Fire and Ice

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Fire and Ice Page 6

by Liz Andrews

  “So the list…” She wasn’t going to pretend she didn’t know what he wanted to talk about.

  “I read it and had a few questions.”

  She took a sip of the wine, adopting a nonchalant attitude. In truth, she’d agonized over the list, not only for herself, but for what he might say about it. “Oh really, just a few?”

  “Yes, actually. I wasn’t surprised by most of the experiences you wanted to try. As far as your hard limit list, I’ll get to that in a minute. I want to discuss those items listed as undecided.”

  “I thought you might.” She took a deep breath before continuing. “The thing is, I’m not really sure I’m into pain. I liked being spanked, it’s true, but real pain, I just… I don’t know if it’s for me. But I didn’t want to put it on my hard limit list either.”

  “Good, I’m glad you were thinking about it. Too many times a submissive worries only about pleasing their Dominant. To the point they aren’t honest with themselves about what they like and don’t like. I don’t want you to be mindless.”

  She felt as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. “Then can we go slow and try some things with the knowledge they may eventually go on my hard limit list if I can’t handle it?”

  “Personally, I think you’re stronger than you realize. Besides, I’m going to enjoy pushing your limits.” His assurance had her shivering with delight.

  “Thank you for understanding.”

  “Don’t thank me yet. We need to both be on the same page as far as the rules go on these items. We’ll try them, and not just once.”

  “What? But you just said—”

  “I said I would push your limits. One flick of the flogger is not enough for you to make a decision to completely strike it from your life forever. Trust me on this. You need to try it, and then we’ll talk about it. And then I might have you try it again. Especially if it’s something I enjoy.”

  Trust. The word stuck out like no other. Ultimately that was what it was all about. Could she trust him, if only for this week? It wasn’t as if she were giving her heart; it was only her body, after all. And if she was really going to enjoy this experience, she needed to open herself fully to all the possibilities. “I won’t lie to you. I’m worried I can’t be the submissive you think I am.”

  “I think you’re wrong, but let’s hear your reasons.”

  “To allow you to do all these things I have to believe you have my best interests at heart. And in general, I haven’t found that to be the case with most men. They’re looking to get what they want out of the deal.” Her words came out in a rush.

  “I see.” He cocked an eyebrow. “Have I ever done anything to make you distrust me personally?”

  She thought long and hard about his question. He annoyed her, he aroused her, and he even made her question her own judgment some days. But he never lied to her. In fact, he was one of the most honest men she knew. “No, not yet.” Tanya couldn’t help adding the caveat to her statement. She’d trusted before and been burned.

  “Not yet? Well, how about until I do, we follow the adage innocent until proved guilty?”

  “It worries me, but okay, we’ll do it your way.”

  “Good.” He had a little smirk on his face, as if he knew all along she would eventually acquiesce to him. “Now about your hard limits…”

  When he’d driven her home after the night of the engagement party, he told her he’d want this information. He’d given her a number of online resources and told her to make three lists, things she wanted to try, those she had questions about, and her absolute hard limits. From her earlier research, she was aware of the term “hard limits.” But she never knew how detailed everything needed to be until she started going through the items line by line.

  “I would have thought those were pretty straightforward.” This was one area where she wasn’t willing to negotiate. She’d spent plenty of time deciding what to put on the “things she’d never consider in a million years” list, and in her opinion, it hadn’t included very many items at all. Which was why she was so confused he had any questions.

  “I noticed you were very emphatic about not allowing others to be included in our play.” She could feel the blood draining from her face as he continued. “In addition, you were very insistent that I not be involved with anyone else during our week together.”

  “It’s a deal breaker for me, which was why I made it a hard limit.” She carefully set the glass down on the table and then stood. “If that’s a problem, we should stop things right here.”

  “I say when we stop things, not you. I was only commenting on something I noticed. There’s no need for you to get upset.”

  “I’m not upset.” She wondered if her nose were growing. He’d unknowingly hit a nerve, and this could be over before it ever really started. “Is this going to be a problem?”

  “Not for me.” He grabbed her hand and tugged, pulling her down onto his lap.

  Tanya heaved a sigh of relief as she melted into his arms. Although glad he’d seemingly accepted the issue so easily, she had a faint niggling worry in the back of her head this wasn’t over yet.

  Chapter Five

  Victor still wasn’t sure why he’d allowed Tanya to draw a line in the sand, but for the moment, he had the feeling he needed to allow her this victory. She was hiding something, and if she didn’t think her reaction to his questions about her hard limits was an obvious giveaway, she was seriously mistaken. He’d already learned a lot when she’d revealed her thoughts about men in general. He supposed he should be happy she’d been willing to give him a break, for now. Still, there was no reason to push her just yet.

  Instead, after a quick kiss on the couch, he lifted her from his lap, and together they returned to the kitchen to prepare the salad and garlic bread to accompany the lasagna. They worked together comfortably, with no mention of their earlier discussion while they set the table and brought out the food.

  When everything was done, Victor held out her chair. Smiling, Tanya walked over to the table, seemingly ready to sit down when she suddenly stopped in her tracks. He watched with pride as she reached behind her and unzipped the skirt, allowing it to fall to the floor. Then, grasping the hem of her camisole, she pulled it off over her head before unhooking her bra. She stood before him dressed only in her thigh-high hose and high heels.

  “Such a good girl, I didn’t even have to remind you.”

  “Thank you.” Her voice was husky as she stared at him briefly before averting her gaze. Leaning over, she stepped out of her skirt and picked it up. She bent forward as if to remove her shoes, but he held out a hand and stopped her.

  “No, keep the hose and heels on. I like the look on you.” Tanya straightened and nodded her head. After laying her clothing on the nearby chair, she sat down. As he pushed the chair in, he leaned down to whisper in her ear, “Your submission is so fucking sexy.”

  He chuckled as a flush infused her body, turning her honey-toned skin a slight pinkish tinge.

  “I swear, you say things just to see my reaction.”

  “I find it refreshing you can still blush while sitting here in the nude.”

  She rolled her eyes. “It’s not as if I had much choice.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong. You always have a choice. Do you want to please me or do you want a punishment? This time you wanted to please me. And I’m very happy with your choice.”

  As if she couldn’t help it, a small smile curved her mouth upward. “So am I.”

  “Good, then let’s eat.”

  Without even asking, she instinctively began to serve the food, filling his plate before her own. He wondered how she had ever hidden her submissive personality before now or if she was only now allowing those tendencies their freedom.

  Tanya took a bite of the lasagna and hummed in appreciation. “This is so good. You’re an artist.”

  “Thanks. I really enjoy cooking, especially when it’s well received.”

t is.” She took another bite and closed her eyes. The intensity of her contentment was a sight to behold. He wanted to be the one to bring that same look to her face. He imagined flogging her, teasing her to the brink of orgasm as she begged him for release before he finally allowed her satisfaction. She opened her eyes and frowned as she noticed him staring at her. “What, do I have something on my face?”

  “Yes, actually, unadulterated bliss.”

  “I don’t even know how to respond to that.”

  He cocked an eyebrow. “You don’t like talking about yourself, do you?”

  She shrugged. “I’m not the type of person who craves being the center of attention.”

  “You’d rather serve.”

  “I suppose so. I never really thought about it.” Reaching for the ends of her hair, she twisted a strand around her finger. “The things you say… They’re just not what I expect, I guess.”

  “Why is that do you think? What were you expecting?”

  “I’m not sure exactly. Maybe I expected you to jump my bones or something.” As if she realized she was betraying her nervousness, she released her hair and set her shoulders. He found it amusing she was trying to portray a look of strength while completely naked. “I mean, here I am nude, and we’re talking about your cooking skills.”

  “Would you feel better if I told you there would be no play during dinner, so you can sit back and enjoy the meal without worry?”

  “Yes, actually, I would.”

  “Done.” He almost laughed at the look of relief on her face. She may think she had a reprieve now, but she might regret this moment later when she was tied up and at his mercy. “Sit back, eat, drink, don’t worry.”

  “Thank you.” She picked up her wineglass, and he raised his as well, clinking them together to seal their agreement. They continued to eat, conversing as if it was their first date, which, in a way, it was.

  After dinner, they cleared the table. He accidentally on purpose brushed against her as they worked together. Watching her reactions was almost as good as actually touching her. Tanya seemed confused at first when his fingers lingered on hers while he handed her the dishes. He released her and went to collect the rest of the remnants from dinner. She stood at the sink, rinsing off dishes, looking like the epitome of contradiction in her hose and high heels, both domestic goddess and sex kitten.

  Victor couldn’t help himself; she was just too tempting. Setting down his load, he trailed his hand down her back and over her ass. She jumped at the touch, turning in surprise. “Dinner’s over, you know.”

  He was very proud she didn’t try to deny him. Instead, she met his gaze and nodded. “Yes, I know.”

  Her earlier apprehension had been replaced by sexual hunger. But he wasn’t willing to give in to that need just yet. He wanted her greedy. Without any preliminaries, he pushed his hand between her legs. She immediately widened her stance, allowing him free access to touch her however he wanted.

  His hand stroked through the springy curls soaked with her juices. Tanya gave a breathy gasp as he petted her. He moved his fingers to push inside while his thumb circled the sensitive bundle of nerves. He watched with interest as she bit her bottom lip, trying without success to mask her responses to his touch. But he didn’t want her hiding from him.

  Victor pinched her clit hard, drawing her attention. “You don’t conceal anything from me, understand?”

  Confusion clouded her eyes. “I…no, I don’t…”

  “I want it all. If you’re on the edge, I want to see it. No secrets.”

  She closed her eyes for a moment, and he pinched her again, forcing her to open her lids. “One touch, and you have me ready to go off like a rocket. This isn’t like me, and it’s scary.”

  “Good girl, I’m glad you told me.” He pulled his hand from her, and she whimpered a bit at the loss. “From now on when you’re scared, you bring it to me. You need to realize, as your Dom, it’s my responsibility to take care of you.”

  Her brow furrowed. “This isn’t what I thought it was going to be.”

  “I know you were expecting this to be a completely sexual relationship, but I’m looking for more than just kinky sex. I enjoy the Dominance and submission aspects outside of the bedroom as well.” He took a deep breath. Although he didn’t want to do this, he knew he had to, for both of them. “I’m giving you one last chance to back out here. You can present yourself for me. Or you can call a halt to everything, and I’ll take you home.”

  Tanya didn’t move or speak for a long moment. He felt as if he were balancing on the edge of a knife waiting for her decision. She swallowed and then lifted her gaze toward him. “Present myself how exactly?”

  Back on solid ground now, Victor smiled. “Good question, but let’s back up a bit. At the end of the hallway is my playroom.”

  Her eyes widened. “Playroom?”

  “It’s an indulgence I allowed myself when I bought this house.” He smacked her ass lightly. “No more interruptions.”

  She pressed her lips together. “I want you to go down there and open the top drawer of the cabinet, where you’ll find an array of toys. I picked them up especially for you. Lay out on the table the three toys you are most interested in trying. Then put on a blindfold and kneel on the cushion I placed in the middle of the room. I want your legs spread open and your arms down by your sides. Any questions?”

  “Do you want me to keep the hose and heels on?”

  “No, go ahead and remove them.”

  Nodding, she flashed him a wicked smile. “I’ll be waiting.”

  Without hesitation, she stepped around him. He watched the sway of her hips as she walked away, knowing she was enticing him with every step. He wanted to give her time to complete her tasks, so he finished cleaning up. When he was done, he turned off the lights and headed down the hallway toward the playroom.

  While he’d worked in the kitchen, he’d been thinking about the commands he’d given, imagining what items she’d pick from the cabinet. There were so many to choose from, but her decision would give him a better idea of what she wanted. The thought of finally having her under his control had his cock swelling painfully. Most of the night he’d concealed his desires, only displaying his control, but no longer. Now he was free to explore them all.

  When he reached the entrance, he paused for a moment before opening the door. Nothing could have prepared him for the sight of her kneeling and waiting for him. Her head moved slightly at the sound of the door swinging wide, but otherwise she remained still. Tanya was just as he instructed, completely open and ready for him.

  “Good girl. You please me very much.”

  A brief smile flitted over her lips, but she didn’t say anything. Delighted with the way she was obeying, Victor walked over to the table to check out the items she’d picked. There was a set of nipple clamps, connected by a thin silver chain, a glass anal plug, and a black leather flogger. To say he was surprised would have been an understatement, especially after her little speech about pain. On the other hand, she was a very strong individual. Perhaps she had decided to try the things she feared the most first.

  What she didn’t realize was that, before their time was through, they would utilize every toy in his cabinet.

  Tanya seemed to have lost all ability to judge time. It felt as if she’d been kneeling in Victor’s playroom for hours, but she knew it was nowhere near that long. When the door finally opened, she breathed a sigh of relief. Knowing she pleased him made all her doubts worthwhile. She couldn’t explain to herself why it worked for her, just that it did.

  “Before we start, I have one more thing.” She could hear him moving around, drawers in the cabinet opening, and then he was standing behind her. Grabbing her hair, he pulled her head back to expose her neck. “I have a collar for you, a sign of your submission to me while we are in this room. Do you agree to wear it?”

  The idea of accepting a collar from him, even temporarily, terrified her. Not because she was scared of
it, but because she craved it. “Yes, I accept your collar.”

  Victor released her hair and fastened the leather around her neck. Tanya wanted to reach up and feel it, but she didn’t want to seem too eager. She wasn’t sure, but it felt as if he ran his hand over her hair before he moved away. At first she couldn’t tell where he’d gone, but then she heard a sound over by the table in the corner where she had laid out her picks. Although the idea she might enjoy pain scared her, it excited her as well. When she’d reviewed the toys, the flogger intrigued her the most. And since she’d always liked having her nipples played with, she’d picked out the clamps. The glass anal plug was a whim, one she was wondering if she would soon be regretting.

  “Interesting choices.” The clank of a chain seemed to echo through the room, and she assumed he’d picked up the clamps. Her nipples had been in a constant state of erection since she’d undressed for dinner. But suddenly they felt tighter in anticipation of being clamped.

  As if he were reading her mind, she felt the graze of his knuckles over the tender buds. “These look swollen and very sensitive to me. Are you sure this is what you want?” He trailed the metal over her skin, causing her to shiver.

  “Yes, please.”

  Without any further discussion, he clamped her right nipple, causing her to gasp at the sudden pain.

  Oh God, it was too much.

  “Just breathe, baby. You’re doing fine.” His fingers trailed over her cheek. “I’m so proud of you.”

  His words gave her courage, and she realized the pain was receding. Still, she could feel the tug from her nipple all the way to her pussy. And she desperately wanted him to clamp the other bud.

  “Please, don’t stop.”

  Not allowing her a chance to change her mind, he applied the same treatment to her left side. The pain didn’t seem to last as long this time. She didn’t have much more than a moment to dwell on the issue as he grasped her hand and pulled her to her feet. She stumbled as the blood rushed to her aching limbs, which were stiff from kneeling for so long.


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