My View from the Corner

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My View from the Corner Page 39

by Angelo Dundee

  Amateur Athletic Union (AAU)

  "Anchor Punch"

  Anderson, Dave

  Anderson, Terry

  Andrews, Al

  Angelo Dundee Boxing Club

  Angelou, Maya

  Apostoli, Fred

  Arcel, Ray

  Carbo and

  as Duran's trainer

  on hand problems

  roadwork and

  as Rosenberg's trainer

  Archer, Joey

  Arel, Andy

  Arguello, Alexis

  "Armadillo defense"

  Armstrong, Henry (Jackson, Henry)

  Arnold, Billy

  Arsenal Soccer Stadium

  Arum, Bob

  Asceti, Joe

  Ashton, Jack

  Associated Press

  Atlanta, GA

  Atlantic City Convention Center

  Atlas, Teddy

  Backus, Billy

  Baer, Max

  Baez, Pablo

  Bagley, Doc

  Baker, Bob

  Baksi, Joe

  Balough, Harry

  Baltimore Civic Center

  Banks, Sonny

  Barrow, Joseph Louis. See Louis, Joe

  Basilio, Carmen

  DeMarco vs.

  Koballa vs.

  Robinson (Sugar Ray) vs.

  welterweight title won by

  Williams (Baby) vs.

  Bass, Benny

  Battle, Rudy

  Bean, Vaughn


  Beatty, Warren

  Beecham, Jimmy

  Bell, Tommy

  Belloise, Steve

  Benitez, Wilfred

  Benton, Georgie

  Bentt, Michael

  Benvenuti, Nino

  Berbick, Trevor

  Berg, Jack ("Kid")

  Berl, Al

  Berra, Yogi

  Besmanoff, Willie

  Bettina, Melio

  Bimstein, Whitey

  as a cutman

  on judging prospects

  Patterson-Johansson fight and

  training style of

  Young's fear of flying and

  Bingham, Howard

  Biron, Bob

  Bizarro, Lou

  Bolton, Helen. See Dundee, Helen

  Bonavena, Oscar

  Ali vs.

  Lyle vs.

  Bonds, Larry

  Borden, Eddie

  Borgnine, Ernest

  Bossio, Bill

  Botha, Franz

  Bowdry, Jesse


  beginning of decline

  current state of

  diminished purses

  Boxing and Wrestling News

  Boxing trunks

  Boxing writers

  Braddock, James J.

  Braverman, Al

  Brennan, Bill

  Brenner, Teddy

  Breslin, Jimmy

  British Boxing Board of Control

  Broadus, Doc

  Bromberg, Lester

  Bronx Coliseum

  Brookshier, Tommy

  Brotman, Charlie ("Mr. Sports")

  Brown, Drew ("Bundini")

  Ali-Bonavena fight and

  Ali-Foreman fight and

  Ali-Frazier fights and

  Ali-Holmes fight and

  Ali-Liston fight and

  Ali-Quarry fight and

  Cosell joke and

  "float like a butterfly" line

  personality of

  Brown, Freddie

  Brown, J. D.

  Brown, Jim

  Brown, Joe

  Brown, Knockout

  Brown & Williamson Tobacco

  Brown-Forman Distilleries

  Bruno, Frank

  Buck, Al

  Buck White (Broadway show)

  Bugner, Joe

  Buonvino, Gino

  Burns, Johnny

  Burns, Tommy

  Caesars Palace

  Canalito, Lee

  Canil, Oscar

  Cannon, Jimmy

  Canzoneri, Tony

  Caracas, Venezuela

  Carbo, Frankie ("Mr. Gray")

  Carnera, Primo ("Ambling Alp")

  Carrier Dome

  Carrora, Giuseppe. See Dundee, Johnny

  Cassidy, Bobby

  Castillo, José Luis

  Castro, Fidel

  Catholic Youth Organization (CYO)


  Cerdan, Marcel

  Cervantes, Antonio ("Kid Pambele")


  Chamberlain, Wilt ("The Stilt")

  Championship rounds

  Chaplin, Charlie

  Charles, Ezzard

  Charles, Ray

  Charleston, SC

  Chiaverini, Tony

  Chicago, IL

  Chicago Blackhawks

  Chicago Stadium

  Chicago Tribune

  Chicopee, MA


  Chocolate, Kid

  Chuvalo, George

  Cinderella Man (film)

  Clancy, Gil

  Clark, Lamar

  Classen, Willie

  Clay, Cassius Marcellus. See Ali, Muhammad

  Clay, Cassius Marcellus Sr. (Ali's father)

  Clay, Rudy. See Muhammad, Rahaman

  Clayton, Zack

  Cleveland, OH

  Cloverlay group

  Cobb, Randy ("Tex")

  Cohen, Micky

  Cokes, Curtis

  Collins, Bud

  Comiskey Park

  Commonwealth Club

  Conde, Cuco

  Condon, Dave

  Condon, John F. X.

  Conn, Billy

  Conrad, Harold

  Convention Hall

  Cooke, Jack Kent

  Cooke, Sam

  Cooney, Gerry

  Cooper, Bert

  Cooper, Henry

  Cooperman, Alvin

  Coopman, Jean Pierre ("The Lion of, Flanders")

  Corbett, James J.

  Corbett, Young

  Coretta, Aunt

  Corkscrew punch

  Corrales, Diego

  Correa, Pepe

  Cortez, Joe

  Cosell, Howard

  Ali and

  Ali-Foreman competition and

  Ali-Frazier competition and

  Basilio and

  Kilroy's imitation of

  Leonard and

  Liston and

  Costello, Frank

  Costner, George ("Sugar")

  Cotton, Eddie

  Crabtree, Bobby

  Cranford, Jackie

  Cream, Arnold. See Walcott, Jersey Joe

  Criteenden, John

  Crosby, John

  Crossen, Steve

  Crowe, Russell

  Crystal, Teddy

  Cuban fighters

  Cuddy, Jack

  Cuevas, Pipino

  Cummings, Robert

  Curley, Jack

  Curry, Dick

  Curry, Donald

  Daley, Richard J.

  D'Amato, Cus

  Daniels, Billy

  Davey, Chuck

  Davis, Howard, Jr.

  De Bruin, Jan

  De Jesús, Esteban

  De La Hoya, Oscar

  Dean, Dizzy

  DeBarrows, Vinnie

  Deer Lake, PA

  DeForest, Jimmy

  DeJohn, Mike

  DeMarco, Tony

  Dempsey, Jack

  Gibbons vs.

  Liston compared with

  McCarney's rejection of

  Sharkey vs.

  sparring partners of

  Tunney vs.

  Willard vs.

  Detroit Olympia

  Detroit Red Wings

  Dodger Stadium

  Dokes, Michael

  Dooley, Ed

  Dougherty, Jack ("Three-Fingered")

  Douglas, Buster

  Douglas, Mike

  Downes, Terry

; Dr. Bier's

  Duffy, Bill

  Dundee, Angelo

  announcing gigs of

  apprenticeship of

  awards and honors

  birth of

  blending with fighters

  bonus for work with Ali

  boxing by

  Brown (Bundini) on

  Carbo and

  coldcocking of

  contract dispute with Leonard's, camp

  as a cutman

  financial arrangements with Ali

  fining of

  first fighter trained by

  involvement in movies

  license suspension

  as "Michaelangelo of boxing"

  military service of

  money lent by

  move to Miami Beach

  name change

  regrets of

  relationship with other trainers

  resigns as Leonard's trainer

  separation of business and personal, life

  signs on as Foreman's trainer

  Spanglish spoken by

  "unlucky" sweater of

  youth of

  in Zaire

  Dundee, Chris (brother)

  advice on handling Ali

  Angelo not paid by

  early career

  frugality of

  move to Miami Beach

  name change

  phones worked by

  promotional talent of

  as Superfight referee

  taciturnity of

  Dundee, Helen (wife)

  introduction to Angelo

  marriage to Angelo

  Dundee, Jimmy (son)

  Dundee, Joe (brother)

  Dundee, Joe (Lazzaro, Joe)

  Dundee, Johnny (Carrora, Guiseppe)

  Dundee, Terri (daughter)

  Dundee, Vince (Lazzaro, Vince)

  Dundee ointment

  Dunlop, Ollie

  Dunn, Richard

  Dunne, Eddie

  Dunphy, Don

  Dupas, Ralph

  Brown (Joe) vs.

  entry into boxing

  as junior-middleweight champion

  Duran, Roberto

  De Jesús vs.

  fighting style of

  Hagler vs.

  Leonard vs. (see Leonard-Duran, competition)

  Leonard's wife insulted by

  machismo and

  as Manos de Piedra

  Durham, Yank

  Duva, Lou

  Dykes, Bobby

  Eastern Parkway

  Ecklund, Dick

  Eleta, Carlos

  Ellis, Jimmy

  Ali vs.

  Ali's rib cage bruised by

  Frazier vs.

  Lyle vs.

  Persol vs.

  Waga vs.

  Ellis, Steve


  Ali vs. Cooper in

  Ali vs. London in

  Pastrano vs. London in

  Pastrano vs. Richardson in

  Esenault, Whitey ("Mr. Whitey")

  Esperti, Tony



  Evangelista, Alfredo

  Famous Chef, The

  Faversham, Bill

  Ali-Liston fight and

  heart attack of

  Felix, Barney

  Fernandez, Florentino

  Fernandez, Vilomar

  Ferrara, Chickie

  Ali-Cooper fight and

  Ali-Liston fight and

  Ali-Lyle fight and

  as a cutman

  Dundee mentored by

  Fetchit, Stepin

  5th Street Gym

  Ali-Liston competition in

  Beatles' visit to

  commemoration of

  Duran's workouts at

  Leonard's evaluation at

  naming of

  regulars of

  Fillipo, Lou

  Fimbres, Alex

  Finch, Bruce

  First Church of the Lord Jesus Christ

  Fitzgerald, F. Scott

  Fitzsimmons, Bob

  Fleeman, Donnie

  Fleischer, Moe

  Fleischer, Nat

  Fleming, Alexander

  Flood, Paddy

  Florida Sports Hall of Fame

  Folley, Zora

  Foreman, George

  Ali vs. (see Ali-Foreman competition)

  Anderson (Terry) vs.

  changes in

  dog of

  Dundee signs on as trainer

  Dundee's appreciation of

  fighting style

  first fight of

  Frazier vs.

  heavyweight title won by (first time)

  heavyweight title won by (second, time)

  Holyfield vs.

  humor of

  lack of stamina

  Lakusta vs.

  lawsuit against WBA

  Lyle vs.

  Moorer vs.

  Morrison vs.

  Norton vs.

  perceived as invincible

  religious conversion of

  Rodrigues vs.

  Roman vs.

  sparring injury of

  sparring partner of

  training routine

  trunks worn by

  Waldheim vs.

  weight problem

  Wepner vs.

  Young (Jimmy) vs.

  Zouski vs.

  Forte, Chet

  Forte, Levi

  Foster, Archie

  Foster, Bob

  Foster, Mac

  Foster, Pop

  Foster, Vince

  Fox, Billy

  Fox, Marty

  Fox, Michael J.

  Frank, Barry

  Frankfurt, Germany

  Frazier, Joe

  Ali vs. (see Ali-Frazier competition)

  Ellis (Jimmy) vs.

  Foreman vs.

  heavyweight title won by

  at Leonard-Duran fight

  Mathis vs.

  portrayed in film

  sparring partner of

  use of Ali's former name

  Fried, Jack

  Fuller, Peter

  Fullmer, Gene

  Fulton, Richard

  Fusari, Charlie

  Futch, Eddie

  Gainford, George

  Galento, Tony ("Two-Ton")

  Galfund, Harry

  Gallo, Bill

  Gans, Panama Joe

  Gant, Johnny

  Garden Cafeteria

  "Gaspipe" (gangster)

  Gavilan, Kid

  George Foreman Youth and Community, Center

  Geraldo, Marcos

  Giamatti, Paul

  Gibbons, Tommy

  "Gillette Cavalcade of Sports"

  Gleason, Jackie


  Godfrey, George

  Golden Gloves tournaments

  Golden Parrot

  Goldman, Charlie

  as a cutman

  death of

  Dundee mentored by

  Foreman-Holyfield fight and

  Goldstein, Johnny

  Gomez, Harold

  Gomez, Wilfredo

  Goodding, Gladys

  Goodman, Bobby

  Goodman, Murray

  Gore, Bill

  Gorgeous George

  Gottfried, Cy

  Gottlieb's Bar & Liquor Store

  Gould, Joe

  Graham, Billy

  Graziano, Rocky

  Great White Way

  Green, Davey ("Boy")

  Greene, Richard

  Gregory, Dick

  Griffith, Emile

  Paret vs.

  Rodriguez (Luis) vs.

  Grimsley, Will

  Grippo, Jimmy

  Groff, Julian

  Gross, Lou

  Grove, Izzy ("Yussel")

  Guerra, Jo Jo

  Guinness Book of Records

  Hagler, Marvelous Marvin

  Duran vs.
r />   handedness of

  Hearns vs.

  Lee vs.

  Leonard vs.

  Mugabi vs.

  origin of nickname

  overconfidence of

  perceived as invincible

  Rodan vs.

  Hamilton Arena

  Hamsho, Mustafa

  Hand wrapping

  Hank, Henry

  Harlem, NY

  Harmon, Allan

  Harris, Richard

  Hart, John

  Hart, Lorenz

  Harvard University


  Hearns, Tommy

  Cuevas vs.

  Hagler vs.

  Leonard vs.

  nicknames of

  perceived as invincible

  physical appearance of

  Heaven Can Wait (film)

  Hemdale Leisure Corporation

  Hernandez, Fred

  Hilton Head, SC

  Hipp, Joe


  Holman, Johnny

  Holmes, Henry

  Holmes, Larry

  Ali vs.

  Cooney vs.

  Holyfield, Evander

  Douglas (Buster) vs.

  Foreman vs.

  Moorer vs.

  nicknames of

  weight problem

  Homansky, Flip

  "Honest Brakeman" (gangster)

  Hostak, Al

  House of Sports

  Houston Astrodome

  Howard, Kevin

  Howard, Ron

  Howard University

  Hrica, Eddie

  Hunsaker, Tunney

  "If I Had a Hammer" (song)

  Indianapolis, IN

  Ingber, Lou. See Stillman, Lou

  Inoki, Anonio

  International Boxing Club (IBC)

  International Boxing Federation (IBF)

  International Boxing Hall of Fame

  Izenberg, Jerry

  Jack Dempsey's Restaurant

  Jackson, Henry (Armstrong, Henry)

  Jackson, Jesse

  Jackson, Tommy ("Hurricane")

  Jackson, Willie

  Jaco, David

  Jacobs, Dave

  Jacobs, Jimmy

  Jacobs, Mike

  Janiro, Tony


  Jeffries, James J.

  Johansson, Ingemar

  Johnson, Alonzo

  Johnson, Harold

  Johnson, Jack

  Johnson, Leroy

  Johnson, Willie

  Jones, Cody

  Jones, Doug

  Jones, Eddie ("Bossman")

  Jones, Ralph ("Tiger")

  Jones, Tom

  Judge, Jerry

  Kalinsky, George

  Kalule, Ayub

  Katz, Mike

  Kearns, Doc

  Kefauver Committee

  Kennedy, Edward

  Kennedy, John F.

  Kerner, Otto

  Kessler, Harry

  Kid, Jamaica

  Kilgore, Billy

  Kilrain, Jake

  Kilroy, Gene

  Ali-Foreman competition and

  Ali-Frazier competition and

  Ali's lecture tours arranged by

  Cosell imitation of

  Deer Lake acquisition and

  King, Bill

  King, Don

  Knievel, Evel

  Koballa, Mike

  Krause, Harry

  Kristofferson, Kris

  Kronk Gym

  Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

  L.A. Auditorium

  Lakusta, Ken

  LaLonde, Donny

  LaMotta, Jake

  Lampkin, Ray

  Lancaster, Burt

  Landover Capital Centre

  Lane, Mills

  Lange, Jimmy

  Langford, Sam ("The Boston Tar Baby")

  Langlois, Pierre

  Las Vegas

  Ali vs. Floyd in

  Ali vs. Lyle in


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