Tesla Evolution Box Set

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Tesla Evolution Box Set Page 39

by Mark Lingane

  “We are a strong city. We have survived the worst you’ve thrown at us.” Then he heard the noise.

  “You have a choice. There is good.good probability that we win, if not this battle then next. We win one day. Ask yourself if you want to die or live. Free me, and I will save you. Take you away from here.”

  There was a long thoughtful pause.

  “Do you make deal with the devil?” the cyborg asked.

  “I could ask the same question.” Oliver took out a knife and pushed it slowly between the ribs of the cyborg.

  The cyborg thrashed as the pain speared through him, until he finally slumped into a lifeless carcass, suspended by the shackles chaining him to the wall.

  “Form up, men.” Captain Barnes was storming over the large piazza behind the main western gates.

  The guards had quickly shuffled the stall sellers out of the way and, along with the other civilians, they were panicking and frantically running into the depths of the city. Now that the captain had a clear area to work with, he commenced his defense strategy. He waved his hands and barked orders at a ferocious rate.

  The troop of soldiers fell into a triangle formation behind the gates. The light and quick artillery was at the front, with the first row on their knees and the second standing closely behind them, diminishing back through fewer men, but with heavier and slower firepower.

  A hush fell over the soldiers.

  And then it came. A boom echoed around the city like the hammer of the gods. The gates shook and the massive bolts holding it in place began to loosen. The men took a tentative step back.

  “Hold strong, men,” commanded the captain. His voice was strong but inside he felt an anxious void of fear and dread expectation.

  One smaller fighter at the front of the formation felt sweat trickle from inside his helmet down into his eye. He nervously blinked the sweat away and sighted his gun at the gates.

  Then came another boom. The gates shook violently and a crack appeared.

  Then came the third boom, and the gates flew off their hinges. Dust billowed up into the air as they slammed onto the ground. The city lay open and vulnerable to whatever horrors waited outside.

  There was a moment of silence before a low growl made the earth tremble.

  The men shifted uneasily.

  A gentle breeze blew in, disturbing the dust even further.

  A screech ripped through the air, causing some of the men to clutch at their ears. Then an arm, as black as night and the size of a tree, swung out of the dust clouds.


  THE ARM SWUNG low, smashing into several soldiers and knocking them to the ground. The remaining men in the front rank opened fire on the hidden creature.

  “Hold your fire until you can see your target,” the captain shouted.

  Then out of the clouds they came. The targets marched forward, a single file of unrelenting destruction.

  Under fire from the light weaponry, the first creature stormed into the piazza. It stood motionless, sniffing the air. The beast was part bear, part gorilla and part reptile, and was covered in armor thick enough to easily deflect the soldiers’ firepower. It leaned forward on its long arms while its reptilian head swung from side to side, sniffing. As if spotting the soldiers for the first time it blinked slowly, roared and charged.

  Line after line of men fired over the top of each other … and fell like dominoes as the beast stampeded into their ranks. Its fists swung wildly from side to side, knocking the men over as if they were toys.

  The men at the rear aimed a cannon. Someone yelled a command. The soldiers turned their backs on the cannon as it blasted a great molten lump of steel. It hit the beast squarely in the chest, forcing it to stagger back several steps.

  Another beast entered into the battle zone and caught the first, saving it from toppling over.

  Then another entered.

  And on they came.

  Nikola burst onto his office balcony and saw six horrific beasts smashing their way into the city. The soldiers were defending but their weapons appeared to be having little effect.

  On the left, making their way from the service gate, he saw Sebastian and Isaac sneaking through the old government buildings. Nikola looked at the beast, looked at the boys, then grabbed a rope in his office, tied it onto the railing and leapt over the side.

  The beast stopped and sniffed the air. It looked down toward the post office and flung the guard in its grip aside.

  Sebastian and Isaac hid, trembling, behind one of the large stone pillars at the front of the building. The beast leaned forward onto its hands and lowered its head to sniff the stone. The great snake-like head swung from side to side as if in a trance. There was a reptilian sound of scales over stone as a hand the size of a door slowly wrapped around the pillar. Each finger curled until the pillar was firmly in its grip.

  As the fingers contracted above them, the boys huddled on the ground, too afraid to breathe. Time slowed. The boys looked up, wide-eyed, and watched the mammoth fingers.

  The fingers tensed then pulled. There was an almighty sound of stone being shattered as the beast heaved on the pillar, which, in one terrifying moment, cracked and gave way. The roof groaned, and the boys screamed as it split and tumbled down toward them.

  Isaac shouted and the boys ran to the next pillar as dust and debris rained down. They huddled behind the old stone.

  A blast from the cannon knocked the beast into the rubble. It clambered back up and stepped away in search of the new target. The noise subsided and the boys took a breath.

  Isaac quickly glanced around the pillar. “It’s gone,” he whispered.

  Sebastian signaled toward the next building over, the old bank. It was solid and offered better protection.

  They sprinted toward it and into the waiting hand of the beast. The hand closed tightly around them and started to squeeze. They boys cried out as the beast applied greater pressure. It narrowed its yellow eyes and bared its fangs.

  Nikola charged from across the street and drove his sword deep into the creature’s hand, forcing it to drop the boys. It screamed in rage and pain.

  The boys were ripped off the ground and dragged by their collars onto their feet. Nikola charged up to the front doors of the bank and kicked heavily. The doors shook violently but stayed closed. He kicked again and again.

  The beast focused on the three figures attempting to escape. Its long arm snaked its way through the debris. Nikola’s kicking became more frantic as the hand came closer. The large fingers clutched at the boys, seconds away from closing around them.

  Nikola took a couple of steps back and put his shoulder to the door. It finally gave. He turned and clutched at the boys as the horrendous hand began to close. He grabbed whatever he could and they fell through the doors into the safety of the bank.

  The beast withdrew its hand with its spoils and opened its mouth. It dropped the contents inside and Isaac’s cape and pieces of rubble fell away.

  “I told you capes were important,” murmured Isaac as the beast’s scream of frustration echoed around the cavernous chamber.

  All three lay quietly as they fought to get their emotions and heart rates under control.

  “Sebastian, is there anything you can do against these things?” Nikola said.

  “I can’t sense them. They’re not like cyborgs or dragons.”

  “You don’t say,” snapped Isaac.

  “It’s like they’re dead. I can’t get any EM readings at all.”

  “Could their armor be stopping it?” Nikola asked. “Every living thing has to have an EM reading.”

  “Could be.”

  They stood up and dusted themselves off.

  Sebastian looked at Nikola. He didn’t look well. “Is everything all right?” he asked.

  “I’m just a bit tired,” Nikola replied. “Quick, we need to get out of here. I’m sure the rubble will only hold them for so long before they burst in.”

  Isaac nodded. “Let’s go up o
nto the roof and get a bird’s eye view.”

  They hustled out the back and made their way up a twisting staircase until they emerged on the roof. They were just in time to see a group of soldiers take down a stumbling beast, forcing it to the ground where they hacked into it with anything sharp they could find.

  “At least they’re not indestructible,” Nikola said.

  “Yeah, it only takes a couple of cannons and about twenty men to kill one. Easy,” Isaac said.

  “I’ll call for help,” Sebastian shouted as he turned and ran toward the edge of the building.

  “Help?” Isaac said. “Who from?”


  Sebastian had only sensed the war machine a handful of times since the last battle, and not recently. But, like an old friend, he felt sure the war machine would be there when he needed it most.

  He took a deep breath, closing his mind to the turmoil and calming his nerves. Then he launched himself off the side of the building and fell. The world faded away into gray silhouettes and then into darkness. He felt the fall. Colored flecks flew by, increasing in speed until they blurred into white streaks.

  He called out. He answered.

  “Who the hell is Rex?” Nikola shouted after the disappearing boy.

  “Did he just fall off the roof?” Isaac said.

  Nikola shook his head. “I swear that boy gets weirder by the month. Come on, Isaac, you’d better stick with me.”

  A great blast of wind gusted up from over the side of the building.

  “Is he still on that starchy diet?” Isaac said.

  Nikola grabbed Isaac by his collar and dragged him away.


  “COMMANDER, IT’S GOOD to see you.” Captain Barnes saluted Nikola as he climbed the last stairs to the observation deck. Isaac followed closely behind.

  “Likewise, Captain. Give me an update.”

  “We’re under attack.” The captain waited until he realized more was required. “Currently we’re losing, but I think we can turn it around.”

  “Worst report ever, Captain. What’s your plan?”

  “At this stage we’re engaging in disconcerting and abrupt sonic attacks, and rapid, evasive maneuvers.”

  “Running and shouting?”

  “That pretty much sums it up. Everything else failed. Although it has been successful to a certain extent.”

  Before Nikola could respond to the captain’s contradictory words, they all heard a long stream of swearwords. Nikola clamped his hands over Isaac’s ears.

  “It’s all right,” Isaac said. “I hear worse at school.”

  Up the stairs ran Melanie. In full armor, she was dazzling in the midday sun. Her brass was polished to a shine that could blind all who surrounded her.

  “Captain Flinders,” Nikola said to Melanie, “your visitation is warmly received.”

  “Think nothing of it, Commander. We were out on patrol in the north, getting bored, saw the clouds then heard the noise. We got back as fast as we could.”

  “Your assistance is sorely needed.”

  “What’s the situation?”

  “We have six, sorry, five of these things in the city, plus some cyborgs outside.”

  “Not anymore. The cys have been dispatched.” Melanie looked down onto the battlefield in front of them. Academy forces were scattered everywhere, surrounding the giant beasts. “Where are the civilians?”

  “They’re in the church.” Nikola pointed to a small converted building that had a cross strung up on the wall facing the street. It had a wide set of front doors, but looked inconsequential amongst the taller surrounding buildings.

  “We have a church?” Melanie said.

  “We thought it best. Some of the new people find solace in it. It’s also somewhere you can get married.” He gave her a questioning look.

  She snorted. “Married life ain’t for me. Look, that creature’s heading over to the church.”

  One of the beasts was sniffing along the ground, tracking its way toward the small building. It brought up one fist and smashed a hole in the roof. The rubble tumbled from the roof onto the terrified people below. They huddled together, with their petrified faces looking up.

  “Why are they just standing there?” Isaac said.

  “My best guess,” said Captain Barnes, “and this is only a guess, would be fear. They're staring up at a twenty-foot monster that appears intent on their obliteration. If I was a religious person I’d start believing right now.”

  “There are no guards nearby. Those people are unprotected. Someone has to do something.” Melanie looked pointedly at the captain and the commander. “Oh, very well.”

  She glanced over the assembled tools on the deck and grabbed a rope tethered to a grappling hook. She swung it vigorously over her head and launched it at the clock tower. The hook sailed out and latched onto one of the roof supports. She wrapped the rope around her waist, holding it tightly in front of her, and ran. She leapt off the roof, falling before the rope went taut and flung her toward the great beast.

  She released and flew through the air with her arms outstretched, landing squarely on the beast’s back. She sank her hands into the armor and pulled a face of disgust as they disappeared into something viscous. She found something solid, an edge to hold onto, then kicked out her feet and twisted up around its neck, locking her legs around its throat. She shook the slime off her hands and spun around its neck, coming face to face with the strangest beast she had ever seen.

  It roared and opened its cavernous mouth wide. She withdrew both her pistols and emptied them into its gaping maw. The bullets came out the other side of its head. The beast stumbled, took an unsteady step backwards then collapsed to its knees. It fell forward into the front of the church, partially demolishing a wall.

  Melanie leapt back, landing heavily on her shoulder as she fell into a combat roll but recovered and jumped to her feet.

  The crowd cheered. She holstered her weapons and got ready for the appropriate accolades.

  “We have been saved. Cheer for our savior,” someone shouted. “The Lord has saved us.”

  She shrugged. They were in a church after all. She looked for the exit and ran out into the street.


  SEBASTIAN FELL TOWARD the ground. He returned from his vision, focusing on the molecules in the air beneath him. As he neared the ground he changed their spin and sent a gust of air upwards. It blasted into his body, slowing his descent, and he landed gently on his feet. He looked back up at the three floors he had fallen down. It had taken him a lot of attempts and many bruises to be able to time the gust just right, but it was a great way of escaping.

  He ran down an alleyway, heading in the direction of the piazza at the entrance to the city. The sounds of battle echoed down the narrow street. He paused at the side of a building and looked out. The coast was clear. He spotted another small alleyway opening onto the main square. He heard a thunderous crash followed by a loud cheer. The men must have brought down another one.

  He dashed across the square and into the other alleyway. The sounds of fighting were much louder here.

  He could feel Rex approaching, but the signal was weak. He guessed it meant the batteries were low. He needed to recharge the great machine, and the city only had one power generator.

  Sebastian slowed as he approached the piazza. A small group of soldiers staggered past, reeling and stumbling backward from a blow from one of the beasts. He jumped back into the alleyway as the beast chased after the men.

  He waited, and then ran out behind the beast. A loud roar froze him in his tracks. He looked up at the beast and the beast returned the glare. It raised a fist and started to bring it down on top of him. He spotted a discarded shield. Without thinking, his mind flipped the electrical pattern of the molecules from the shield and created a duplicate in the air above him. The fist bounced off the air shield.

  The beast brought its other fist down and continued raining blows down like a demented windmill.
The force drove Sebastian back toward the wall. He could feel his mind slipping on the molecular formation. It was about to dissolve and leave him defenseless.

  Just as the beast slammed down another powerful blow, Sebastian released the pattern from his mind. The electrical energy holding the pattern together, suddenly with nowhere to go, earthed on the nearest object. A spark as bright as lightning and as large as a tree leapt onto the hand of the creature. It jumped back in surprise and cried out in pain.

  Sebastian took the opportunity to dash between its legs and out into the city.

  Nikola scratched his temple as he watched the action unfurl from where he stood on the observation deck. Melanie had joined in the fray, shooting and stabbing anything bigger than her. To his horror, Nikola saw one beast corner her between two buildings. It brought both hands down, slamming them together and crushing Melanie between the great slabs of muscle and meat.

  The beast lifted its hands to its face and opened them. They were empty. A quizzical look crossed its face. It turned its hands around and Melanie jumped off the back of one hand onto its face. She managed a few shots before her gun was empty. The beast brought up its hand and swatted her away. She fell and landed heavily on her side. Dazed, she slowly staggered to her feet. The beast turned back toward her.

  Nikola frantically looked around for a way to defend her. He spotted another beast that was charging after a cluster of men across the piazza, and also a cannon beneath him in front of a building being rebuilt.

  He grabbed the largest grappling hook available on the deck. He started to spin on the spot, picking up speed, swinging the great hook in the air. He released it. It sailed across the piazza and landed on the back of the second creature, which barely noticed. He grabbed the thick rope, jumped from the deck onto the rooftops and ran toward the beast that was attacking Melanie on the ground below.

  Nikola looped the rope over a rooftop support beam on the half-built house and slid down, landing on the cannon, much to the surprise of the soldiers manning it. He barked an order. The men quickly secured the rope to the cannon and lifted it—and Nikola—skyward as the charging beast continued across the piazza. The men turned the cannon toward the beast as Melanie continued to defend herself.


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