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Trinity Page 9

by Lauren Dane

  “Is this the Bee Gees?” Jack asked, though now he was thinking about her naked too.

  “Renee loves disco music. And you thought she was all sparkly sexy magic and hot tits, huh?” Galen lifted a shoulder as he grinned. “Wait until we all take a road trip. Thousands of miles in the car and she gets to choose every third time. You can’t even drink enough alcohol to make it okay.”

  Jack laughed. “I’m already invited on road trips?”

  “We both know how this is going to go.” As he spoke, Galen swiveled to keep Renee in his sights. It was clear to Jack she was thinking, turning things over in her head as she fiddled near the stereo.

  Galen sighed, clearly contented, before speaking again. “Look at her and tell me, after you’ve felt that magic wash over you, after you’ve held her against your body, that you’re going to walk away.”

  It had been the most important feeling he’d ever had when he held her to him. “If she told me right now to go, I would. I’m not interested if she doesn’t want me too. I don’t want to force her into anything. And man, I can’t believe you’re not more territorial. I mean, it works out nicely for me and all, but you’re clearly an alpha.”

  “I understand what it means to find home in another person.” Galen faced him now. “I know if fate brought you to Renee and me, you’re meant to be here. I also know if you harm her in any way, I will bring pain like you’ve never even imagined.”

  Before Jack could respond, Renee turned and his attention was captured again. God damn she was beautiful.

  “You guys done talking about my boobs?”

  Jack grinned. “I’m not even going to answer that.”

  “Pffft, you don’t have to. They are pretty awesome.” Her smile was lopsided, but genuine. The tequila had hit, her voice lost its edge, smoothing into not quite a slur, but she was definitely more relaxed than she’d been a few minutes before.

  “He can duck out of answering, but I’ll tell you straight, I’m never going to be done talking about them. I happen to enjoy your boobs very much.” Galen smirked and she rolled her eyes. “Why you keeping all the way over there? That last shot leave you a little uneasy on your feet? Not that I’ll be complaining about it, you’re easy when you’ve been drinking tequila.”

  “Aren’t you the comedian tonight? Hmpf. You know—” she paused, looking both men over, “—it just occurred to me that Jack isn’t just my type, but your type too.”

  “What?” Galen asked, laughing, but not denying.

  “Look at him. He’s all blond and surfer-boy good looks. Great body. He looks a lot like, what was his name? The one you were with before the woman before me. Not that I keep track.” She burst into giggles and Jack shook his head.

  “Come on over here and sit down, Renee.” Jack patted the sofa and she eyed them both again, clearly sober enough to know they both had plans to get her naked. With a raised brow, she made her way over.

  “Victor! That’s it. Victor. The one who propositioned you when he thought I wasn’t looking. As if I wouldn’t be looking. Hello.” She fell to the couch with a sigh, leaning her head against Galen’s shoulder.

  Galen had the same painful look on his face that Jack probably had when he’d brought up Grace some minutes before. “It was an invitation for three.”

  “Puhleeeeze. Galen, do you think I fell off the gullible truck? He is not interested in vagina. I bet he’s never even touched one before. He likes cock. Yours, to be specific.”

  Galen struggled not to laugh. Jack liked their interplay. It was totally obvious they had love and respect between them. “Well, he was great fun to be with and that was one of his finest qualities. Still, I said no and that would be my answer if I saw Jack on the street without any context.”

  Renee frowned, fighting her own laughter. “Are you laughing at me?”

  “Only on the inside.” Galen winked at her.

  She socked his arm and he caught her hand, gently, carefully, bringing her fist to his lips to kiss.

  “Do you like boys?” she asked Jack, bold as you please.

  “How often do you drink tequila?” he shot back.

  She rolled her eyes. “Like this? Only the times a ridiculously handsome werewolf tells me I’m his mate and he wants to come inside me to make me his mate and my husband seems to be okay with it. So up until now, only like twice a month or so.”

  Jack decided to move past talk and into action. He leaned in, his body just above hers, getting to his knees to get at that mouth. Galen’s eyes went half-mast; he made no move to stop Jack and neither did Renee.

  In fact, her lips parted on a soft sigh as he loomed over her. When he slid his lips across hers, his body hardened, everything within him tugged, pulled to her, pulled to this woman he wanted so very badly.

  Her taste was...right. So right he groaned, deepening the kiss until she opened to him, taking his tongue into her mouth, her own dancing along his. Her hands slid up, beneath the hem of his shirt, caressing his sides and then his back.

  Need hit like a fever, like a balled-up fist, and it sent him tipping into her, falling so deep he’d never be the same.

  And he did it willingly, fell, let himself be consumed by her taste, by the scent of her skin, of her pussy and the honey between her thighs. Christ, he never wanted to stop touching her.

  Everything within him wanted to howl. He’d found her. His whole life he’d known this moment would come, and now that it had, it was the best thing he’d ever experienced. Now that she’d submitted to him, his wolf wanted more, wanted all of her.

  He hissed as her nails dug into his back, urging him closer. Her body molded to his, fit his just right. Each time she writhed, his cock ached a bit more.

  “Are you okay with this? With all of this?” he managed to gasp as he broke his lips away. Jack couldn’t believe he possessed the presence of mind to actually speak.

  Her eyes opened. He’d never seen eyes like hers—honey gold. Her lashes were thick as she blinked up at him.


  “Yes, babe?” Galen leaned down to kiss her forehead, his face very close to Jack’s. Without thinking, Jack turned, stretching until his mouth met Galen’s. The contact went straight to his knees, to his cock, up his spine as it seemed to twine around where Renee had taken up residence inside him.

  Galen nipped Jack’s bottom lip as he pulled away.

  “I was going to ask if we were okay with this, but I think I just got my answer.” Renee’s voice was thick and for all of Galen’s sexual allure, he didn’t begin to shadow what she was to him.

  “Are you okay with that?” Jack indicated Galen, meaning the kiss and more.

  “It feels good.” She arched her back, bringing her body against his again and he groaned. “It feels right that this would be about the three of us. If it was me and you, and then me and you—” she indicated each man with the tip of her chin, “—it would bound to end up with people feeling left out.”

  “Yes,” Galen whispered.

  “This couch is too small. Come on through into the bedroom. I think our bed should do just fine.” Renee scrambled up and held two hands out. Galen took one and Jack the other.

  Chapter Seven

  Okay then, so this was wow, so much more than she’d imagined that something to be. This was huge. Hot. Scary. Beautiful. She was utterly in over her head and she had no plan whatsoever to stop.

  She couldn’t stop. Her emotions clanged around inside her, driving her. She’d never felt her connection to Galen as strongly as she did right then. Each breath he took, each step he took, she felt. His desire, his need for her blanketed her skin, her senses. His love for her meant she could stand on this ledge and jump because it would be there no matter what.

  If she overthought this, she’d do something bad like start to cry
or laugh hysterically. It was surreal in the way it just felt like what they were all supposed to be doing. How odd, that it took this long in her life to really feel the hand of fate so strongly.

  Their bedroom was lit by the streetlamps outside, and the moon overhead seemed to spotlight directly on the bed.

  Before she could talk herself out of it, she pulled her shirt off, tossing her bra along while she was at it. Shimmying out of her jeans and panties took another half a minute and when she turned around again, both men stood side by side, watching her.

  “Um, okay then. Here I am. There you are. Only I’m naked and you two aren’t. It’s okay that Galen is here, right? I’m babbling, oh my God, I’m babbling like an idiot and what are you two even doing here with me? Look at you!” She gestured at them both.

  “Of course it’s okay that Galen is here.” Jack took the few steps he needed to get to her. “I’m here with you because there’s no one on earth I’d rather be with. Naked is always a plus.” He trailed a fingertip over her shoulder, across the spot where Galen had marked her.

  A strangled gasp broke from her at that contact. Galen was suddenly there, turning the blankets back and helping to ease her onto the mattress.

  “There. Pretty as a picture.” Galen dipped down to lick over the spot on her neck where he’d bitten her a second time. She shuddered and squeezed her thighs together to try and ease the ache.

  “I told you nearly four years ago and I’ll say it again, you’re mine. I take care of what’s mine. I love you.” Galen spoke as he pulled his T-shirt over his head, exposing the upper body she’d just rubbed herself all over that very afternoon. Her breath caught and he laughed.

  Not to be outdone, Jack got rid of his shirt too. The pale gold hair on his chest gleamed in the low light and called to her hands. She got to her knees, sliding her palms up the flat belly, over the broad chest, stopping to kiss the scar on his right side.

  “Why do you have a scar here? I thought you guys healed really fast.” Behind her, she heard the jingle of Galen’s belt and the shuss of jeans being shoved down and kicked off.

  “Silver-tipped knives.” His voice was thin with strain as he took her hand to another spot on his upper back. “Gunshot with silver ammo. Everything else heals just fine. And can I just tell you how pretty you are? Lie back, sweetheart, and let’s get a look at you.”

  As she did, he got rid of his pants and boxers and stood for long moments, totally naked and obviously happy to be there, just looking at her.

  “You’re like the inside of a seashell, pink and fragile but so strong.” He took her ankles in his hands, trapping them with his grip before slowly sliding them up her legs.

  “I don’t like that someone tried to hurt you.”

  The idea of him being in danger made her slightly ill. Galen brushed the hair back from her face and took her mouth in a kiss meant to reassure but quickly began to seduce, to cajole and possess.

  “He’s dead and I’m here with my hands on the most beautiful woman on earth. I think I got the better deal. It’s part of my job, being attacked.” He laughed softly and she did not feel like joining him.

  The sight of his olive-toned skin stretched over the wide shoulders—shoulders holding her thighs apart so he could, yesss, take a long lick from her gate to her clit and back again—was almost as sexy as the way his hair felt on her belly, against her pussy.

  “She tastes like the sea with an edge of sweetness,” Galen said and Jack hummed his agreement. “Do you like that? Does his mouth on your pussy feel good? You look so sexy right now.” He traced his finger around the bottom curve of her left breast and then around and around her nipple.

  “By the way, she comes fast and hard,” Galen managed to say right as Jack began to suck her clit in and out of his mouth. Stars painted her vision as she arched, fingers digging into the blankets.

  Her pussy still clenched, wanting to be filled, when he was there, his cock nudging her open.

  His struggle to take it slow showed on his face. One lock of hair slid down over his forehead. “Please. I need you now.”

  “Yes, yes, please, inside me.” She squirmed to get more as he began to press inside. It felt so unbelievably good it was almost too much.

  “Once I fuck you and the Claiming is done, we’re going to take our time and do this all over again.” Jack’s voice had gone low, his wolf in every word.

  She opened her eyes again once he started to thrust, sensation lighting up her body with each press. His cock touched parts of her Galen didn’t, just as Galen’s cock had that swing to the left and nudged her just right.

  “Okay, I may need to soak in a bath of Epsom salts first though.” She laughed and Galen curled around her from behind. She snuggled into him even as Jack began to stroke harder and deeper. “Yes, like that. Harder. I won’t break.”

  The sound Jack made nearly made her come again.

  “You like it hard?” Jack thrust, jiggling her breasts.

  “Yes, yes, yes. I do.” She gasped when Galen pinched her nipples in time with the thrusts.

  “Me too.” He grinned and began to fuck her in earnest, hard and deep. The bed squeaked a bit.

  Galen’s cock, hard at her back, was just out of her reach. God she needed it, she needed him too. All that naked skin, two cocks, four hands, two mouths, the idea of it was enough to make her want to giggle.

  Instead she cried out as a hot rush of climax filled her and then teeth, two sets of teeth, sank into her skin. Galen on her shoulder and Jack, on her side, just below her left breast. He came inside her and the world tipped on its side as her cry of climax became a sob, a sob at the wonder of how it felt to be there right at that moment.

  So much magic! It flowed from her until she wasn’t sure she could hold it together. Dizziness hit and she smelled forests and fur, heard the growl of big cats, the howl of wolves.

  Galen lay there, Renee in his arms, Jack leaning against them both, all three panting. Galen had never seen anything like it. She was so powerful, she had no idea, he wagered, just how much raw magicks she poured out. It wrapped around them, made him feel safe as his cat recognized her taste and approved of the new flavor. Jack.

  He felt her. Before that moment he’d been connected to her. He understood her without her even having to speak. He knew her bond to him was made by choice and by pleasure. But right then, they’d all three clicked together in a way that felt as natural as breathing.

  He felt Jack’s wonder, his fascination and adoration of their woman. Jack was a powerful shifter, Galen’s cat approved because it meant she’d be safer too. The scent of sex hung in the air, teasing him, bringing his need back even though he’d had her only hours before.

  “Wow,” she mumbled, her eyes still closed.

  Jack petted her hip. “Are you all right? I know the Claiming can be really difficult for human women.”

  “And you did it anyway? Without saying?” Galen wasn’t quite ready to be pissed yet, but it was there, drawn out by any threat to Renee.

  She looked up at Galen, seeking to reassure him. “I think my connection to Galen made it okay.” She sat up. “I can feel you.” She touched Jack’s chest and he leaned into her touch. “I feel you in my head and in my heart. And you.” She swiveled to speak to Galen again. “I feel you too, in here.” She pointed to her belly and heart. “You were there before, but this is different. This is deeper. I’ve never...” She started to cry and both men, distressed and confused, rushed to comfort her.

  “I...please don’t cry. I don’t want you to be sad. God. I’ve never in my life felt so happy. I’ve been so lonely at times. I suppose I thought it was normal so I just accepted it. But now I feel home. I feel full. I feel like I belong and that you and Galen belong to me.”

  “They’re good tears. This is good.” She cupped Jack’s cheek and then Gal
en’s. “I’m overwhelmed, but not sad or scared.”

  “Oh. Good. I’m glad. How do you do it, Galen? How do you keep your hands off her?” Jack looked around Renee to ask.

  “I have four bite marks! Does it look like he keeps his hands off me?”

  Galen laughed, pulling her to him and opening his arm wider, inviting Jack. The three hugged, with Renee’s sweet curves in between them. Galen hungered for her with a ferocity no amount of Epsom salts could cure.

  “I want you so badly. But I’ve had you twice today and Jack once.” As he said it, his hand, dark against her belly, slid down, his fingers gently brushing through her pussy.

  “Mmmm. Good thing I like sex or you two would wear me out. Forget about my ass, buddy.” She grinned. “But I need you. I need this.” She reached down and grabbed his cock, sliding her fist around him, pumping just the way he liked. “I’ve been with you thousands of times and I still haven’t gotten my fill.”

  Bending, she began to lick around the crown. Jack reached out and grabbed Galen’s cock, holding it for Renee. Their gazes locked for long moments before Galen was drawn, as always, back to her.

  He adjusted himself, putting pillows behind his back so he could lean and watch her as he reclined. His beauty, as she crouched between his thighs, her mouth on his cock, her hands on his body. Each knob of her spine pressing against her skin called to his hands, his mouth, each brush of her nipples against his thighs brought a twinge, a deeper need for her. Her scent, her skin, the honey between her thighs, mixed with Jack, hung around them, comforting as it excited.

  Jack sat next to where Renee knelt, his hands on her, stroking, touching, caressing like he couldn’t get enough and Galen knew the feeling.

  Her mouth was hot and wet, the heaven he daydreamed of a hundred times a day. Her tongue knew all the best parts of him, pressing just hard enough, swirling, licking fast and hard, slow and gentle. She drove him higher and higher, sucking his cock, cupping his sac, occasionally scoring, ever-so-gently over the sensitive skin there. Her middle finger extended to play over his asshole. He nearly laughed, remembering her stern warning away from her ass. He knew, when her hand left his balls, that she was reaching down to her cunt, bringing her lube back up. He groaned when the fingers sliding over his rear passage were hot and slick. Even harder when she pressed inside, deeper and deeper, widening gently by scissoring her fingers. When she brushed against his prostate he nearly wept with joy, it felt so fucking good. Something she kept mindful of as she sucked him deeper with just the right pressure and speed.


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