Polly Brown
Page 67
“Polly, this is the only entrance into the city, and all who enter can only do so if they wear a ring just like the one you have on your finger. I’m glad you are still wearing it.”
“So am I,” said Polly, breaking into a smile and feeling most relieved as she thought back to the time when the awful Tobias Mortimus had, luckily for her, been most unsuccessful in his attempt to remove the ring from her finger as part payment for Dodo’s board and lodging.
“Well, Polly, you would be quite surprised by how many people try to get into Piadora illegally, often using unlawful ways. Some have even resorted to the Trojan horse method, so great was their desire to be here. For this reason it is of the utmost importance that the gates are guarded day and night against any potential invaders.”
As they neared the gate, Polly saw strange-looking men with long trumpets standing on turrets on either side of the entrance. The men placed the trumpets to their mouths and blew.
“What are they doing, Hodgekiss?” asked Polly, trying hard not to giggle.
“They are letting all those who live inside the kingdom know that we have a visitor. Yes, they are playing the trumpets of celebration.”
“They are awfully loud,” said Polly as she cupped her ears playfully to drown the noise.
“Yes, they are loud, but then my kingdom is very large, and it is very important that everybody hears the trumpets throughout the land. We also have other trumpets that are used to warn us of impending danger.”
“Oh,” said Polly, “so there are even dangers in Piadora?”
“Absolutely not, Polly, so don’t worry your pretty little head. No outside attack has ever been successful, and there really is no back door they can get through,” he said with a comforting smile.
Polly turned to face Hodgekiss and asked, “Have you ever heard of Soogara, the Cotton Candy Queen? For I had the most terrible time with her and some dogs she was looking after for Vanaspi.”
“Oh yes, I know both of them well, for they were banished from the realm many years ago, and this has tormented them ever since. As a result they have made it their top priority to make sure others don’t ever get here, such is their jealousy and wickedness. But come, Polly, now is not the time to talk of such things; we are here for a celebration and a banquet, so let’s enjoy this time we have together.”
Polly nodded her agreement, and as they walked through the gates she found herself overwhelmed by the crowds of people that lined the gold-paved streets to welcome her. Before long, a horse-drawn carriage fit for a princess drew up beside them, and after jumping down from his seat a gentleman bowed and opened the door.
“At your service, Princess,” said the gentleman as he took a low bow. “Now, please do jump in.”
Polly obliged, but not before letting out a little giggle. Hodgekiss jumped in beside her and waved at the adoring crowds as the carriage then moved away at great speed.
“Where are we going, Hodgekiss?” Polly asked, feeling the deepest sense of curiosity and an infinite amount of anticipation welling up inside her.
“Well, firstly we need to get you out of your mountain clothes into more suitable attire for a royal occasion. And secondly, we must reunite you with someone very special and close to your heart,” he answered with a warm smile.
Polly looked down at her clothes and laughed, for in all the excitement and drama she had clearly forgotten she was still dressed from head to toe in her very unflattering mountaineering outfit.
As the carriage sped along the streets lined with people cheering and waving as they shouted out her name, Polly had the irresistible urge to wave back at them, but felt a little too embarrassed to reciprocate. She was, after all, only Polly Brown, a young nobody from an orphanage. Only presidents and queens normally did that sort of thing.
“You are allowed to wave back, Polly,” said Hodgekiss as though he could read her thoughts. “After all, these people have watched you every step of the way, and they wished with all their hearts for you to make it. It would make them very happy if you were to wave back. Go on; give it a go, for it’s really very simple. All you have to do is raise your arm and then move it from left to right. There, that’s good. Now you’re beginning to behave and act like a real princess.”
Soon they had turned off the road and headed out into the richest lush countryside Polly had ever seen.
“Wow the views here are truly magnificent, yes, breathtaking,” said Polly as she held her head outside the carriage window. “And the air smells so pure and so sweet. Why, this is all absolutely magical. Oh, Hodgekiss, look over there. Am I dreaming or can I really see golden-coated lions lying down in the grass, playfully licking fluffy white lambs? Now that’s absolutely incredible! Aren’t they meant to eat them?”
“Not in Piadora, Polly. For all the animals here respect each other’s right to live, so there is therefore no food chain in this kingdom. Now look over there,” he said, directing her attention toward a river. “If you look closely, you will see that the crocodiles are playing very nicely with the hippos. See Polly, they’re using their long, spoonlike noses to splash water on their backs, helping them stay cool.”
Polly could only watch on in awe and wonder as she witnessed the most amazing sights she had ever seen in her life.
“You can get out of the carriage and play with them too if you like,” said Hodgekiss.
Polly wasted no time at all, for the carriage automatically stopped in its tracks, and she found herself jumping out and running over the grass in the direction of the lions and lambs in order to join in the fun.
Eventually she heard Hodgekiss call to her, “Come Polly, for we have much to do. You can come back later and play to your heart’s content.”
Polly nuzzled up to one of the lions and whispered, “See you later.” The lion responded by giving her cheek an almighty wet lick with his large pink tongue. “We’ll have another romp later,” she said to one lioness as she stroked her silky coat. She then got up and raced back to the carriage.
“I can see you’re going to like it here,” said Hodgekiss with a grin.
As the carriage continued on its journey Polly suddenly saw people doing cartwheels in the grass.
“Stop!” she shouted as she leaned further out of the window to get a better look. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that Stanley Horlicks, the school cleaner?” she cried in amazement.
“Yes, Polly, I do believe you’re right. That is dear Stanley. He turned up here yesterday, and what’s more, he hasn’t stopped doing cartwheels since the moment he arrived.”
“But how can this be, for Mr. Horlicks suffered from such a painful back condition that he could hardly walk?” she informed Hodgekiss.
“Not anymore!” said Hodgekiss with a twinkle in his eye. “In Piadora not only can you choose to become whatever age you would like to be, but also just one small sip from the sap of the Hoolie Koolie or Hubber Blubber tree and all pain is banished forever. have to say that most of the grown-ups that arrive here instantly choose to become little children and relive their childhood, free at last from all the pain and fear that has beset them over their years. It’s wonderful to see people like Stanley finally enjoying themselves, their faces radiating with happiness and childlike innocence, don’t you think?”
“I agree with you on that one, but it’s still extraordinary to see him leaping around like a frog with ants in his pants,” retorted Polly before breaking out into a little giggle.
“Well, yes, I suppose in your eyes he does look a bit silly, but I prefer to call it touching. And as everyone else around here is doing pretty much the same thing, it doesn’t really seem to matter. Now, if you cast your eyes over toward that wooded area, you cannot fail to see dear Oscar Postlewaite hanging by a rope as he swings from tree to tree. I bet you didn’t know that he is well into his nineties, and yet he has the energy of a nine-year-old. Isn’t that a most wonderful sight to behold?”
“Oh, my word, so he is,” said Polly, bursting
out with laughter as she caught sight of him. Hodgekiss too joined in the laughter.
“Polly, before you say anything else rude, you need to know that his childhood dream was to become a world-class gymnast, but his parents lacked the necessary funds, for him to realize his dream. Yes, sadly he had no choice but to settle for a very hard life working up to eighteen hours a day just to pay the bills and keep food on his table. So you can imagine how happy and fulfilled he is feeling at the moment. Yes, he hasn’t come out of the woods since he arrived two weeks ago. Bless him.”
“I think that’s a wonderful story,” said Polly chirpily.
“Now cast your eyes a little over to the left and you will see a number of golden oldies playing hopscotch. I have to admit that I go all tingly inside whenever I see them playing together and having such fun, for it warms the cockles of my heart.” Polly watched as they hopped from square to square on one foot after throwing a stone onto the ground, and she felt that she was indeed in the middle of an amazing dream.
“But now I want you to close your eyes and hold out your hand, for I have something very special to return to you.”
Polly’s eyes visibly widened as she wondered what on earth he wished to give back to her. As she held out her hands, her eyes tightly shut, she felt something soft and furry being placed in her outstretched palm.
“Now, Polly, you can open your eyes,” said Hodgekiss.
Polly opened them very slowly before letting out a loud gasp, “Langdon! I can’t believe it!” she cried as she hugged him closely to her chest. “And his fur is now a lovely rich blue!” she said, almost stumbling over her words.
“Royal blue, actually,” said Hodgekiss with a grin.
“Thank you, Hodgekiss,” were the only words Polly could manage to find as she fought back tears of joy at being reunited with Langdon. “But how come you asked me to bury him in the first place if you wanted to give him back to me?” asked Polly, by now completely overwhelmed and puzzled.
“Well, Polly, if you really want to know why, then I will happily tell you,” answered Hodgekiss.
“I really do,” replied Polly as she stroked Langdon’s new coat of fur.
“Polly, Langdon held all your tears and therefore all your bad memories. As you well know, an elephant never forgets. So you see, Langdon could not enter Piadora with that amount of sadness locked away inside of him, could he?”
“No, Hodgekiss, I see your point,” said Polly in little more than a whisper.
“Also, you would never have managed to climb the mountain if you had been carrying him for, as discovered, you needed both hands to hold on. Remember dear Justin Kase, Polly? If you think back you will remember that he refused to let go of all his personal possessions, and then look what happened to him on the mountain.”
Polly felt a tinge of sadness as she thought back to both boys lying seriously injured on the mountain.
“Don’t worry, Polly, both boys are safe and well. I promise. Hope in Your Heart Hospital is the best hospital in the world, with a most dedicated team of specialists who have nursed both boys back to life.”
Polly felt truly relieved to hear the good news and broke out into a little smile.
“There will come a day when Justin Kase realizes that it is in his best interest to leave all his baggage behind, but until then I have no choice but to watch on at his little antics.”
“Why on earth does he need all that stuff?” said Polly with a grin.
“Well, you laugh, Polly, but his load is his security. He hangs on to it as though his very life depended upon it, and he cannot see that not only is it ridiculously heavy, but it holds him back, too. But before you get on your high horse, think how hard you found it to part with Langdon, eh?” Polly nodded sheepishly. “I mean, what on earth was that little episode about when you lay in Langdon’s grave and started shouting at poor, innocent little Herbert?” he asked, looking deep into her eyes as he gently challenged her. “Yes, as we all gathered at the gates of Piadora to hope and pray you’d carry on and not give up, we were all left wondering what on earth you’d think up next.”
Polly hung her head, feeling most embarrassed by her unfortunate episode. “Yes, I’m sorry, Hodgekiss. I know I made quite a scene, but I found it the most unbearable thing I have ever had to do,” she quietly confessed.
“I know that, Polly. It was the test of all tests. But I have to say that, despite the tantrums, you did finally bury him, and I cannot express the relief that we all felt up here. Yes, it made us want to throw a party.” he said with a wide grin. “We were all very proud of you. But come with me, for I still have much to show you.” He took her by the hand and led her on down one of many golden paths. “Now, Polly, I want you to be ever so quiet,” he said in hushed tones.
Polly whispered “OK,” before suddenly taking a deep gulp and looking down the path ahead. She could not have been more surprised by what she saw. With her voice cracking, she exclaimed “Oh, my goodness, it’s Thomas!” She then quickly held her hand up to her mouth to stop any further noise from exiting.
“Yes, Polly, it’s your beloved Thomas, and can you see he has Eton sitting next to him?”
“Yes, yes, I can,” whispered Polly excitedly.
“Well, Polly, Thomas has many friends here, but Eton has become his best friend. I think this is because Eton reminds him to remember you. Every day as soon as the sun sets, he comes out into this forest clearing, and after setting up his easel, they both sit and talk about you and life here while Thomas paints pictures. I have to say you were right, Polly, his paintings are indeed most excellent and so colorful.”
As Polly stood and watched her brother painting and looking so happy and contented, tears began to spill down her cheeks.
“I’m sorry, Hodgekiss,” cried Polly. “But I just can’t help myself, for I am completely overwhelmed with happiness.”
“Well, carry on then, my little one. Tears of healing as well as happiness abound here, and this just about sums up what Piadora is all about.”
“Oh, Hodgekiss, you have no idea how much this means to me to finally see him free of all the pain and misery he suffered in his short life. I am so grateful that I really don’t know how to show it.”
Hodgekiss turned and with the deepest compassion looked into Polly’s eyes with such intensity that it felt as though he could see into her very soul. He then lifted his hand to her face and began to brush away her tumbling tears.
“Oh Polly, I know and understand every thought and feeling you have now and ever will have, and I wept for your brother just as I weep for all who suffer at the hands of others.” As he continued to speak, Polly began to feel all the pain and anguish melt away. “Now then, young Polly, Thomas has just finished his latest painting, so before he starts another I think this would be an opportune moment for you to run over and give him one of those special hugs that you so like to give. And as for me, I am going to leave you a while to give you time to catch up with him. I will come back later, for Thomas will need to get ready for the banquet. I am not sure if you are aware, but he has a really healthy appetite these days,” he said grinning from ear to ear.
“He’s probably making up for all he missed out on because at the orphanage we didn’t really get much to eat or drink,” said Polly laughingly.
“I know,” replied Hodgekiss, quickly reciting Uncle Boritz’s rather famous saying: “‘If you’re hungry, you’ll eat stale bread, and if you’re thirsty you’ll drink water.’ Hmm… well, that might explain Thomas’s extraordinary liking for apple juice, for I’ll have you know that he drinks it by the gallon. Luckily we have a bountiful supply of apples, as well as every other imaginable fruit here in Piadora,” said Hodgekiss as he walked toward an apple tree and plucked a red, juicy one from a hanging branch. “Here, Polly, take a bite,” he said as he handed it to her.
As Polly bit into the apple, she began to feel all sorts of new sensations as the taste exploded in her mouth. “I’ve never tasted anything s
o wonderful!” she cried.
Hodgekiss laughed, “Well, Polly, here in Piadora all your senses are heightened, so everything tastes, smells, looks, sounds, and feels truly wonderful.”
As Polly took another bite of the apple, she felt her legs give way from underneath her.
“What’s going on?” she cried. “I feel tingly from head to toe, and every tiny atom of my body feels so full of extraordinary and powerful love that I feel as though I could burst.”
Hodgekiss said nothing; he just continued to look at her and smile. Polly then chose to lie in the grass, feeling completely overwhelmed as waves of pure love washed over her.
Eventually Hodgekiss spoke. “Polly, what you are now experiencing is just a tiny glimpse of what it’s like to live in Piadora. You need to understand that a glimpse is all I am able to show you, at least for the present time.”
“Why is that Hodgekiss? Don’t you want me to stay?”
“Of course I do, Polly, but you need to know that you have a mission in life that must be fulfilled. If I were to show you now all there is to see, well, you would definitely refuse to go back. So I need you to trust me when I say you can visit here as much as you like, but you will never experience this place in its entirety until you have completed your mission.”
Polly sat up straight and implored him to change his mind and let her stay.
“Polly, we will talk further on this matter, but now is not the time. Come on,” he said, holding out his hand to pull her up from the ground. “Thomas is waiting to see you, and then there are some classes which you’re expected to attend.”
“Classes! What classes? Surely I’m not expected to go to school in Piadora! I was beginning to feel like I was in heaven, that is, until you just mentioned classes,” she said with a little moan. “Come on, Hodgekiss, tell me the truth. Tell me you’re only joking,” she urged.