The Coming Dawn Trilogy

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The Coming Dawn Trilogy Page 48

by Austen Knowles

  Cobaaron led the formation. He stepped inside the opening of the portal with Ky’s hand in his, making sure she was never far behind. They walked into a small tunnel of mist; Ky swore she strode upside down, and then right side up, before they reached the end in three steps. They exited onto thick golden grass with long stemmed flowers, and immediately moved out of the way when a frightened Huntra nudged them as the portal rumbled.

  They stood on a hill above a deep, dark valley. Ky could barely see the warriors chasing beasts to the far southwest, and between them, thousands of pairing birds rested on flower petals. Cobaaron walked down the hill and before they reached the bottom, the warriors were doubling back.

  “What is that over there?” Ky asked, pointing to an island in the center of the large lake. In the dark she couldn’t be certain, but thought the distant shape was a city with a castle on the peak of the landmass.

  “It’s hard to say. Either the city is Goshenite or Beryl, but I don’t know the name of this valley. I’ll know once we’re on the island. Both sister cities sit on an island and both worship Lu Lush. Goshenite and Beryl are the only two that have Lu Lush lying in a lake. See how the island has been carved to look like a woman with child?”

  “I do.” Ky nodded, and it was now recognizable. In fact, there were several small islands that gave the appearance of a pregnant woman stretched out as she bathed. There were mounds for breasts, carved islands for knees, and a head relaxed upon a chiseled arm. The carved art extended for miles, and the detail in Lu Lush’s face was impressive. Their skill was equal to Michelangelo with the same emphasis reflecting beauty in nudity.

  “Let’s hope it’s Beryl, because it’s closer to Rathe’s castle and not haunted with poltergeists.”

  “If it’s Goshenite, then I’d rather not stop at all, Cobaaron. I’ve had enough demonic experience with Zevera to last a lifetime.”

  “Like spells, Ky, there is always a remedy for any form of evil. To strip poltergeists of power, do not fear them. It helps to sing. Don’t worry, love.”

  “I don’t want to stay in a haunted city. I’m not trying to be difficult. I simply don’t think I could take anymore right now. ”

  “I don’t think it is Goshenite. But I won’t force you to stay anywhere, except if it’s with me.” He changed the subject, trying to ease her frayed nerves. “We’ll stay far from the city village, and give the warriors and women their space. This is a city of love and women will hope to conceive tonight. We’ll stay in Lu Lush’s chamber. Legend says she was protected by a healer, a close friend, and because of that, all her shrines are enchanted.”

  “I thought you didn’t believe in her.”

  “I’m telling you legend, and what is said. I don’t put stock in myths. Lu Lush is merely a woman who lived a long time ago. Besides statues, fountains, and cities built in her honor; there are no genuine artifacts to prove her story, only counterfeits. Her legends speak of powerful relics with divine purpose, but none were found, only claims by the kings who boast of having many of her belongings. But where are these divine artifacts said to be elsewhere? They’re all conveniently lost. If there was even one to study, I’d find it much easier to believe the fantastical lore, but when I hear of one I’ll believe. But for now, the legends are hope to women in love who think they need help to conceive, nothing more. The real Lu Lush was merely a girl who had numerous children, and she shouldn’t be worshiped as a goddess. She doesn’t bless women to conceive.”

  “I don’t think ‘women in love’ should be confused with women sleeping with your warriors for children. It’s ironic your lowest ranking warriors are called studs when the word literally means strong young man and also horses used for breeding.”

  “Studs are not at a loss. They know it’s the young stud warriors who keep our dying race from dwindling out. You and I share the low opinion of women’s morals; however, my men are either completely against their behavior or completely for it. Some say having children is the greatest honor and adventure of all, which is why I fully intend to get you pregnant tonight.”

  “I’m still too young, Cobaaron. Don’t rush me. I don’t want kids before my time.”

  “What can I say, I’m competitive and I’m always striving for the impossible. If I wish for your pregnancy, nothing will happen without your consent. I can still wish, as you can claim not being ready. Really, I only want to be alone with you. This week was hard on both of us.”

  Ky gripped his hand when she saw him struggling to explain it was equally devastating that she was lost for a week. Ky wanted to escape in his presence, in long romantic kisses, and finally relax knowing they would never be separated again. With a new urgency to find a room where they could be alone, she pulled his arm as they crossed the valley.

  Huntra trotted behind, as they followed a game trail in tall grass. They were close to the shoreline, where thousands of small boats carved from the burned logs floated. Cobaaron barked orders telling his men to take women to the city.

  “What is it?” Ky asked Cobaaron. His gaze focused on the hilltop. Then she saw a small group of upright creatures, or even humans. They continued to stare, trying to make out what they saw.

  “Take a few men, Tyrus. People approach. Capture them, and bring them to me.”

  Tyrus and over fifty men sprinted up the hill and surrounded the approaching people as warriors took women, Wyt, and his family across the lake.

  The people stopped walking and waited for the warriors who encircled them. Cobaaron’s men hoisted the small group onto their shoulders, and paraded them down the hill with cheers.

  Cobaaron laughed when one of them lifted double axes and waved the weapons. “Is that Octavos?” Ky asked. Octavos was the only warrior she knew that had two short axes.

  “It is.” Cobaaron beamed, happy to see his friend. “Come on. We’ll meet them.” When they got closer, Ky saw Athaya and six other warriors with him. Their appearance had changed. Octavos no longer had a deep scar on his forehead, and looked years younger. Athaya was breathtakingly beautiful with bright green eyes instead of brown and her hair was straight, in contrast to her once tangled curls. Cobaaron greeted him saying, “You arrive from the north. It’s good to see you. Where are the other men?”

  “We came from the City of Topaz. I left Shrader in charge. I’ve come to retire.” Octavos grinned.

  “You bring six men with you, to quit your post?” Cobaaron asked with a furrowed brow. “I admit I’m disappointed you wouldn’t finish your last mission.”

  “No, Cobaaron. My partner is with child. She’s certain.”

  “Mother of pearl, Octavos, are you without doubt?” Cobaaron asked and looked at Athaya, and then down to her stomach. “Have her choose women to take care of her needs. I vow that I’ll find a way to keep her safe while traveling. In the City of Lights, she will be royalty, and honored as the first woman of the city to bear a child. I’ll see to it that she is treated well.”

  “I do care for her safety. There must be a way to keep our child safe.”

  “This is truly wonderful news. We will celebrate!”

  “The women will be jealous of my partner. Athaya doesn’t want women to care for her and resent her. They’ve never liked her. It will be worse now that she’s the first to conceive.” Octavos gazed at her with concern, and added, “She isn’t feeling well. The spirit of Lu Lush is jealous and making her sick, and we fear she’s trying to kill our baby. My partner only wishes to sleep.”

  “No,” Ky spoke up, “the reason she’s sick is because her body is changing. It’s called hormones. Most women feel sick while pregnant, and it’s a good thing. If she wasn’t sick and started feeling better, it would probably mean she’s losing the child. She does need to sleep, though.”

  “How do you know this?” Cobaaron asked Ky.

  “I told you; my mom was a midwife. It was her job to help women during the entire process of pregnancy and delivery.” Ky no sooner uttered those words, than Noxis stopped barking or
ders and faced her. Until that moment, she didn’t know he was listening.

  “Labor is healer’s knowledge. Your mother was a healer?” Noxis asked. His eyes narrowed on her.

  “She was a midwife,” Ky corrected, knowing his escalating fear that she was a witch. “She isn’t a healer like in this world. She delivered babies. That is all. And she did it without magic.” Noxis squinted more as if he was trying to see through her. Ky didn’t know what to say that would change his mind.

  “Mother of pearl, Noxis, we’d know if she was a witch by now,” Octavos growled, speaking what everyone was obviously thinking.

  “She survived a week, alone, with Zevera the Untouchable,” Noxis informed Octavos. “I’m curious how she managed. I’m not accusing her of anything.”

  “That is good, Noxis, because I would be extremely annoyed if my brother and partner were at odds. She was trapped in a tree for a week. You saw Zevera return, and told me you suspected the witch wasn’t in Ky’s presence that entire time. If Ky were a witch she would have escaped after Zevera left or dueled her beforehand. Why didn’t Ky leave? Why would Zevera trust her inability to escape if she was a witch? All Ky had to do was get out of the protection that surrounded the shelter unharmed, and we were there. Honestly, you’re becoming blind, determined to be right. That is pride, Noxis. And there is no greater fault.”

  “I haven’t accused her of anything. I said I was curious,” Noxis asserted. “I would never betray you. Haven’t my long years in your service and company proven my unwavering loyalty?”

  “I’ve never united until Ky. This is new territory for us both,” Cobaaron replied. When Noxis spoke, Cobaaron held up his hand. It was clear their relationship was damaged by Noxis’s questions and doubts. “This quarrel is over. There is nothing you can say that will comfort me now that you are questioning my wife in my presence.”

  Cobaaron’s reply angered Noxis, and he glared at Ky. Clearly he hated her getting between them. Athaya broke the tension. “What were you saying about your mother being a midwife? Are you sure it’s healthy for a woman to feel sick while with child?”

  “Yes. At least where I come from, women get sick. Sometimes it lasts the entire pregnancy. You will be fine.”

  “It is the same here. But I’ve always been told it’s Lu Lush, who is jealous, or maybe women don’t truly want the child, but that is unlikely. I never wanted anything more than I want this child. What woman doesn’t want a baby after dreaming of them for years?”

  “I’m certain it’s neither. I picked up on a few things while helping my mom. She used to call me her little doula because I’d assist if she coached a woman during home birth. She loved her job and talked about it often. It’s how I know women can have more than one child with the same partner and it’s not necessary to sleep with various warriors to conceive. It’s immoral really, to have many partners.”

  Cobaaron grinned. “Ky has strong opinions about how the world ought to be.”

  “Well, she isn’t alone in her view. My partner is stubborn, and doesn’t shy from stating her beliefs. She thinks the same,” Octavos jested. Though the men spoke humorously, they obviously boasted about securing women who chose to live a life of fidelity to them.

  “Let’s get our women out of the darkness,” Cobaaron said, beaming with joy for his friend’s happiness. Any quarrel that Octavos couldn’t and shouldn’t love was forgotten. “Our scent will travel far in this valley, especially the scent of a woman with child.”

  The four went to the waterside. Athaya got into the rickety boat, and sat uneasily. When Ky stepped in the boat, holding a squirming Huntra, she noticed that there was no water in the lake, only bubbling gray clay that reeked its distinctively pungent odor.

  As the men paddled across the mud lake, Ky saw long, disgusting worms squirming underneath the clay. When they neared the city, a large sign carved with the city crest welcomed newcomers. Beryl, the town’s name, was spelled out in a letter font using figures of stylized nude pregnant women.

  The buildings sported giant, carved figures of men and women in various sexual positions; no two were alike. In the city center, a large statue of Lu Lush stood over fifty feet tall. The dark gray floor tiles depicted a pregnant Lu Lush having sex with a young stud. They walked past a gold wall mural depicting a woman entangled with numerous men and draped in a long single sheet. Ky was unimpressed with a city that encouraged extreme promiscuousness.

  “Where are you headed?” Octavos asked Cobaaron.

  “Not the city square or the great hall,” Cobaaron said, grinning. “Take your pregnant partner to the king’s quarters. Ky and I will sleep in the lodgings for Lu Lush.”

  “Before we part…. I have disappointing news. Do you want me to approach you later in private?”

  “Now is fine, Octavos. What is it?”

  “Maxis will not join your army. We didn’t find favor with him or his men. His pride is still wounded from your victory over the northern heights. He gathers an army to wage war against us, vowing that you will never be king. Rumors spread that he made alliance with the two kings, in exchange he’ll rule the fallen city, Toga.”

  “It’s unfortunate that you stepped down, Octavos. Who will I send to stop Maxis before his troops multiply and are no longer easily defeated?”

  “It’s rumored he’s marching to Larimar. It may be possible for you to go. Threaten war, and he may back down.”

  “I can’t go yet. Zevera the Untouchable took Ky; I now have a blood feud against her, and must first go to Rathe’s castle. Wyt says there is something there I must take from within the castle walls. He speaks in riddles, but I’d go even if it were to kill the witch. More than ever I need everyone to know that an attack on my partner is an attack on me. I must kill Zevera. The rumors will spread like wildfire now that Ky survived the encounter. The rumors must be stopped before they make matters worse.”

  “Attacking Zevera would certainly sway the men that you aren’t kind to witches. But this is Zevera the Untouchable. She is impossible to kill. She can change her body at will. You picked a challenging fight, Cobaaron, one that may finish you.”

  “I must try. Besides, the prophecy says I become king.” Cobaaron clinched his jaw and added, “As my friend, Octavos...Wyt has told me that Noxis attempts to take Ky’s life.”

  “Is there anything you wish me to do about your brother?”

  “No, do nothing,” Cobaaron implored. “Leave him be. But if you have any ideas how I can prove my wife’s not a witch, that doesn’t bring her close to death, I’m willing to hear them. I want to shut my men up once and for all, and take away the looming threat of my army wanting to see my wife dead.”

  “Have her duel Zevera once we reach the castle. All the men will be there. Once they see she’s helpless, who would believe?”

  “I’d as soon as have my wife fight a witch, as I would have your pregnant partner attempt a duel. In fact, we’ll have to figure out a way to hide Athaya. Zevera can never know she’s pregnant, or you will lose your child. Maybe you should take her to the City of Lights ahead of time.”

  “I have an idea.” Ky interjected; surprised it didn’t come to her sooner. Octavos was annoyed that a woman would offer input in men’s business affairs, and frowned at Ky for not knowing her place. “Athaya should hide in Ambrosia’s room.”

  “What room?” Cobaaron asked.

  “She has a room that is in another least that’s how she explained it when she let me follow her in. But the room is invisible. And only Ambrosia can open it. Zevera would never suspect she’s hiding there, and even if she did she couldn’t get in. Athaya would be comfortable in that space while we travel.”

  “Ky, that is really a good idea,” Cobaaron said. “Octavos, I kid you not, like whispers of Hyun’s inheritance, I witnessed Ambrosia summon a magic tool from thin air, by Wyt’s request, before freeing Ky from Zevera. From the little I’ve heard and seen it’s the perfect safe haven.”

  “Mother of
pearl, woman, you have the wisdom of a man!” Octavos breathed out with shock and awe. Octavos clapped her on the back like she was a warrior. His mouth was still agape when he added, “That is brilliant, Cobaaron. Your partner is worthy of you. I see that now.” Octavos beamed at Ky.

  “It is brilliant,” Cobaaron beamed at Ky. “Octavos, send for Ambrosia. Have Tyrus, Parson, and Ram watch over her. Most likely she is hunting down her studs. She cannot strive for a child tonight. She’s too valuable to your partner’s safety. Bring her to the Queen’s quarters, and explain that you need her to protect your pregnant wife once we leave.”

  Octavos bowed, and then led Athaya away. Cobaaron accompanied Ky and Huntra to the extravagant room made for Lu Lush that overlooked the city.

  The old room wasn’t as grand as Ky expected. In fact, years of neglect made the space dirty. Dried leaves covered the floor, which blew in from open balcony doors. To protect the furniture, everything was covered with sheets. As Cobaaron lifted the drapery they magically disappeared. He saw Ky’s wonderment and said, “All of Lu Lush’s cities have enchantments. This is one of the charms.”

  “But you’re doing magic!”

  “No, the sheets are charmed. Once I remove them, the room will clean itself. See?” Cobaaron lifted the last soiled cover. Leaves whirled around the room in a magical breeze. As the wind carried them, they changed into white feathers while brushing against anything they touched. The feathers settled, and weaved together into a rug. The smell of earth left the room. Cobaaron carried the mat to the balcony and draped it on the baluster, and then he came back in and closed the double doors. Shutting them in triggered more magic, because flames ignited in the fireplace and began to warm the room. “There are many enchantments in Lu Lush’s quarters, and I’m sure we’ll see a few tonight, especially while making love.” He stood to look at her, giving her all his attention. “I’m glad to be alone with you.”

  “I love you, too.” Ky grinned.

  “Yes, that is exactly what I meant.” Cobaaron returned her smile. “I’ll admit I’m jealous of Octavos already expecting a child. I won’t ask, but I will confess that I’ll wish what others will tonight. I want you pregnant. I wanted to be the first to have a child in the new city, and because you’re a Star, I was convinced it would be us who first conceived.”


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