by Cole Cohen
I have a friend whose therapist taught him to force himself out of his overwhelming thoughts and back into the present by talking to himself in his car, on the way to work. “This is me now. This is me talking. This is the sound of my voice.” I’m already overanalyzing his strategy as he tells it to me. How can the sound of my voice anchor me in time? Once it leaves my body, pushed by my breath past the tongue, the teeth, I’m already trailing behind it.
I am the same as before I knew the truth about my brain, and I’ll never be that person again; my diagnosis is both an ending and a beginning. I still type “Developmental Gerstmann’s Syndrome” or “right parietal atrophy” into a search engine sometimes, to confirm my symptoms to myself—to be sure that I’m not making all of this up.
This is me now. This is the sound of my voice.
My deepest gratitude to:
Fress Club: Mark, Lesley, Carly, and Marni Cohen.
The Diamond Family: Ron, Linda, Jake, and Danielle.
Henry Dunow and Wendy Owen, Caroline Zancan and everyone at Henry Holt, Kristy Rippee, Karl and Lenora Yerkes, Nora Gedgaudas, Dr. Michael Mega, Dr. Glen Zielinski, Dr. V. S. Ramachandran, Jon Wagner and the members of my CalArts thesis class, David L. Ulin, Maggie Nelson, Brighde Mullins, Leslie Brody, Joy Manesiotis, Bill McDonald, the Johnston Center for Integrative Studies, UCSB’s Interdisciplinary Humanities Center, and the Corporation of Yaddo.
In memory of Connie Bowsher, the first teacher to have faith in me.
About the Author
COLE COHEN holds an MFA in creative writing and critical studies from California Institute of the Arts. She was a finalist for the Bakeless Prize and the Association of Writers & Writing Programs prize in nonfiction. She currently lives in Santa Barbara, California, where she works at the University of California Santa Barbara’s Interdisciplinary Humanities Center. You can sign up for email updates here.
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Title Page
Copyright Notice
I. Beginning
II. Confusion
III. Perseverance
IV. Arrival
V. Return
About the Author
HEAD CASE. Copyright © 2015 by Cole Cohen. All rights reserved. For information, address Henry Holt and Co., 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.
Jacket design by Rick Pracher
Jacket photographs © pogonici/Shutterstock (background), © Cloud7Days/Shutterstock (lemon)
Author photograph © Lesley Abugov Cohen
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The Library of Congress has cataloged the print edition as follows:
Cohen, Cole.
Head case: my brain and other wonders / Cole Cohen. — First edition.
pages cm
ISBN 978-1-62779-189-2 (hardback) — ISBN 978-1-62779-190-8 (electronic book) 1. Cohen, Cole. 2. Brain—Abnormalities—Patients—United States—Biography. 3. Young women—United States—Biography. 4. Women with disabilities—United States—Biography. 5. Learning disabled—United States—Biography. I. Title.
RC395.C57 2015
[B] 2014042006
First Edition: May 2015