuck that. You’ll just grunt and beat your chest.”

  Done with the sensitive bullshit, Jester nodded toward the computer. “How’s that going?” he asked again.

  Acer studied him for a second or two before he shifted topics to what he’d been working on for the past few hours. “I’m nearly done. I have plenty of satellite imagery over the mountain pass. There’s really nothing around for miles. We shouldn’t attract any unwanted attention.”


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