An Unexpected Viking: Sveyn & Hollis: Part One (The Hansen Series - Sveyn & Hollis Book 1)

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An Unexpected Viking: Sveyn & Hollis: Part One (The Hansen Series - Sveyn & Hollis Book 1) Page 18

by Kris Tualla

  Hollis frowned. “No, I don’t need to.”

  “I disagree.” Miranda leaned forward her hands on the edge of Hollis’s desk. “This will all blow over by Monday. Someone is bound to blow something up, or get flooded, or expose their private parts on social media. In the meantime, you go home, open a bottle of cabernet, and watch a bunch of period films.”

  Hollis smiled at that; she knew the game. “And look for historical inaccuracies?”

  “Yep.” Miranda straightened. “Or you could do research and binge-watch Mysteries at the Museum.”

  Hollis chuckled. “Or Hoarders Gone Wild.”

  Miranda grinned. “There’s our girl. Now get out of here.”

  “Okay.” Hollis turned off her computer and reached for her purse. “I’m only following the orders of my boss.”

  “Right. See you Monday.” Miranda walked to the door and turned around. “And please apologize to Stevie on the way out, will you?”

  Hollis stood. “Of course.”

  Sveyn was not visible anywhere. The panic she experienced the first time he did this to her came rushing back at her like water from a busted dam.

  “Sveyn?” she whispered.



  Nothing again.

  What if he was gone, really gone, this time?

  Hollis walked out of her office, hands shaking and on the verge of tears. She locked her office and looked up and down the painfully empty hallway.

  She knocked on Stevie’s door and opened it when her friend answered.

  “Oh. It’s you.” Stevie turned back to her keyboard.

  “I came to apologize, Stevie.”

  “As well you should.” She glanced up at Hollis from the corner of her eye. “Apology accepted.”

  “Miranda is sending me home. I’m banished until Monday.”

  Stevie turned her chair around. “You and your sexy wink will be old news by then.”

  “I hope so. That was just stupid on my part.” Hollis’s voice broke. “I should never be let out in public.”

  Stevie jumped up and wrapped her arms around Hollis, who was now full-on in the ugly cry. “Stop that. Don’t say such things.”

  “I mess up everything. It’s true. And even with—” Don’t say Sveyn. The thought of the Viking brought a fresh gush of tears. “Even Everett saw it.”

  “Did he cancel your dinner date?”

  Hollis sniffed. “No.”

  “Then everything is going to be fine. Who doesn’t like a little flirty-ness in their girl, huh?” Stevie released her grip and stepped back. “Stop thinking so badly about yourself. You’re a wonderful person.”

  Hollis pulled a shuddering breath. “Thanks, Stevie.”

  “Now go enjoy your day off. Do something outrageous for yourself.”

  Sure. That’s going to happen. “I’ll see you Monday.”

  Hollis scanned her employee ID and let herself out the back door of the museum into the employee parking lot.

  Still no Sveyn.

  She unlocked the car and got inside. Alone. Turning the key to start the car, she wondered what was happening to her.

  Hollis backed out of her assigned parking space and drove out of the lot. By the time she reached her condo, she was an irreconcilable mess.

  Sveyn was still nowhere in sight.

  “I’m sorry I yelled at you!” she shouted from inside the car. “Where are you? When are you?”


  Hollis got out of the car and stumbled to the door of her condo, ignoring the mailbox she forgot to check yesterday. She unlocked the door and stepped into the comforting dimness.


  Damn, but she was pathetic.

  She had a real man—a living breathing one with an actual body—coming to visit her in less than a week, and all she could think about was whether her apparition had moved on.

  Nope. Not going to ruin my chances.

  Hollis dropped her purse and briefcase on the floor and walked to her bedroom. She pulled off her shirt and slacks, then climbed into bed.

  One big splurge in her single life was bedding. High count Egyptian cotton sheets, smooth and cool as silk. Thick down pillows. A down comfort which breathed, so she could even use it in summer. A floral-print duvet cover also made of polished cotton.

  And all of this was supported by a three-inch memory foam mattress topper.

  Hollis curled on her side in the middle of the queen bed, surrounded by cloud-like luxury, and wondered when she had ever felt this miserable.


  He curled against her back, his scruffy beard scraping against her shoulder. His hands moved to the front of her and began to explore. Hollis moved her leg to give him room.

  She was ready.

  He gripped her hips and shifted her position. He pressed inside her from behind.

  Hollis grabbed her sheets and pressed her mouth into her pillow. With each thrust she cried out, a mixture of ecstasy and anguish. She knew what was happening to her.

  As her pleasure exploded, it shattered her into pieces. She awoke panting, sweating, her pillow wet with tears, unable to move.

  He’s back.

  Hollis couldn’t see Sveyn, but she didn’t care. She lay unmoving in her cocoon, allowing the remnants of his attentions to fade slowly of their own accord. There was no reason to rush.

  Eventually his voice manifested behind her. “My God, but you are beautiful.”

  Hollis smiled; her world had righted once again. “I thought you were gone.”

  A pause. “I know.”

  “You did that on purpose.”

  Another pause. “Not entirely.”

  She rolled toward the voice. Her face was inches from his. “What do you mean?”

  “I wanted to see how far my tether extended. I am always so close to you, I have never tested it.” Sveyn’s eyes had a sexy, sleepy, post-coital sort of look to them. That was odd; Hollis didn’t think that any change in his appearance was possible.

  “So you decided to test it today. Because I yelled at you.”

  “I am not a perfect man,” he admitted. “Any more than you are a perfect woman.”

  Sad, but true.

  “What did you discover?”

  “I can now roam about a hundred yards from you.” The Viking grinned. “Before I am dragged behind your car, that is.”

  Hollis sat up, surprised for a moment that her bra and panties were still in place. Of course they were. It was a dream.

  In another dimension.

  “That seems like a long distance in a short time. We only met a month ago.”

  “It is. It took me ten years to get this far from Rydar’s uncle.”

  Hollis tucked the comforter around her legs. “I guess that’s good information to have. The hundred yards, I mean.”

  Sveyn’s hand hovered over her groin. “Did you enjoy it?”

  Hollis cheeks tightened. “You know the answer to that.”

  He looked pleased with himself. “I do.”

  “What about you?”

  Sveyn tapped his temple. “It was magnificent.”

  Hollis narrowed her eyes at him. “I did tell you never to do this again without asking me first, didn’t I?”

  He flopped on his back and tucked his hands behind his head. “Yes, you did. But I cannot believe you are angry with me. Not when you were so distressed. You needed to be loved, and loved well.”

  Hollis stared into Sveyn’s eyes. “How did you know that? You were so far away.”

  “I heard you.”

  “You did? When?”

  He looked confused. “The whole time. I can always hear you.”

  “Always?” That was terrifying. What had she said when she thought he didn’t know? “Even through walls?”

  “Yes. Did you not know this?”

  “No! I did not!” Hollis combed her fingers through the wavy tousled mess that was her hair. “So you heard my entire conversation with Ev

  Sveyn laughed. “Again, Hollis, you hear but you do not listen. I hear you. Not everyone.”

  Hollis sat back against the headboard. “Have you heard me say anything bad?”

  Sveyn tilted his head to see her better. “About me? No. You do not talk about me, as is right.”

  She shrugged. “About anything.”

  “Are you worried that you have revealed some dark secret that you do not wish me to know about?”

  “Well…” Hollis hesitated and considered that concept. “I guess, yes. I am.”

  Sveyn pulled his hands from behind his head and sat up. Arranging his long limbs cross-legged in the mess of linens, he turned himself to face her squarely.

  “Hollis, everything about you is visible to the world. That is one thing I love about you. You have no guile. No secrets. You are an honest woman.”

  “I’m too honest, I’m afraid.” She heaved a resolute sigh. “And too trusting.”

  “Happy people most often are honest and trusting. It is the ones who deceive others who believe that everyone they meet is going to try to deceive them.”

  “Do you think I’m happy?” Hollis would not have used that adjective to describe herself ever since Matt left.

  Sveyn looked surprised. “Are you not?”

  That question stunned her. “I’m not sure.”

  Sveyn leaned forward. “The woman I met a month ago was struggling to find her place. But I do not believe she was ever a truly unhappy woman.”

  He was right. Shockingly so.

  Hollis reached for Sveyn’s cheek, her palm hovering near it. “You are a very wise man, Sveyn Hansen.”

  “I am a very old man, with centuries of experience, Hollis. I was not always so wise.” His face split into a sly grin. “But when someone notices that I am absent, and tells me to ‘stay there’—I make use of the opportunity.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  October 5

  The Egyptian ambassadors arrived at the museum early in the afternoon. There were three—two men and a woman. While after today Tony would take the lead concerning the Egyptian treasures, it was up to Hollis to explain to the contingent how the hoard was handled up to this point.

  “We wear this protective gear to keep ourselves safe,” she said, passing out the white head-to-toe jumpsuits once they were at the secured property. “In Arizona, the Hanta virus is spread through rodent droppings and a hoard of any kind makes a happy home for rats.”

  The woman wrinkled her nose. “That is disgusting.”

  Irritated by the woman’s prissy attitude, Hollis handed her a face mask and goggles. “And for even more fun, it’s hot.”

  The men stepped into the suits and Tony showed them how to pull the latex gloves over the cuffs. Hollis helped Miss Priss, who seemed determined to prevent any moment of this experience from being pleasant or easy.

  Have fun with that, Tony.

  “Ready?” Hollis turned and strode toward the front door of the house. Footsteps shuffled quickly behind her.

  Inside the front room, Hollis waited until the group was reassembled, then laid out her instructions. “I have tagged the containers which I believe might contain the items to be repatriated. Over the next few days, Tony will assist you in opening those containers and sorting through their contents. Repack and secure any items you are taking with you, and the load them into the van. Tony will sort and secure the items you are leaving here with us. Is that acceptable?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” one of the men said, his accent intriguing. “And we appreciate so much that you have invited us here for this purpose.”

  “You’re very welcome.” Hollis held out one gloved hand indicating the hallway. “Tony will show you the room where the containers are.”

  The group walked single file down the hallway, past the stacks of boxes which had not been examined yet. The woman, however, slowed and turned into the larger bedroom.

  She picked up a bottle from one of the boxes. “What is all this?”

  Hollis grabbed the bottle and set it gently back in its place. “All of this is as yet to be sorted. Please don’t touch anything that is not tagged for your inspection.”

  “I only—”

  “Any. Thing.” Hollis laid her hand on the woman’s shoulder and redirected her. “Don’t you want to see the infant sarcophagus?”

  The woman gave Hollis such a haughty look that Hollis almost committed a very bad international faux pas by laughing. Seeing that Hollis was not intimidated, the woman turned on one high heel and followed the others.

  Sveyn stepped up next to her. “You were wise in more ways than one to give this honor to Tony.”

  “I don’t envy him at all,” Hollis whispered. “I think I’ll steer clear of this place until they leave Phoenix.”

  The Viking looked down at her. “Do you want me to look into the remaining boxes while we are here?”

  “If you want. But I need to pay attention to them while I’m here, and not risk looking like a crazy person talking to a wall.”

  Sveyn dipped his chin. “Understood.”

  “Hollis?” Tony called out. “Could you join us?”

  “Coming!” She sighed and whispered, “Duty calls.”


  In the van back to the museum, the Egyptians chattered non-stop about what they found. Hollis was just as glad that they were pleased with the artifacts, as she was that Tony would handle things from here on out.

  She looked in the rearview mirror and smothered a giggle. Sveyn had placed himself next to the pain-in-the-ass woman and was imitating her gestures. This Viking could definitely get her in trouble.

  In more ways than one.

  “So how was it?” Stevie asked at the nearby happy hour which she, Hollis, and Miranda treated themselves to at the end of the very long day.

  “I have two things to say,” Hollis replied. “First of all, they were very impressed with what was there.”

  “Yes, they were,” Miranda confirmed. “The older gentleman kept thanking me over and over.”

  Stevie giggled. “He’s hot for you.”

  “Stop!” Miranda blushed. “What else, Hollis?”

  Hollis gave the women a conspiratorial look. “Secondly, we should pray for Tony. The rest of the week is looking to be very high maintenance.”

  “Serves him right,” Miranda muttered into her margarita. “He was such a jerk about you, Hollis, and the whole hoard in general.”

  “He was jealous.” Stevie shrugged. “The Hispanic culture is male dominant. He hates to see a woman promoted above him.”

  “But I wasn’t!” Hollis objected. “He’s permanent and I’m just a temp.”

  Miranda signaled for another round. “And he couldn’t have sorted through the hoard and kept up his other duties. I went through all of that with him.”


  Hollis turned toward the masculine voice on her right. A nice-looking man in his twenties was grinning at her. “You’re that museum gal with the sexy wink!”

  Oh, great. She’d almost made it through the day without any reminders. “Well, I—”

  He turned to his buddy. “What do they call her? Marilyn…”

  “McKenna Monroe.”

  “That’s right! The red-headed bombshell.” He returned his dubious attention to Hollis. “Can I buy you a drink, Ms. Monroe?”

  Sveyn was beside the pair in an instant. If looks from an apparition could kill, the guy and his buddy would now be sprawled lifeless on the floor.

  Hollis smiled politely. “Thank you for the offer, but no. I’m with friends.”

  “We’ll buy a round,” the buddy offered.

  “O—kouch!” Stevie glared at Hollis. “Don’t kick me.”

  “As I said, we are grateful for the offer, but we are actually—” Actually what? “Celebrating my engagement, so…”

  The first guy looked at Hollis’s hand. “Where’s the ring?”

  “Didn’t f
it. Too big.”

  The buddy took his friend’s arm. “Come on. This well is dry.”

  He planted his feet. “I’m not leaving without a wink.”

  “What?” Hollis was appalled.

  “Give me a wink like the one on You Tube and I’ll go quietly.”

  “Just do it, Hollis.” Miranda accepted her third margarita from the traditionally-dressed waitress.

  Hollis looked to Stevie for support, but found none. “If you make a big deal about refusing, that’ll be worse.”

  Hollis looked at Sveyn. His scowling brow offered her no encouragement, but his non-corporeal form offered her no real protection. With a resolute sigh, she faced the men.

  “I’ll only do it once, so pay attention.”


  “So men do these sorts of things now?” Sveyn was incredulous. “They approach woman and ask them to perform some act?”

  Hollis scoffed. “I assume you mean women other than prostitutes?”

  He scowled. “Please be serious, Hollis. You know what I am asking.”

  She pulled on her favorite black knit pants. “I guess so. But it’s never happened to me before.”

  Sveyn shook his head. “Women deserve to be respected. That does not seem respectful.”

  She gave him a sad smile. “Welcome to the twenty-first century.”

  Hollis walked toward the kitchen. She was so busy with the ambassadors that she didn’t have time to check the message that her MatchPoint app told her was waiting. She assumed the message was from Everett and looked at her watch—eight o’clock here was nine o’clock in Denver.

  Not a problem.

  She sat at the table and opened her laptop, logging in to the MatchPoint website.

  Sveyn leaned over her shoulder. “Your suitor has contacted you, I see.”

  “I hope he doesn’t want to do a video chat tonight.” She opened the message center. “I’m not in the mood to be pretty.”

  Sveyn huffed. “You are more than pretty, you are beautiful. I do not understand why you say such things.”

  While his words lifted her mood, she still had no desire for Everett to see what she looked like after a sweaty day spent in protective gear at the hoard, followed by three margaritas.


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