The King Brothers- The Complete Series

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The King Brothers- The Complete Series Page 33

by G. Bailey

  I lead her to the door next to ours and open it. I watch her reaction as she looks around the room, her gaze stopping on the bookcase, the teddies lined above it and then she gazes over at the blue walls. There is also a white chest of drawers and a white toy box that has ‘King’ drawn into the wood. There is a massive, white teddy rug, which Allie said matches the room. There is also a full walk-in wardrobe, which Maisy opens. She gasps at all the clothes my family has been buying, me included. She goes quiet before bursting into tears, and I run over to her, cuddling her chest to mine.

  "God, May, don't you like it? Don't worry, we can change it all. I'm sorry about all the clothes and teddies. My family have been spoiling our baby, and I couldn't stop them. They bought a load of random stuff for you, too, but I can throw them away if you want," I say all of this quickly, stumbling on my words.

  "No, Seb. I never felt like I had a family because my parents were never home, and you know how they are with me. All this is what family is, and I'm just overwhelmed. I don't know how to thank you for giving me a real family," she says as my heart tightens.

  "My family is yours, May. Just like I'm yours," I say, kissing the top of her head as she cries softly. I'm never letting her go now. I plan to make her my wife damn soon, so everyone knows what she means to me. She has a real family now, and we will always protect her.



  "I'm not sure about this," I say for the tenth time since Sebastian and I left our home this morning.

  He took me shopping and demanded I buy at least three new outfits to go with a wardrobe-full he had already bought me at some point. I have to admit, the comfy maternity jeans and top were nice to try on; I finally feel comfy in my normal clothes.

  Seb suggests lunch at a local sandwich shop, and they take one look at my bump and give me extra with everything I choose. The place is awesome, and I have to remember to come here again. I’m trying to ignore the main reason I’m scared today, and I can’t ignore it any longer. I’m going back to my parents’ for a few boxes of my things. Not that I have a lot, but I need some kind of closure for my old life.

  I finally had the courage two days ago and called home to say I was getting my stuff today. My mother didn't even ask how I was or how the baby was. My so-called mother just went on about how disappointed she was in me. It hurt a bit, but I have Seb now, and a new family who are there for me.

  Seb invited the family around the night I phoned mum to cheer me up, and we spent the night watching Vampire Diaries, to which Izzy has us all addicted to. Seb couldn’t stop laughing as Elliot complained that Harley was talking to me, and he couldn’t hear the show.

  "It will be okay," Sebastian says in a calm voice, pulling my shaking hand into his lap as he pulls into my drive. The cold Manor House appears, and to my dread, I spot Kyle’s car outside. What the hell is he doing here?

  "Seb, wait," I say, trying to stop him from getting out of the car.

  "We should leave. Kyle's here, so it only means my mum is going to make trouble for us," I say, a little breathlessly, as I'm getting worried. Seb glares at the expensive Audi parked out front like Kyle is actually inside it, but he recovers quickly with one glance at my panicked face, by hugging me and kissing my forehead.

  "May, baby, there is nothing they can do to hurt us. If Kyle wants to watch me grab those boxes for you, then he can." He soothes me with his tone, and I find myself relaxing slightly.

  I nod because the right words are escaping me.

  We walk up to the bright-white front door, which is thrown open by my very mad-looking mother.

  "You are not coming in here. Maisy can get her boxes, and you can wait in the car." She points a finger at Seb.

  Looking at her now, with her perfect, fake-blond hair and spotless suit, her face looks every bit as fake as the rest of her body. I did not notice the amount of work she has had done over the years to hide her age, or was it because she was always around, putting me down?

  "Not a chance. Move before I make you, Mrs. Reynolds,” Seb calmly threatens her, while I am shaking.

  "Louise, let our daughter in her home for God’s sake," my father’s voice comes from behind my mother. She lets out a dramatic sigh before moving out of the way, and I smile at my dad when he comes into view.

  "Back to whoring yourself around, Maisy?" asks Kyle as he walks up to stand in front of me. He still has bruises all over his face from the last time I saw him and Seb beat the crap out of him. Seb grabs hold of his shirt, and lifts Kyle off his feet, giving him a rough shake.

  "If my beautiful girlfriend wasn't pregnant and stressed enough, I would beat you into the ground for that comment. I suggest you leave before I change my mind." Seb throws him on the floor, and Kyle quickly runs out the door while my mum shouts after him.

  I watch as she throws herself out of the door, and I listen to her whine to Kyle not to tell his parents about this. Anything I felt for my mother is floating away, as I know she doesn’t care about me.

  "The boxes are in the kitchen, I want a word with my daughter, if you would give me a minute,” my father says, looking at the floor.

  I look him over in his brown suit and checked sweater vest, noting his clothes look wrinkled and he looks pale. I nod at Seb to let him know it’s okay, and he goes to find my boxes.

  "I'm sorry," my dad says once Seb is out of view.

  I watch as my mum comes back into the room in tears and collapses onto the guest sofa by the door, her wails sound like a baby crying.

  "What for exactly, Dad? Letting her control me for years? Never looking after me? Not seeing me in the hospital? Which one?" I ask, marking off my mental list of things I’m mad at him for. I clench my fists to try calming myself down.

  "All of it, sweetheart. I want you to know, I do love you, but I've been a terrible father,” he admits, and I look over at him.

  “I’ve been stuck in a depression for so long by that controlling woman, I didn’t see what was going on and how I should have protected my perfect daughter.” He sighs as my mother’s wailing becomes louder.

  “If you will let me, I want to see you and the baby when he is born. I did call the hospital to check on you," he admits, looking at the floor and waiting for me to say something.

  I want to hate him, but it’s the first time he has told me he loves me in years. I can't help the little smile that appears as I realise I have to give him a chance. He never actually hurt me, but he did look the other way. I walk over and give him a hug. I hear his gentle sob on my shoulder as he shakes slightly while hugging me back.

  "It will take time to forgive you and trust you, but I love you, too, Dad," I say, now crying myself.

  I glance over at my mother, who seems to be having some kind of breakdown as she comes back in, and I'm surprised my dad hasn't gone over to her like he usually does.

  "We are getting divorced," my dad says, noticing where I'm looking. My shocked face seems to make him laugh. "I'm well aware your mother doesn't care for me. I haven't cared for her in many years, but she convinced me you needed a family setting. I realise she is wrong, and we are better apart," he tells me with a grim look in my mother’s direction.

  "I think it’s best you find someone you love, Dad." I pull away from him to look for Seb, who I find holding two boxes under each arm, watching me from the entrance hall. "Let me help," my dad says, walking over to take a box from Seb, who nods at him with some degree of understanding.

  They walk to the car, and I start to follow when my mother’s hand reaches out and grabs my arm tightly. I look down at her fake nails cutting into my skin, enough to make my arm bleed if I tried to move.

  "Let go," I growl, trying to pull away, but she is strong for a woman so small.

  "You stupid, little girl! You cost me everything. You can't just leave." She shakes my arm, pulling me closer while I struggle. I cry out when she slaps me across the face, her nails catching my lip, and I taste blood in my mouth.

  "Get the fuck o
ff her," Seb's angry voice shouts as my mother is pulled away from me. Seb picks me up into his arms, holding me tight.

  "Come near her, or my family, and I'll destroy you. I know about your deal with my father. What you paid for," Seb says harshly. I have no idea what he’s speaking about, but I send a confused glance up at Seb, who mouths ‘later’ to me.

  She just falls to the floor, crying. I turn away into Seb's chest and wipe my own tears.

  "Let's just go," I say softly to Seb, who leads me back to the car. He talks to my father while I wait in the car, and when my dad nods sharply, Seb gets into the car with me.

  "You okay? I know it's a silly question," Seb mumbles, wiping away the last of my tears.

  "Yes, I'm used to how she is, but can I ask what you know about her?” I ask.

  “You sure you want that answer? It’s not a good part of my past to relive,” he says, looking down as its starts to pour down with rain outside the car.

  “Yes, I want to know. Nothing you can tell me will ever scare me away, Seb.” I take his hand, and he nods.

  “Our father used to make us sleep with random women and men. I never had to do it because Elliot would cover for me. For some reason, Harley was his favourite to pimp out,” he says, his voice filled with sadness and anger.

  “Oh, Seb,” I say, with tears running down my cheeks, feeling so sorry for Harley.

  “Anyway, the point is, your mother paid for Elliot a few times. Elliot told me when he saw her pick you up from school one time,” he says, watching my reaction.

  I feel sick she would do that; she is more disturbed than I thought. We don’t say anything as we both watch the rain pour down the window.

  “I guess we both had a fucked-up childhood. I didn’t realise how much we had in common,” I say, leaning my head against his shoulder.

  "Has she ever hit you before?" he asks, tightening his hands around mine. I know he is trying to get us to be open with each other. Secrets destroyed our past, and it’s not worth it for them to destroy our future.

  "Yes, sometimes with belts. Sometimes she would just lock me in closets for a whole day until she remembered I was there," I say, looking away out the window.

  "Don't look away, not with me. My dad was the same,” he tells me, and I keep my eyes connected with his as he talks.

  “Teaching us how to fight was bad enough on our bodies, but he would randomly punch me and knock me out. He would call it a lesson. I know my brothers had worse lessons, so I should count myself lucky." Seb sarcastically laughs, and it echoes around the closed car.

  "He was an evil man, we all learnt to be tough or risk him beating the crap out of us. I never want to be that kind of dad. I was scared when I found you were pregnant because I don't want to be him, but I realise I'm not. I would never be able to hurt anyone I love, and I love my son so much, even if I haven't met him yet." Seb kisses me deeply while I sink into him. I know he doesn't want my sadness for him right now, just my acceptance, which he has always had.

  "Thank you for telling me, and I have no worries about you being a dad. Our son is lucky to have such an amazing man for a father. We aren't our parents, and even though we are young, we will do a better job," I say, rubbing my thumb across his soft lips, and he kisses me again, with more passion before breaking away to look into my eyes.

  "I love you, my May," he tells me with a sad smile.

  Seb looks away to start the car while I put on my seatbelt, and we leave our past at my old home.

  We drive back while I sing along to a song on the radio, and the baby kicks away. I look out and notice we are pulling into Harley's house.

  "What are we doing here?" I ask.

  "A surprise." He winks, and I giggle.

  "I'm hoping it's a good one," I joke, and my jaw drops open at the sight of all the cars parked outside the house.

  Blue balloons are tied to both sides of the door. It's not anyone's birthday this week, or did I forget someone? I look down at my green dress that Seb made me keep on after trying it, noticing it does look like a party dress. My hair is straightened nicely, which Seb insisted on doing this morning. I even have on makeup. Seb insisted I have a makeover in one of the shops, before buying the makeup I told him not to.

  "Why do I feel like I'm missing something?" I ask, but Seb is already out of the car.

  My door opens, and Seb offers his hand.

  "My lady," he says in a strong, over-the-top English accent, which you only hear in films, and bows. I giggle at him, and he smirks.

  Yes, I'm that kind of girl, who giggles at her insanely hot boyfriend when he plays with me.

  We walk up together, and Seb opens the door for me.

  "Surprise!" a load of people shout as I walk in, and I notice the big banner above them says 'baby shower.' I blush as Seb kisses my cheek, and Izzy runs over to me.

  "I'm stealing Maisy to show her around." She winks at me and pulls me away from a grumpy Seb.

  Several people I recognise from when I was growing up say hello to me as we walk through the house toward the kitchen. I grab a cupcake that has blue icing and tiny feet on it.

  "These are cute," I say, eating the cake.

  "I know, right? Look at the main cake. Luke got it for you," Izzy says, pointing at a two tier cake that has a tiny baby in a crib. It's all made in icing and has ‘baby King’ written across it.

  "It's beautiful. Thank you for all this," I gush to Izzy, giving her a side hug.

  "I've always wanted a sister, and that's what you are to me. I can't take all the credit. The boys, Blake, and Allie did a hell of a lot to help," she tells me.

  I have a massive smile on my face at the thought of Allie and Elliot working together, she giggles with me as she whispers, "Don't worry, I thanked Blake for you." We both start laughing, and a few people smile at us.

  Izzy hooks her arm through mine when I’ve finished the cupcake, and I grab an orange juice on my way past the counter. We weave through more people, heading toward the lounge. We find all the brothers sitting together, laughing and drinking beer. Seb smiles at me as I come in and pulls me onto his lap as soon as I get close. I notice Blake does the same to a giggling Izzy. Izzy looks cute wearing a green dress that suits her long, blond hair and bright-green eyes.

  "What do you think?" Sebastian whispers into my ear.

  "I love it," I say with a grin.

  "Guys, thank you for all of this," I say loudly to get my voice heard over the light music.

  "No problem," Luke says.

  "You only got the cake, and that was made by someone else, but yes, thank you," Harley says with sarcasm and a shake of his head at Luke, who grins.

  "That was hard work. I had to sleep with the cake girl three times just to get her to make it for me. But she had these amazing legs, so I guess I didn’t lose out," he says, looking innocent.

  We all laugh as Harley whacks him on the back of his head, and Luke pouts, but there is a smile.

  "There's my Maisybear," Allie’s voice comes from across the room. Allie looks stunning in a long, blue dress with butterflies all over it. Her hair is up in a tight bun, which makes her blue eyes appear bigger.

  "Hey, Alliecat," I say, seeing her carrying a big, blue box with her. She drops it onto Elliot's lap as she walks past.

  “What do you expect me to with this?” Elliot glares at her.

  "You can put that where the rest of them are," she replies without looking at him.

  I hear him say a few words about her before Izzy says, "Please, Elliot, don't start."

  Elliot gets up and walks off with the present, grumbling. Allie sits on the end of the sofa right next to me, and I hold in a giggle as Seb moves away from her a little. I think Seb is a little scared of Allie after she threatened him.

  "You have that glow right now. Good week, I'm guessing?" She winks, and I swear this woman has a built-in sex radar.

  "I'm not answering that." I blush, and I hear Sebastian's chuckle as he tries to hide it with a cough. I’m g
lad everyone else seems busy and don’t hear.

  "How's the new apartment?" I ask, knowing she moved into Blake’s apartment with two other roommates a few days ago when Blake asked if she wanted a place to live.

  "It's good. I get to see my bestie a lot, and my other roommates are cool. One is sexy but way too much of a flirt for me, plus he brings girls back all the time," she says with a disgusted, nose wrinkle.

  "I'll have to come over and see it soon. I'm on maternity leave now, so I have a lot of free time," I tell her, and she smiles.

  "Why don't we go out for a meal? Oh, and I have some spa vouchers I need to use, we could go to that first?” Allie asks, and Izzy comes over.

  “Can I come?” she asks.

  “I would love that; it could be a girls only day out.” Allie grins when Seb groans in annoyance.

  “How about we go next week?" Izzy suggests, and Allie nods in agreement.

  "I would like that." I smile, still happy about her sister comment earlier. I really like Izzy, and I would like to know her better.

  "I could use some new nails, too, so how about Wednesday? I'll book us in for twelve?" Allie asks, and we all agree to the time.

  "I'm going to get the presents so you can open them, help me?" Allie says to Blake and Izzy. They all start to walk out, and Allie manages to get all the people in the room to help her in a couple of seconds.

  "We’ve got to choose who's doing the fight next week," Harley says when the room is empty.

  I feel Seb tense underneath me. "I told you, I am."

  I look up at him in shock and worry.

  "Don't worry, I'll be fine," he says to me.

  "No, you’re going to be a dad soon, and Maisy needs you right now,” Harley dismisses him, and I can see Seb getting annoyed.

  "You know Arthur won't like me not fighting, and we can't put our family in any danger. I’ll be careful," Seb says to Harley.

  "We need to talk about this," I whisper to Seb, who frowns at me.

  He seems to think about something before he kisses my forehead and whispers, "Sure."


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