Sweet Hill Homecoming

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Sweet Hill Homecoming Page 8

by Ryan, Joya

  “I see,” Tate said and Mia felt like an idiot.

  So many emotions were firing and she didn’t’ know how to deal with it. She needed to keep her focus. Find her balls and woman up.

  “So you can see why this is important to me too. I may not be the Community Event Planner yet, but this is a real job to me and a shot at a permanent position.”

  Ms. Delmore actually looked through her book and valued her ideas. Something Mia wasn’t giving up on.

  “I’m staying on this event, Tate. Like it or not, but that’s a fact.”

  He glanced down and for a man who seemed to have every aspect of his life together, an air of insecurity came over him. Tatum West was nothing if not determined. From the way he held himself to his commitment to the truth and god knows his stickler ways to the rules…but there was respect in that. Honor. Something that while he irritated the crap out of her on most occasion, she could appreciate.

  “I get that, Mia. But understand that nothing can mess up this event. I’m trying to show the town, especially the people that have major doubts, that I can handle being Sheriff. No scandal. Not even a hint of anything that could dirty my reputation. Do you get what I’m saying?”

  She looked into his eyes and yeah, she got it. By nothing, he meant her. Nope. No way would she let him and his prick attitude damper her night. Especially when for a moment she opened up and thought they connected.

  “So no fucking against the court house then?”

  “Jesus, Mia,” he sighed like dealing with an exasperated child.

  “What? I just want to understand. Basically you want me to keep a distance so we’re not linked on this event, is that right?”

  “I just want this to go well. I have a lot going on right now and me being seen as dating or—”

  “First of all, we’re not dating. Second of all, spare me your speech. I know how guys like you work.”

  “And I know women like you.”

  “Do you? Is that why you keep popping up everywhere I am?”

  “That’s because most of the time you or your family is in some kind of issue with the law.”

  “That’s because my family can’t seem to crawl out from under a semi-shitty reputation placed on us. You want to judge people on the past? Be my guest, but I’m not who you think I am.”

  “Oh? Because I think I’ve gotten a pretty good idea of who you are—”

  She cut him off again because he was going to likely insult her. “Do you want to be Sheriff?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Why is that, huh? Because you want to make a difference? Be a better man than Branch?”

  Tate looked almost shocked but he recovered quickly. “Branch is a good man.”

  “I’m not saying he isn’t, but I can see the guilt in your eyes. I don’t know the details of your life, but if you want something, want to be the better Sheriff? The better man?” She stopped and looked him dead in the eye. “Then act like it. Because that’s what people will see.”

  He glanced down at her. “Is that what you do? Just act? Unfortunately it’s easier to make a difference when you can actually inflict change. And persona matters. Do you get to be who you want and it doesn’t matter how people see you? No forethought into any of your decisions?”

  She wanted to snap at him, but refrained, because the truth was, “Yes, sometimes I do.” But when she committed, she went all in. “I’d rather do that, than live in a constantly calculated world.”

  He looked at her for a long moment then the strangest thing happened. A kind of warmth and candor laced his features. As if he was impressed with her.

  “Ambitious, Mia,” he said and Mia swore she heard praise in his voice.

  But part of her wanted to scoff because all that ambition got her was right back to where she started. Sweet Hill. She couldn’t outrun who people thought she was. She couldn’t outrun parts of her reputation she actually earned. But she could be proud of herself now. Kyle was an ambition of hers. This job was her ambition. She may struggle in areas of her life, but Mia always owned herself, her sexuality, and her environment. She could commit and that’s what she did when Kyle needed her.

  Kyle was forever to her, but Sweet Hill was a place she could rebuild. It offered an opportunity she could earn and make one-hundred percent hers. And not anyone, including the Deputy with his fear that she’d stain his precious reputation, could derail her.

  “I’m going to rock the shit out of this event,” she said. “I hope you can keep up.”

  He smiled. “I believe that. You have some valuable skills that…” he glanced away and she smiled.

  “Why, Deputy, are you stalling because attempting to compliment me is that unappealing?”

  He looked at her, seriousness in his eyes. “I stall because it’s difficult to stop at just one.” His gaze slid over her the way it had a few times now, and every time it made her hot. Her skin tingled with awareness of just how close he was. “And there are several things appealing about you, Mia.”

  And just like that, with one admission, he changed her night. Changed her year if she were honest.

  The way he said her name, as if admitting some dark truth, made her heart beat a little faster. Maybe it was the cold air nipping at her nose or the heat from Tatum’s presence, but her body couldn’t get a grip on itself.

  They walked up to her door and she fished out her keys. Tatum set the crate of apples right inside by the entrance.

  “Thank you, for carrying the apples and only being a borderline jackass tonight,” she said.

  Tate smiled. The first real smile she’d seen. Like her words actually made him happy. She braced herself for the witty comeback he was likely to dish but instead he simply said, “You’re welcome.”

  He didn’t move and she didn’t either. He stared at her. Like he was seeing all of her at once but unsure what, if anything, to say next.

  Everything in her body was willing him to stay right there, maybe even come a little closer.

  She opened her mouth to say something, anything, but instead he cupped her face in his hand, leaned in, and snagged her lips with his.

  Her brows shot up, but the hot sweet taste of him melted every ounce of will she had and flamed her desire. Placing her palms on his chest, she kissed him back. For weeks, she had been walking around with pent up anger, aggression, lust…and last weekend at the bar only made it worse. It was like having a taste of the sweetest chocolate and ripping it away before you could fully enjoy it.

  His mouth was slow, taking deep licks, then trapping her lower lips between his two. This was the kind of kiss that had no beginning and no end. The intensity just kept ratcheting up with every sweep of his tongue. She groaned and fisted the material of his uniform. His chin gently tickled hers and she couldn’t help but slide her hand up and brush her fingers against his jaw.

  The barest hint of stubble was forming. She knew he must shave every morning, but the slight scratch of his skin made every nerve ending spark. He thrust deeper into her mouth, working his lips over hers like sampling his last cool drink of water. She knew because that was exactly how she felt. She needed him to help her breathe, help her heart beat. She was ready to burst and beg for him.

  If she didn’t think his kiss could grow any deeper, it did. He growled a little and consumed her mouth. Wrapping his strong arms around her waist and tugging her closer. One hand glided up to grip the back of her neck while the other stayed low on her back. Angling her and controlling her how he wanted.

  Mia felt his dominance flood her. Overpower her. Somewhere in her foggy brain she was aware she wasn’t running the show this time. He was.

  He drank down every gasp she let out. Slow, hard, friction between their mouths made cracks of pleasure tingle her lips and she lapped at him for more.

  While intense, Tate remained controlled. Calculated. Just like he approached everything else, she was learning.

  She wanted more. Couldn’t stop. The fact that she kind of hat
ed him and kind of liked him didn’t seem to combat her emotions. It fueled it. She wanted to consume and be consumed. And it felt like Tate was looking for the same thing.

  “You drive me crazy,” he said against her mouth, then nipped her bottom lip. She nodded and delved her tongue inside to show just how much he affected her. Good and bad.

  “Fucking insane,” she agreed and sucked the tip of his tongue. He hissed and clutched her closer. Keeping a tight grip on him, she stepped back into her apartment, ready to take this to her bedroom, but then he stalled, easing from her grasp.

  Breathing hard, he took a step away. His dark eyes like smoldered obsidian. She wanted to tell him that she wasn’t pulling away, she was going inside with him.

  But reality hit when she looked at his face.

  He was pulling away.

  She’d gotten caught up, and the Deputy obviously had more restraint than she did because he didn’t see this going anywhere beyond a kiss.

  Running a hand over her hair in attempts to smooth it down and gain some composure, the gesture did little for her buzzing body and raw mouth.

  “Good night, Mia,” he said, as if a standard greeting would suffice and they hadn’t just been trying to climb each other. Whatever was going through the Deputy’s mind was anyone’s guess, but it wasn’t going further with her.

  It was a kiss.

  It was done.

  That message was clear.

  “Goodnight, Deputy,” she replied, wishing her voice hadn’t cracked on the last syllable.

  She went inside and shut the door. Tried really hard not to overthink what had just happened but the reality was blaring in her face.

  “Another moment with no forethought,” she mumbled to herself. Proving Tatum right about her…and that stung. Because like a fool, she got swept up in that kiss and committed to go for more. Wanted to. But Tate didn’t appear to have the same thought. She didn’t miss the irony of the moment or how her actions a week ago outside the bar were now bitter. Because tonight, it had been him who walked away from her.

  The playing field was even.

  She’d remember that and made a vow right then that she wouldn’t make the mistake of getting caught up in the Deputy’s charms again.

  Chapter Seven

  “This is looking good,” Tate said, glancing around his backyard where ten, simple booths stood along his fence. Thank god he had some land, otherwise he’d have no clue where to put these until the event.

  “Thank you, sir,” Kyle said, hammering in the last nail to the eleventh booth. A few pieces of plywood, a long afternoon and between him and Kyle, they had knocked out half the booths needed for the community event.

  He hadn’t seen or talked to Mia in the last few days. Not since he kissed her. And no, he wasn’t counting the few text messages giving him tasks to do for the event as talking. He did learn that even via text message, Mia had sass. Her acronyms could be brutal.

  She didn’t seem to care for the semi-colon-closed-bracket back to the text instructing him that the booths should be painted red, green and white, because she came back with a symbol of her own.

  He had no idea one could make a symbol that looked like the middle finger.

  Okay, so she obviously wasn’t happy with him and it may have something to do with that kiss the other night. The woman was all fire and even though he knew that kiss was a bad idea, he couldn’t stop thinking about it.

  “By the time Santa’s Sleigh Drive is here, your community service will be completed,” Tate said.

  Kyle nodded.

  He seemed like a good kid. Focused and respectful.

  “I’m hearing good things about you. Gearing up for your next game?” Tate asked.

  “Yes, sir.” Kyle said. “It will be the first time my sister gets to see me play. She took the night off.”

  Kyle glanced at Tate and he knew what he meant. He was sure Mia must have reiterated their first meeting. He knew she was trying to get to the game that night but he didn’t know about her brother playing. Maybe he would have acted differently.


  He shook his head. She was the one who insisted on arguing. Which took up time. He certainly didn’t keep her there. Still, the twinge of guilt in his chest throbbed a little.

  “That’s good.” Tate had that night off too and he had planned on going to the game. Seeing Mia would be a plus. He had a hell of a time stepping back the other night. Hell, he had been ready to take her into her apartment and continue what they had going. He had been on duty in uniform and almost took her right there.

  The draw to Mia went beyond his logic. There was something there, but when she clutched to him, let off a soft little moan that was half sweet, half strong and all woman, he knew he had to stop.

  Because being with Mia was already something he was having a hard time walking away from. A woman like her sunk hooks in and left men reeling and attached. Not smart for a man like Tate. Attaching himself to something or someone made his gut hurt. It gave them power over him. Gave them ability to show their true colors and Tate wasn’t interested in taking chances. Especially since he couldn’t tell if Mia even liked him half the time.

  They were too different.

  But damn there was a fire in her that he’d never seen another woman harbor.

  “Your sister said you were having some friends over after the game?” Tate said, sanding down one of the corners on a booth.

  “Yes, sir. Just going to play some X-box football and hang out,” Kyle said and he could tell the kid lit up a little.

  Tate knew he was part of a hazing prank with the graffiti, one he was manning up to take responsibility for, and Tate could respect that. Just wished the kids who actually did it were held accountable.

  “Not the guys who set you up, I take it?” Tate pushed a little.

  Kyle glanced away.

  “I left Sweet Hill last year and am coming back in the middle of football season,” he said as if that was supposed to make any sense.

  Then it hit Tate. The kid wouldn’t say a lie out loud. Kyle knew who painted the wall. But wouldn’t deny or acknowledge it for whatever reason.

  “Guess you coming back mid-season and getting a starting slot must not sit well with some of your teammates?”

  Kyle hammered another nail and didn’t answer, but he didn’t need to. Tate may not be a detective, but he was pretty good at reading the obvious signs.

  A small town could be difficult to integrate, or reintegrate into. A “newcomer” could always be difficult to handle.

  It was coming together. Tate just had to keep his eye out.

  “So you went to Seattle with your sister right?”

  Kyle nodded. “After our mom died. Mia worked real hard and put me in the nicest schools.”


  “I had some problems…” Kyle trailed off. “But this time is different. We’re home.”

  Tate watched the kid take a deep breath like word “home” was the glue that was holding him together. Sweet Hill was his home.

  “Mia gave up a lot so we could come back. I need to make her proud,” Kyle said with determination.

  “I’m sure you do make her proud.”

  Something in Tate’s chest shifted. The way Kyle talked about his sister, and the ferocity Mia gave when it came to her brother was something that was special. He couldn’t help but admire. There was more to Mia, and to the dynamic of her family than he realized. He was starting to learn that she did everything viciously. Once you got around her tactics, the woman was all fire, fight and passion. And those were all good things. They could also all leave a man beaten, burnt and belligerent though.

  Tate thought of her sparkling eyes and demanding mouth. Especially when it was laced with his. Maybe burning up wouldn’t be so bad.


  Mia walked along the high school track that circled the football field, making her way to the bleachers. The band was playing, the smell of popcorn and hot dogs wafted in the
cool breeze and everyone was on their feet. Several kids were scattered in their obvious clicks standing and talking while most of the adults and parents were in the stands.

  The cheerleaders lined the field and the Sweet Hill football team tore through the paper banner and took the field. Mia clapped when she saw her brother, number eighty-eight.

  She thought he looked big normally? In full gear and helmet he was one of the biggest kids on the field.

  “Go Kyle!” she yelled when the team took their spot on the sideline. He glanced her way and she stood on her tippy toes and waved.

  Her red gloved hands matched her knitted hat and she tugged her coat a little tighter. It was chilly but a clear night for football. The grass was crisp and green and the freshly laid chalk illuminated under the bright lights. Not a single thing had changed since she had gone to school here. And for a heartbeat, she felt like she was content.

  “Brings back memories doesn’t it?” Mia turned to the sweet voice of Abby McAdams.

  “Some better than others,” Mia replied.

  Abby smiled, but Mia knew better than to trust it. Because that woman’s bite was sharper than it looked.

  “You’re not still mad about the pesky little rumor are you?”

  “You had the entire school thinking I was a prostitute.”

  “That’s not true,” Abby said ever so nicely. “I said you gave special favors in exchange for doing your homework. How was I supposed to know people would take that and run with it?”

  Mia just shook her head.

  “Besides, you ran off to wherever it was you went before I could apologize.” Abby reached out her hand and Mia eyed it, wondering where the snake would pop out to bite her at. “We’re working Santa’s Sleigh Drive together and I think we should bury the hatchet.”

  With a long breath, Mia shook the woman’s hand. This was a start. Maybe Sweet Hill and some of the town’s folk had changed.

  “Now that that is settled, why don’t you pop by the fire station Monday. Noelle is coming and we can discuss a few things about vendors. Since we’ve done coats before, I have a guy that will donate quite a few.”


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