projected energy consumption if reliance changes from fossil fuels to solar and wind, 250-253
projected energy consumption if U.S. energy use remains unchanged, 247-250
The Future of Large Dams (Scudder), 79, 82
FutureGen, 52, 70
Gaia Hypothesis, xx, 89
Galvin Electricity Initiative, 207
Galvin, Bob, 207
gas hydrates, 45
gas. See natural gas
Gates, David, 233
Geiger, Rudolf, 232
General Electric (GE), 88, 129
General Motors, 213
geoexchange systems, 240-243
geographic distribution of petroleum, 27-29
geothermal energy, 15, 239-243, 273-274
solar energy production, 148-149
wind power in, 132
Gipe, Paul, 115
Glen Canyon Dam, 78
Goldwater, Barry, 79
Grand Canyon Trust, lawsuit against Mojave Power Station, 64
Greece, historical energy use in, 11
green buildings, 237-239
greenhouse gas, 189
GreenPoint Corporation, 69
grid. See electrical grid systems
GridWise Alliance, 207
Guthrie, Woody, 73, 78
Hayes, Kingsley, 221
historical perspective on energy crisis, 11-13
Hoover Dam, 45, 54, 78
Hoover, Herbert, 267
Hopkins, Harry, 267
Horse Hollow Wind Energy Center (TX), 125
Howard, Ebenezer, 237
Hudson River Foundation, 88
Hunter, Don, 3
Huntsman, Jon M. Jr., 38
hydroelectric power. See also ocean power
case study: breaching of Edwards Dam, 74-76
case study: Three Gorges Dam, 80-81
energy provided by dams, 77-78
environment and social effects of dams, 79
future of, 81-82, 273-274
hydrokinetic devices, 82
key facts, 74
potential energy production, 83-84
U.S. energy use 2007, 15
U.S. hydroelectric power capacity, 76-77
The Hydrogen Economy (Rifkin), 210
hydrokinetic devices, 82
IGCC (integrated gasification combined cycle), 53
Indian Point Power Plant, 87-88
International Atomic Energy Agency, 86, 99
international competition for energy, 32
International Hydropower Association, 83
International Transmission Commission, 7
ITC (International Institute for Geo-information, Science and Earth Observation), 62
Japan, solar energy production, 148
Jobs, Steve, 213
Johnson, Magic, 212
Jolie, Angelina, 212
joules, 11
Kamkwamba, William, 133-134
Kenetech, 128
Kennedy, Edward M., 137
Kentucky, coal mining in, 58-60
solar power in, 153-156
use of firewood for fuel, 176
kilocalories, 11
KW (kilowatts), 11
L’Esperance, Roy, 176
La Rance power plant, 166-167
Lantz, Janice D., 7
Laos, Nam Theun 2 (NT2) dam, 79
LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), 239
Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, 184, 215, 265
Energy Policy Act of 2005, 68
Federal Emergency Relief Act, 267
National Industrial Recovery Act, 268
Pipeline Safety Improvement Act, 201
Recovery and Reinvestment Act, 7
Safe, Accountable, Flexible, and Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), 218
Surface Mining Law, 65
Leno, Jay, 212
Leschine, Susan, 188
Lesthom, Elizabeth, 153
Lewis, Nathan, 150, 159, 264
lifespan of nuclear power plants, 98
Lignite coal, 54
local government, proposed energy program for, 269-271
longwall mining, 62
Lovelock, James, xx, 89, 115-116
MacArthur, Douglas, 267
MacCready, Pat, 156
Maine, Edwards Dam, 74-76
Malawi, wind power in, 133-134
manufacturing limits of solar power, 159
Maple Ridge Wind Farm (NY), 132
marsh gas, 45
Masada Resource Group LLC, 179
mass transportation, 221-222
Matthews, Joan Leary, 87
McCain, John, 192, 201
McDowell, David, 79
McGee, Deb, 6
McGee, Tim, 6
McHarg, Ian, 238
measurement units for energy, 10-11
megawatts (MW), 11
Mesa Verde, Arizona, 227
Methane Hydrate R&D Programs, 40
methane. See natural gas
microclimate and energy use, 232-233
microgrids, 225
microorganisms, biofuel from, 186-188
microturbines, 136, 206
Midwest Independent Transmission System, 2-3
MightyLights, 155
Mindanao, solar power in, 156
mining coal
discussed, 57
strip mining, 57-60
underground mining, 60-62
Mitchell, George, 238
Mojave Power Station, 64
Montefiore, Hugh, 90
Moore, Patrick, 89
Mountaineer Wind Energy Center (WV), 123
Mumford, Lewis, 236
Murray, Patty, 201
Muskeg River of Shell Canada oil sands, 31
MV Beluga SkySails, 121, 123
MW (megawatts), 11
Nam Theun 2 (NT2) dam, 79
NASA, experiments with solar-powered aircraft, 159
National Audubon Society, endorsement of wind power, 138
National Highway System, 218
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 218
National Industrial Recovery Act, 268
National Parks and Conservation Association, lawsuit against Mojave Power Station, 64
National Regulatory Commission (NRC), 87
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), 209, 230
natural gas
coal-bed methane, 45-46
fueling autos with, 38-39
future of, 262, 272
gas hydrates, 45
key facts, 38
transporting, 203-204
U.S. consumption and reserves, 15, 40-43
worldwide consumption and reserves, 43-45
Natural Resources Defense Council, 48
on air pollution resulting from burning coal as fuel, 62
estimate of China’s electrical power generation in 2010, 67
on experimental carbon-sequestering plants, 69
Navajo Aquifer, 64
Nevada, Yucca Mountain waste storage facility, 86, 100
New York
Brookhaven National Laboratory irradiated forest, 108-111
case study: blackout of 2003, 1-4
Indian Point Power Plant, 87-88
Maple Ridge Wind Farm, 132
New York Power Authority, 87
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, 87
Night Comes to the Cumberlands (Caudill), 57
North American Electric Reliability Corporation, 203, 206, 249
Norway, wind power in, 138
NRC (National Regulatory Commission), 87
NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory), 209, 230
nuclear disasters
rnobyl, 106-108
Three Mile Island, 105
Nuclear Energy Information Service, 95
nuclear power
case study: Brookhaven National Laboratory irradiated forest, 108-111
case study: Indian Point Power Plant, 87-88
case study: Washington Public Power Supply System (WPPSS), 104-105
costs of, 95
estimated uranium ore deposits, 90, 92
future of, 260-261, 272-273
geographic distribution of uranium ore deposits, 94
key facts, 86
lifespan of nuclear power plants, 98
nuclear disasters
Chernobyl, 106-108
Three Mile Island, 105
popularity of, 89-90
production of, 111-113
radioactive waste, 97-103
safety of, 96-97
U.S. energy use, 15, 90
worldwide use of, 93-94
Yucca Mountain waste storage facility, 100
Nysted Wind Farm (Denmark), 132
ocean power
case study: La Rance power plant, 166-167
future of, 273
key facts, 163-164
potential energy production from, 164-165
power from ocean waves and currents, 168-169
thermal energy, 169-171
tidal power, 166-168
Ocean Power Delivery, 168
off-the-grid solar energy, 153
energy provided by, 23
environmental effects of, 33-34
geographic distribution of petroleum, 27-29
impact on culture, 20-21
international competition for, 32
key facts, 20
oil from oil shales and tar sands, 30-32
origin of, 21-23
petroleum exploration versus conservation of endangered species, 34-36
search for additional oil reserves, 29-30
shrinking petroleum reserves, 24-27
transportation of, 203
U.S. energy use 2007, 15
use in manufacture of petrochemicals and plastics, 33
oil shales, 30-32
Olmsted, Frederick Law, 237
Olympia Pizza and Pasta Restaurant, 179
on-the-grid solar energy, 152
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development’s Nuclear Energy Agency, 99
Owino, Margaret, 153
PanCanadian Petroleum, 69
passive energy-saving features, 231
passive solar energy, 144, 266
passive stability, 113
passively safe reactors, 113
Pathfinder, 159
Pathfinder Plus, 159
Patton, George S., 267
Patzek, Tad W., 192
Payne, Tom, 216, 219
Peabody Western Coal Company, 63
Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, 96
Pearl East, 178
pedestrian-friendly cities, 223-225
Pelamis, 168
Pelosi, Nancy, 37-39
Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, 96
underground fires in coal bed, 61
The Pentagon of Power (Mumford), 236
per-capita energy use, reducing, 263
by improving transportation energy efficiency, 264-266
with passive solar energy, 266
with social/economic incentives, 266-269
Perlman, Andrew, 69
Peters, Mary E., 215
petrochemicals, 33
energy provided by, 23
environmental effects of, 33-34
geographic distribution of petroleum, 27-29
impact on culture, 20-21
international competition for, 32
key facts, 20
limited supply of, xvii
oil from oil shales and tar sands, 30-32
origin of, 21-23
petroleum exploration versus conservation of endangered species, 34-36
search for additional oil reserves, 29-30
shrinking petroleum reserves, 24-27
transportation of, 203
use in manufacture of petrochemicals and plastics, 33
Philippines, solar power in, 156
phosphate rock, 184-186
photovoltaic cells, 147. See also solar power
Pickens, T. Boone, 37-38
Pimentel, David, 181, 192
Pipe, Paul, 115-116
Pipeline Safety Improvement Act, 201
advantages/disadvantages, 204-205
explained, 200-202
natural gas pipelines, 203-204
U.S. petroleum pipeline, 203
Pitt, Brad, 212
Powering the Future: A Scientist's Guide to Energy Independence Page 38