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Role of a Lifetime: Out of Hollywood Romance

Page 17

by Cora Davies

  "Beer, drink of the gods," Hailey said taking the cold glass from him. She looked at the bed. "Hey, you changed the sheets."

  "I found them in the hall closet," Eric said feeling proud of himself. "I'm practically domestic now, right?"

  "If you can wash, dry, and fold eight loads of laundry, make dinner, and clean the bathroom in one day, then I'll give you your domestic ribbon." Hailey leaned against her dresser.

  He glanced at the clock; it was a little after eight. "I called ahead to the front desk. All my bags have been packed, so I'll be back fast. Did you call Jason and tell him you didn't need him to come out tonight?"

  Hailey nodded but stared at him as though he was speaking a different language.

  "They do that? They pack your bags?" Hailey asked squinting her eyes at Eric.

  Eric shrugged. "Isn't that a regular service at hotels?"

  "No... absolutely not. Especially not at the Holiday Inn," Hailey said stepping towards Eric. She paused and put her hand up. "You're going to need another shower when you get back. If you took those clothes off, they'd probably stand by themselves."

  "We'll put that to the test later," he said dropping his voice and raising an eyebrow slowly. "Or right now."

  "Go! Go," Hailey said backing away from him and plugging her nose while she laughed. "You are ridiculous."

  "You aren't going to go to sleep while I'm gone are you?" Eric was relieved Hailey seemed to be back to her regular self. He wanted their last night together to be one full of laughter, not tears.

  "It's only eight o'clock! Besides, I'm going to do some drafting on my new book while you're gone. I'm feeling inspired, and I'm excited about the silence." Hailey grabbed her laptop from her dresser and hopped onto her bed. The front of her robe split open for a second, and she pulled it shut looking coyly Eric. Eric was instantly hard at the sight of her. Hailey pointed at the door. "Go."

  Eric walked over and kissed her firmly on the mouth, then resisting the urge to collapse into the bed next to her, he grabbed his keys off the dresser and left. The stars were blanked out that night by too many clouds. He looked around before climbing into the truck. It was dark out there. Real darkness. Pitch black. It was a rarity usually only earned on location shoots to be so far away from other people. He looked up at the sky to a single star bright between the clouds and thought of Jon, the actor whose helicopter disappeared over the ocean last week.

  It really did not matter who you were and how much money you had, it could all be taken away in an instant. He looked back at the house and found Hailey's bedroom window, the only room on the second floor with a light on. She had her happily ever after years ago, and lost it so young. Something was bugging Eric at the back of his mind, and he pushed the thought away. He climbed into the truck.

  His phone rang as soon as he started down Hailey's long muddy road. Eric put his phone on speaker.

  "Eric, you old dog," Luca's voice spilled from the phone like oil from an engine. "I have something sitting on my desk for you. I'm assuming the rumors Sandy is spreading are true? You fucked the writer to get the rights. Just what I would do if I were you."

  "I didn't fuck her," Eric felt the venom in his voice, but Luca just laughed.

  "Listen man, I don't care what you did. You have this envelope sitting here-Hannah's coming to get it tomorrow to take over to your production company." Luca cleared his throat. "So this is going to take some time if you want to do it right. Get a good script writer, location permits, full cast..."

  "Luca, I am aware of how getting ready for a movie goes."

  "Okay, great! Well, something just fell on my desk that is ready for you today. Well, they wanted you like yesterday. They know you aren't tied to anything right now and-"

  "Luca, stop beating around the bush." Eric sighed and pulled to the end of the mud road. He turned right towards town.

  "Hype City."

  Eric almost swerved off the road. Hype City had been one of the most talked about movies this year. Everyone wanted in on it. Eric wanted in on it. But casting closed out and he was turned down for the role. They said they did not want to go the typical route of casting Eric. Hype City was about the marine who had saved his entire platoon and a small village in Afghanistan; Eric should have been perfect for it. But, they wanted range. They wanted Jon Duncan.

  "They're recasting already?" Eric asked surprised.

  "Not already, they are behind on this. They were ready for him to start shooting as of yesterday, but with him being... well, rest in peace Jon. You got the part of Doug McDylan!"

  Eric pulled over on the shoulder of the road. "When do I need to let them know by?"

  "Let them know?" Luca did not bother to try and hide the incredulous from his voice. "What do you need to let them know? You can fly out of podunk tomorrow and straight to location."

  "What if I say no?" Eric asked and almost dropped the phone as Luca started yelling.

  "Who the hell do you think you are? You do not say no! You want to be the idiot who turned this shit down, or do you want to be the man who wins two fucking Oscars in a year."

  "Luca, calm down. I'm just saying," Eric pinched the bridge of his nose, "It's only by default. And Jon hasn't even been officially pronounced dead yet, has he?"

  "You think they should just shut down production? They should just send everyone home, be out millions of dollars? And," Luca began to strangle his voice under control. "You think Doug McDylan's story does not deserve to be told?"

  "Fuck, Luca." Eric hit the steering wheel. "Quit putting words in my mouth. Look, I'm flying back tomorrow, we can talk about it then, right?"

  "First thing, you don't see anyone else. You understand me? You don't talk to anyone else." Luca threatened.

  "I'll be there, just chill the fuck out okay?" Eric wondered what Hailey would think of this; about him playing the role a dead man was slotted to play. Would she tell him to do it?

  "First thing."

  "First thing," Eric said then hung up. He leaned his head on the steering wheel for a moment before starting down the road again. Why did he suddenly think Hailey would have the answer to everything?


  Hailey was deep in first draft writing when she heard the front door open. She felt a pang of disappointment when she realized Eric was back already; she was really making progress with the words on the page. But then she thought about his strong arms, and all disappointment washed away as she felt anticipation well up inside of her. He was leaving tomorrow. What was she going to do with herself? She might actually start dating now that she remembered what a real man felt like. And dating a man that made her feel good. Maybe a man who was not crazy? She laughed at little at the concept of there being a man out there who she thought was interesting, but was not crazy.

  A least a little bit. Even Paul had been crazy in his own way. She'd never forget the night she woke up and found he had painted the living room walls bright pink for Risa's fifth birthday. Forget that the color was offensive to her eyes, but he painted walls in base housing without getting permission from the post. He knew Hailey was working hard on the Barbie themed birthday party and he just wanted to help out. Later on, she had found out that he was overcompensating a lot when he went through these manic moments. Overcompensating for all the time he missed during deployments and sixteen-hour duty days. All the holidays, birthdays, and sporting events he missed. But those manic moments left a lifetime of memories when he was taken from them.

  Hailey shook herself loose of those thoughts. She had not meant to steer down that path of thinking, yet again. She stood up straightening her shirt. She had gotten dressed in a loose pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt while Eric was gone. It was too cool of a night to sit around in her robe. She looked at the door, wondering why he had not come up yet.

  "Eric?" she called out as she stepped into the hallway. She reached out for the hallway light instinctively, though she felt a thrill of not knowing where he was, and when he would sneak up on her. She
flicked the light on.

  The brightness of the upstairs only made the darkness downstairs that much deeper. She started down into the foyer below, feeling that odd sensation that one feels after watching a scary movie.

  Watch out for your feet.

  Jump on the bed.

  Run down the stairs and flick on the light.

  She reached the bottom of the stairs and stepped the two feet ahead of her fumbling for the light switch. The only light was the illumination coming from the new security system's keypad by the front door. She was promised once Monday came and the electrician came out everything would be secure. Right now she had to settle for good enough.


  She found the light switch as her wrist was grabbed, pinched and pulled behind her back. She was yanked quickly across the space between them. "I don't like these kind of games."

  "I'm not playing a game," a familiar man's voice said. But it was not Eric. Hailey struggled to pull away, but he had her locked into him.

  She tried to turn, get out of his grasp-anything-but she was stuck. He might as well have had an iron grip. She felt his body against hers, and was frightened to feel it was as hard, as steely as Eric's. He was leaner and not as tall as Eric. He fit against her, head to head.

  The man's hand was on her mouth and she lashed out with her teeth to bite him, but could not get a grip of his skin. He smelled of earth and sweat. His hands were leathered, and she had no idea who he was. She screamed against his hand and began to kick her feet at him as if she was an angry horse. His grip seemed to tighten with each one of her movements. He pulled her back against the wall, and suddenly the room lit up as he flipped the light switch up with his elbow.

  Hailey's heart was pounding as she swung her head back and forth with as much might that she could with his awful grip. She felt as tears began to stream out the corners of her eyes. Was this the man who had been sending letters? It had to be. Who else would try and, try and what? What was he trying to do?

  Her eyes darted to the door as she prayed for Eric to step in, to come and save her. Why was the security system not on? She did not understand.

  She jerked in surprise as a ringing sound let out; it was coming from the man. "Fuck, it's the boss. Don't suppose you'd just sit nice for me while I answer it?"

  Hailey snorted, he was not serious, was he? She leaped into the air, not getting far as his arms were still wrapped around her, but she was able to get her feet off the ground and slam down onto his shoes. She hurt her heels and did nothing to his toes as she connected with the steel toe.

  "Had to ask," the man said right before Hailey felt a blow to the back of her head. Everything went extremely bright, then dark as she fell to the floor. She grabbed the back of her head. What the hell had he hit her with? She placed her hands in front of her and forced herself to climb to her feet, but felt a foot in her back as she was thrown violently against the floor.

  "Yeah, boss. I'm kinda busy." The man had answered the phone while he was breaking into her house. What was he doing? He was insane; he did not think he would be caught. Then Hailey realized something else.

  Someone would hear her.

  "Help! Help me!" Hailey screamed and the man kicked her in the stomach cutting her off. It hurt to breathe, and with each force of breath she took in it felt like she was stabbed in the stomach. She rolled to her side and finally saw his face. She knew him from somewhere. He worked here. He worked with Jason. He was one of the temporary hires. He started at the same time as Eric.

  He was looking down at her. He was young, god she wished she had learned his name. What was wrong with her? "Nope, just my girl having a good time. What can I do for you this fine evening?"

  The man placed his foot flat on her back again, turning her over and keeping her pressed to the ground. He was still talking, but Hailey could not concentrate on what he was saying. She was looking around for something she could use. Anything. She caught sight of the fireplace and knew the tools were her best line of defense. She realized she was too far from the fireplace. If this were a book she was writing, they would have been right by her hand. She vowed if she got free from him, she would run straight for the set. She could imagine the cool iron in her hand now, but pushed the thought from her mind. Wishful thinking. You need to use what you have available to you.

  He was mad-angrier than he had been when he attacked her. He was mad at who he was talking to, but he was loosening his pressure on her back. No-he had not seemed mad when he attacked her she realized. He was matter of fact. She remembered a line from one of Eric's movies where he kidnapped a woman in the name of national security. Just doing my job ma'am. This was not the best moment for Hailey to be losing her mind.

  Her hand hit something wooden and she turned her head in the other direction. It was the small entryway table. There was pepper spray up there. Only a couple feet away from her. That was not going to do her any good right now unless Hailey could will the pepper spray to fall off the counter. Hailey closed her eyes. What was that? Her eyes flew open again just as she heard the man hang up the phone.

  Under the small table was a screw. It was long and hopefully sharp. Hailey had no idea where it had come from, but it was going to be her new best friend. She wrapped her fingers around it a split second before the man lifted her off the ground and back to her feet.

  She felt a little dizzy and sick from his attack, but she could not focus on that right now. She had no time to waste-no time to over think. If she gave him even a second to lock her back against him, her chance to get away was lost forever. She slid the screw between her fingers and swung for the man.

  He was only expecting a slap across the face from a small woman, she told herself as her hand sailed across the air. This thought drove her on even harder wanting to prove him wrong. Her open hand connected with his face that was frozen in a smirk. She felt the screw slide through his cheek, then yanked it forward to his lips as far as she could before she met resistance. The light glinted off the piece of metal sticking through his open mouth and she told herself it was not real life. Blood began to pool in his mouth mixed with saliva making it look like so much more than it was. His moment of shock seemed to be stretching on for hours as he let go of her and raised his hand slowly to the new opening in his face. Hailey felt a new fear reaching up from inside her but did her best to ignore the panic. She turned on her heel and ran straight for her fireplace tools.

  Partway across the room, she wondered if she should have run for the front door instead and in that instant of second-guessing, her pace slowed. It did not slow by a lot, but just enough that the man's hand landed on her shoulder. She would not reach the iron tool set.

  She struggled and shook to release his grip. She spun around to face him and flung her hand against the loose skin flapping from his face. She shuddered at the feeling but dug her fingers in. He screamed and grabbed for her with one hand and his cheek with the other hand. He had obviously not expected Hailey to stop in her tracks-his feet were still moving as if in pursuit. He tripped over her stilled feet and fell hard and fast to the ground bringing her with him. Her head hit the brick corner of the fireplace and she forced her eyes to stay open.

  Hailey would not reach a weapon in time. I'm so screwed. She barely had time for the thought however, before she saw the young farm hand's neck connect with the fireplace tools. The next few seconds seemed to flash by on fast forward.

  She felt a scream rise in her chest as she heard the sickening sound of the iron pan's decorative spiked handle cutting through his neck-it was like the sound of a splitting watermelon. She fell back onto her feet and hands, crawling backward from the mess of blood-his convulsing body. The blood seemed to cover the floor by the fireplace like a small red area rug.

  There was no way the handle of the pan could have been that sharp!

  Could he have fallen that hard?

  Like a driver unable to look away from a car wreck, Hailey watched until the man's body stopped convulsing.

  Get up.

  Hailey pulled herself to her feet but could not tear her eyes from the man. She could not turn away from his still body as she continued to walk backward to the front door, gripping along the wall as she went. She finally reached the entryway and smashed all the buttons on the small keypad as she pulled the knob and ran outside. She ran into another man the second she stepped onto the porch. She screamed again and kneed him in the groin-adrenaline coursed through her veins and made her forget all the pain she was in. He doubled over and Hailey sidestepped around him running into the driveway.

  "Hailey!" the man called from a crouched position. She turned back to look at her house finally noticing in the light that spilled from the open door she had just kicked Eric.


  "Scott, I thought you said the system-" Eric barked into his phone, but Scott interrupted.

  "It should have held. There was the glitch until the electrician can get out there, but it's sporadic and the door alarm should have worked," Scott said and Eric shifted the bag of frozen peas on his crotch. "I'm in the system right now, and the last time the door opened was when you left."

  "So, how did he get in?" He had not taken his eyes off of Hailey since she sat down on a stretcher behind the ambulance almost fifteen minutes ago. The EMT flashed a small light in her eyes. "He was in the house already?"

  "If I had to guess... yes."

  "Fuck. This just doesn't make sense. Bill was just a kid-he couldn't even grow a mustache." Eric had been in disbelief when he walked into the house and saw Bill's lifeless body lying next to the fireplace. He worked with this kid every day for a week. There was nothing to indicate that he would snap like this. There was nothing in the way he talked or watched Hailey to betray he could be her stalker. "Aren't stalkers usually obsessed? He didn't seem obsessed to me."

  "Did Hailey tell you what was in the letters? Did she show you any of them?"


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