Answers For Julie (Book Nine In the Bodyguards of L.A. County Series)

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Answers For Julie (Book Nine In the Bodyguards of L.A. County Series) Page 30

by Cate Beauman

  “The dimple you have when you smile. That’s not mine.”

  She looked at the pictures in the powder room. Neve had photographs of her family everywhere. Jay Porter had a dimple in his left cheek.

  Neve picked up another length of Julie’s hair and twirled it around the hot ceramic wand. “Tonight is nothing more than a dance—an opportunity to thank some of our city’s most hard-working citizens and make a little money for our foundation while we’re at it.”

  The mayor was going to be here, and the Senator of Massachusetts. “I’ve never been to anything like this.”

  “You’ll be fine. You’re a fascinating young woman.”

  “Maybe to you because you’re my—” She almost said mother. It almost slipped out. She cleared her throat and ate a raspberry.

  “There now.” Neve graciously ignored Julie’s statement as she slid the loose curls tumbling from Julie’s side-swept cascading updo back in place. “Perfection. Now let’s get dressed. If you need help, call me. Ferra set me up in my dressing room.”

  “Okay.” Julie unbuttoned the shirt the spa let her wear home so she wouldn’t ruin her hair and makeup and adjusted her new strapless, backless bra before she dropped her yoga pants and pulled her dress from the hanger, finagling the soft black fabric over her body. She secured the thin straps on her shoulders, staring at the simple design dipping down, showing off a tease of cleavage.

  Smiling, she turned, admiring the beautiful cut of the gown and the way it plunged down to the small of her back. She stepped into her heels and circled around once, studying herself. The clinging fabric left little to the imagination, yet she oozed class. Was this what it would have been like if she hadn’t been stolen from her bed? Would she have dressed like this all the time and rubbed elbows with Boston’s most influential?

  “Oh my goodness,” Neve whispered, stepping from behind the sweep of curtain. “Look at you. You’re stunning.”

  “Thank you.” She studied Neve draped in red. Her seamstress had worked her last-minute magic, cinching the waistline to compliment Neve’s stunning figure. “You’re beautiful.”

  “Come with me.” Neve gestured with her head and stopped in front of a picture, pulling it open to a hidden safe. She pressed a combination into the panel and reached in for a small velvet bag. “This is for you.” Neve stuck her hand in and brought out a strand of shimmering diamonds.

  Julie took a step back, stunned by the sheer sparkle of several thousand dollars’ worth of precious gems. “I can’t wear those. What if I lose them?”

  “Don’t be silly. They’re perfect with your dress. And the earrings and bracelet will set everything off perfectly.”

  She shook her head. “Really, I can’t.”

  “Let’s see.” Neve came up behind her and secured the necklace in place. “Perfect,” she whispered as her eyes filled. “Just perfect. Now let’s put on the bracelet and earrings.”

  Someone knocked on the door as Neve fastened the bracelet around Julie’s wrist while Julie secured the diamond drops in her ears. Elaine entered, wearing a fitted cobalt-blue dress that played up her pretty eyes and shiny blond hair. “Well, my God. Look at you two. True visions.” Elaine’s gaze stayed on Julie’s neck. “The diamonds.”

  “Yes.” Neve nodded. “I thought this was the time. Julie looks so much like Great Grandmother tonight.” She gave her attention back to Julie. “Remind me to show you a picture. She would want you to have these.”

  Julie’s eyes widened. “To borrow for a few hours,” she clarified.

  “No, to have. These are yours. Great Grandmother wanted them passed down through the generations.”

  “No.” She reached for the clasp. “I can’t. We don’t know, Neve.”

  She settled a halting hand on Julie’s arm. “I know, honey. I’ve known since the moment I saw you in Bakersfield.”

  Julie stared into Neve’s eyes, no longer able to deny the obvious—no longer wanting to. She was Alyson Porter. “I want to do the test,” she blurted out. “I want to do the DNA test.”

  Neve swallowed, and a tear spilled down her cheek. “Only if you’re sure. There’s no rush.”

  “I need to do this. For both of us.”

  Neve nodded, touching Julie’s cheek. “We’ll set it up for tomorrow.” She frowned. “But your flight—”

  She shook her head. “I’ll change it to Monday. You have a right to know for sure.”

  “Only if that’s what you want.”

  She nodded. “It is.”

  Neve hugged her.

  “You two are ruining my makeup.” Elaine sniffled, blotting a tissue under her bottom lashes.

  Julie extended her arm to Elaine, and Elaine joined them in a hug.

  “I think this is the best moment I’ve ever had the privilege of being a part of. We need a picture.” Elaine stepped away and grabbed the camera. “Smile for me.”

  Julie and Neve pushed their heads together and smiled.

  “No more tears now.” Elaine dabbed at her eyes once more. “Let’s go get our party on.” She grabbed both of their hands, and they hurried to the stairs in the east wing. “I’m sure Ferra’s hyperventilating by now.”

  Julie looked toward the window at the top of the steps, noting that the Lexus still wasn’t parked by the garage. “Hold on.” She stopped. “I’m going to—”

  “They’re waiting to announce you.” Ferra rushed in as Noah ran up the stairs, ignoring Julie as he took his place at his mother’s side. “It’s time for all three of you to make your grand entrance.”

  Julie barely suppressed a sigh. Later she would have to sneak away and give Chase a call. One way or the other, she needed to know what was going on, where she stood with him.

  “We can wait,” Neve said.

  Julie shook her head. “No.” She looped her arm through Neve’s on one side as Noah did the same on the other.

  “Elaine, join us,” Neve invited.

  “Oh no.” She held up her hands in a halting motion. “I think this year I’m going to let you three handle the opening of the ball.”

  Julie pressed a hand to her nervous stomach and descended the stairs with Noah and Neve, walking with them into the ballroom to several gasps and a huge round of applause.

  Chapter Thirty-three

  Chase fiddled with the bowtie on his tux as he hurried down the hall of the east wing. He was late—a good thirty minutes. After he made contact with Donnie’s former landlord, he’d had two more stops to check out, but his efforts to track down the last potential leads had gotten him nowhere but lost in Mattapan while the snow fell harder and slicked up the roads.

  He stopped by the second-story overlook, blinking his surprise at the sheer volume of people crowding the huge ballroom below. Clearly the weather had done little to deter Neve’s guests from attending her charity event. There had to be close to two hundred people dancing and chatting among the classy Christmas décor of white lights, gorgeous sweeps of garland, and maroon ribbon. Waiters and waitresses served champagne and fancy hors d’oeuvres to some of Massachusetts’ wealthiest residents.

  His gaze traveled over the hordes of people, spotting Neve, Noah, and Elaine—even Becky Maglio—then he lost his breath as his eyes locked on Julie. She looked amazing with her glossy hair curled and falling to one side and her dress plunging low in all the right places, accentuating her delicate yet sexy athletic frame. He gripped the banister, his heart stuttering, watching the expressions play over her stunning face while she made small gestures with her hands as she spoke to an older gentlemen.

  Julie fit in here among the rich and famous, among her family and friends. This would have been her life if she’d been left to sleep in her bed that December night in 1990—and they wouldn’t have grown up together. If Miranda or Donnie or Helen hadn’t stolen her from the Porter mansion, he would have missed out on the best part of his life.

  He rubbed at his tense jaw, imagining his existence without Julie, and could barely stand it. As mu
ch as he hated the turmoil she was going through, what Neve and the rest of the Porter family had gone through, he wasn’t sorry she’d been his for so long. Needing to be with her, to pull her close and wrap his arms around her, he started down the stairs and stopped when a well-built thirty-something sidled up next to Julie, smiling and offering her a glass of champagne.

  Julie accepted the glass with a curve of her lips, and Chase narrowed his eyes when the slick hotshot touched her elbow, sliding his hand halfway up her arm as he guided her out of the way of a couple skirting past them. Chase swallowed uncomfortably, well aware Julie could have any man in this room. For years, she’d been free to live her life without him. She’d had other lovers. Other men had touched and tasted her. They’d made her laugh and listened to her thoughts, but he was here now.

  He fiddled with his tie again as he made his way down the remaining steps, keeping his eyes on Julie the entire time, moving around a group of people standing in his way. He approached, settling his hand on the small of her back and kissed her mouth, interrupting her conversation. “Hey. Sorry I’m late.”

  Her eyes flew to his with a flash of surprise before they grew unreadable in the dim light.

  “Hi.” He smiled at the attractive man occupying Julie’s attention. “I’m Chase.”

  “Chip.” Chip shook Chase’s hand. “I didn’t, uh, I didn’t realize Julie was here with someone.” He shifted uncomfortably.

  “Just running a little late.” Chase traced his fingers up Julie’s spine in an intimate gesture, making their status perfectly clear. “Roads are a mess out there, but thanks for keeping Jules company.”

  Chip cleared his throat. “No problem.”

  “Thank you for the champagne and conversation, Chip,” Julie added with an apologetic smile.

  “It was my pleasure.” He gave a curt nod. “I’ll let you enjoy your evening.” Chip walked off.

  Julie faced him, her eyes cool with disapproval. “That was rude.”

  He pursed his lips in consideration. “I saw it more as territorial.”

  “Rude,” she repeated and turned to walk away.

  “Wait.” He snagged her by the wrist before she could leave and put her glass on the tray as a waiter walked by. “I’m not sorry for that.” He lifted her chin, bothered by the unhappiness clouding her pretty hazel eyes. “But I am sorry for being late.” He kissed her. “And for this morning.” He touched his lips to hers again. “I shouldn’t have brought up subjects you and I agreed to table until you were ready to talk about them.”

  Sighing, she settled her hand on his arm.

  “I just want everything to be okay.” He cupped her face, stroking her cheeks with his thumbs. “I need to make everything okay for you.”

  “My warrior.”

  He frowned. “I guess. Even though that sounds kind of archaic.”

  She smiled. “Like sliding your fingers up my back so the man talking to me knows you’re the one I’m sleeping with.”

  He winced. “Maybe something like that.”

  She laughed and kissed him this time. “I’m doing the testing. Tomorrow. It’s time.”

  He arched his eyebrows with the surprising turn of events. “Tomorrow?”


  “Wow. Okay.”

  “I’m staying until Monday.”

  “I’ll change our flights if you—”

  She threw her arms around him, holding on tight. “I thought you left.”

  “What?” He drew her back. “Jules, why would I do that?”

  “Because I told you to go.” She looked down as her eyes teared up. “When we got back from the spa, the car wasn’t here and you didn’t call Ferra or Thomas to let them know you were running behind. I was going to call you, but I haven’t been able to get away.”

  He steamed out a long breath, realizing how deeply the old wounds he’d caused still hurt. “I got lost, and my phone’s dead. It died a good hour ago, or I would have checked in.”

  She nodded. “I’m sorry I told you to leave. There’s nothing I want less.”

  He moved his palms along the sides of her waist, tracing the hem of her daring dress. “I’m not eighteen this time, Jules. We had a disagreement. I’m not going anywhere until we’re both ready.” He laced their fingers. “And I’m not ready. Not even close.”

  “But we go home on Monday.”

  “That’s not tonight. We’re both right here, right now.” He brought his mouth down on hers, slowly, tenderly, while music and conversation carried on around them. Easing away, he rested his forehead against hers. “Has anyone told you you’re absolutely stunning?”

  She nodded. “Neve did.”

  “Well get ready to hear it again. You’re by far the most beautiful woman in this room. You’re so damn gorgeous, Jules.”

  She smiled. “You look pretty delicious yourself. And you smell good and kiss even better,” she added with a whisper.

  He grinned, relieved that they were back on track. “I guess we’re in store for quite an evening.”

  “I think you’re right.”

  The song ended, and several people clapped.

  “So do you want to blow this pop stand so I can get you out of that dress?”

  Smiling, she shook her head. “Later. Right now I’m going to the restroom to powder my nose.”

  “I’ll get us something to drink.”

  “I’ll be right back.”

  “Can’t wait.”

  She chuckled and walked off.

  Chase turned, on the hunt for champagne, planning to thoroughly enjoy one of his last nights with Julie for a while.


  The music drifted through the bathroom door as Julie slid the foundation brush over her nose and along her cheeks. She set it down and picked up the tube of gloss, reapplying the clear liquid Chase had kissed off her lips. Sighing, she closed her eyes and laughed, reveling in the sense of contentment, of knowing tonight was theirs, that he hadn’t left her and they could enjoy one of their last nights together in Boston.

  She put the cosmetics back in the little basket Ferra had brought down for her and Neve and placed it on the shelf beneath the sink before she stepped out into the noise of the party. People stared at her, as they had all night. She smiled at a few, gave polite nods to others, and grinned when she spotted Chase across the room, waiting with two glasses of champagne in his hands.

  He was gorgeous, and for the time being, he was hers. “Excuse me.” She skirted around several couples and gasped when someone grabbed her arm. Turning her head in surprise, she relaxed when she realized it was Neve.

  “Are you having fun?” Neve pulled Julie into a slow dance.

  “Yes. A great time.” She smiled as Neve did, doing her best to ignore Noah’s nasty, penetrating stare over Neve’s left shoulder.

  “This is a special night. You two look beautiful together—like a perfect match.”

  Julie looked toward Chase as he nodded his approval. She smiled, relaxing, remembering to enjoy herself. Tonight was for her and Chase. Tonight was also an opportunity to spend time with Neve. “You were right.”

  “Of course I was.”

  Julie laughed, took Neve’s hand and spun with her, realizing the ballroom full of people watched them.

  “Twenty-five years ago on a night very much like this, Alyson vanished. In two minutes from now, Becky would have run down the stairs to tell me my little girl was gone. But tonight, I’m dancing and laughing with the grown woman who makes my heart smile in ways I didn’t remember it could.”

  Her eyes watered and her throat tightened. “Thank you.”

  “Now go to Chase. He’s waiting for you.”

  She paused, holding Neve’s hands for another second. “I’m glad your GPS brought you to Bakersfield.”

  Neve smiled. “Me too.” She kissed Julie’s cheek. “Have fun.”

  “I will. You too.” She started toward Chase as Neve’s guests clapped, only five or six steps away from the man of her
dreams, when the room went dark. She stopped dead as a wave of panicked mutters filled the room.

  “Jules,” Chase called to her through the chaos.

  “I’m right here,” she yelled back, moving cautiously toward the sound of his voice. “Keep talking—” She gasped, losing her balance when someone gave a nasty shove to her shoulder. Stumbling forward, she fell hard on her hands and knees.

  The power flickered back on and she stayed where she was, stunned by the shocking pain radiating through her bones.

  “Jules?” Chase rushed forward. “Jesus, Jules.” He handed off the champagne glasses and crouched next to her. “Are you okay?”

  She nodded. “Yeah. Someone pushed me.”

  “Someone pushed you?” He looked around.


  “Julie,” Neve hurried over with Ferra and Thomas following quickly behind. “Are you okay, honey?”

  “Yes. I’m fine.”

  “Do I need to call for help?” Ferra asked.

  “No, no. I’m all right. Help me up,” Julie said to Chase. “I’m making a spectacle of myself.”

  Chase helped her to her feet.

  She winced with the sharp ache still throbbing in her kneecaps.

  “What’s going on over here?” Elaine hurried over. “Is everything okay?”

  Julie nodded. “I tripped on my dress.” She gave everyone a reassuring smile. “I’m just a little stiff. Go have fun. Really. I’m fine.” Her gaze met Noah’s several feet away as he stared at her. Her hands stung and her knees hurt with every movement, but she pulled Chase closer to her. “Dance with me.” If Noah thought a push was going to ruin her night, he was in for a surprise.

  Neve and Elaine and the rest of the concerned party walked away.

  “Did you trip, or did someone push you?”

  “Someone pushed me.” She looked at Noah again.

  Chase’s gaze followed hers. “Noah?” He pulled away from her with murder in his eyes.

  “No.” She stopped him. “I don’t know for sure. We’re not making a scene. Dance with me and make me forget my knees are on fire.”


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