Stepbrother With Benefits 13 (Third Season)
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Pretty fucking sure Ashley just made it my thing, though. I mean, this was a private session, and it's only ever going to be a private session, but holy fuck...
Yeah, I don't know how I'm going to do this. I'm not sure if watching her masturbate through webchat like that was a good idea. I can't stop thinking about it now. I can't stop thinking about the way she peeled her panties down her legs like that, showing me her glistening pussy, just fucking ripe for the licking. Seriously, I want to bury my face between her thighs, but how the fuck am I going to do that if she's on the other end of the internet?
In this case, the other end of the internet was down the hall at home since we're still on summer break for one last day, but after today? Yeah, the other end of the internet is going to be something like five hours away and that's just a whole bunch of bullshit if you ask me.
Oh well. I plan on taking full advantage of our close proximity while I still can.
She's laying on her bed, and I'm standing right next to her after rudely interrupting her show. I'm ready. She's been ready. What more is there to think about?
I don't know. I just want to think about it, though. I stare at her, smiling, and she looks back at me. We're just staring at each other, and I really fucking love this girl. Yeah, so, I've got an erection and my cock is twitching and throbbing, slapping against her clit, but that doesn't mean I can't have a special moment here. Calm down and give me a fucking break, will you?
Ashley reaches down and traces her fingertips up and down my shaft. I twitch and throb even more. Holy fuck, I want her so bad. I don't know what I want exactly, but I just want her. Fuck hard, make love, some combination of the two? Maybe both at the same time, then one after another. That should cover all my bases, right?
She pulls a little, and lines me up perfectly, the head of my cock lodged right between her deliciously glistening lips.
"I love you," she says. With a silly smile, she adds, "Even if you can't follow the rules and stay in your room when we're practicing our webchatting."
"Hey," I say, protesting. "Those weren't official rules. They don't count. I let our little trial run go on for as long as it needed to go on. I think it's fine. No need to push our luck."
"No?" she asks. "You don't want to push it?"
Oh, fuck. What are you doing to me, Princess? I don't even fucking know anymore. I know exactly what I want to do to you, though.
I push forward, slow, teasing her. Her body shakes as I press my cock deeper and deeper into her. Once I'm halfway there, I give up all pretense of slow and thrust hard the rest of the way in. Her body bounces on her bed and she makes the most satisfying fucking squeak and moan I've ever heard. I'm pretty sure I've heard her like this before, but every time it's just so fucking satisfying, you don't even know.
I need her. I need more. Edge of the bed? This isn't even enough. I pull out and thrust back in, pushing her away from the side of the bed in the process. Give an inch, take a mile, right? Yeah, that's what I want to do right now. I crawl up and onto the bed while pushing her back. I just need to be inside her. More. I don't know how, don't even fucking know how to explain this because I'm balls deep in her already, but I need more.
I collapse on top of her, but I'm not even close to done yet. Your little show before, Princess? Yeah, that was good. I'm going to show you just how much I enjoyed it.
I kiss her, too, though. Hard and sweet, the perfect combination. Our bodies slam together, rough, and our lips touch, soft. Our breath mixes, simple and sweet. She wraps her arms around me, pulling me close, then burying her face in my neck.
"More," she whispers. "Please?"
Since she asked so nicely...
Yeah, I might be a bad boy, but I can be a gentleman when I want to. A gentleman always gives his princess exactly what she wants...
*** Ashley
"Oh my God, that was amazing," I say, laying on the bed and staring at the ceiling.
Out of the corner of my eye, I notice my laptop is still on. It's apparently been watching everything Ethan and I have been doing. Not that there's anyone on the other end of the computer screen to see, but it's kind of strange and exciting still, you know?
"Yeah," Ethan says. "Fuck, that was good."
"This is the last time we'll be able to do that," I tell him.
"Fuck you," he says. "No way. We aren't leaving for school until tomorrow morning."
"Did you just say 'fuck you' to me, Ethan Colton?" I ask him, rolling onto my side and glaring at him.
"I meant it nicely, Princess," he says. "That was a nice fuck you."
"I don't know if I believe that..." I say. "And," I add, "I know we're not leaving until tomorrow morning, but I have a lot of packing to do and maybe we should sleep in our own beds tonight to get used to it, so..."
"No," Ethan says, staring into my eyes. And then, as if this makes it any better, he says, "Please?"
"I don't know..." I say, leading him on.
I know perfectly well that this is never going to happen. I'm already packed, too. Ethan's the one who has barely even packed yet, but he has more time than me. I have to leave a few hours before him, and his classes don't start for a day later, anyways. He's going a little earlier so he can settle in and also so we can figure out exactly how we're going to do this long distance relationship thing.
"Alright," I say. "We can sleep together tonight, but I really do have to sleep sometime."
"What time?" he asks. "I was thinking maybe four or five in the morning is a good time to finally go to sleep. I think we'll both be tired out by then, too."
"Oh, really?" I ask. "If we're not going to sleep until four or five in the morning, what time are we heading to bed?"
"Yeah, don't you worry, Princess. I've got this all figured out. We need to eat, and we'll spend some time with my dad and your mom, obviously. Dinner and maybe hang out watching TV or something, right? Then around, uh... nine or so? Maybe ten. We'll head to bed then."
"Head to bed at nine or ten, but we won't go to sleep until four or five?" I ask. "Did I get that right? You want to have sex with me for six hours?"
"Nah," Ethan says, dismissive. "There's foreplay, too. So let's say, uh... foreplay for an hour or so, rough sex for another hour, cuddling and playing around for an hour, leading up to more foreplay, and then this is the marathon love making session."
"Which would be three hours," I point out. "Six hours total, one for foreplay, one for the first time we have sex, another for cuddling, and then three for your proposed marathon love making session."
"Yeah, so?" Ethan asks.
"Ethan, my mom and I were planning on leaving at nine in the morning. It's a three hour drive to get to school, and I still have to register for classes in the afternoon."
"Shit," he says. "So, you leave at nine, but there's breakfast and everything, probably have to wake up at like... six or seven? How do you feel about two hours of sleep, Princess?"
"I love you," I tell him, "but two hours of sleep would make me so sad, Ethan."
"Otherwise your plan sounds good, though," I say, softening the blow. "Maybe another time?"
"New plan," he says. "We don't really need a three hour marathon session. I think two hours is fine. That'll give you another hour of sleep."
"I need more than three hours of sleep!" I say, laughing at him.
"Fuck," Ethan says, grunting.
"You're going to come visit me next weekend, though, right?" I point out.
"Yeah, of course," he says.
"If you come up Friday night, I'm not busy on Saturday..."
"Don't you have studying or whatever?" he asks. "Listen, Princess, I get that I'm kind of not the best at school stuff, but if you've got to study, I get it. I'll study, too. I can be, uh... studious? Is that a word?"
"I'll be studious as fuck."
"Well, it's just the first weekend, so I probably won't have much to do, which makes it the perfect weekend to tr
y out your plan. I admit that I don't know if we can pull it off the way you've got it planned out, but I think we can try it."
"What, why? Pretty sure it's the perfect plan."
"Six hours, Ethan? That's a lot of hours. That's almost as many hours as some people sleep. Honestly, it's more hours than some people sleep!"
"I don't fuck around, Princess," Ethan says, somehow straight-faced. "Go hard or go home."
I roll my eyes at him and try not to laugh. It doesn't work, though. Mostly because he starts tickling me and kissing me. We laugh and kiss and then we cuddle, close. I want to be closer. I don't want to leave him.
"I miss you already," I say. "Is that weird?"
"Nah," he says. "I feel the same way."
I cuddle up closer to him, nuzzling my cheek against his. Then, um...
There's noises. Which isn't exactly strange, because there's always some kind of noises, but these noises, are... not the best noises.
It's my mom. Outside in the hall. Which is fine. Maybe. Oh no...
I stare at the door quick, but Ethan just shrugs.
"It's cool," he says. "I locked it."
"Oh, good," I say.
I mean, my mom knows, but it's probably just a little more comfortable if she doesn't randomly walk in on us naked. I'm actually the only one fully naked, though. I don't think this is any better.
Then I hear another noise. Well, who cares? It's fine, right. This noise is, um...
"Shit," Ethan says, staring at the foot of my bed.
"What?" I ask, but I don't even have to.
My laptop is still on, the webchat is still connected, and staring at us from Ethan's computer is...
"You didn't close your door?" I ask Ethan, panicked.
"I didn't see a good reason to!" Ethan says. He's nowhere near as panicked as me, even though I think he should be. Yes, he really should be.
"You didn't even close the webchat, Ethan."
"It's just us," he reminds me. "I didn't think it mattered."
"Well, it matters!"
Hero barks at us. My mom and Ethan's dad took him for a walk, which gave Ethan and I plenty of alone time for our, um... illicit internet activities? Yes, well, they're back now, and Ethan didn't bother to close his door, and now Hero is staring at us through Ethan's computer, watching us on my webcam.
Which wouldn't be too terrible, because he's just a dog, except, er... remember my mom before?
"Hero, what are you doing?" my mom asks. Ethan and I hear her through my computer speakers.
Hero glances over at her, barks, then looks back at Ethan's computer.
"Where's Ethan?" my mom asks.
"We need to turn this off," I say, panicking even more.
Ethan is finally panicking a little now. Finally! Ugh. Really now, it took him this long to panic?
"Yeah, uh... fuck." He waves his hands around like he's shooing Hero away. "Hero, go away!" Ethan says, firm yet hushed.
"Are you seriously trying to shoo him away through the internet?" I whisper.
Scrambling up, I move to put a stop to this. I just need to, um... close the program? Yes...
"What are you watching, Hero?" my mom asks, then louder, she says, "Ethan, are you here?"
She's closer. Ethan's still trying to shoo Hero away from his computer. I'm trying to shoo Ethan away from my computer so I can close out the webchat program. And...
My mom is staring at us.
"Oh," she says.
"Hi, Mom?" I say, waving. Yes, I have no clothes on.
"Hey," Ethan says, waving, too. "We were just, uh... testing shit, you know? Internet things. Looks like it works."
"Were you?" my mom asks. "That's interesting. And why is Ashley naked?"
"Oh, you know," Ethan says, handwaving the question away.
If he can't even shoo the dog like that, I'm not sure why he thinks he can shoo my mom's question the same way
"No, not really," my mom says. "Honey, can you explain this for me? I'd love to hear it."
"It's got to do with pixels," I tell her, making something up. "And, um... color schemes. There's two types of color schemes for computers when you're printing out something. There's RGB, which is pretty standard. That's red, green, and blue. But then there's CMYK, too, which is cyan, magenta, yellow, and key, which is the combination of all of them, or black. The, um... the colors... it's easier to figure out this way. Uh huh."
"So what exactly are you two printing out that required you to be naked, if you don't mind me asking?"
Ugh. Really, Mom? I thought I could confuse and distract her with random technical computer jargon, but she's not falling for it.
"I think I'll let Ashley explain this to you," Ethan says, nodding. "I'll just go see if my dad needs help with anything..."
"Oh, no you don't," my mom says, waggling a finger at him. "You help Ashley find her clothes and get dressed and stop recording sex tapes. I don't want to find sex tapes of you two on the internet, do you hear me?"
"Mom, we weren't recording sex tapes," I say. "We weren't even recording anything. This isn't recording. It's live, and that's it. Once we stop, there's nothing left."
"Is that what the kids are doing these days?" my mom asks. "Live sex tapes? Do you make a lot of money doing that?"
"Mom, we didn't make any money! That's not how this works."
"You were doing it for free?" she asks, shocked. "Ashley!"
"You're mad at me, but not at Ethan?" I ask. "Really, Mom?"
Hero barks. He's not mad at anyone. I'm pretty sure he has no idea what's going on and he's just excited at all of the loud talking.
"Hero, this isn't exciting!" I tell him. "Stop barking!"
He barks again.
"You tell her," my mom says. "Ashley, Hero's very disappointed that you're making sex tapes and giving them away for free."
"Mom! I'm not! Ugh! Just... let me get dressed and I'll explain it to you."
"I think that's best," my mom says, pointing a finger at me. "Who can see me right now, by the way? Should I wave and introduce myself?"
My mom introduces herself and starts talking to imaginary internet people that don't exist while Ethan helps me find my clothes so I can get dressed. We do this away from the view of my webcam, because, um... well... yes.
"Hello," my mom says, still talking to the internet. The internet does not talk back to her. "I'm Ashley's mother. I'm Ethan's mother, too, but his stepmother, so don't get the wrong idea there. Ethan's always been kind of a bad boy, but Ashley's usually not like this. I hope you won't think badly of her. Really, it's kind of like art, right? Sexuality in art has been a common theme for centuries, and video is just a new medium through which to..."
"Mom, you realize that the only people who can hear you are me and Ethan, right?"
"Hero can hear you, too," Ethan adds.
"Shut up, Ethan."
"Whoa, don't get all pissy there, Princess."
"Ashley, I'm coming to your room," my mom says. "You are in your room, right? You're not in some sex tape film studio somewhere, are you?"
"Yes, Mom," I say, rolling my eyes. "As you can clearly see, this is my bed."
"I just wasn't sure if this was some sort of Photoshop thing," my mom says.
"Mom, that doesn't even make any sense."
"Lots of things don't make sense on the internet, honey," my mom says.
"She's got a point," Ethan says.
"Thank you, Ethan. I knew I liked you for a reason."
Ugh. Seriously?
*** Ashley
My mom is entirely too fascinated in the potential sexual applications of a webcam.
"I knew you could use it to talk to other people, but I never thought about actually being able to see them!" she says, much more excited than I think she should be.
"Yes, Mom," I say, deadpan. "That's kind of what they're for, you know? That's the whole point of it, so that you can see some
one on the other end, or if it's your webcam you use it to show them what you're doing."
And, Ethan? Yes, he's far too amused at the fact that my mom is captivated by the sexual applications of a webcam. I guess I can't blame him, because it is kind of funny, except, um... this is my mom here. Awkward or what?
"So you weren't recording, though, right?" my mom asks again. I forget how many times she's asked now. "I just want to make sure. Is it easy to make sure it doesn't record, honey?"
"Mom, it's really easy to make sure it doesn't record. It's not too hard to record yourself if you really want to, but you need another special program to record someone else, and it's kind of a hassle, not to mention this isn't even about that."
"Oh, no, I know, I'm just making sure. I'm asking for a friend, that's all."
"Oh, yeah?" Ethan asks, snickering.
Wait, why is he snickering? What's so funny? I don't get it.
Wait! Why is my mom asking for a friend, and also what friend is she even asking for? She just found out about this!
"Mom, you're trying to see if you can figure out how to do a sexy webchat with Ethan's dad, aren't you?" I ask.
That's exactly what she's doing! I can tell before she answers. The look in her eyes gives her away. Ethan bursts out laughing, too. I push him and he falls onto my bed, but he doesn't stop. This isn't even funny, Ethan. Ugh.
"I don't know what you mean," my mom says, shifty-eyed, looking back and forth and at everything else but me.
"I can't believe you want to have a steamy sex chat with my stepdad," I say. "I really just can't believe it."
"Well, you know, it wouldn't be often," she says, as if this is any better. "Most of the time we travel together, but sometimes he goes on business trips on his own, and phone sex isn't so bad, but—"
Phone sex? Really? This is my mother, and I don't need to know these things.
"As if you have any right to talk, young lady!" my mom says, shaking her finger at me and then bopping me on the nose. Yes, my mother just bopped me on the nose. "You and Ethan were up to some naughty things, yourselves, except I still don't understand one thing."