Kidnappping Casey

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Kidnappping Casey Page 13

by Laurann Dohner

Ariel shut her eyes. When the man behind her touched her back she jumped, startled, and spun around. “Don’t touch me, damn it. This…shit!” She spun back around. “Did he bound you to him?”

  Casey hesitated. Her eyes went to the three women who were still rubbing and touching Argernon as he lay unconscious on the table. Pain and anger flooded her at the same time. Her eyes went to Ariel.

  “I never signed up for this shit. Can you get me out of here? I need a shower and I need…” Her eyes went to Argernon. More pain hit her. She had fallen for the son of a bitch. She looked at Ariel. “Away from him and them. Please?”

  Ariel nodded. “I’m so sorry. Of course. I totally understand.” She turned to glare at the large man hovering behind her with the frown on his face. “Let’s take her home with us, Ral. Your brother is a fuckup, and no way in hell will I let him hurt her worse. He obviously lied to her and kept shit from her, so they aren’t bound.”

  Ahhu moved toward the table Argernon lay on, to open a drawer under the bed. She took out a wand and a remote device. She pointed the remote to a wall with a screen on it to turn it on, walking to Casey. Ahhu’s tongue ran over her lips to wet them as she stopped before her.

  “Please raise your shirt, Casey Santhrom. I need to check your lower stomach first.”

  “Why?” Casey took a step back.

  Ariel cursed. “Just let her so it so we can get the hell out of here.”

  Casey sighed, lifting her shirt. The woman took the wand thing and slowly waved it over her stomach with one hand while reached out to tug at Casey’s pants to lower them to her hipbones. The woman turned her head, moving the wand away. Her focus went to look at a green screen. Casey followed her stare. She didn’t know what she was looking at. Ahhu tensed. Her gaze flew back to Casey.

  “You are bound to Argis Argernon regardless of your wishes to not be. You took his seed in your belly.”

  The three women who were touching Argernon gasped, one of them sniffing. Casey jerked her eyes to Argernon’s house helpers. Din and Valle looked shocked, but Bara was the one who’d sniffed, tears were sliding down her cheeks, her pain obvious. The woman lowered her head. Casey frowned at the doctor.

  “You can’t make me stay with him because I gave him a damn blowjob. How in the hell does that thing even know about it?”

  Ariel cursed. “Oh man. That’s not what they mean. They talk weird. Planting seed in your belly isn’t swallowing like that. It means to them that you’re carrying his baby. He got you pregnant, Casey.”

  Casey stared at Ariel in shock. “No.”

  Ariel moved forward to grip Casey’s hand. “I’m so sorry, but if Ahhu says you got planted then you are.” She reached down to lift up her baggy shirt. “Trust me.”

  Casey stared down at the swollen stomach of the woman gripping her hand. The woman was at least five months pregnant. Casey’s gaze flew up to Ariel’s. She shook her head.

  “I don’t care if I’m pregnant. I’m not living in his damn polygamist house.”

  “I understand,” Ariel said softly. She turned, still gripping Casey’s hand. “Can we take her home with us?”

  Ral shook his head. “She’s bound to him. I can’t interfere unless he’s abusing her.”

  “What do you call this?” Ariel yelled at him. She waved her hand at Argernon and his house helpers. “You know how I’d feel right now, damn it.” The woman gave a dirty look at the other brother. “What in the hell was he thinking? You were with him.”

  Rever hesitated. “I didn’t even know he found a woman. Once I boarded the jumper from Earth I never saw him until after we were attacked. He was injured so we couldn’t talk. His scent was all over her and her on him. She cared for him every minute and slept at his side when she rested. I didn’t know until I met her that he’d bound her.”

  “I want to go home,” Casey whispered. “I…” She stared into Ariel’s eyes and pleaded. “I just want to go home. I just want to wake up. This is a nightmare, right? I just want my life back.”

  Ariel gave Casey’s hand a squeeze, turning her head. She shot a glare at the big man who was frowning. He was hovering behind her. “Do something, Ral.”

  The big man tensed, looking really unhappy. He nodded. He eyed the three house helpers. “Go home. She’s his bound and he didn’t warn her about you. She’s from a monogamous planet. Until he wakes to settle this mess he made, it is best if she is not upset more. Your presence distresses her.”

  A growl tore from Bara as she shook her head. “She knows nothing of our men. How will she revive him?”

  A growl tore from Ral’s mouth. He gave a curt nod at Bara. “You stay. They go.” He gave his attention to Ariel next. “Trust me on this. Take his bound to get clean. I will stay here to tend to my brother until you get back.” He gave a nod at Ahhu. “Show them to another room with a shower.”

  Ariel narrowed her eyes. “Why do you want us out of here, Ral? I know you too damn well. Why is she staying?” Ariel pointed at Bara.

  A growl rumbled from Ral. “Trust me and take his bound to shower. When she returns Argernon will be awake, then he can fix this mess himself.”


  Another growl rumbled from Ral. “Ariel, I love you. Trust me on this. Please?” His gaze locked with hers.

  “Damn. I hate it when you give me that look. Fine.” Ariel turned to Casey. “Let’s get you a shower, a change of clothes and fed. Ral is making those women go home. They’ll wake Argernon up and then you can tear his balls off.” Ariel shot Ral a glare. “And he’d deserve it.”

  Ral gave a sharp nod. “He would. He was warned well by you of human women. Thank you.” He gave her a wink.

  “You owe me big.” She shot him a grin.

  Casey made herself not look at Argernon or his three live-in sex playmates. She still felt betrayed and hurt. Jealousy played in her emotions too. It burned in her as Ahhu led them out of the room. She was pregnant? She couldn’t be. Of course they’d had sex so much that it was totally possible. Ariel gave a tug on her hand she held, leading a reeling Casey from the room to one next door.

  Ahhu spoke to Ariel. “I’ll have someone bring food and clothing for Argis Argernon’s bound. I’ll also start the medications we give you, so she doesn’t suffer the swelling and heat that you did.”

  “Thanks.” Ariel took a step in the path of the Zorn woman before she escaped. “Why did Ral want us out of the room?”

  Ahhu swallowed hard. Her gaze darted to Casey and then back to Ariel. “Ask Argis Ral. It is not my place.”

  Ariel let go of Casey’s hand to step closer to the taller Zorn woman, staring up at her. “I’m asking you. Don’t bullshit me, Ahhu. We’ve gotten to know each other really well these last few months. I’d even consider you a good friend. What in the hell is Ral trying to hide? We deserve the truth.”

  Ahhu was looking really uncomfortable. “It would upset her greatly.”

  Casey frowned. “I’m already upset. Just spit it out. What other fucked-up thing am I not being told, that is going to make me want to shoot Argernon?”

  Ahhu met Casey’s curious look. “Our males are different from yours. They are very sexual. When a Zorn male is seriously injured they hibernate to slow their body’s functions down since they are unable to address their own needs.” The woman’s gaze locked with Ariel’s. “It happens to slow their sex drive and physical reactions down. To wake him up his body has to be woken.”

  “Goddamn it.” Ariel took a step away from the door. “Ahhu, you get your ass in there and tell them to not let that woman touch him. I’m going to talk to Casey first. Do you understand? If he needs that, she’ll do it. Move now.”

  Ahhu fled. Casey looked at Ariel with a frown.

  “What in the hell am I missing?”

  Ariel looked pissed. “You aren’t going to be missing me yelling at my husband, because they are going to hear it across the other side of the planet when I see him. What Ahhu said in their roundabout way of speaking is because
Argernon couldn’t get off for days his body went into shock and shut down. To wake him up he needs to get his little guys moving, if you know what I mean. My husband sent us in here so he could have muscle chick do Argernon while he’s down for the count to bring him around. That’s what you’ll need to do to wake him up. A hand job will probably do the trick.”

  Casey shut her eyes from the pain those words caused her. She felt sick and exhausted. She opened her eyes, meeting Ariel’s concerned ones.

  “Let her. He doesn’t belong to me. He’s just a four-timing asshole and I…” She hated the tears that filled her eyes. “I don’t give a damn. Where’s that shower and food? I want off this damn planet when Argernon wakes up after he gets his fuck from that bitch. I’m suffering from exhaustion and I’m just…done.”

  Casey spun away to locate the bathroom. She shut the door hard, locking it, and slid to the floor with her back to the door. She let it all out while she cried. The pain she experienced at finding out about Argernon lying to her about those other women was deep.

  She’d been kidnapped from her life she wanted to go back to. The days she’d spent on board with Argernon before the ship was attacked and the following three days that she’d cared for him staying glued to his unconscious side until they’d arrived at his home world had torn her up. Most of all she cried because she’d fallen in love with the bastard.

  Chapter Ten

  Argernon’s fingers were twisting in Casey’s hair. A smile played at his lips, enjoying her tongue licking at the head of his cock. A growl poured out of him as pleasure seared through him. Her hot tongue jerked away seconds before he was coming hard. Ecstasy made him groan loudly as his release exploded from his body.

  He liked it better when Casey wrapped her mouth around him to take his seed down her throat but he wasn’t going to complain about any way that she wanted to touch him. Opening his eyes, a smile on his lips, he found himself staring up at a white ceiling.

  It wasn’t the metal ceiling on the ship. Confusion hit him. Casey tugged her hair in his hand trying to break free of his hold. He moved his head. He felt strangely weak. He stared in shock at Bara as she gave him a hate-filled glare filled with accusation. His fingers were fisted in dark brown hair.

  “I’m not your human,” she spat. “I had to suffer hearing you moan her name over and over as I woke you.” She gave a hard tug with her head trying to get him to release her hair.

  Distress tore through Argernon. He yanked his hand away like he’d been burned. Bara rose up to her feet. Argernon sat up, realizing he was in medical on a bed. His gaze flew around the room. He was on Zorn. How could it be? Movement in the corner caught his attention. Ral was leaning against the door. His brother looked at him grimly. Ral’s attention slid to Bara.

  “Thank you,” Ral said gruffly.

  Bara gave a hiss of anger. “You are not welcome. He said her name. You refused to leave me with him alone. I do not enjoy someone watching me with my protector.”

  Ral took a deep breath. “You’re angry so I did not trust you with him until you calm. A woman in a rage is a woman I wouldn’t leave alone with my defenseless brother. It’s not like I haven’t seen you tongue a male before.”

  Snarling, Bara showed sharp teeth to Ral. Snapping her head, her eyes glared at Argernon. “You promised to protect me and give me a home. I will not release you from your word. I—”

  “Leave now,” Ral growled. “Give him time to recover.”

  Bara went stomping for the door. Argernon had the realization that he was naked on a bed. His body was damp and the scent of soap was on him. Someone had washed his hair as well as bathed him. He was confused as hell. His confused look went to Ral as he struggled to sit up all the way and cover his cock from his brother with the sheet. Anger was evident in Ral’s stiff stance.

  “The ship was attacked by the Collis,” Ral said slowly. “You suffered injuries when you fought them and you have been unconscious for three days. They were going after the human women to sell them for profit. There are some Collis willing to pay for forced house helpers if they are from Earth. Somehow they heard about what those women are like sexually.”

  Argernon paled, the blood draining from his face. “I remember. Casey…” Pain pierced his chest. Had she died?

  “She is alive but not well.”’

  Argernon pushed his body to the edge of the bed to swing his legs over. He would have gotten to his feet but Ral moved faster, grabbing him by his shoulders firmly, holding him in place. His brother shook his head.

  “Do not try to get out of bed. You are weak and unsteady. Ahhu had to hook you up for nourishment replenishment. You need some hours for your body to recover since you just came out of hibernation. You would be in much worse shape but your Casey forced nutrient paste down you and water for the three days she tended to you.”

  “Where is she? If she is hurt I need to be with her. Were we attacked by more Collis? Take me to her. If I can’t walk then carry me to her side. I bound her.”

  “I know what you’ve done.”

  Argernon frowned. “Your rage is so strong I can almost taste it. Why?”

  “Ariel is angry with me. She screamed at me and hit my chest with her fist. She is carrying my offspring and upsetting her is bad for her health and for the offspring. The only reason I don’t beat on you is because you are already weak. Ariel won’t even talk to me. She’s that angry.”

  “I don’t have time to figure out why Ariel is angry with you. Where is Casey? If I can’t go to her then can she come to me? I want to see her myself to make sure she is well.”

  “She’s alive.” Ral took a deep breath. “She won’t see you, Brother. She is currently barricaded in the next medical room and refuses to speak to anyone at all. Ariel has ordered us to leave your bound woman alone until she calms down. My belly-swollen bound is sitting in the hallway trying to talk her into speaking again.” Ral growled. “You really made a mess.”

  Argernon frowned. “Casey is…” He shook his head. “What is going on?”

  “You didn’t tell her you had house helpers. The three of them rushed to your side when you were brought to the medical building. Casey was at your side already. Ahhu said it was tense and painful all around as the women met. Bara is headstrong like you say you enjoy. She was unpleasant to your bound. Casey was shocked and hurt when she met your women so I’m sure Ahhu was putting it mildly on how bad it was.”

  “Lord of the Moons,” Argernon groaned.

  “We walked into that. Your house helpers were rubbing your body and touching you. Your bound was as white as a moon fish and I could smell her pain from across the room. Ariel took in the situation and reacted like she does when she is very angry. Casey renounced you as her bound.”

  Argernon growled, trying to climb off the bed again. “No. I won’t let her go.”

  “Stay put,” Ral snarled back. “Ahhu took care of it already. Casey can’t renounce you.”

  Argernon stared at his brother. “I don’t understand.”

  Ral took a deep breath. “Ahhu checked your Casey over. Good planting, Brother. You got your bound with offspring.”

  Argernon grinned. “You are sure?”

  Ral backed away, crossing his arms over his chest. “Positive. We were all in the room. Myself, my Ariel, Rever, your Casey, and your three house helpers were there. I don’t know what you are grinning over.” Ral’s eyes narrowed. “Your bound hates you and thinks you are the biggest deceiver on Zorn. She knows that Bara just woke you up from hibernation and how that was done.”

  Argernon paled. “She knows that Bara tongued me?”

  Ral gave a grim nod. “She knows.”

  “But I didn’t have a say—”

  “It doesn’t matter to them. Trust me. If another woman touched me, Ariel would remove a body part.” Ral’s hand slid down his body to cup his balls.

  “Why did you let her?” Argernon snarled. “You were in the room.”

  “You had to be woken
from hibernation. Do you think your bound would touch you after watching three of your house helpers rub their hands all over your body? Three house helpers you made no arrangements to find other homes for so they were gone by the time you arrived back on Zorn.” Ral growled. “You didn’t even warn her that you had them under your protection. When I brought Ariel to my home I had sent my house helpers away. What were you thinking? You were warned by my Ariel that human women are monogamous.”

  “I was going to.” Argernon snarled. “I had time still to make arrangements. Casey wasn’t sure she wanted bound to me. I had bound her already but she asked for time to decide and I wanted her willing to be my bound. I…” He shook his head. “I must speak to her.”

  “You don’t understand,” Ral sighed. “She won’t forgive you. Ariel has assured me of this. You have wounded your bound. She had tears and a lot of them from the sound of it. I could smell her pain. You hurt her very deeply. Human women are not Zorn, Argernon. If you hurt one deeply, they refuse to let you into their heart, and without this they will never allow themselves to be bound to you. You should have warned her about your women and made sure she didn’t have to see them touching you.”

  “I told her about house helpers.”

  “Did you tell her that you had three of them?”

  Argernon shook his head. “I was going to tell her that I would find them other homes and that by the time we reached Zorn they would be out of my life so she would be my only woman. The alarms sounded as I started to share with her my plans I had for the two of us. She carries my seed in her belly, Ral. She means everything to me. I understand now why you feel as you do for Ariel. I understand now why she means everything to you and how you could give up your house helpers for one woman. How do I fix this and get her back? I will not lose her.”

  Ral reached out to clasp his brother’s arm. Sympathy welled in his eyes. “I do not know.”

  “I have to get her back. I have to make this right.” Agony hit Argernon at the thought of losing Casey forever.

  Casey realized she was being childish. She eyed the door. She’d barricaded it with the bed and a desk. Guilt hit her over the pregnant Ariel in the hallway who kept trying to coax her into opening the door. She admitted that she could have handled this better. She moved for the door.


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