No Prisoners MC Box Set

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No Prisoners MC Box Set Page 61

by Lilly Atlas

  It was quieter over here, the pulsing beat of the music faded into the background. Jester watched her lift a second bite of cake to her sensual mouth. She emitted another moan of appreciation as her lips closed around the fork.

  He chuckled, and she turned toward him. Emily looked damn pretty today in the simple but elegant strapless turquoise dress Lila had chosen. It hugged her body on top and flared a bit past her hips, flowing when she walked or danced. With her hair swept up in a pile on top of her head, she appeared classy and sophisticated. He couldn’t wait to muss her up.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing, baby, just enjoying your moans, although I’d rather hear them with something besides cake in your mouth.”

  She rolled her eyes and giggled. “This cake is delicious. Want to try some?” She held out the fork with the chocolaty, white icing covered treat.

  Jester sauntered toward her. When he reached her, he bent down and kissed her, long and deep. When she was distracted enough by the kiss, he took advantage of the moment and slid the zipper of her dress down her back.

  Emily broke away and gasped in surprise. “Jester! We’re out in the open, and there are tons of people just over there.” She gestured with the fork down at the pavilion on the beach.

  “No one can see us, gorgeous. We’re plenty far from the party.” While he spoke he lowered the front of the dress, and grew painfully aroused at the sight of Emily’s bare breasts and pointed nipples. “You’re not wearing a bra.” He rasped out the statement.

  Emily laughed. “Surprise! There’s one built into the dress.” She lowered her voice to a seductive pitch. “That’s not the only thing I’m not wearing.”

  “There’s no way you’re getting out of this now.” He groaned, and swiped his finger through the frosting of the cake Emily still held.”

  “Hey!” she protested around a laugh. “I do have a fork, you know.”

  He ignored her and rubbed his finger in circles around a hardened nipple, covering it in the sweet confection. His mouth followed his finger and he sucked the sugary-coated nipple between his lips, dragging a moan from both of them.

  “Mmmm,” he said around her nipple before he lifted his head. “You’re right. That’s delicious. I want some more.” He treated the other nipple to the same behavior, noting the hitch in Emily’s breathing, as she grew more aroused.

  “Jester, that feels really good.”

  He smiled. “I know what my baby likes.”

  “Yes you do.” She let the plate fall to the floor of the gazebo with a clatter. She arched back and pushed her breast farther into his mouth. Her hands fisted in his hair as she grew more desperate. Her grip was her tell, like in poker, and it betrayed her need every time.

  “Greedy, baby.”

  She moaned a response and pulled on the strands trapped between her fingers just as Jester became aware of another presence. Damnit! He pulled off her nipple with a pop.

  “Motherfucker,” he muttered under his breath. Whoever it was better have a damn good reason for interrupting him with his woman like this. Jester placed a tender kiss to the reddened bud before pulling her dress up and reaching around to zip it back up.

  “Sorry, babe,” he whispered in her ear before he turned to confront their intruder. He’d reserve judgment on whether he’d let the bastard live.

  “What? What’s happening?” Emily asked, a flushed and bewildered expression on her lovely face.

  “We have a visitor.”

  She inhaled sharply as Acer stepped into the gazebo.

  “This better be fucking good, dipshit. And if you saw one inch of what’s hiding under this dress, you better start running.”

  Emily giggled, and slapped his arm. “Play nice, Jester.”

  A slow smile spread across Acer’s face. “Yeah, brother, play nice. I’m a gentlemen and I didn’t see a thing. Heard a lot though. Sounds like you were enjoying the cake. I’ll be sure and tell the happy couple you approve.”

  Emily flushed and rolled her eyes at Acer. After months of being with Jester, she’d gotten used to the guys’ brash and overly sexual way of doing just about anything, including their humor. Besides, she couldn’t deny it. The cake was delicious, as was the feeling of Jester’s mouth licking it off her skin.

  Jester scowled at Acer. “Is there a point to this little convention?”

  Acer smiled again and nodded, his eyes on Emily. He looked unbelievably sexy in his suit. This was the first time she’d seen any of the guys in something other than jeans and Tshirts. Of course, they wore their cuts instead of jackets, but somehow it only made them sexier. A combination of elegant and badass, all in one.

  Without saying anything Acer took a step toward Emily. Ever protective, Jester pulled her slightly behind his back.

  Acer raised a brow at him. “Seriously, brother?”

  Without a word, Jester stared at him. Emily rolled her eyes again, and slipped her arm from Jester’s hold. There wasn’t a chance Acer would try to harm her. She stepped around Jester’s big body, and looked directly at Acer. “What’s up?”

  “I’m heading out, and I hadn’t had a chance to catch you away from the fray. Just wanted to let you know that Johnny’s doing well. Really well. So well, they offered to let him out a few weeks early, but he elected to stay the full six months.”

  She hadn’t realized how much she needed to hear that until her knees buckled with relief. Jester wrapped a supportive arm around her middle and prevented her from collapsing to the ground. “How do you know?”

  “I read his chart.”

  “What? How? Lila called multiple times for me and they wouldn’t even tell her anything. How did you—”

  The combination of Jester’s light squeeze at her waist and firm set of Acer’s mouth ended her inquiry. “Right. Don’t ask, don’t tell.”

  Both men laughed.

  “Well, however you did it, thank you. I’ve been worried.”

  Acer nodded. “I know.” He winked at her and rolled his eyes when Jester cleared his throat in an overly dramatic fashion.

  “Hey, sorry about a few minutes ago,” Jester said, his voice gruff. “I’ve been a little overly protective since…you know.”

  “No worries. It’s how you should be.” With a nod to Emily, Acer turned and left them alone in the gazebo.

  Jester spun Emily in his arms until she could look up and see his concerned face.

  “Is something going on with him?” she asked.

  He shrugged and slid his hands down her back and over her bottom, drawing her to his body. “Not sure what it is. He was in L.A. last weekend and he’s been all broody and weird in the eyes since he came back. Don’t worry, babe. He’ll snap out of it.”

  “Hope so. We need to get him a girl.”

  He grunted. “Good luck there. He’s one closed up bastard. A woman would need some serious explosives to bust down his walls.”

  Emily wasn’t convinced.

  Jester pressed a tender kiss to her lips. “Love you so fuckin’ much, Em. You own every part of me.”

  Emily stood on her toes and fused her mouth with his. The men in her life were safe, and she was free to allow herself to revel in the ecstasy she found with Jester.

  Thank you so much for spending some time in the No Prisoners’ world. If you enjoyed the book please feel free to leave a review on Goodreads or your favorite retailer.

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  Keep reading for a sneak peek at the award-winning novel, ACER, the next book in the No Prisoners Series.

  Books in the No Prisoners Series

  Hook: A No Prisoners Novella






  Acer Preview

  August 1996

  Adam straightened his Armani tie, leaned back in his chair, and flicked h
is gaze to the clock above the judge’s bench. Ten minutes earlier, the overweight bailiff had announced the judge had reached a verdict, and it would be delivered in fifteen minutes.

  He wasn’t worried.

  There were very few things in life he had to worry about. Wealth and a prominent family paved the way to an easy existence. Apparently, his attorney agreed if the self-assured smile he wore was any indication. He sat on Adam’s right grinning like he didn’t have a care in the world. In the rows behind them, Adam’s father, mother, and grandmother sat, also confident in the trial’s outcome.

  “Jesus, Acer, how can you sit there looking so calm and collected?” Adam’s dark-haired friend Derek spoke to his left. Derek, whose leg bounced like it was attached to a live wire, and whose crinkled thrift store suit had never met a tailor. Behind him, Derek’s mother sat, fidgeting just as much, if not more, than her son.

  Derek was his best friend, his brother. Adam recalled the day they met, just over five years ago, like it was yesterday. At thirteen, he’d been independent beyond his years. Having no siblings, a father who cared about nothing beyond making money, and a mother who lived her life squandering that money, left Adam with little to no parental supervision. Most afternoons he headed to a less affluent part of town and hung out at a neighborhood diner, eating loaded fries and nachos.

  He’d loved that diner. It wasn’t fancy, wasn’t expensive, but it was honest, delicious, and full of friendly people who didn’t put on pretentious airs. Derek’s mom worked the afternoon shift as a waitress while Derek bussed tables. Acer observed him for months, envying the easy and close relationship his friend had with his mother.

  One day, he overheard a conversation between Derek and his mom about their broken computer. Derek needed it to complete his homework, but she couldn’t afford a new one or even repairs on the one they had. Adam jumped in and offered to help fix it. He walked the two miles home with them and had their old Acer computer up and running in no time. Their friendship cemented, Derek called him Acer from that day forward.

  He’d take a bullet for the guy, but it wouldn’t have killed him to shave his scruff for their day in court. “You should have let me buy you a decent suit, Der.”

  His friend’s deep blue eyes narrowed while his lips pressed into a thin line of displeasure. “Seriously? That’s what you’re thinking about? You do realize, in five minutes we might end up with a prison sentence for felony aggravated assault? And you’re sitting there like your waiting to find out if you…fuck, I don’t know. Something unimportant.”

  Adam chuckled. “Derek, calm down. We’ve talked about this a hundred times.” He flicked a look at their attorney, ruffling through his briefcase, his salt and pepper hair in an immaculate style, then lowered his voice to a whisper and leaned closer. “My dad and Judge Morrison have played golf together once a week for the past twenty years. It’s in the bag. We’re getting off scot-free. Won’t even have to do five minutes of community service. Chill out.”

  Derek snorted, his hyperactive leg picking up speed. “Must be nice to have so much money.”

  Adam frowned. Money and status had been a constant burr on the ass of their five-year friendship. Derek’s family was dirt poor. His mom busted her butt at three shit jobs to feed him and his sister while his dad drank the day away in their crappy trailer on the literal wrong side of the tracks. Their life situations couldn’t have been further away on the spectrum. Yet, somehow, they clicked.

  Adam admired the freedom Derek’s lack of money afforded. He’d never told his friend that; Derek would think he’d lost his mind, but it was true. Derek wasn’t expected to take over a family business he detested. Derek wasn’t expected to flirt and court senator’s daughters while leaving their virtue intact. Derek didn’t have to hide his love of motorcycles because it wasn’t proper or posh enough for his circle. Derek didn’t have to live in a world as phony as a bad wig.

  “Look, man, answer me one question. You regret what we did? Same thing happened tomorrow, would you do anything different?”

  Derek shot daggers at Adam with his glare. “Hell no! Acer, you saw what he was doing to her, what he was about to do to her.”

  “Well then, there you go. Bottom line, we stopped that piece of shit from raping your sister. My dad’s connection to the judge will keep any blemishes off our records, and you’ll be free to start Marine boot camp next month.”

  Derek ran a hand through his shaggy brown hair. “I hope you’re right. Now that we’re eighteen, we’ll be in a shitload of trouble if this doesn’t work out like you say.”

  Adam leaned back in his chair once again. Derek needed to have a little faith.

  Hell, even if he ended up with prison time, he wouldn’t change a damn thing about that day.

  Two months ago, almost to the day, Adam had attended his senior prom at the outrageously expensive and exclusive private school his parents shelled out for. Derek’s family couldn’t have afforded one day of the tuition, let alone a whole year, so he went to the public school in town. Since he hung around Adam nearly every day after school, a fair number of Adam’s classmates knew Derek, and his fifteen-year-old sister, Penny.

  Brandon Epley, a hotshot jock from the football team, invited Derek’s sophomore sister to be his date. Derek flipped his shit at first. He’d been protecting his sister from their drunk of a father’s violent outbursts for years and was forever in big brother overdrive. But, for a girl with no money and an underprivileged upbringing, an invite from a popular kid at a wealthy school was a dream come true.

  Penny had pouted and batted her baby blues at her big bro until he relented and promised not to mess with her date. There wasn’t much Derek wouldn’t endure to see her smile.

  Unfortunately for Penny, her dream date turned into a dark nightmare. Adam and Derek discovered her and her companion in a bedroom at an after party. Penny was struggling beneath one-hundred-eighty pounds of bastard. Her screams disappeared into the pulsing beat of techno music pounding through the party house. Adam opened the door, mistaking it for the bathroom, only to encounter an appalling scene. Brandon’s pants were around his ankles and her simple dress was shoved past her waist.

  Without a second’s hesitation, Adam ripped the man off Penny and shouted for Derek, who waited in the hallway. Together, they beat the ever-loving shit out of Brandon while Penny righted her dress and sobbed on the bed. Once the jock was a bloody mess on the floor, Derek gathered her up and carried his hysterical sister home.

  Since that night, Penny had been a timid, frightened shadow of the happy high-schooler she’d once been, and it broke Adam’s heart. He wasn’t blood, but with no siblings of his own, Derek and Penny were all but family.

  Not for one second, did he regret his actions that day. Hell, he wished he’d had five more minutes with the guy. His sense of justice may not coincide with that of the law, but so what?

  So they’d broken Brandon’s nose, jaw, and one of his eye sockets. So they’d busted a few of his ribs. So he’d needed some plastic surgery on his smug face. What they’d prevented him from doing to Penny was far more severe.

  The guy’s affluent parents didn’t share Adam’s vigilante thirst for retribution, or maybe they did. They pressed formal assault charges and before long, Adam and Derek found themselves cuffed awaiting interrogation in the downtown Dallas police station. Even a night in jail hadn’t changed Adam’s satisfaction with the conclusion of that night.

  It was their word against Brandon’s, and since the asshole hadn’t actually penetrated Penny, there was no physical evidence of sexual assault. On the flip side, there was plenty of evidence of Adam and Derek’s attack against him. Partygoers were too drunk and too busy trying to score to pay attention to anyone other than themselves and their potential conquests, and no one had even noticed Penny disappear upstairs with Brandon.

  So, here they were, awaiting the verdict on their felony assault charges. The fucked up legal system prosecuting the guys who stopped a bastar
d from raping a girl. No, Adam didn’t feel one bit of remorse for his actions. The guy needed to be taught a lesson, and he and Derek had done just that.

  He glanced across the courtroom at the bastard himself, sitting with his parents, a pitiful, wounded-animal look on his face. Adam had to give the guy props; he sure knew how to play the game. His crooked nose and fading bruises gave Adam a small sense of satisfaction. Sure, he’d have it fixed by a plastic surgeon to the stars, but for now, the visual reminder of the ass beating was a welcome sight.

  He rolled his shoulders and looked toward the judge’s bench as the bailiff emerged through a wooden door to the right of the bench.

  Nothing to worry about.

  “All rise for the honorable Judge Morrison.”

  Adam pushed up from his chair.

  Derek stood next to him, a trembling mass of nerves, the leg still bouncing.

  Discreetly, Adam gave him a gentle tap on the side of his thigh. The fidgeting ceased and Derek nodded, gathering his strength.

  “You may be seated. I’ve reached a verdict in the case of The People vs. Wellington and Roberts.”

  Advised by their lawyer and Adam’s father, he and Derek waived their right to a trial by jury, opting instead for a bench trial. Why bother with a jury when the judge was in your pocket?

  “In the case of The People vs. Wellington and Roberts, I find the defendant, Adam Wellington, not guilty of felony aggravated assault.”

  The look of relief on his Derek’s face was almost comical.

  His own mouth turned up in a victorious grin. Okay, maybe he had been a little apprehensive, not that he’d ever admit that to Derek. Ten more seconds and he’d announce Derek’s innocence. Then they could leave this shit in the past.

  “I find the defendant, Derek Roberts, guilty of felony aggravated assault.”

  Derek blinked.

  Adam whipped his head around, staring at the judge. He must have heard incorrectly. The words, five years and prison, melded into the background against the sound of blood rushing in his ears. Adam couldn’t think; he could barely draw a breath. Behind him, Derek’s mom broke down in harsh sobs. Next to him, Derek stood with a dumfounded expression of shock on his face.


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