The Coming Dawn Trilogy

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The Coming Dawn Trilogy Page 88

by Austen Knowles

  “He would have been found if he was near,” Octavos added.

  “Octavos, please look again. I don’t want to hear anymore about this. You’re not telling me anything I haven’t already surmised. I’m a Star. Afford me the right of doubt! He’s out there! Look again,” Cobaaron barked. Ky heard the door open, and then close as Octavos apparently left to search for Noxis again. Strangely, Ky felt he wouldn’t be found, but she couldn’t remember the events. The three men painted an obvious picture with their conversation, but she didn’t remember it. The fear in Cobaaron’s voice was evident he believed, but refused to accept, that Noxis was dead. “What is important, Hyun, is that you do all you can for Ky.”

  “I’m doing my best. But I think Ky will deliver early. Her stomach keeps getting hard every few minutes. That is a sure sign the baby is coming. Possibly she will have her child today,” Hyun said.

  “Is she uncomfortable?” Cobaaron asked. He touched her, placing his hand on her head, and then sliding his palm down to cup her cheek. “She looks like she’s in pain.”

  “She’s in pain, but bodies have a way of suppressing discomfort. She may or may not feel it. The best thing to do is let her sleep. I’ll wake her from this spell in a few hours when labor is more severe. I must prepare you, Cobaaron; your child may not survive the trauma. If this child dies, your partner may die from depression. I could give you a tonic that would help you live long enough to find another lover.”

  “What? Ky will not die! It’s prophetical! If she did, why would I choose to live without her? I gave up everything for her! Life is only one more thing I’d give. Everything I do is for my wife, Hyun. Don’t ever suggest that to me again, find another way, or I will call for another healer to care for my people.”

  “I understand you are upset, but I would be doing you a disfavor if I didn’t express the most likely outcome. Prophecy or not, there could be more to it, where she doesn’t survive. All I’m saying is children don’t usually survive at only six months in the womb. Delivery after a tragic attack has made Ky very weak.”

  “If anything happens to her I will be near to give her a small amount of my blood.” There was a pause but Cobaaron spoke roughly again, “No more Hyun! Not another word of advice!”

  Ky was increasingly frightened. She wished they would stop talking in confidence because she was eavesdropping on a conversation she didn’t want to hear. Unfortunately, she was so drowsy she couldn’t open her eyes or move. She fought her fatigue, but she couldn’t awake fully. Then she tried to utter her grievance. At least a sound would alert them. She attempted again and again to make a sound. She tried to scream. Nothing worked.

  “Ky! My partner is awake,” Cobaaron exclaimed. “Lift your spell; she’s worried about Lu Lu and wants to wake.”

  “Wake up Ky,” Hyun said, and Ky instantly opened her eyes.

  Cobaaron stood by their bed, Hyun next to him. They both exchanged worried expressions. Cobaaron lifted her hand, and kissed her fingers. “Just tell me what to do to ensure my child’s survival,” Ky demanded.

  “Our child will be fine.” Cobaaron glared at Hyun. “The name protects her, remember? You live with me while we reign for hundreds of years. I will be here to save you.” His scowl narrowed on Hyun, before he sat next to her. “I know you will be okay now. It’s over. You’ll be fine.”

  “You could eat acrid root. It’s hard to eat, and nearly impossible to keep down, but if you can manage it, the baby would be strong. You would be weakened by vomiting as you try to birth the child, but the strength would help the young one survive.”

  “Get it,” Ky insisted, frantic that he hadn’t given it to her yet.

  When Hyun left, Cobaaron kissed her hand again. “Love, why would you write Noxis that note? You should have told me. I could have followed at a distance to make sure you were okay.”

  “I didn’t think you would have let me meet him.”

  “No, I wouldn’t have agreed, but I would have followed you when you stubbornly went anyway.” He leaned down, dropping his forehead to hers. “If I wasn’t so relieved you were okay, I’d be upset. I care for you so much, and I can’t let you do this again. You have to include me in your plans, love. We’re a team.”

  “I promise I will. I felt culpable putting Noxis under that spell; I had to stop it. I feel terrible about it like it was my responsibility. I’m sorry. I’ll tell you first, and stop doing things alone,” she vowed, as she slid her hand behind his neck, lured his lips closer, and then kissed him. “I don’t understand why I don’t remember. The last thing I recall is the party in the square, and Vergara’s gift.”

  “She left this morning; that wretched woman is gone. Let’s not discuss her.”

  The more awake Ky became, the greater the pain settled into her body. Mostly her back hurt with intense pressure.

  “You can’t, because apparently the spirit took your memory.” He brushed his fingers through her hair, and she could see his anguish and fear. “You’ll be okay!” He placed his hand on her stomach.

  “How is Onya since your brother disappeared?”

  “She’s worried, but she’ll be fine. Don’t concern yourself about any of that. It’s over. You and Lu Lu are the only people that matter.” He made small circles on her abdomen. Ky winced, feeling intense pressure against her back. There was no doubt she was in labor.


  “I thought Star’s don’t have labor pains,” Ky complained to Ebony. Her skin was glowing hot, and her glistening silver sweat smeared the sheets. Her hair was in a bun to keep it out of her face, and Ky was miserable. Ebony, Ambrosia, and Ky’s handmaiden Vale cooled her forehead with wet cloths, but intense back pain never let up during her contractions. Momentary relief of a few precious minutes was decreasing as her contractions got longer and closer together, with each passing hour. Ky didn’t think she could take much more.

  The wound in her stomach was glowing as if her skin was slowly stretching and about to rip open. Ky was sure the pain wasn’t normal. There had to be a way to get some relief.

  “You’re weak from the attack. You may not be bleeding but your body hasn’t recovered. The best thing to do is let us put you under a spell so you fall asleep, and when you wake up, your child will be born,” Ebony recommended again. She had been pushing the idea for the last ten contractions.

  “I’m not doing that unless I absolutely must. I’ll try more acrid root.” Ky swallowed, fighting the urge to vomit. After three attempts, Ky hadn’t been able to swallow it, even with a full glass of water to wash it down. Her tongue clamped against the roof of her mouth, never allowing the chewed bite to enter her throat.

  “Maybe we should prepare it in a tongue-numbing potion,” Ambrosia suggested sounding uncertain. Ky rolled onto her side and gritted her teeth as she experienced another intense contraction. How women breathed through labor to distract from the pain was incredible. It didn’t work for Ky, and she was sure Lamaze was a crock! How she preached the wonders of Lamaze for years was laughable. It took all her strength to clutch the sheets and scream obscenities.

  “That’s a really good idea. It wouldn’t compromise the properties because we wouldn’t have to cook it.” Ebony beamed with pride at her daughter. She continued with the conversation, pressing her fists into Ky’s lower back as she endured a fierce contraction. “I think I have some, because your grandma left a bottle at our house. She’s always complaining about my cooking. Hyun hasn’t stopped grumbling over her cooking, so who is she to tell me I’m not serving satisfying meals, or cleaning house adequately.”

  Ambrosia smirked, avoiding her mother’s eye, as she grimaced at Ky apologetically. Ambrosia clearly wasn’t going to join in the conversation to make it longer, and Ky was thankful. She wanted another chance to eat the disgusting thing, and get the birthing process done.

  After they prepared the root in a vat of old tongue-numbing juice, they poured a cup for Ky. She drank the concoction as fast as she could, and then wa
ited to see if she could keep it down. Ky thought she successfully consumed the drink, but then she leaned over, and got sick in the bucket next to her.

  “That’s it,” Ky snapped when she could breathe. “Just give me the dratted root. Maybe if I eat a lot of it, I’ll stop tasting the bitterness or some might stay down.”

  Ebony and Ambrosia hesitated. Ambrosia spoke with an overly soothing voice. “That is brave; I give you that Ky. But it’s disgusting. Are you sure?”

  “I’m desperate! I want this baby out,” Ky hissed. “If it won’t kill me, I’ll try it.”

  “No, it won’t kill you. At least I don’t think so. But Ambrosia is right, it tastes terrible.”

  “Vale, is there anything you can do?”

  “I can’t heel her. She has no wounds. She’s weak and needs sleep. That is how elves deliver.”

  “I can hold it down,” Ky insisted.

  She didn’t think she could survive another contraction. The pain was too intense, and she was weaker than when she first woke from the stab wound. But she wouldn’t give up. She didn’t wait for permission. She snatched the root from Ebony’s hand and bit a big chunk of the stinky, hard tissue. She chewed quickly, hoping to swallow it and get the taste off her tongue. At her first attempt, she couldn’t swallow even the juice that slowly filled her mouth. The dry piece once again lodged as if her body refused to allow her to consume it. The second she managed to force it down, she got sick.

  Ky wasn’t discouraged. She tried again and again, and gagged with each bite. Ky managed to swallow the juices, and hoped it would help. She continued to go through cycles of eating the root, having a contraction, drinking water, heaving, and then starting over.

  Ky’s stab wound brightened each time she endured a contraction. Ebony was so worried she considered fetching Cobaaron from outside in case she died. The thought scared Ky enough she continued eating. Bite after disgusting bite she got sick, but she wasn’t stopping until she was dead or Lu Lu was born.

  “Ky, you should sleep.” Ebony rubbed Ky’s lower back. Ky shook her head. She could attempt a few more times.

  Ky almost wasted the entire thing when the taste changed. It tasted like a mix of cinnamon and clove. She studied it a moment, and ate a few bites as if hungry. The dry texture was still wonderful. Her throat opened, and she swallowed easily. The root not only settled her nausea, but her wound dimmed, matching the rest of her glowing body. Ky was amazed how fast it was making her feel better. When she had the next painful contraction, it wasn’t nearly as long or intense.

  “What are you looking at?” Ambrosia asked, seeing Ky’s puzzled expression as she stared at the curious plant again.

  “It tastes different.”

  “Really?” Ebony asked, surprised and concerned. She snatched the root from Ky’s hand. “Let me try it.” Ebony nibbled a jagged corner, and immediately spit it out. “No, it’s still disgusting. Yuck! That is awful!”

  Ebony handed it back and Ky took another bite. She took her time chewing, because juices slid down like warm cider. “It’s not even dry anymore.” She enjoyed the taste, and even more, she was grateful for the effects. “No, seriously, it’s so good. I feel better.” She relaxed into the bed, staring at the ceiling with relief as she ate.

  “Really! Did you wish it to taste different and the flavor changed?” Ambrosia asked.

  “No. It simply altered.”

  “That’s…incredible. I wonder if you eat enough you actually like it,” Ambrosia said to her mother. “Maybe now she’ll always like the taste and crave it. Or she may be disgusted again once she forgets the flavor. It will be interesting to find out what happens. This is something for the family crest, mother!”

  “I never heard of someone liking acrid root—ever.” Ebony sounded as if Ky was momentarily crazy. “But people discover special properties about herbs and tubers all the time. I’ll have to investigate this further. Be prepared Ambrosia, when you have your baby, you will eat an entire root like Ky. If it works again, we’ll certainly pass this information along to our future generations.”

  “It’s fascinating,” Ambrosia watched Ky savoring a bite. The two women frowned with disgust, but sniggered, amazed that Ky found it tasty. Ky was content. Her baby was going to be healthy because she consumed several bites.

  “I’m so glad this worked!” Ky sucked on the last bit. Her labor pains returned, and this time she barely felt them. Her skin lost its cold clammy feel.

  Her painless contraction didn’t go unnoticed. Ambrosia exclaimed about the discovery. “This is so odd.... Well, I’m sold. I’ll try the root when I’m in labor. Not only is your baby stronger, but you are as well.”

  Ebony turned to Vale who was waiting with more wet cloths. “Have you heard about anything like this?”

  “Elves don’t use plants for healing. This is new to me. She does look better. You can’t argue with that. It obviously worked. I’ll go tell Cobaaron; the news will give him much needed peace.”

  Ky’s shoulders relaxed along with the rest of her body. She took a deep breath. Her skin warmed with the scent of honey. She didn’t dare swallow the last chunk, fearing that sucking on it kept her pain free. She held the small bit between her teeth and cheek as she sucked on it like hard candy.

  Ebony suggested she lay on her side to speed things along. Without question, the movement made a huge difference. Mild pain returned when Ky felt her stomach tighten.

  The labor continued another half an hour before Ky decided it was time to move to the bathhouse. She wanted to sit in the warm pool, as her mother had helped other women do countless times. She didn’t remove her loose gown. Ky rubbed her stomach, excitedly anticipating the moment she’d find out what Lu Lu looked like.

  Lu Lu was born in the warmth of the water. Being premature, she was small, much smaller than Ky expected. No longer than fifteen inches, Lu Lu easily fit in Ky’s cradling hands. Ky was thankful there weren’t any complications. Best of all, Lu Lu was a strong, healthy, little girl. Gazing at her newborn, Ky counted fingers and toes.

  Ky had never seen anything more beautiful than her daughter. Lu Lu had black hair and intense blue eyes like Cobaaron. But her hair was wavy like Ky’s. She had a small strawberry birthmark on her knee. Ky never believed in love at first sight, until that moment. She had no other way of explaining how she felt other than saying aloud that she was a true believer. Ky loved Lu Lu and had no regrets. She loved that Lu Lu belong to Cobaaron and her.

  After staring at her for a few minutes feeling overwhelming pride, Ky put Lu Lu to her breast trying to get her to feed, but to no success. But then Ky never saw a baby latch on with the first fumbling attempt. Her mother’s words were in the back of her mind, “Remember that you’re doing it right, but you have a baby not a day old having to learn how to feed. Be patient and she will learn.” Ky gazed at Lu Lu again with confidence.

  “Well, I am glad to see the strengthening properties worked. I’m pleased you both are doing well,” Ebony broke the silence. “Do you want me to get your partner? I’m sure the king is anxious to see both of you.”

  “I do.”

  “We’ll leave you alone so the three of you can bond. I’ll be back in a few hours unless you change your mind about wanting me to care for Lu Lu while you sleep. Vale will be back when she’s done cleaning your room.”

  Shortly after Ebony left, Cobaaron came into the bathhouse after pacing for hours outside the bedchamber. He knelt to kiss Ky, and then looked at Lu Lu. His eyes lingered on his daughter as he touched her black hair. “She has my eyes.” Cobaaron beamed, as he stared in awe. “She’s beautiful,” he whispered.

  “She looks nothing like me. Not even my former self. You must have the more dominant traits.”

  “Of course I do. I’m a warrior,” Cobaaron boasted.

  Ky sniggered, and rolled her eyes. Being a warrior had nothing to do with it, but she wasn’t about to tell him. Cobaaron kissed Ky, and then removed her bun so he could comb through her tang

  “I thought I’d feel young and inadequate right now, but I don’t.”

  “You’re young, but never inadequate, love. You’re the most capable woman I know. You’re loving, affectionate, smart, and everything you need to know about raising Lu Lu, you’ll pick up in no time. I’m sure you’ll instinctively know once you get over your anxieties.”

  “I’m not anxious. I’m relieved I’m not. I know a lot more than I thought I did.”

  “Then all you needed was confidence.” Cobaaron was about to stand, but he leaned toward her and kissed her again. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too, Daddy.”

  Ky asked him if he wanted to hold Lu Lu. He blinked in mild surprise that she’d even offer. He finally answered, “I don’t think men care for their children like that. We’re more spectators at this age. I’ve never heard of a man holding his child this soon.”

  “This world has enough silly rules. Don’t make me do everything. I’ll be really stressed out. You have to hold her, at least. In my dream, where I’m from, men nap all the time with their babies on their chest.”

  “Are you serious?” Cobaaron asked, looking uncomfortable. “She’s too small. I could hurt her. No, I don’t want to hold her.”

  “I need your help. I have to get out of the tub. Support her head, and hold her to your bare chest to keep her warm. She needs the warmth, or she will get cold.”

  “It’s amazing how much you know about children. How you found yourself at a loss of what to do is somewhat humorous. I know nothing about children other than they fuss a lot and when they do you feed them peppermint.” Cobaaron reluctantly held out his hands when she stared him down until he was willing to hold his daughter. He kept trying to maneuver his hands by turning them, but he didn’t know exactly how to carefully take something so small and fragile. Finally, Ky twisted and then pressed Lu Lu gently to Cobaaron’s skin. Now that Lu Lu rested against his warm body, Cobaaron simply braced her small head, and cupped her feet and bottom. At first, he was stiff and unsure, but a minute later, he relaxed. “This is easy enough. I could do this.”


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