Kiss My Asteroid: Galaxa Warriors (Paranormal Dating Agency Book 14)

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Kiss My Asteroid: Galaxa Warriors (Paranormal Dating Agency Book 14) Page 8

by Milly Taiden

  She grabbed the large tray of cheese and balanced the wooden fruit bowl on top, carrying the two out to the kitchen. “I should have asked Soria to help carry all this upstairs.”

  Ivy hip checked the fridge door shut and turned, losing her footing. Chicken leg still in her mouth, she pitched forward, landing on her knees, the fruit bowl clattering to the ground.

  Exotic produce rolled everywhere, but she managed to save the cheese platter. She put the plate on the floor next to her and crawled around for the fallen fruit. One by one, she gathered the small, plum-like balls, feeling stupid in the process.

  “That’s quite a stash you’ve got there,” a deep, masculine voice said from above.

  Ivy froze at the familiar male voice. Still on all fours, she stole a glance from the fallen plums to find a pair polished boots standing shoulder width apart in front of her. She lifted her eyes to a set of strong muscled legs, and farther up, an impressive package at his crotch. She swallowed, letting her gaze travel over his firm torso and the wide shoulders that followed. When she finally reached his face, the chicken leg dropped from her mouth. Stunned, she could only stare.

  “There are better ways to eat Palladian pheasant than fetching it like a puppy; though, I doubt anything on all fours would look as sexy as you.” He smirked.

  “Holy fuck! You’re real? I mean, really real? Not a cyborg facsimile.”

  He inclined his head. “In the flesh.”

  Her face flamed hot remembering the wanton way she spread herself. She picked up the chicken leg and threw it at his head. “You let me think you were a HOLOGRAM!”

  “I tried to tell you, but you wouldn’t listen.”

  “You could have slipped that tiny important detail in between gasps! Jesus!” Embarrassment sent nuclear heat to the tips of her ears at what she said and did with him…well, sort of him.

  Her chin dropped to her chest and she took slow breaths until she got it together enough to meet his eyes again. “You took advantage of me, letting me think you were a holographic sexbot. Why?”

  “It was what you wanted,” he paused. “I told you that night, I was more than happy to oblige.”

  “Oblige? Is that what that was?” Realizing she was still on her knees, she scrambled to her feet, but forgot about the fruit she’d gathered in her shirt and the plums tumbled to the ground at her feet.

  “There are better ways to eat Marja fruit, too.” He bent for one of the purple and yellow globes and held it out to her. “A little bruised, but still fleshy and utterly delicious. Like you.”

  She snatched the fruit from his hand. “The bowl tipped over when I tripped on the uneven floor coming out of the refrigerator. I was merely recovering the fruit that fell.”

  Tall, dark, and gorgeous inclined his head. “You have to admit, it is a little surprising to find you on your knees in my kitchen. Then again, I haven’t been able to think about anything else since last we met.”

  Ivy’s eyes went wide at his admission. Was he flirting or just being an extraterrestrial dickhead? “We didn’t meet. Not really. You had the distinct advantage the entire time, but didn’t think to let me in on the joke.”

  “Is that what you think? That this was a joke?”

  She lifted her chin. “I don’t know what I think. I can only imagine what you must think of me after we…I mean, I…well…you know what we did.”

  He grinned. “Indeed, I do.”

  Her answering frown was more than just embarrassed and annoyed. There was an underscoring of self-doubt and defeat. A sexbot wasn’t going to hurt her feelings or make her feel inadequate.

  “Look, I’m a guest of the king. My party just arrived and I was hungry, but rather than bother the poor, harassed woman assigned to us, I decided to help myself to something to eat. That’s why you found me here.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “And who is us?”

  “I’m traveling with Ms. Wilder.” She lifted her chin higher at the look of surprise on his face. “She’s a personal friend of the king.”

  “Is she now? I’ll have to keep that in mind.”


  She gave him a curt nod and Vander almost laughed. His eyes swept the woman’s lush figure from top to bottom. She was even more amazing in the flesh. His cock thickened and his mouth watered at the memory of how abandoned she was that night. So open and willing. Then again, she thought she was alone and he was a digitized sexbot.

  She was traveling with Gerri Wilder. Had the matchmaker brought her to Galaxa for fun or was she a possible candidate for his mate? His stiff member jerked at the thought of a lifetime with this luscious creature and the animal inside him paced. No one brought before him had stirred either his dick or his beast and this woman did so in every way possible.

  “What is your name?” Vander asked, helping her retrieve the rest of the plums.

  She gave him a quick glance. “Ivy Grimaldi. My cousin Cassandra is mated to the alpha of the Northern Bear Clan on Nova Aurora. Ms. Wilder was nice enough to arrange a visit, but as Cassie is about to have a baby and had some tests to get done, Gerri invited me along as a distraction so I wouldn’t worry.”

  His jaw tightened and his animal clawed at the disappointing news. If this woman wasn’t meant for him, then why the slash of restlessness? He was king. If he wanted to ride between her legs, he would. He took in her honey-colored hair and the way the waterfall curls framed her heart-shaped face. Her long neck and pert breasts topped her amazing hourglass figure that had haunted him for days. The ancient animal inside him pushed to the surface and growled. The xenos knew the reason for his impatience, even if he wasn’t willing to admit it, and the animal growled and the sound translated into one word. MINE!

  The king slid his eyes to meet hers. Ivy’s gaze still sparked with annoyance, yet there was a hint of sadness in her dove gray eyes that woke every protective instinct in his body and he bit back the urge to kiss it from her lips.

  “You said you could only imagine what I must think of you. Well, I’ll tell you. You’re a beautiful, passionate woman, Ivy. Self-assured and unafraid. You’ve traveled from Earth to a distant planet and seem to take the journey in stride. That tells me you’re adventurous and brave. The shock on your face at finding me flesh and blood tells me you value your honor. I value it, too. I thought you were tantalizing then, but now there are no words to express how irresistible you are.”

  The woman blushed again, but this time there was a modest sincerity to the pink in her cheeks. His animal rumbled, not only for her full curves, but for her as an individual, as well.


  The words roared again.

  But she’s just a visitor.


  The sentiment was part growl, part purr, and the urge to lift her onto the stone counter and taste her honey was almost too much. He cleared his throat, keeping an iron grip on his control. “So, Ms. Wilder is planning to stay the week?”

  She nodded. “Yes. I’m not sure why. She has some business with the king. Do you know him?”

  Ivy craned her neck to look at him, and in that moment, Vander saw a definite shift in her demeanor. She had relaxed.

  “Who?” he asked, teasing.

  She rolled her eyes. “The king. Who else?”

  “Hmmm. I think I’ve seen him around. Tall guy. Handsome. Has a thing for wearing a crown…”

  “Jerk.” She laughed. “I meant, do you know him personally.”

  Vander hesitated. After their holographic interlude, there would be no end to her mortification if she learned she had intergalactic phone sex with the king of Galaxa. Digital fling or not, this had to be handled the right way. She was bound to learn the truth so he didn’t want to lie. Not outright, anyway.


  “I’m just teasing. Yes, I know the king. Very well, in fact.”

  Ivy nodded impressed, and he had to grin.

  “What’s your name?” she asked. “You owe me that much after watching me wrap my legs around
a vibrating column of light.”

  The memory made his mouth water, but he pushed it aside, for now. Everything about her said she was willing to get to know him. Not his title. Not his crown. Him. How often were rulers given the ordinary pleasure of being liked for themselves? Almost never. What now? Did he out and out lie or did he tell her the truth in some variation?

  He blinked. “My friends call me Vee.”

  Ivy’s eyes sparked. “That’s funny. Cassie’s been calling me Vee since we were kids.” She gave him a nervous chuckle. “What is Vee short for on your end?”

  Vander watched her entire face light with affection and humor when she mentioned her cousin, and the effect was breathtaking. “Well, if we’re going to share the same nickname, I’ll call you Lil’ Vee.” He gestured between them and the difference in their size. “For obvious reasons.”

  She laughed out loud. “You make me sound like a rapper.”

  He tilted his head. “What’s a rapper?”

  Ivy laughed out loud. “Forget it. Earth is still trying to figure that out, too. And speaking of figuring things out, why is it every guy on this planet so far is enormous? And not to mention super easy on the eyes?” Looking at him, she smiled. “Present company, above all.”

  Vander caught a soft change in Ivy’s scent. Her relaxed flirting had ripened into something else. A faint arousal, yet definitely filled with promise. His animal pushed to the surface and his eyes burned.

  “Whoa, are you okay? You’re eyes just flip-flopped color.”

  His hand moved to one brow and he willfully pushed his rising xenos down. He needed more time. They needed more time.

  Playing it off, Vander shrugged. “It happens sometimes when males of our species meet an exceptional woman.” He smirked, copying her earlier words. “Present company, above all.”

  Ivy’s smile left him itching to taste the satin of her lips. “Well, since you came here to satisfy your appetite, why not let me make you something? A Galaxan specialty in honor of your first visit to my beautiful planet.”

  “Sure. Why not?” she replied, and as she climbed onto one of the counter chairs, he sensed the last of her tension leave. She was eager, and whatever it took to keep her that way, so be it.

  Ivy would be his.

  Vander slid the pheasant dish around and drew a knife from one of the drawers beneath the counter. He sliced the tender meat into thin slivers and then took two different vegetables from the bins, cutting them as well. Piling the lot onto thick hunks of the bread she carried from the fridge, he placed everything together on a plate with a few sliced plums.

  “Viola!” Pouring her a glass of wine from a pitcher on the counter, he pushed the finished dish in front of her.

  Picking up the glass, she took a sip and licked her lips as she glanced at the plate. “You made me a sandwich.”

  He nodded, wiping his hands. “Yes, and really good one, if I do say so myself.”

  Looking at the humor on his face, she laughed as well. “Galaxan specialty, my sweet patootie. You really have no idea what to do with yourself in a kitchen, do you?” She tipped the cup to her lips.

  He took in the flirty wit in her eyes and didn’t waste a moment. Moving around the edge of the counter, he swiveled her seat so her knees were on either side of his hips. “I wouldn’t say I had no idea,” he said, taking the glass from her hand.

  Her scent drove him to distraction and he lifted one hand to her cheek. Her skin was silk to the touch, and in that instant, he wanted more. He wanted it all.

  With a low growl, he cupped her chin and brushed his lips across hers. Her breath hitched, and the sound was such an invitation for more, he slanted his lips over hers, taking her mouth fully.

  “You taste is as sweet as I imagined,” he whispered into their kiss. “I can’t wait to sample the rest of you.”

  With a quick gasp, she opened for him, her hands sinking into his dark hair. Breath mingled and tongues sparred and Ivy shivered in his arms. That hint of arousal thickened into the scent of slick wetness gathering between her legs. She would spread herself for him, but he would let her take the lead.

  Vander broke their kiss and stepped back. Ivy’s eyes were closed and her lips parted as if waiting for more. “Do all Galaxan men greet their guests that way?” Her eyes opened and desire showed clearly in her gaze.

  Vander shook his head, caressing her cheek. “Only if they had holographic sex with them, first.”

  She rolled her eyes, but didn’t shrug his hand away. “Nice try, dude, but with the way you kiss, holograms don’t stand a chance.”

  He had to chuckle. “No chance, huh. And here I thought I did a good job the other night.”

  “Trust me, you did. Now, let’s see what kind of a job you do in the kitchen.” She swiveled around and took half the sandwich, holding it out to Vander. “You first.”

  He didn’t take the snack from her hand. Instead, he leaned in to drag the tip of his tongue over her fingers before taking a bite. Chewing, his eyes never left hers as he swallowed. Lifting the other sandwich half from the dish, he held it out to her. “Your turn.”

  She shook her head, her eyes never leaving his mouth. “Uhm—”

  His mouth curved up at her sudden embarrassment. “If this first bite doesn’t interest you, I’ll give you whatever you want.”

  Her breath hitched again and she licked her lips. Her scent ratcheted to full throttle and Vander put the sandwich on the counter. Pushing her knees farther apart, he stepped closer, sliding his hands over her thighs.

  “What do you hunger for, Ivy?”

  With a gasp, she snaked her arms around his neck. “You.”

  His mouth claimed hers again and he slid his hands under her ass and scooped her up from the stool, hiking her higher so her legs wrapped around his waist. Without missing a single tongue thrust, he turned on his heel out of the kitchen.

  Ivy dug her hands into his hair again. “Where are we going?” she whispered, catching her breath.

  Her words had him hesitating for a heartbeat. He couldn’t take her to his chambers. The Kasaval crest was on everything from the towels and pillowcases to the embossed emblem on his headboard. Soria had put Ms. Wilder and her guests in his father’s old apartment, making her room off limits, as well. Though the thought of Ivy and the second-floor playroom made his cock strain even more against his pants.


  Vander grinned to himself. His chief of security was still out on the perimeter with his brother interviewing the tribes.

  “I know just the place where we won’t be disturbed.” With her still in his arms, Vander turned down a stone corridor and then headed up the flight of stairs to Damen’s apartment.

  “I can walk, you know,” she said, hanging on for dear life as he rushed up the steps.

  “Be grateful, wench! By the time I’m done with you, your ability to walk will be questionable at best, so enjoy the chivalry while you can.”

  She hid her face in his shoulder, but Vander felt her lips spread in a smile against his skin. “So, you like the idea of a rough ride, eh? What else?”

  “You’ll just have to find out for yourself.” She nipped his muscled chest through his thin shirt.

  He took the last steps two at a time and kicked Damen’s door open. Stalking to his friend’s bed, he kissed her hard and fast before dropping her on the mattress. He turned to close the door and lock it.

  “Since you like being on your knees, show me what else you like.”


  He walked toward her from the door, predatory, with eyes burning in a shade of green she’d never seen. The sheer size of the man had her licking her lips, but when he pulled the drawstring on his pants and let the soft cotton fall, her eyes went wide. If she thought his cock was big in holographic form, holy shit! This mutha was enormous in the flesh. In the hard, lip-smacking flesh. She swallowed instinctively.

  “I’ve had you in my dreams every night, Ivy. I’ve fucked you every way I can and
now reality is going to meet fantasy.” He stepped out of his pants and lifted his shirt from his shoulders as he continued toward her, his eyes never leaving her gaze. “Strip.”

  His voice held the same commanding tone as it did in the hologram, only now the intensity of his gaze nearly burned the clothes from her body. She kicked off her wedge flip-flops and lifted one hand to pull the spaghetti straps on her maxi dress, letting the dress slip off her shoulders.

  Wiggling the fabric over her hips, she let the garment hit the floor. She moved the puddle of clothes to the side and stood with her shoulders back, grateful she had worn a matching lace bra and panty set. He stared at her, his eyes taking in her full breasts and hips, lingering at the way her nipples poked through the thin fabric.

  “Do you know how beautiful you are, Ivy?” he said, moving to stand in front of her.

  She didn’t answer.

  He spun her around, his full erection at her back. She closed her eyes and let her head drop to his chest as he cupped her breasts, sliding his thumbs under the lace to graze her nipples. “So full and delicious,” he whispered, letting his fingers pluck the bra straps from her shoulders.

  He slipped the straps over her arms and unclipped the back. Ivy pulled the bra from her body and let it fall to the floor with her dress.

  Vander dipped his hands to her stiffening peaks, teasing circles over each. He slid his fingers down her belly, slipping into the top band of her panties. “I want to spread this fine pussy and lick you from your wet, hard clit to your tight hole. I watched you work yourself and now it’s my turn.”

  Turning her again, he kissed her hard, his tongue demanding and merciless. His palms splayed wide on her lower back, reaching deeper to cup her full cheeks.

  “The curve of this ass and the way it glistened with your juice made my mouth water for days just thinking about you with your hand deep in your pussy.”

  Dragging his thumbs upward, he traced the fine seam of her ass until he reached her waistband again before sliding his hand around to dip between her legs. With a practiced flick, he circled her clit and she gasped, clutching his shoulders as he spread her moist folds.


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