The Coming Dawn Trilogy

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The Coming Dawn Trilogy Page 77

by Austen Knowles

  “Cobaaron?” Ky called his name, and put her hand on the solid rock, wondering if she could follow him, but she couldn’t. A moment later, his arm stuck out of the rock, giving her the map.

  Ky took the parchment, and blew on it. When she lifted her eyes, the wall suddenly had a tunnel, and Cobaaron was waiting a short distance away. She stepped over the threshold and ogled. “That is amazing; I didn’t even see you.”

  “Or hear me,” Cobaaron said, mildly amused. “Stay close, okay?”

  Not one second after he said that, Ky stepped on a rock, and it sunk. The tile under their feet began to shift and drop. The level ground wasn’t solid; sand began to drain from the floor. Ky instantly burst into a hot golden light. The sand began to glow orange, and clump together. They both ran, hurtling over the hot liquid rock to solid stone again.

  “So,” Cobaaron stopped Ky by clutching her arm, “the city and this tunnel are filled with traps to keep people away, like the counterfeit sword makes thieves suicidal. We’ll have to use our heads, and follow our gut instincts.”

  Ky made her light shine brighter. “So, look for anything suspicious,” she replied, filling in the blanks. The tunnel was too smooth. “Is this normal?”

  “It’s too perfect. There isn’t even mold or moss.” He touched the walls, apprehensively, as if he were trying to spring a trap, but nothing happened. “There are no torches, either. But why would the king light the way to a city he didn’t want found? We should hold hands, and race through this tunnel. Whatever we trigger, we should pass before there is a problem.”

  “Great idea.”

  He gave a nod in reply, and blurted, “Go!”

  At first, nothing happened. They sprinted several yards before the entire floor began to flip. Before they were in any real danger of sliding down a steep slope to a dark pit, they crossed the stone slab. They continued to speed and Ky heard a click. They trod over a large tile that sunk into the floor. As the stone sank, arrows shot from the walls. Instantly, everything around Ky slowed. She could see arrows firing simultaneously all around them.

  Time slowed, and they moved faster than the arrows released. While running swiftly, they were easily able to dodge them. When they reached the end of the onslaught of arrows, they stopped and whirled. The arrows sped up, and blasted the opposite wall.

  “This is rather easy for Stars to pass through,” Ky breathed in relief.

  “Let’s keep going. We’re not there yet,” Cobaaron urged. He gently tugged, and they were soon jogging. “There’s the end.” He pointed to the dark archway.

  Suddenly, they smacked into an invisible force field and fell on their backsides. Ky felt dazed. Her nose throbbed as if broken, but she didn’t have searing blood on her face. “I almost broke my nose.” She winced when she touched the small tip.

  “I’ll have a headache for an hour after that.” Cobaaron chuckled. “Whose brilliant idea was it to run?”

  “That would be you.” She smiled. Cobaaron rubbed his bruised forehead. “You okay?” Ky asked, stifling a giggle. “You have a pretty big bruise there.”

  “It’s not as bruised as my ego.” He flashed a stellar smile, and winked. He pressed the force field, pushing on it, but there was no give. He made his hand glow, but the imperceptible barrier didn’t show any trace of heat. “It’s obviously magical. This would be a lot easier if young Tyrus were here.” He took a step back and continued, “We have two choices. I can either dig around this hoping the magic doesn’t penetrate the rock, which I’d rather not have to burrow through it, can go super nova.”

  “I don’t think I can,” Ky said. “Last time was an accident.”

  “Will you try so I don’t have to dig? I could try, but I haven’t fully matured as a light. I could attempt to form an orb from my stomach, but it’s not as powerful as a super nova,” he mused.

  “No, I’ll do it.”

  “Think of the night squawkers, and being dragged underground to my death or me in danger. Maybe your protective nature will kick in.” Cobaaron stepped aside as if she was about to burst into wild flames any second.

  Ky stared blankly, and strived to think of him in mortal peril. It was easy to dredge up old fears. She remembered the night squawkers swarming Cobaaron, covering him with their black, lifeless figures, and dragging him underground. Then she thought of Maxis and his warriors threatening Cobaaron’s life and she began to glow. She had a glimpse of Zevera taking his life by the touch of her hand. Horrific memories flooded her mind; her skin was bright, and her body sweated from the heat. She didn’t want to lose her husband, and she focused on what life would be without him. Her fear triggered something inside her.

  Once again, her hair whipped wildly and blazed bright crimson. She levitated off the ground, and then burst into a super nova. Her dress thrashed like her hair. Solar flares blazed out of her body. With a great blast, the tunnel rocks disintegrated. Debris pelted her, but melted, as it rained molten rock. The tunnel walls glowed red-hot. Then as abruptly as the super nova consumed her, she dropped to the floor as her light dimmed.

  Cobaaron grinned. To rid dusty debris, he shook his hair to unsettle the thick layer of dirt. “That was amazing! It looked effortless!”

  “But did it work?”

  “Light corrects all things,” Cobaaron confidently stepped forward. “See?”

  When he held out his dusty hand after passing where the wall once stood, Ky took it happily. “It’s very appealing you are so skilled. You are the sexiest warrior on Caphes.”

  She wanted to say, “Under eight-feet-tall,” to exclude him from that statement, but he read her mind because he hummed a thanks, and hauled off and kissed her.

  As they proceeded down the tunnel, Cobaaron reached out to stop Ky at the end. They gazed at the underground jungle. Ky saw an ancient city, preserved within a small circular jungle. In the town’s center, an enormous statue of Lu Lush held a sword, poised to sink into her heart.

  “It’s morbid that Lu Lush is preserved like this. That statue is a shrine exalting her suicide. It’s perverse.”

  “Well, King Verellis was long thought to be crazy. Even back then he was mad.”

  “Wait, the king you killed was married to Lu Lush?”

  “That is the rumor, but I know her name to be different. Legend has it Lu Lush was a nickname the king used as an endearment. But, yes, they were partners for a very long time.”

  “But, this is so plain to me now. Lu Lush was the girl the kings used to capture the City of Lights. Verellis married this girl. And she was in love with the angel that saved her from the fire, the Angel of Death. Don’t you see? Lu Lush is that girl. She committed suicide to be with the angel.”

  “We talked about this in Elder. I thought you understood. And I said if I ever saw such a relic, I’d believe. We’re about to find one, but I’ve confidently trusted legend since I acquired the map. It explains why she’s worshiped as a goddess of fertility, too. Lu Lush had many children until the angel made her a deity upon her death, but legend says the Angel of Death’s lover became a deity for his sake. I’m certain this is why Lu Lush doesn’t help women conceive. What I haven’t figured out is why I need to get the sword that killed Death’s lover.”

  “I don’t know,” Ky said, stupefied.

  Cobaaron held onto Ky and slid down the cliff. They cut through the overgrowth and around crumbled buildings. One building hadn’t changed; the precious gold blocks still perfectly preserved the shallow engravings of pregnant Lu Lush.

  “This is her shrine,” Cobaaron said as they strolled to an enormous wooden door and led her into the temple. The gold embossment was only skin-deep. The temple itself was made by a civilization that hadn’t mastered the art of stone masonry. There was a delicious aroma of incense; it was the most wondrous fragrance Ky ever smelled. Ky gave a sidelong glance at Cobaaron with slumberous eyes. From nowhere, Ky compulsively craved Cobaaron’s endless sex, and carnal fantasies raced through her mind, warming her body with
erotic excitement until she reached out in need of him.

  Cobaaron swiftly slapped a hand over her mouth and nose, and lugged her outside, twenty feet away from the shrine. He released her, his eyes wild. He licked his lips looking at her breasts and hips. She wished he would tear off her clothes. He pushed her away, and then rushed his words. “That was the smell of addiction. It makes you want anything you’re most addicted to. For’s sex with you.”

  “It’s the same for me. I want to make love with you, desperately.” She closed the gap.

  “Then we can’t go in together, or we’ll want to fulfill our addiction as the magic never allows us to get enough sex. We’ll die, but in pleasure. We wouldn’t ever leave the temple. As two Stars with each other’s blood keeping us alive, we’d have sex for years or maybe centuries. It’s best you don’t go back in there.”

  Ky’s addiction still felt urgent, and she coaxed, “I wouldn’t mind going out like that.”

  Cobaaron folded his arms. “Don’t say that. I’d rather make love to you because we are in love, not addicted. Besides, we have a baby to consider, our daughter Lu Lu.”

  “I’m not saying let’s do it. I’m just saying; that’s a good way to die.”

  “Then when we’re old and about to pass on, we’ll return here.” He grinned wickedly. She chuckled, and they agreed with a nod. “I’m going in, but you can’t follow. Swear it!”

  “I won’t follow you. I’m pregnant, and I don’t want her in danger. I’ll wait for sex when you get back.”

  Satisfied, Cobaaron uncrossed his arms. “Good, I don’t want you to completely wipe that desire from your mind. I’ll get the sword. I saw it in there, hovering above a stone altar in a ray of enchanted light. Wait here.”

  He left, running back into the temple. Ky waited, and looked around. The statue of Lu Lush was only feet from her. She gazed up at the large statue. The height was impressive now that she was close. Lu Lush’s expression was remorseful. The unusually small blade pointed at her heart. Her fingers lovingly held the ornate weapon.

  Ky squinted at the sword, realizing Cobaaron was going after the counterfeit. The real sword wasn’t in the temple but in the fingers of the figure of Lu Lush. Cobaaron was taking the imposter that would compel him to commit suicide.

  “Cobaaron!” Ky screamed, as fear filled her. She ran toward the temple, blaring his name. The moment she took a deep breath to enter the shrine, Cobaaron hurtled out the door with his eyes locked on her. He plowed into her, planting a kiss on her lips. He picked her up, spun her around, and pinned her against the outer wall. The air whooshed out of her lungs as he crushed her against the cold, golden temple. “Stop, Cobaaron,” she whispered, sucking in a breath. He kissed her feverishly, nibbled her neck, and breathed deeply.

  “Your scent is so seductive, Ky. I crave you. Please don’t ask me to stop.” Cobaaron sucked on her neck, then bit too hard while breathing more of her sugary scent. He stripped, using one hand to wrench off his clothes while roughly pinning her leg around his waist with his other. His erection was digging into her inner thigh painfully he was so hard. There was no gentleness or love in his touch. Lust engulfed him. “I cannot wait! Open your legs!” he demanded, but decided to lift her dress and have her against the wall. He yanked up her skirt.

  Ky slapped him hard. “What is wrong with you? Look at me!” He finally stopped and searched her eyes. “I don’t want this,” Ky whispered. “I love you, but I don’t want this. You’re hurting me. Your sex would be painful. You know I like vigorous lovemaking, but not until my body adjusts to your length with gentle rocking first.”

  He stepped back, mortified but hungry. “I’m sorry. I can’t return to the shrine. You must hide from me. I mean it Ky, hide from me!” Any hesitation left his eyes. His lust was wild again.

  “You can’t go get the sword. I was looking at Lu Lush. Look what the statue’s holding.” Ky pointed to the weapon, as she took a few steps away from her lusting lover. At first, he didn’t pry his eyes from her. If he wanted her to hide, she would until this addiction wore off, but she first needed him to swear not to go for the fake.

  Eventually he glanced away, and then did a double take. “You’re brilliant.” Cobaaron stared at the weapon. “I wondered why it was so easy. Most men would lust for sex, and without women around, they would leave with the fake, and commit suicide. Once used, it would magically return, and wait for another thief.” Cobaaron began to walk to the statue as he added, “I’ll get the sword. Go into the temple, so you lust for me. I need to have sex with you.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. You might hurt me. We’ll wait until the addiction wears off a bit, and then I’ll make love to you, without pain. I promise.”

  “Then hide!” he snapped and she sprinted. Finding a safe place would be easier if she left the cave. She glanced over her shoulder as she ran. He climbed the statue and when he got to her knee, he hopped and snagged the sword. He jumped down and when his feet hit, the earth rumbled.

  Ky stumbled and fell as the ground shook. Soon the mountain thundered and the city began to crumble. “Run! The enchantments give! Get up and run, Ky!” Cobaaron commanded, and then he was at her side, pulling her toward the exit.

  The mountain started to cave in. Boulders crashed to the ground, destroying the buildings. A hail of rocks dropped around them as they ran.

  They reached the stone wall within seconds; Cobaaron slammed the weapon into his belt, tossed Ky onto his back, and sprang several feet into the air. He bound upward, climbing the cliff with long leaps. Ky’s grip slipped when he leaped out of the way of a boulder. She slid down his body, but he seized her arm and swung her over the ledge. She fell on her side, and rolled into the tunnel.

  “Run!” Cobaaron yelled when he landed beside her. “Go! Run!”

  Ky spun toward the tunnel exit and ran flat-out. Cobaaron was right behind her, making sure she got out safely. The tunnel collapsed behind them. They evaded the traps with their speed. Cobaaron lit hot. The end of the tunnel was solid stone but it began to glow amber-bright. Cobaaron tossed Ky over the glass floor as stone barricading the exit melted. The rock around them dripped. Cobaaron surpassed her and collided with the melted stone that blocked the end of the tunnel. Ky grasped the vines that hung outside the cave. She swung outwards, but the vine strained and tore. Her hands burned from moving so fast and gripping the creeping plants. She screamed in pain as she dropped to the hillside.

  The mountain collapsed and dust and rock billowed out of the cave. Cobaaron rolled down the hill as the peak sank into the hidden city. Thunder was a whisper compared to the collapsing mountain. The earthquake tumbled them down the hillside; they rolled over moss and vines growing down the steep hill. Ky curled her knees up to protect her baby. Her back scraped the ground as she skidded to a stop at the base, but she didn’t feel the blistering heat of her blood.

  They lay panting. Ky tried to calm her pounding heart.

  “Ky.” Cobaaron crawled to her. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah,” she said, gasping. “But there goes our retirement plan.”

  Cobaaron laughed loudly. He rolled onto his back, and continued to catch his breath. “I thought I broke my leg hitting that wall. It’s not glowing, though.”

  Ky huffed, “Good, because I can’t carry you.” He chuckled, but took a deep breath right after.

  As they lay there, they turned their heads when they heard a small, frantic squeak. Taja barreled down the hill, terrified. Ky sat, and cupped her hands on the ground until Taja reached them. Taja tripped, and rolled the last foot. She bumped into her palms and stopped, lying on her back. Taja froze momentarily, and then relaxed as her legs and arms flopped outward.

  “I’m betting your pet will demand to be carried to the city.”

  Ky giggled deliriously, not from what he said, but because she couldn’t believe it was over. It was all over. “This is really the end, isn’t it? We did everything we needed to do. We’re done. We’re going home.”
She gazed at him, still gorgeous even when covered in dust. Then he smiled with relief and it took her breath away.

  “Yes. I’ll take you home.”


  Before Cobaaron and Ky reached the walls of the City of Lights, Ky understood why the place was given that name. The castle and its surroundings were brightly lit. Silver streetlamps, with root-like bases and tops that branched like limbs, held large crystals of brilliantly glowing florescent white. Thousands of lamps led to the castle. The enormous fortress was made of the same glowing white crystal. The lustrous light and vision of the castle was picturesque.

  The glistening village at the foot of the palace was made of white granite bricks with flecks of silver. It reflected the glowing radiance, making the entire city look heavenly. The town collapsed ages ago. There were few standing homes, and the protective wall buckled as well, but warriors were rebuilding it. The roads that led up to the citadel were dilapidated, and in some parts, the stones were completely missing.

  “I’ve never seen the city lit. There must be a Star here, if not more. Which might mean my men brought a city and its inhabitants.”

  “It’s breathtaking,” Ky said in awe, surprised the stunning castle was her new home. She couldn’t tear her eyes from the sight. The fortress glowed so brightly that it lit up the sky. “This is incredible.”

  Cobaaron took Ky’s hand, halting her. “We’re being stalked,” Cobaaron whispered. “Let’s stop here so we are captured.”

  Immediately after they stopped, men stepped from behind the streetlamps. A group of warriors surrounded them with drawn weapons. Cobaaron promptly protected Ky, standing in front of drawn swords pointed at her. “Who goes there?” a warrior demanded.


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