Tesla Evolution Box Set

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Tesla Evolution Box Set Page 138

by Mark Lingane

  “@SUMMER, STOP THE Master. I think he’s been injured,” Nikola shouted. “His helmet is cracked.”

  @summer ran forward, dodging around the soldiers. She stood before the Master. He swiped at her with the black sword. She ducked under the swing, stepped in, and grabbed his hands. He kicked out at her, buckling her leg. She twisted into the blow, leaning forward with her shoulder, and picked him up off the ground. With her exosuit hissing under the pressure, she ran forward and flung him onto the ground. She jumped on top of him and fired the Gatling guns.

  The Master swung upward. His fist caught @summer and knocked her to the ground. He pulled himself to his feet and picked up his sword. He brought it down, but @summer leaped up and swung from side to side, jumping out of the way. Several enemy soldiers moved in behind her, blocking her escape. The Master brought down his mighty sword again.

  @summer jumped to the side, then spun around and fired several rounds at the soldiers behind her. She spun back and was met by the Master’s fist smacking into her. She stumbled backward and tripped over one of the fallen soldiers. She tried to scramble away, but found it impossible to get a purchase on the muddy ground. The Master brought his foot down onto her. He raised his sword and brought it down.

  The EM beam scorched through the air and knocked the Master sideways. The blade went wide and narrowly missed @summer’s head. Niels hit the recharge button on the smoking EM gun.

  The Master rolled and slid across the mud, coming to a stop several dozen yards away. He got to his feet and started walking toward the temple.

  @summer scrambled to her feet and ran to get Sebastian.

  A group of Giants swept in and pinned her down behind a pile of masonry. Bullets ricocheted around her as she assessed her options. She glanced up and over the pile, then leapt to her feet and blasted her way toward a separated group of Chargers.

  More Giants swarmed in and closed around them.

  She saw Sebastian fall under the sheer weight of numbers as the Master made his way back to his temple. She called out to Nikola, who stopped his charge through the enemy.

  “I’ll hold him back,” he called. “You go get Sebastian.”

  She somersaulted over the Chargers in front of her and blew her way through the enemy ranks toward Sebastian.

  Niels aimed the EM gun again. “Master!” he called.

  The Master stopped and turned around. “Niels, how can you do this?”

  “How can you do this?”

  “You designed all of it.”

  “You had me brainwashed. I didn’t choose any of this.”

  “How your memory fades, Niels. You came to me with your creations, and now I’m using them—as you built them.”

  “I didn’t build the cannon. That’s your doing. Please do not use it. If it malfunctions, the results will be catastrophic.”

  “Isn’t that the whole idea?”

  Niels aimed at the Master’s badly cracked helmet. He pulled the trigger. The gun shorted and fizzed.

  “Fool. Traitor.” The Master ran up to Niels and slashed his sword against the gun. The blade sliced into Niels, who staggered back.

  “Please don’t use the cannon,” Niels pleaded. “We don’t know how to control such power. It was never meant for us.”

  The Master pushed him over and he collapsed into the mud. He walked quickly away.

  Sebastian ran up and saw Niels lying on the ground, holding his stomach and shivering in the cold air. Sebastian knelt down next to him and called for a medic.

  “Hold on, Niels. You can make it. Stay with me. You want to see Sophia, don’t you?” Sebastian called again for the medic.

  Blood was coming out of Niels’ mouth. “Sophia will be dead. No one can survive this.”

  “No, you’re wrong, we can survive. You can survive.”

  “Sebastian, there’s something you need to know. We’ve all been near the Time Flare, but we’ve only seen the futures that involve us. None of us has had the power to change the future. There’s only one person who can do that. You. You must decide the future. Everything up until now has been like a game for you, but this is different. This is what you are here for. This is your identity and your destiny.”

  @summer arrived and knelt beside Niels. She ran her diagnostic unit over him. The signs came up negative. “I’m sorry.sorry. He’s gone.”

  Sebastian glanced up and saw the infected charging toward them.

  “Oh, no. Where is Nikola?”

  “He has gone to fight the Master.”

  “But he can’t. He’ll be cut down. I have to do something.” He looked toward the factory. Come down and face me, Master. You hide behind a mask and an army because you are afraid of me. And you know why.

  White king takes knight.

  The Master and Reeves stood in the iron works factory.

  “You can’t be thinking of going back out there and engaging with this upstart?” Reeves said.

  The Master dragged Reeves close. “Then you go find the tesla and bring him to me.”

  Reeves stepped back and bowed.

  “Bring me the sonic helmet,” the Master said.

  Reeves scooted away and reappeared with a replacement helmet. A slim-lined scoop ran from the top of the helmet down to where it clipped into place on the Master’s body armor.

  “The helmet is fully charged, Master.”

  “Keep the cannon firing until not one of them is left alive,” the Master boomed as he departed. He grabbed a short dark blade and snapped it onto his back.

  Reeves hobbled over to the cannon. He pulled several levers until a large rotary timer began to spin. He quickly left for safer grounds.

  The hum from the cannon descended through the octaves. The light around it went red and a dense beam speared out. Everything before it, buildings, people, life, crumpled to dust. Charlie and the Chargers were gone, erased from reality in a spit second.

  The cannon slowly turned clockwise toward the west.

  @summer charged forward.

  “No!” Sebastian cried.

  A blue sphere erupted from him and sped toward the cannon, which fired in response. The two fields met in a spectacularly bright flash, but Sebastian’s power was not strong enough to stop the beam completely.

  The Master made his way down the steps to the lower level of the factory, his boots thudding on the metal risers. He crossed the works area, where chains hung down from great loading mechanisms. Heat from the active smelter had built up, and molten iron was flowing into the pits, pouring down like small waterfalls. Out from the mesmerizing colors of the metal stepped an imposing figure.

  “Who are you?” The Master’s voice was full of contempt.

  “I’m the former commander of the Steam Academy, the collected military services, the western quadrant and its associated regions and allies, and senior officer on the Pacific seaboard. But you have my permission to call me Nikola. I have come to America, the darkest place in the world, to put an end to you.”

  “Get out of my way.”

  The Master’s voice sounded to Nikola like a thousand nails dragged across a blackboard. Nikola tilted his head away. “I won’t let you pass.”

  “Then I’ll kill you.”

  “It’s the duty of a soldier to protect his king.”

  The Master paused. “King? Who … the boy? So he means something to you.” He raised his gauntlet and pointed at Nikola.

  Nikola gripped his sword and brought it up to his face. The light from the fires danced around the immense blade. “You are my main concern. Your reign of evil is over.”

  “Ah, I see the resemblance now. Yes. He was your son. I enjoyed cutting him to the ground, breaking his spirit, and leaving him to die.”

  Hatred glared in Nikola’s eyes. He rotated the sword in his hands. “But he didn’t die. He’s now stronger than ever. Maybe even stronger than me.”

  “Well, he discovered his spirit. Either way, I’m not concerned about either of you. I’ll kill you both.” The M
aster roared, ripped the two swords off his back, and brought both down on Nikola.

  Nikola parried the thrusts with his own sword, and the two blades were locked together. Electricity crawled along them. Nikola pushed back, and the Master’s arms trembled. He kicked out, catching Nikola on the knee and forcing him down. Nikola relaxed the grip on his sword and the Master’s blades slipped down. Nikola straightened, and spun on the spot to face his foe.

  The two circled around each other, parrying and striking.

  Nikola swung his sword wide and swept in with his full strength. The Master was knocked sideways. Nikola followed with two high kicks to the ribcage, knocking the Master further off balance. He brought up his sword in a wide arc that was only deflected by a desperate movement by the Master.

  Nikola reversed the sword in his grip, leaped through the air, and brought the pommel down onto the Master’s helmet, causing the man to reel back. Nikola attacked ferociously, thrusting from side to side. The Master was forced to use his sword for defense only until Nikola knocked it free of his hands. The Master stood back, protecting his side. Nikola quickly moved in from the side and struck the Master repeatedly with the pommel until his opponent had lost all sense. Then he moved in swiftly, grabbed him by the throat, lifted him, and smashed him to the ground. Nikola circled around the man.

  There was a clanking of metal followed by the sound of spinning wheels. Long chains hanging from the roof on rollers sped through the air. Nikola knocked each one aside, but they kept coming. They curled in around him, crushing him.

  The tesla stepped out of the shadows. His face was pale, and blood was flowing from his nose down onto his torso. His hands were moving in synchronization with the chains.

  Watched by the Master, Nikola struggled against the great metal shackles imprisoning him, driving the air out of him and crushing his bones.

  The tesla started to sway. More blood poured from his nose. Then it started coming from his eyes. Though his vision was fading, Nikola could see that the tesla boy was weakening. He braced and fought back against the chains as well as he could. He knew he only had to outlast the tesla’s strength—several tons of crushing iron.

  The tesla fainted and the chains fell free. Nikola collapsed to the metal flooring, pale and barely breathing.

  The Master picked up his swords and kicked Nikola, who didn’t respond. “I didn’t even need to defeat you.” The Master turned away.

  “I’m not defeated yet,” Nikola croaked.

  The Master turned.

  “Don’t think a cowardly attack like that can beat me.” Nikola staggered to his feet, wincing from the pain.

  “You don’t fight like a commander.”

  “People sometimes forget where they came from. I never have, and I’ll sacrifice everything to protect what’s important.” Nikola picked up his sword and held it in his palm. “And I can tell where other people come from. I can feel your fear as you hide behind your mask, afraid to face the world.”

  The Master ripped out his sword and sliced it sideways. Nikola deflected the blow, and brought his own sword around, crashing into the Master’s blade. He drove forward and twisted, knocking the blade from the Master’s hand, pitching it across the floor. He punched into the Master’s armor, under the arm, denting it and forcing the Master back. He swung his leg around and kicked the Master, who fell, rolled, and got back up onto his feet. He let out a sonic roar.

  Nikola flinched against the aural onslaught. The Master raised his sword and swung down, grazing Nikola’s torso. The Master pressed his advantage. Nikola lost his footing on several bolts that were scattered on the floor. The Master began pushing him toward the smelter pit. The two grappled, teetering on the edge of the pit. The Master smashed his elbow into Nikola’s ribcage and pushed him into the pit.

  Nikola’s sword clattered to the ground. He fell backwards. He twisted in midair and grabbed a support beam below the gangway. He swung back and forth to gain momentum, then thrust himself up and onto the other side of the gangway.

  The Master ran around and charged, bringing down his sword. Nikola rolled out of the way, jumped to his feet, and picked up his sword.

  They circled each other. Nikola feigned a low attack, then brought down a fierce combination of blows, driving the Master back, around to the other side of pit. He kept pushing, and the Master went backward up the steps and onto the gangway above the smelter pit. They locked swords. Electricity crawled down the blades, and sparks leaped from one to the other.

  The Master released another sonic blast, but he had weakened. Nikola rallied, and made a series of upward strokes. Then he repeated the attack. The Master fell back, exhausted. Nikola brought down one final slice that knocked the sword from the Master’s hand.

  The Master swung around, disorientated, looking for his weapon. Nikola dropped his sword. Hearing the sound, the Master spun around and swung wildly with undirected punches. Nikola dodged them easily. The Master tried to release another sonic blast, but there was no sound.

  Nikola stepped in next to the man, grabbed the Master’s helmet, and rammed it into the iron railings. The Master staggered backward. Nikola kicked him in the stomach. He grabbed the helmet again, and smashed it repeatedly into the railing. Anger and rage flowed through him. He smashed his elbow into the Master’s back, driving him to his knees. He kicked into his stomach, sending the Master to the other side of the gangway.

  The Master lay unmoving.

  Nikola grabbed the limp body and lifted it above his head. He staggered to the edge of gangway and prepared to throw it into the molten metal.

  Reeves stepped out of the shadows. Quietly and deftly, he slipped a poisoned knife deep into Nikola’s side.

  Nikola cried out. The Master crashed to the ground with a heavy thud. Nikola collapsed to his knees. Reeves giggled when he saw the blood trickling out. He skipped, turned, and ran. Nikola reached out and grabbed him by the foot. Reeves shrieked as he fell. He twisted, and kicked until his foot was free. He giggled again as he jumped up and ran away across the gangway.

  Nikola ripped the knife out of his wound and threw it at Reeves. It entered between his shoulder blades. He fell forward, twisting around and reaching in vain for the knife. He slumped forward and lay still.

  Nikola collapsed onto the warm metal grating, fighting against unconsciousness.

  The Master staggered to his feet, unstable and still disoriented. He picked up his sword and slid it into the scabbard on his back, the effort making him stagger backward. He picked up Nikola and pitched him over the railing into the molten pit below.


  THE MASTER STEPPED out of the temple. He gazed out at the wastelands in front of him. To his left was the impossible tower of raw power and light spiraling around the tiny point of blackness at its center. In front of him, ranks upon ranks of soldiers were locked in bitter combat. Dragons screeched above, raining down fire. The infected swarmed over the living and dead.

  Sebastian stood in front of the temple and watched the great creatures wheeling above, another import from his homeland. Everything bad seemed to have made its way to North America.

  The Master saw Memphis cowering in the entrance and grabbed her. “You wanted this. You wanted to watch. Your part of the deal is to see him slain.”

  He dragged her out into the open and threw her into the mud.

  Sebastian looked at Memphis. She could not bring herself to raise her head and look at him, surrounded by the devastation around her.

  Sebastian focused on the Master. “Beware, I am a tesla.”

  The mad warlord looked at his army, which was scattering the Chargers, the 49th, and all the other western soldiers. He laughed. Victory loomed large for him. He shook his head.

  “We’ve been here before, boy, and no one was impressed. You can’t defeat my combined might. Not without destroying yourself and your friends.”

  “You don’t know that. Things have changed.”

  “Time has foretold of this moment.
I’ve seen it. The truth can’t be denied.”

  “Believe your own lies. The truth, especially yours, has been what you made it.”

  “You will join me.”

  “Never. And you know that is the truth.”

  “Then you will die,” the Master roared. “In the same way that I killed Nikola. I drove him to his knees and executed him.”

  “No. You lie. Even death cannot beat Nikola,” Sebastian spat.

  “Yet he yielded like a whimpering coward.”

  Sebastian charged.

  The Master parried and knocked him aside. “This will be easy. You’re no warrior.”

  “I’m not your kind of warrior.”

  “That’ll make it even easier.”

  The Master, recharged now, let out a sonic blast. Sebastian reeled back, unable to deal with the sound. It cut through him and left his mind numb. He was only barely aware that the Master was moving in fast. He lifted his sword to parry, but only managed to deflect the sword. It cut down into his leg. He cried out and clutched at his leg.

  White queen to king. Check.

  The Master swung the sword around his head and drove the blade forward. Sebastian twisted. The blade scraped along his neck, and the point skewed downward into his shoulder. He screamed and fell back.

  The Master pushed the blade in deeper and twisted it.

  “No,” Memphis screamed, slamming into him.

  The Master turned and kicked out at her. He connected with her stomach, and she slid across the mud, coming to rest in a heap. He turned back to Sebastian.

  Sebastian rose to his feet. “On the dark side,” he muttered. He looked down at his leg and concentrated. The wound dried and cauterized. He held his shoulder, but the Master was too close and he couldn’t heal it.

  The Master brought his sword down; Sebastian knocked it aside with his own. The swords sparked as they clashed. The Master kicked into Sebastian’s leg, driving him sideways. His feet fought for purchase in the mud. He swung wildly at the Master, who easily intercepted the strike and punched down with his other fist, catching Sebastian on the jaw. Sebastian spun around and struck back, clasping his sword in both hands and hacking downward. The Master parried the thrust with the black blade.


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