Angels: A Guardians Series Military Romance (The Guardians Book 1)

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Angels: A Guardians Series Military Romance (The Guardians Book 1) Page 8

by Beth Abbott

  “I confess that the same thought has passed through my mind a few times today.” Hollywood admitted. “But then, I keep rationalising that Logan wouldn’t have stayed alive as long as he has, working in special ops, no less, without being able to keep his shit together.”

  “I thought of that, too.” Kellen nodded. “I also reckoned there was no way JT would have hired the guy unless he came with a stellar recommendation from the military. I mean, why would he, when Alpha Company has the pick of the best former military personnel in the country?”

  “So, maybe Logan was just having an off day?” Hollywood suggested. “Maybe when we go into the office tomorrow he’ll have calmed down and be back to the laid-back guy we’ve seen over the last few days.”

  “Yeah, and maybe Danny will find out that Hannah was reduced to tears today and will take the guy’s fucking head off.” Kellen snorted.

  “Hannah was crying?” Hollywood was astounded. “You saw her with your own eyes?”

  “Well, technically, I didn’t see her.” Kellen admitted. “I was in the small office next to the conference room, taking advantage of the peace and quiet to go over the material Hannah loaded onto the tablets. I think she’d locked herself in the conference room out of the way, and I could hear her sniffing and talking to herself through the air conditioning vents. She was calling herself all kinds of names for being some kind of pussy, berating herself for ‘having a pity-party for one’. She was muttering about how pissed she was at Logan, and then she said something about JT not trusting her after all she’d done for the company, and treating her like a first-tier employee.”

  “Seriously? But she’s a director of Alpha Company, isn’t she?” Hollywood frowned. “She’s the go-to person for everything, and has been at the heart of every operation they’ve ever gotten involved in.”

  “Well, I was talking to Evan this afternoon, not about what I heard, but just general office gossip, and he reckoned that only the guys are directors of Alpha Company, not the wives.” Kellen clarified. “Hannah and Ellen work for Alpha Company, but they’re not directors. Nor are they directors of the Guardians, but, of course, that could be for security reasons. I guess it’s a bit like Candy being an employee of Stalwart, whereas Tuck is the owner.”

  “But that’s different.” Hollywood pointed out. “Tuck owns one hundred per-cent of Stalwart. Alpha Company has eight directors already. Would it have hurt them to add Hannah to the list?”

  “From the tone of her mumbling, I don’t think it ever occurred to Hannah that JT thought she was less than his equal.” Kellen reached over to the mini-bar and pulled out another beer. “Possibly this is the first time he’s treated her differently.”

  “Maybe she was challenging him about Logan being part of the team, and he pulled rank?” Hollywood shrugged. “Who knows?”

  “Well, like I said before, I sure hope that Danny doesn’t find out how upset Hannah was today, or I wouldn’t want to be in either Logan’s or JT’s shoes tomorrow.” Kellen said thoughtfully. “Just listening to how upset she was made me want to punch one of them. Admittedly, I have a soft spot for Hannah after all the help she’s given us in the past, but I’m not the man who worships the ground she walks on. God only knows how Danny will react.”

  Hollywood watched Kellen retreat to the kitchen and sighed. Ten years ago, he would have been happy to have a ringside seat to a little fist-fight, just to liven up an otherwise boring day. Not so much now.

  This new business had kinda taken the wacky out of him and kicked it into touch, especially when he realised he would be one of the older, make that ‘senior’ members of the new Guardians team.

  He sure as hell didn’t want to see all their preparation flushed away, just because of a clash of personalities or a misunderstanding.

  Tomorrow was going to be a very interesting day.

  Chapter 14 – JT

  JT looked at the blank screen in front of him and growled again.

  The new computer system that Hannah had installed was one of those all singing/all dancing types that could do pretty much everything, from controlling the lights and heating in the office, to controlling satellites in space, all from the comfort of their Guardians offices.

  Well, at least it would if he could get the damn thing to work.

  JT had arrived at the office at a little after seven this morning, hoping to get a head start on things before the rest of the team arrived.

  Ok, so that was complete bullshit. He’d been hoping to get into his office before Hannah arrived, as he really didn’t want to face her if she was still pissed at him.

  He’d had a conversation with Logan yesterday about the ‘attitude’ Hannah had reported to him, and while he understood the reasons why Logan might not be disposed to like Nikita Federova, he didn’t really see it as a major issue. Logan had reassured him that he could keep his emotions in check, and that he would be sure to treat the woman respectfully for the duration of the operation.

  It was only to put Hannah’s mind at rest, that he’d asked Drew to speak to Logan, and while he hadn’t had the final verdict from Drew yet, he didn’t really think the outcome was in much doubt.

  Logan was a soldier with a lot of years of service behind him. It would be ridiculous to think he might have gotten through his service without picking up a few mental scars along the way.

  The tapping on the door took his attention away from the irritation of a non-functioning computer.

  “Come in.” He said loudly, not entirely sure whether he was ready for a showdown with Hannah yet.

  “Wow! Nice digs.” Drew’s face was a welcome one, as the big guy stepped into his office and whistled in approval at the décor. “Is this all for show? Or do you actually plan on doing some work in here?”

  “It’s all fully functional.” JT grinned. “Well, all except the computer, that is. I can’t get this piece of shit to do anything this morning.”

  “What? JT the technology wizard can’t get a computer to work?” Drew scoffed. “Seriously? Getting too old to cope with all the upgrades, old man?”

  “Have you seen all the things these new computers can do? Hannah has got them configured so they could take over the western world if she was so minded.” JT shook his head. “Honestly, I have no clue as to half of the capability of these machines.”

  “So, why isn’t she in here getting your machine sorted out? Or at least showing you where the on/off switch is?” Drew wondered. “She’s always helped Tony and I out, whenever we have a computer meltdown.”

  Yeah, that was the million-dollar question.

  “I don’t think Hannah’s speaking to me at the moment.” JT admitted, and he could feel his skin heating up, so he knew he must be blushing.

  Drew looked at him in amazement.

  “Yesterday, you told me that she had voiced her concerns about Logan.” He pointed out. “You didn’t say that you had fallen out about it.”

  “Well, yesterday I didn’t know we had fallen out about it.” JT could hear the defensive tone in his own voice.

  “Hold on a minute.” Drew pulled him up. “You’re telling me that you and she had a conversation which led to her not speaking to you, and you didn’t realise at the time that it was a ‘falling out’? Right! Try telling it to the Marines and see if Tuck believes you.”

  JT opened his mouth to issue a denial, but nothing came out.

  He’d wanted to talk to Alice about it last night, but she and Vicky were in the States for a week, touring all the places connected to Alice’s charity. When she’d phoned him, it had been almost midnight, and she was racing between one event and the next. He hadn’t liked to bother her when there was nothing she could do about it anyway.

  “How about you use me as a sounding board, and let me be the judge of whether you’ve had a falling out? Maybe I can give you my unbiased opinion.” Drew smirked.

  JT started to explain that Hannah had voiced her concerns over Logan’s behaviour, and that he had reassured
her that he would get to the bottom of it, and let Hannah know when he had convinced himself of Logan’s suitability.

  When he explained it in black and white terms, he still couldn’t see where the falling out had happened. He knew Hannah was mad as all hell, but that was with Logan, wasn’t it?

  When he finished telling the story to Drew, he sat back, waiting for his friend to sympathize with him. Women could be a funny bunch, after all.

  “What’s your verdict, counsellor?” He smiled.

  “Are you shitting me?” Drew gaped at JT. “My verdict, take it or leave it, is that you’re an asshole.”

  JT wondered for a second if he and Drew were discussing the same topic.

  “I’m an asshole?” He repeated. “Ok, so how exactly did you come to that verdict?”

  “Well, let’s run through this a step at a time.” Drew was speaking slowly as though he were trying to communicate with an idiot. “Firstly, Hannah, who, let’s face it, is probably the heart and soul of Alpha company, and probably it’s most valuable asset by a trillion miles, came to you with a valid concern about a member of staff, one that relates to something that could have a seriously negative impact on the outcome of the most important operation we have on the books at the moment. Am I correct so far?”

  “So far.” JT admitted, grudgingly.

  “And you, in response to her justified fears, tell her to run along like a good little girl, because it’s none of her business.” Drew stared at JT, leaving him feeling uncomfortable. “Am I still on track?”

  “I maintained an employee’s confidentiality.” JT insisted.

  “From whom?” Drew threw up his hands. “Hannah? The one person on this operation who needs to know everything about everybody, in order to make sure we send in a team that’s qualified to do the job? Are you fucking kidding me? Tell me, what was going through your mind when you made that call? I’d love to know.”

  “She’s not…” JT stopped himself finishing the sentence, not even sure what his next words should be.

  “Not what, JT?” Drew pushed. “Not a director? Not important enough? Not high enough in the pecking order to warrant an explanation? Not the person who’s saved our asses more times than I can remember?”

  “No, dammit! She’s not a veteran!” JT hissed. “She’s never served in the military. She won’t understand Logan’s issues.”

  “Are you for real?” Drew scoffed. “Hannah has been married to Danny for more than a decade, and she’s worked with Alpha Company for all that time. She’s probably seen more examples of PTSD, including her own, than most people I know. So, if you’re using that as an excuse to keep things from her, then no wonder she’s pissed at you. I’m surprised she didn’t rip you a new one when you told her.”

  “I didn’t exactly tell her that.” JT defended himself.

  “Then what did you tell her?” Drew frowned.

  “I told her to leave it with me, and I would speak to Logan to make my own assessment. I said that if I thought it was warranted, I’d bring you in to give a second opinion. I was taking her concerns seriously, dammit!” JT hissed.

  “If that’s what you really think, then I’m sorry for you, because I think you’re talking out of your ass!” Drew wasn’t mincing his words. “You told Hannah that your opinion and mine were worth more than hers, and that she should keep her nose out of other people’s business. You just reminded her that as she’s not an Alpha Company director, her opinion isn’t important, and she’s certainly not important enough to be entitled to a proper explanation. And never mind that she’s the person who’s saved our asses more times than I can remember, she’s still only an employee, right? Tell me… have you had her name plate printed to go on her office door yet? Does it say ‘Hannah Simons – JT’s Minion’?”

  If Drew hadn’t been one of his closest friends, JT might have felt inclined to get up and punch the man.

  But seeing as he couldn’t work out whether his own anger was because Drew was wrong, or because deep down he knew Drew was right, JT couldn’t bring himself to get up from the chair.

  “If I’m wrong, why is Hannah ignoring you?” Drew said quietly.

  “I don’t actually know that she is ignoring me.” JT was still feeling a little defensive. “She hasn’t arrived yet.”

  “Which is unusual, in and of itself, as Hannah’s always been an early bird.” Drew pointed out. “How many times have you tried to call her?”

  “About a dozen.” JT admitted. “It keeps going straight to voicemail.”

  Drew’s eyes widened.

  “Man, if a woman dodges your call that many times, then you can stake your Aston Martin on it that she’s pissed at you.”

  “I don’t have an Aston Martin.” JT murmured, his mind already racing ahead to figure out how he was going to make this right.

  “Good job, too.” Drew grinned. “Or you might find it covered in paint thinner this morning.”

  JT glanced at Drew with his best hang-dog expression.

  “Care to tell me how the hell I get myself out of this little predicament?” He sighed.

  “I’d start with a very large bouquet of flowers, followed by perfume and chocolates, and then an apology, offered while down on one knee.” Drew said seriously.

  “Really?” JT spluttered. “All of those?”

  “Well, it works for Tony and me, when we’re grovelling to Vicky.” Drew grinned. “Mind you, it usually gets us extra… ‘favours’ if you know what I mean? Maybe you should skip the perfume.”

  JT nodded, reaching for his phone as his mind went whirring off in all directions.

  The last time he’d needed to grovel this hard was when he was trying to get Alice to marry him.

  “Claire, honey? Can you get hold of that florist friend of yours?” He murmured into the phone. “I need the biggest bunch of flowers they can deliver.”

  Chapter 15 – Danny

  As Danny trotted up the two flights of stairs that separated Alpha Company from the Guardian’s offices, he wondered what sort of mood Hannah would be in.

  Last night she’d been particularly quiet, only speaking when spoken to, which was completely unlike his loud and rambunctious wife.

  Even the kids had noticed, with their oldest daughter, Lilly, asking him if mummy was Ok, when he’d gone up to read them their bedtime story the night before.

  By the time he’d gotten the kids settled down, he’d gone to find Hannah to see what was going on, but she was already in bed and fast asleep. It was barely eight o’clock.

  Danny hadn’t been in the mood to sit by himself watching TV, so he’d stripped off and climbed into bed, pulling Hannah into his arms as she slept.

  For the first time in years, something had bothered his wife so badly that she was mumbling to herself all night, and it had left Danny equal parts angry and upset.

  Angry because she’d kept muttering things like ‘I’m nobody’ and ‘I’m nothing’, and upset, mostly because she hadn’t been awake for him to reassure her.

  Who or what had got into Hannah’s head so badly that she thought she wasn’t important?

  In their family, Hannah was like a shining star, casting a shimmering light on everyone around her. As far as he was aware, Hannah was viewed the same way at work. So, why was she feeling so worthless?

  As he got to the Guardian’s floor, he punched the code into the security lock and stepped inside.

  The first thing that Danny noticed was how quiet it was, compared to the Alpha Company offices, which were always bustling with activity.

  This was so eerily still and quiet it was almost spooky.

  Danny made his way along the corridor, pausing at the room Hannah liked to call her classroom. Not that it had desks and a chalkboard, mind you.

  No, this was the room where Hannah sat down with her Guardians and passed on her pearls of wisdom.

  Danny glanced through the door to find the Guardians were present, sitting quietly studying something on their tablets, b
ut their teacher was conspicuous by her absence.

  “Hey, Danny.” Kellen glanced up first. “Something we can help you with?”

  “Hey Kellen. I don’t suppose you’d know where Hannah is?” Danny looked around the new guys and noticed all but one of them staring at him.

  Hollywood stood up and stretched.

  “I think I know where she is.” He picked up his mug. “I was about to head to the kitchen anyway. I’ll show you.”

  Danny noticed the rest of the guys glance at each other, well, all except the Scottish guy, Logan, who kept his head down.

  He followed Hollywood down the corridor and past Hannah’s empty office, where a large flower arrangement sat on the side table next to her desk.

  When they reached the conference room, the door was closed, and the blinds were fully tilted shut, blocking any view of the room.

  “She’s in here?” He looked at Hollywood, wondering what the fuck was going on. “Is she Ok?”

  “I think she’s having a bit of ‘quiet time’.” Hollywood seemed to wince, even as he said it.

  “And why does she need ‘quiet time’?” Danny frowned. “Hannah’s not known for her need for peace and quiet. She thrives in the middle of chaos.”

  Hollywood stared at Danny, obviously undecided as to whether or not he should say anything.

  “Look, Danny…” Hollywood finally sighed. “I think you need to speak to Hannah. There was an issue within the team yesterday, which I don’t think she was able to resolve to her satisfaction. It’s left her a bit out of sorts by the looks of things. She said hello to us this morning, gave us some up to date intel to read through, and then disappeared.”

  “An issue within the team?” Danny repeated, trying to guess what that meant. “Is someone giving her a hard time?”

  Hollywood shook his head.

  “Nothing like that.” He confirmed. “Look Danny, Hannah is fucking awesome, man. I can only speak for Kellen and myself, but we think she’s incredible. But we’ve had more contact with her over the last couple of years, so we’re best able to appreciate her skills. Let me tell you, the Guardians are damn lucky to have someone with her talents watching our backs.”


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