Sweet Harmonies

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Sweet Harmonies Page 14

by Melanie Shawn

  Justin nodded, a small smirk on his lips, “Besides, I probably have an ulterior motive for giving you this advice. Karina's one of my best friends. If you're gonna be with her, I want to know you're the kind of guy that is willing to step up to the plate.”

  Ryan smiled, “I respect that. In fact, as a show of good faith that I'm willing to put in the work, I'm going to ask her out on a real date. A proper date. And I'm gonna do it right now.”

  Ryan pulled out his phone. His fingers flew over the keypad as he sent a text message to Karina.

  As Ryan put his phone back into his pocket, Justin said, “What did you ask her to go do?”

  Ryan laughed and said, “It would probably give my grandmother a heart attack if she knew, but I asked her to go have ice cream at Two Scoops.”

  Just then, the front doors burst open and none other than Kyle Austen Reed entered in a flourish. He walked over to their table.

  “Ryan, my good friend!” he cried heartily, “How are you?”

  “Um, great, how are you?” Ryan replied, a bit taken aback that Kyle Austen Reed had even remembered him.

  “Excellent, excellent,” Kyle Austen Reed replied, pulling up a chair, “Introduce me to your compadres, my friend.”

  Ryan, unsure how to respond to Kyle Austen Reed's gregarious manner, said slowly, “OK...um...this is Justin, and Eric, and Jake.”

  Kyle shook each of the guys' hands in turn, repeating, “Kyle Austen Reed. A pleasure,” to all three.

  Justin, unable to hide a small smirk, said, “So, let me get this straight. You're Kyle Austen Reed, then?”

  Kyle nodded knowingly, “Yes, I realize it must be a shock to see me suddenly appear in these familiar surroundings. Let me give you a moment to process.”

  With that, he leaned back in his chair and was quiet, waiting for one of the others to speak.

  Ryan finally said, “So, yeah. You just came out to have a beer or something?”

  Kyle looked pleased, “Good, good, I'm glad you could so readily assimilate my presence in your neighborhood haunt. The reason I'm here is because I am somewhat of a pool aficionado, and I'm told that this is pretty much the only place to play locally, is that correct?”

  Justin nodded, “Yeah, unless you're gonna play on someone's private table in their den or garage or something, this is about it for pool tables in Hope Falls.”

  Kyle Austen Reed rubbed his hands together, almost gleefully.

  “Excellent!” he exclaimed, “Can I interest any of you gentlemen in a round?”

  “A 'round' of pool?” asked Jake, “Um...yeah, I think I can take you. Or rather...sure, I'd love to play...”

  The guys picked up their beers and moved to the pool tables, more than a little interested in watching a famous actor get beat handily by a local boy at pool.

  However, much to their surprise, Kyle Austen Reed made quick work of each of them in turn, and of each of the other bar patrons that challenged him, running the table in a couple of instances.

  As the five of them lumbered out of the bar several hours later, tipsy and laughing and still stunned over Kyle Austen Reed's proficiency at the pool table, Justin asked, “Damn, dude, where did you learn to play like that?”

  Kyle shrugged in answer to the question, “I appreciate the compliment, but I don't know that I have any particular proficiency. I played a pool shark in Behind the 8 Ball. I've had a fondness for the game since then.”

  Justin laughed, “Well, hell, I'd love to see you do something that you do consider yourself proficient in!”

  --- ~ ---

  “Just tell me!” Sam pleaded as she and Karina pulled up in front of Amanda's house, “I swear, I won't tell anybody! We don't have to talk about it in there tonight.”

  Karina barked out a short, derisive laugh, “Ha! I have a feeling that my love life is going to be ALL anyone can talk about in there tonight.”

  Sam shrugged, “Well, I wish I could deny it, but you're probably right.”

  As Karina climbed out of the car, she said, “You know 'book club' is just a euphemism for 'wine and gossip club' – as much as Lauren tries to pretend otherwise. And what on earth could be more interesting to gossip about than Karina's love life?”

  Although Karina had posed this question sarcastically, Sam looked as if she was seriously considering the options.

  “Yeah,” she said thoughtfully, “I've just made a mental checklist of pretty much every topic under the sun, and you're right – none of them hold a candle to your love life. So, I agree. It's probably what we are going to be spending the bulk of the evening talking about. Take one for the team, Karina.”

  When Karina and Sam reached the door of Amanda's, it was already ajar, so they stepped inside, calling, “Hello! We're here! Time to quickly stop talking about Karina and affect as nonchalant a pose as possible!”

  Amanda and Lauren came into the living room from the kitchen, smiling and laughing. The four girls all exchanged hugs. Belatedly, Karina noticed a small, shy, somewhat mousy girl who was hanging back in the doorway to the kitchen.

  “Oh, hey Amy!” Karina greeted the girl, “I don't think I've seen you since high school, how have you been?”

  The girl brought her hand up and waved shyly, a polite smile playing around her lips, and said quietly, “Hey, Karina I’ve been good.”

  Sam looked over. She clearly had not noticed Amy standing there, either. She smiled widely and exclaimed, “Hey, Amy! It's good to see you!”

  Amy smiled shyly again, and quietly said, “Thanks. It's good to see you, too.”

  Amanda explained, “I invited Amy to join us for book club. Her brothers were headed out for a beer with Justin, and I thought that since the boys were going out, Amy might like to hang with the girls.”

  “Awesome!” Karina enthused. Although Amy had been quiet and shy, and therefore somewhat difficult to get to know in high school – qualities she still seemed to possess – Karina had always liked her. She didn't say much, but what she did say was thoughtful and insightful. Karina had also noticed, on several occasions, that she went out of her way to be kind to people.

  Amy stepped forward hesitantly, so that she was less separated from the group, “Yeah, when Amanda invited me, I thought that it sounded really fun. It was short notice, so I was just really glad that I'd already read the book that we're discussing tonight!”

  Sam and Karina started laughing, and then Amanda joined in. Amy looked stricken, as if she had unknowingly committed some social trespass but couldn't quite figure out what it was. Lauren, however, looked singularly unmoved.

  “I don't know why you three think that's so funny,” she said, nonplussed.

  “I don't understand...” Amy said hesitantly.

  “Oh, Amy!” Karina said, horrified, “We don't actually read the book!”

  Amy looked puzzled, “Isn't it book club, though?”

  “Thank you!” Lauren exclaimed, “This is what I'm saying!”

  Amy still looked puzzled, “What do you talk about if you don't discuss the book?”

  “Tonight?” Sam speculated, “Most likely Karina's love life.”

  “Here's the thing,” Amanda explained to Amy with a smile, “I probably should have made this clearer before, although I hope you would still have wanted to join us. We call this 'book club' but really it's just a chance to get together, drink some wine, munch on some hors d'oeuvres, hang out...and gossip, usually.”

  Amy shrugged happily, pushing a strand of honey blonde hair that had fallen into her face, behind her ear “That sounds fun, too.”

  “It is,” Amanda confirmed, and then continued to the rest of the group, “And on the gossip front, Amy and I actually have the first really juicy tidbit to throw into the pot tonight.”

  “Oooo...” said Sam, “Tell us what it is!”

  “Well,” Amanda said, “Justin and Eric aren't just going out randomly to have a beer tonight. They, along with Jake, are actually on a mission to take Ryan out and pick his brain a
bout his intentions with Karina.”

  Karina opened her mouth wide, mortified.

  “Amanda, you didn't!” she cried.

  Amanda replied blithely, “Oh, yes, I certainly did.”

  “Why would you do that?” Karina groaned.

  “Because,” said Amanda defensively, “I want to be sure he's good enough for my best friend. I'm not ashamed of that. I'd do it again.”

  Karina shook her head, “That's sweet, Mand, but honestly...”

  Lauren said, “Well, that may be Amanda's juicy tidbit, but to tell you the truth, the subject of Karina and Ryan didn't even top my list of things to discuss here tonight.”

  The rest of the group looked at her, interested.

  “Do tell,” Karina said, “I'd love to get off of the subject of me and Ryan.”

  “OK,” Lauren replied, “Let's talk about you and Kyle Reed.”

  The rest of the group burst out with exclamations of agreement, and Sam interjected, “Kyle AUSTEN Reed. Don't forget.”

  “Oh, of course not!” Lauren said, “Did he used to make you use all three names when you were in bed with him?”

  Amanda laughed, and affected a breathy and over-exaggerated sex-voice, “Oh, yes, Kyle Austen Reed! That's the spot, Kyle Austen Reed! Harder, Kyle Austen Reed! Faster, Kyle Austen Reed!”

  Lauren laughed, “Yeah, and I can just hear what you must have sounded like at the climactic moment. Instead of 'Yes....YES....YYYEESSS.' I would imagine it went something more like 'Kyle....AUSTEN....REEEEEEEEED.”

  Karina narrowed her eyes at her friends, “Yeah, yeah, you think you're real funny. Whatever. Make fun all you want.”

  “Oh, I'm not making fun,” Lauren said, “He's quite a catch.”

  “Oh, please, don't put it like that,” Karina said, “I haven't caught him, nor do I have any desire to catch him, in any way, shape, or form. He can feel completely free to just keep swimming, and I'll do the same thing.”

  “Like two fish passing in the night,” Sam said. This earned a chuckle from Amanda.

  “You see?” Sam said, “I'm getting more laughs.”

  “Which is to say...any,” Lauren quipped dryly, and Sam stuck her tongue out at her.

  “I don't get it, then,” Amanda said, “If you're so adamantly opposed to being in a relationship with him, then why all the booty calls that went on for years and years? What's the point?”

  Karina sighed, and her shoulders sagged, “Well, to be honest, I don't come out of the story looking so hot, but here's the thing. He's just so...pretty,” she admitted, “I hate to think I'm as shallow as all that, but there you have it. Honestly, that really is what it comes down to. He's just so…pretty.”

  The rest of the women laughed.

  “Can't argue with you there,” Amanda said, “He does almost look like he's not quite real. Like he's a Disney prince or something. Like he's been carved out of marble.”

  “Yes, that's it exactly!” Karina said, “He's like one of those gorgeous, smooth Greek statues. that he is real. He's flesh and blood. And every time I would sleep with him, I would think...OK...that's the last time. I mean, it's not even like he's phenomenal in bed or anything.

  “But then, a few months would go by, he'd be filming in some far-off location, I'd be touring through at the same time...and, bam. Inevitably it would happen again.

  “Why? I could play the sympathy card. I could attribute it to loneliness. I could say that he's one of the few people that understands the pressures of a public life like I do, that I knew I could trust him because of that. And, sure, I suppose all of that played a part in it. But when you boil it down, get to the heart of it?”

  Karina paused, shaking her head, “It really comes down to the fact that he's. Just. So. Freaking. Pretty.”

  Amanda asked, “Well, back to the original topic, then. Is it just physical with Ryan like it is with Kyle?”

  “Austen Reed!” the rest of the group chorused.

  Karina laughed, “I don't know. I mean, yes, I want to keep it casual with Ryan. I don't do relationships and commitment and all that stuff.”

  “But?” Lauren asked.

  “But...I don't know. It feels like there might be more there. But I'm not ready to settle down, I know that for sure.”

  “How do you know that for sure?” Amanda asked pragmatically.

  “I just do!”

  “Oooo...prickly,” Amanda replied with a smile, “I think we might be hitting a nerve, girls!”

  Lauren asked, “Sam, do you remember him from the summer he visited? The summer we were 14?”

  “Yeah, I do,” Sam said, “Do you guys?”

  “Yeah,” Lauren replied, “I basically just remember that he seemed quiet.”

  “Me too,” Sam said, “He pretty much kept to himself.”

  “Yeah, I agree,” Amanda said, “He didn't mix with the townies much.”

  “I thought he seemed sad,” Amy interjected.

  At that moment, Karina's cell phone vibrated and chimed. She looked puzzled, “Who's texting me? Ninety five percent of the people that have this number are in the room.”

  She pulled out her phone and pressed the button to view the text messages. Her eyes widened and she shrieked, “Oh my Gosh! OH MY GOSH!”

  Thinking that someone had died, Amanda rushed to her side, “What happened, Kar? What is it?”

  Frantically, Karina held up the phone. Wild-eyed, she exclaimed, “He wants to go out for ice cream. What do I do? WHAT DO I DO?”

  She looked around the room, and saw a group of stunned expressions. All of the girls were staring at her like she had two heads.

  Quietly, thoughtfully, Amy asked, “Well...what would you like to do?”

  Karina laughed, “OK, yes, I realize I must sound like a crazy person.”

  Amanda smiled, “You sound like a person in love.”

  Sam quipped, “Or in lust!”

  She held up her hand to various people around the room, trying to get a high five, but no one returned the gesture except for Amy, who only tapped Sam's palm with her fingertips softly to be polite.

  “What? That was funny, right?” she asked, indignant.”

  “If you have to ask that question,” Lauren said pragmatically, “The answer is 'no' – always 'no,” to which the room dissolved into laughter and pleasant conversation.

  Amanda went into the kitchen to bring out the snacks, and Karina made a decision. She was going to take a leap of faith, and she was going to bet on Ryan. She typed back to him on her phone, “Two Scoops it is. Pick me up at 4 tomorrow.”

  Chapter 13

  Karina threw yet another elegant, expensive top onto the growing pile in the corner of her bedroom.

  “AAAHHH!!!” she screamed in frustration, “I have nothing to wear!”

  Sam looked at her incredulously as she popped up from Karina's bed, where she had been watching this display, and began to place blouses and dresses back on their hangers, and to carefully refold $300 pairs of jeans and put them back into their places in drawers.

  “You have many things to wear, all of which you look equally gorgeous in. And all of which you will be equally overdressed for Two Scoops in, so that's not a deciding factor. I think that you are just nervous.”

  “Nervous,” Karina scoffed, “I don't get nervous. I mean, butterflies, yes sometimes. But that's not like this.”

  “Not even before going onstage? Not even before performing live on television in front of millions of people?”

  Karina shrugged, “Like I said. Butterflies. Nothing like this! I feel irritable, stripped of my confidence...I'm sweating, and I'm about two seconds away from hurling! I feel completely out of control of this situation! Being onstage makes me feel IN control, not like this! This is a nightmare!”

  Sam grinned, “This is love!”

  Karina's phone trilled and she picked it up and looked at the face to see who was calling. “It's Amanda,” she said, pressing the button to answer the call.

p; “Ooo, I wanna talk to her,” Sam said, plucking the phone from Karina's hand and putting it to her ear. Karina, barely noticing, went back to studying herself in the mirror as she desperately held up top after hangered top in front of her, frantically trying to make a decision.

  “Hey, Mand,” Sam chirped into the phone, “You should be over here! No, it's crazy. She's driving herself nuts, she can't even decide what to wear. It's like nothing you've ever seen.”

  Without breaking her rhythm of holding shirts in front of her for the mirror, Karina gave Sam the finger, which Sam cheerfully waved off with a dismissive gesture.

  “Oh, Amanda? I'll call you later. No, Karina's getting another call. OK. Talk to you soon, sweetie.”

  She tossed Karina the phone, saying, “It's Bernie. That's your manager, right?”

  Karina grabbed the phone in midair, and quickly pushed the answer button as she moved it to her ear.

  “Bernie? What's the word? Have you heard from the label?”

  She paused a moment, listening to his response on the other end of the line.

  “A YouTube video? That's odd. No, I didn't realize....Did you email me the link? OK, I'll check it later...Because I have PLANS right now, Bernie....The guy in the video? His name is Ryan. He's a friend of mine from up here, from Hope Falls.”

  She paused again.

  “Well, Bernie, why WOULD I have told you about him? I don't understand what you're asking me...”

  Just then the doorbell rang and Karina stiffened, looking over at Sam in a panic.

  “Bernie? I gotta go....no, I gotta GO! I'll talk to you later!”

  Karina firmly pressed the button to turn the phone completely off, and tossed it onto her bed as she ran from the room.

  “KARINA!” yelled Sam after her, and Karina popped her head back into the room, wild-eyed and very nearly panicked.

  “Sam... I have to GO...he's HERE....” she whisper-shrieked, “What in God's name do you want?”

  Sam held up a sheer, spangled top in front of her.

  “May wanna put on a shirt," Sam intoned dryly.

  Karina glanced down at her torso, clad only in a strapless bra, and looked back at Sam, eyes wide. She scrambled over to where Sam was standing, and started trying to fumble into the top as quickly as possible, but was succeeding only in tangling her arms and head in the sleeves and neck.


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