The Coming Dawn Trilogy

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The Coming Dawn Trilogy Page 6

by Austen Knowles

  When she turned around, she saw a silver substance that moved along the wall as if it were living gel. The surface was as smooth as glass, except around the edges where it crept along the wall. It looked like a mirror. Ky froze, astounded by her own appearance. She was beautiful, and extraordinarily so. He had changed her into a breathtaking woman with full lips, bright shamrock green eyes, and the curves of her tall figure were voluptuous. She had unnaturally wide hips, large breasts, flawless skin, and the rest of her was slender. Ky couldn’t stop staring at every part of her body in amazement. He made her perfect.

  Her appearance made the gravity of her new life sink in. “This is permanent, isn’t it? I’m stuck here.”

  “You’ll be happy here. Everyone will see to it that you are.” Cobaaron retrieved a dress for her, and handed her a sheer peach gown that he got by gently touching leaves that grew along the wall. The plant shook when he touched it, and then recoiled its leaves as it shriveled up a brittle brown like it instantly died. After Cobaaron took the gown the plant hid, the vines gradually crept back covering the clothes, and again became a healthy green with plump leaves.

  “Will I look this way once you’re gone?”

  “Yes. You’ll age, but you will never look older. I will never age either, now that I’ve bound to a Star.” He thrust the garment into her hands. “Now quit trying to seduce me. I’m trying very hard, Ky. That can’t happen again. I’m as confused as you. I could say that I wouldn’t mind spending time with you either, but I’ll be honest, I can never do that. It’s not possible. I like my life the way it is. I know the day I run outside this mountain will be all it takes for me to forget this. The magic of unions has centuries of practice making people bond. We must fight this together.”

  “So, I really don’t feel lust or feelings for you? It’s the union’s magic?”

  “Oh, no. They are very real, make no mistake about that. Once a union is complete the bond never lets the love die while they both live. Some say the feeling is euphoric.”

  Ky slid the gown over her head, and let it drop over her body. The form-fitted fabric didn’t hide her curvy figure. It hugged her hips, tugged at her breasts, and wasn’t loose until it hit her knee. Then it flowed as she walked.

  “What if I decide I want to go to another city? Could we resist the bond that long?”

  “I know I have to. I have to stay away from you,” Cobaaron said, but he didn’t leave. He watched her move, as if he was more interested, now that he no longer had the privilege of seeing her nude. He swallowed, took a step back, and stated, “I should go. I can’t be alone with you.”

  “Thank you for saving me. I wouldn’t have made it here if it weren’t for you. I owe you my life.” Ky smiled at him.

  “You owe me nothing,” Cobaaron replied, and returned her smile.

  “One more thing,” she pointed to an enormous white flower that was shut and grew out of the wall. “That is the bed, right? It’s large enough, so I’m guessing it is.”

  “This is a tickling tiger lily, and yes it’s the bed. The leaves belong to this flower. In fact, every flower in this city belongs to this mother. They all share the same roots.” He passed her accidentally brushing her arm, but didn’t stop, even though Ky was certain he felt a sudden urge to embrace her.

  “You slide your hand down a petal, and…” The enormous flower shuddered before opening. A tongue-like petal unrolled several feet, as it uncurled to the floor, and then continued to stretch out so far that Ky had to step out of the way. Once the flower was still, he added, “You lay down and it will curl back up. Don’t be afraid. It won’t harm you. In fact, it will protect your light, because it lives off Star’s light. When you tickle it again after you have slept, the flower will open, and you can get out.”

  They stared at each other, unsure of themselves. He seemed nervous around her, as if he worried to linger in her presence. Ky was about to ask him another question hoping he wouldn’t leave, and at least try to get to know her, but then the door opened, and Airia wandered in, wearing a smug grin seeing them still in her room together.

  “Shouldn’t you be eating or getting your rest, Cobaaron? Your tournament begins in three hours. We spread the word, and the kitchen is preparing a special meal. People are already meeting at the great hall below.”

  “You should have let me explain to my men first. You have no right,” Cobaaron seethed.

  “Well, there is still time, if you hurry,” Airia interrupted his complaint. Cobaaron didn’t waste any more time talking to Airia. Without a glance in Ky’s direction, he left the room.

  Airia smiled at Ky, pleased. “He looks half in love with you already, but then look at you. You’re magnificent. He’ll have little chance resisting you once you set your mind to making the union torture him with desire.” Airia cackled wickedly with a warped sense of humor.

  “Some people call us gods, but you and I both know that isn’t true. People make idols of many people from this world. Your beauty will have people talking, and it wouldn’t surprise me if women will one day worship you like Lu Lush.” Airia clutched strands of Ky’s hair and gently rubbing it between her fingers, apparently considering the color. Possibly she wasn’t a fan of redheads, but Ky always loved crimson.

  “I take it he found your dress for you,” Airia inquired with amusement. Clearly Airia guessed that Cobaaron watched her change, and was delighted he had. Ky nodded, but revealed nothing more. “Well, we will keep it then. He must like the color or how it looks on you. It even compliments your skin.”

  Something came to Ky’s mind, and she asked without thinking, “What do you know about his brother?”

  “His brother was his oldest sibling among the four. Cobaaron and his two brothers were all climbing up the chain of rank. I’ll admit his brothers were always in his shadow; though Onor was a great warrior. Then, about a hundred and fifty years ago, Onor met Vi. She was legendary for her beauty and skill with magic. Some say a witch, because she was able to make Onor fall in love, but warriors never admit it’s possible to be completely devoted to a woman. But men fall in love, and hand in their sword in exchanged for a partner and children, or at least try. Few regret their decision.

  “I doubt she was a witch, because they say she lived in Grant City. No witch lives in cities when they can be free with the amount of power they have. I have never heard of witches in cities, but then I have lived here my entire life. No, in my opinion, she was simply a beautiful woman who captured Onor’s heart. Maybe they had children but that is rumor.

  “During the Last Great Battle he died, when he had the upper hand, and should have survived. His defeat was proof his heart was no longer in love with fighting, but with Vi. If a warrior can’t be near his lover, a part of him remains with her, and he usually falls to his death in battle. It’s called the Combatant’s Curse.”

  Ky was surprised to hear warriors loved. Cobaaron made it sound impossible, because they felt nothing. She wished Airia hadn’t told her that, because now she felt the smallest hope that she could allow herself to explore the growing attachment to the man who saved her life. He unexpectedly gave into their union’s desire and restrained her against the wall to learn her curves with want equal to her own. She couldn’t deny the strong pull she had when he was around. If he felt the same way, maybe there was hope. Even now, she wished to spend more time with him. In a new world, she wanted to keep him around, valuing his protection.

  “This conversation is meant to be, Ky. I can feel it. Because after telling you that, I can so easily say what I came to convey. I simply didn’t want to divulge this in front of Cobaaron. I want you to try to fall in love with him. Change him into someone you not only desire, but a man of great power. Make him stronger, faster, and even wiser. Not so you can go live in some city and spend the rest of your days shining for the few, but imagine, if you could find some way to put light back into the sky. I’m sure I’ve read in the archives of a warrior restoring the light. This world wouldn’t be
shrouded in darkness anymore. There has to be a way to get these people out of caves. You can’t possibly want to live in tunnels the rest of your life. Trust me you never get used to the dark, unless you’re from a world where the sky was black.”

  “Where I’m from, we had beautiful sunsets and warm sunny days,” Ky said, and both of their lights were shining brighter.

  Airia smiled. “Do you want Cobaaron?” Airia entreated, hoping Ky would say yes, but when Ky said nothing, Airia continued, “Forget what everyone else is saying, especially him. I’m sure he’s begging you to let him go, but ask yourself, do you want him? Or ask yourself this; do you want to live without him? You could go with him, Ky. You would have scores of men protecting you. There is nowhere safer. They’ll carry you around in a chariot of gold if you wish.

  “I’m not saying you have to fulfill your union or have children. I understand you’re young. I’m simply asking you to be honest. See if you want to travel with him and find out what happens. Maybe you truly don’t want him. Maybe there is nothing in the archives about a Star and a warrior uniting. I don’t know. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, and you certainly don’t have to listen to a warrior who in one minute is undressing you with his eyes, and the next pushing you away. It’s proof the union is working, and as a Star your union with him will not let him escape if that is your wish. Your life depends on him wanting you if you choose to be with him. He will have a hard time resisting you. So, keep your heart open, Ky, and search your feelings.”


  Two stout warriors ushered Ky through the inner caves of the mountain, down to the great hall. She could hear cheering that grew louder. She followed behind the men, easily keeping up, because they leisurely sauntered while sniffing the air. Their pace slowed to a crawl, as the two men exchanged looks, holding a silent conversation. Their body language was worrisome; they often leered at her.

  “Are we going to the great hall? I’m expected,” she said anxiously when they stopped. The men traded conniving looks again, as if debating if that mattered. “Take me to the hall!” she snapped. They were use to orders, and she was sure of it. The command worked, and they about-faced and descended a spiraling stone staircase that had a solid wall on one side and open carved pillars on the other that revealed a deep well far below.

  “What is taking you so long?” a warrior queried, appearing at the bottom of the stairs. He took one look at Ky, shrank away from her, and locked his hands together as if restraining himself from the temptation of groping her. A moment later, he glared at the two escorts when realizing what the holdup was. “Touch her and you’re dead men,” the warrior at the bottom of the stairs snarled.

  Ky had never felt more vulnerable. She was in a stairwell with three brawny men who all gave the impression they were fighting an inward battle to ravage her. A councilman came bounding into view. Ky smiled at him in relief. “Come this way. All of you.” They continued down the last few steps, and then filed into the great hall.

  Thousands of townspeople assembled along the two longest walls. The chamber was packed with countless warriors huddled around a large platform. Cobaaron was elevated over the crowd of his men, while he waited on the stage. There was a second, smaller platform where all the council sat in chairs. The cheers exploded into a new round of much louder applause, now that Ky had arrived and her presence meant the tournament would begin. Cobaaron watched her as she was escorted to the platform with the council. Ky’s eye remained on him. Cobaaron wasn’t standing on a stage after all, but on cages. She couldn’t see the wild beasts that waited under his feet.

  He watched her take a seat, and flinched in her direction when his warriors hoisted her by her waist onto the stage. Ky faced him, and couldn’t understand how he was so confident and calm.

  When Ky collapsed in her chair with fear for her friend, everyone in the great hall fell silent. Ky felt sick to her stomach, because he was forced to fight for her. Her skin began to glow warm because her emotions were raw. She sat still, petrified, wishing he would move fast and win easily.

  “Do you smell that? Is that her? It’s…” A warrior in the crowd whispered, and smelled as his nose lifted skyward and revolved in her direction. His eyes locked onto Ky. He yelled for all to hear: “I want her.” A few others fell in suit, claiming Ky. “I’ll fight you for her, Cobaaron.”

  Ky glimpsed Cobaaron. There was murder in his eyes. Men poured onto the stage eager for their chance to duel Cobaaron. Ten, twenty, and then thirty or more warriors made their way forward. Ky gripped her chair. The fight wasn’t fair. Every one of them had weapons, while Cobaaron had none. She felt hot, and her glowing intensified. “I do smell that,” a councilman whispered behind her. The sound of his voice rung like gunfire and made Ky jump.

  Without warning, all the warriors sprung into action. They lunged toward Cobaaron before any announcement was given to make the fight begin. Cobaaron spun as a warrior thrust a sword. But then three men surrounded him in an instant. Cobaaron stole a sword after breaking a warrior’s wrist. Then he slit the man’s throat in one solid motion. He extended his arm jabbing the weapon into another warrior’s ribs with such power even the handle of the blade forced its way into his body.

  He spun with even more speed as he ducked. He wrenched a shield with a foot long spike off the arm of a warrior. Immediately, he decapitated a man with the edge of the shield. As Ky watched, everyone else seemed to move slowly, while Cobaaron alone gained yet more speed. He thrust the spike into another man’s heart, and sliced another warrior in the gut with the shield, leaving it in his side.

  Ky gasped, but she wanted to scream. She never saw anything so barbaric or gory in real life. The sight was shocking. She closed her eyes, praying it would be over. She willed him to hurry yet faster, not wanting to see him do such acts of violence, especially not for sport.

  When she opened her eyes again, most men had died. Cobaaron jumped. Someone threw an axe at him. She screamed, certain he wouldn’t survive it, but Cobaaron caught the handle as it spun, and hammered the iron into the man’s skull.

  Suddenly, he was moving faster than ever. Before he touched down on the platform, three more men were dead. His stealth was impossible. Blood was splattering from maimed bodies, and wetting the stage. There was a pool of blood staining the floor. It worried her, hoping none belonged to him. As Airia hoped for, she willed him to be stronger, faster, and better. Ky wanted him untouchable, and now he was. Before her eyes, she watched him transform, until his fighting was one graceful movement, as if he planned everything ten steps ahead.

  Cobaaron unexpectedly stopped when there were only three remaining challengers. One man had a spear, another a huge spiked club, and the last man had a whip with spikes on the end. Cobaaron slowly spun in a small circle while eyeing his warriors. He picked up a long sword from the ground, and then waited.

  A warrior swung his spike-tipped whip. Cobaaron caught the deadly end with the point of his blade, and with a twitch of his wrist, he yanked the weapon from his opponent. As the crop flew toward him, Cobaaron hurled his sword at that warrior; it whistled, ripping through the air, and pierced the man’s skull between his eyes.

  Not a moment later, a warrior flung a spear at Cobaaron. The attempt at his life was dismal. He easily snapped it in two and threw both pieces at the remaining men, killing them instantaneously. It took another second for the men to collapse to the bloody stage.

  “I’m not here to fight you,” Cobaaron yelled. “I came for the beasts. Not my men.”

  “Did you see him fight?” Airia asked in triumph, speaking over Cobaaron’s shouts. “I could barely keep up with him. She did it. She likes him fast. She likes him unconquerable.” Ky glared at Airia, despising her. “He’s the perfect warrior, achieving unnatural feats,” Airia bragged as if it were her achievement because she contrived the idea.

  “That is enough,” Ky snapped, furious with Airia. She got to her feet, and scanned the city center, disgusted
at the masses of people who gathered to watch. She never thought much of gladiators and that was all Cobaaron was to this city. In their eyes, he was a slave fighter. “He’ll never fight for me as sport again. Men died tonight, Airia. Don’t forget the men who died!” It was then she repeated her last words to the crowd, vowing Cobaaron would never fight for her again. However, the entire hall burst into cheering as if they just witnessed a legend in the making.

  Because of her anger, Ky’s light flared. A council member stood and took Ky by the elbow. “It’s frustrating; I know. I hate the fights myself. Let’s get you away from the hall, before you start a riot, shall we?” Without waiting for a response, he ushered her to the edge of the platform. Three warriors helped her down. Cobaaron watched as she left. The councilman escorted her through the crowd to the winding staircase.

  “You know,” he said consolingly as they wound up the spiral stairs, “it’s not too late for you to reject the union. It’s been done before plenty of times. I’m a powerful authority in the council and I can see to it that you bond for love, and when you’re ready.” He hurried her, picking up his pace. “Of course it’s your desire I long for.” When they reached the top of the steps, he pulled her down the wrong corridor if he was leading her to Airia’s room.

  “Where are you taking me?” she asked and tried to free her arm from his firm grasp.

  He ignored her question and struggling, as he continued to lure her down the tunnel. “I do smell something, though. It’s sugarbeads or...I can’t put my finger on it…”

  “Let go of me, please. Get off!” she yelled when he stopped and yanked her toward his chest. He was a wild beast the way he was acting. He grinned, making no apology for not giving her space. He pressed her against the wall, and he was so close she could feel his breath on her cheek. She shoved him hard. “Get off me!”


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