The King Brothers- The Complete Series

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The King Brothers- The Complete Series Page 42

by G. Bailey

  “Oh, happy birthday, man. I got you cash. I don’t do presents,” I say, and he laughs.

  “I’m not surprised. I'll tell you what I get, man, and thanks.” He smirks.

  “I think I need a new plan for winning Allie. Any ideas?” I ask Blake.

  “You shouldn’t give up, but I don’t how to help you with her, man. Allie is stubborn as fuck,” Blake says.

  "As long you don’t give up, you will get her. Trust me," Izzy says from next to me. My sister moves like a cat. I didn’t hear her move next to me. She smiles up at me and then goes over to Blake and starts kissing him. I leave them to it and decide to take a walk on their balcony for some fresh air to think things over. It overlooks a park, and the night air makes me think about a time my father took me and some of my brothers to the park.

  “Catch.” My younger brother, Luke, laughs as he throws me the football. We are in the middle of an empty park on Saturday night. No one is around, and I’m scared for why that is.

  “You’re meant to kick it, not throw it.” My twin Sebastian laughs next to me as I catch the ball.

  “So?” Luke replies, rolling his eyes. I look over in fear at my father who is leaning against a tree. Father didn’t give us a reason for why he was bringing us to the park today, and I’m worried. Luke doesn’t realise what Father is like yet because he is five, and he never hurt us until we were six. Luke is six in a couple of weeks. Father started beating us if we didn’t do as we were told, or he would tell one of his friends to; it’s always better to just do as you’re told. I’m nearly seven now and getting bigger like Harley, and I want to fight back. I wish Sebastian would help me, but he is too scared.

  “Boys, I have a lesson for today. Come here,” my father shouts, making me tense. I grab Luke’s hand as we walk over, with the ball under my other arm.

  “Right, I want you to teach Luke how to throw a punch. You can use Sebastian to punch.” He smirks at me before leaning back against the tree, looking bored. The ball I was holding drops to the ground.

  “I don’t want to be taught that,” Luke whines.

  “Do as you’re told, Elliot, or Luke can have matching marks on his back. I’m sure you don’t want to be matching.” My dad glares at me, reminding me about the three cuts he made on my back a few months ago. They look bad, and I cried when he did them. Harley tried to help me, but Dad knocked him out and cut him, too. Sebastian didn’t get cut, but I don’t want him to.

  “Fine,” I mutter, standing before Sebastian, who holds his hands up.

  I throw a punch as gentle as I can at Sebastian’s hand, and I still hear the crack as it hits.

  “Harder,” my dad growls, and I look at Sebastian, who just nods in understanding, before I throw the next punch, knowing it might break his fingers. I hear the loud crack, and Sebastian cries out in pain, grabbing his hand back.

  “Good. Luke, punch Sebastian’s hand like your brother did,” Dad says, almost gently.

  “No, he is hurt,” Luke says in tears as he stands next to me.

  “Do it,” Dad says, getting out his pocket knife and flipping it between his fingers.

  “It’s fine, Luke. Do it,” Sebastian says, eyeing the knife.

  I push Luke in front of Sebastian and whisper to him. “It will be worse if you don’t. I'm sorry,” I say before I step away.

  “I’m sorry,” Luke stutters before throwing the punch, and Sebastian cries out again before dropping to the ground, holding his hand.

  “Take your shirt off, Luke,” my dad says.

  “Why? I did what you wanted,” Luke shouts, in tears, while my hands turn into fists.

  “I want you to remember why you shouldn’t question me. Your brother did and has a pretty reminder on his back, and you will too.”

  I cry to myself as Dad pulls Luke’s shirt over his head and makes a small cut across his shoulder-blade, deep enough to scar like mine. Luke screams and screams before Dad lets him go, and I pull him into my arms.

  “You can play football, now,” Dad smirks, returning to lean against the tree.

  "Elliot, hey," another voice says next to me and completely snaps me out of my fucking nightmare of a memory. That is shit I don’t want to remember, and I force myself to remember that he is dead now.

  I turn to see my ex-girlfriend, Lily, smiling at me. Lily is a pretty girl, who any sane guy would look twice at, with long, red hair and an hour-glass figure. Lily broke up with me a few months ago because she was seeing someone else. That really pissed me off. She has been messaging me a lot recently, as we agreed to stay friends. Honestly, looking at her now, I know I only started dating her because she was friends with Allie, and it pissed her off. I did care about her, maybe even loved her toward the end, but I realised I loved her in more of a friend way, rather than being in love with her. We dated for three years, so it was difficult not to care. I only slept with her because she told me Allie had slept with her new boyfriend from college. Looking back at my life now, I realise I strung her along when it was really all about Allie. Fuck, I'm an idiot.

  "Hey," I say with a friendly smile, leaning my back against the railing. I run my fingers through my hair a few times. A nervous thing I do.

  "You look really good, El." She sighs, running her hands up my chest and moving to stand really close to me. I take her hands, pushing them away.

  "Thanks, but don't you have a boyfriend now, Lily?" I ask as I look at her. She flicks her long, red hair over her shoulder. Fuck, I don't even like red-heads, only blondes usually, so why did I date her for so long? Oh right, to piss Allie off. They’re not even friends anymore, and it’s likely my fault. I can be a real fucker when I want to be.

  "No. I was thinking that maybe we could try again. I really do love you," she says, moving so close I feel all of her body pressed against mine. I remember our times together, and the fact I haven’t had sex in months while I’ve been thinking of Allie. No, Allie, will be worth the entire wait. I’m taken back when she goes to kiss me. I don't expect it, and so her mouth brushes mine before I can jump out of the way.

  I put my hands in front of me to make her stop.

  "Sorry, but this is a really shitty idea. Lily, I don't I feel that way about you anymore," I say roughly.

  Her eyes narrow as she walks up to me and takes one of my hands into hers. I try to pull away without hurting her, but she moves closer and stops me.

  "Baby, why don't we go back to mine, and I can prove how sorry I am." She purrs and moves her other hand up my leather jacket.

  "No," I say more forcibly this time.

  "If you have to ask more than once, it makes you look desperate, Lil," Allie says, coming to stand next to me. I look over to see how angry she looks. She glares up at me and I realise she might be jealous.

  "Why do you care? This is between me and Elliot," Lily snaps, placing her hands on her hips.

  "Well, it seems like Elliot does not to want to go home with you. Didn't you cheat on him?” Allie asks with a smirk.

  “Also, Lil, why did you ditch all your friends recently? Why haven't you been hanging out with Tristan? He needs you," Allie says, getting very angry now; I can always tell she is angry by how her cheeks flash red. I can't help myself and take her hand and I’m surprised when she doesn't pull away. I’m taking it as a good sign. Her hand feels small and soft in mine.

  "Tristan is ignoring me!" Lily shouts as she glares at Allie. When she sees our joined hands, she stares at them before lifting her eyes to mine.

  "It was always her, right? You finally got what you wanted; lucky you, Elliot," she says in a sarcastic tone. She laughs and starts shaking her head before walking away.

  "What was always me, Elliot?" Allie asks, looking down at our hands joined together as I rub my thumb over hers. I have to tell her I've always wanted her, that it’s always been her. That her dad makes us fight in the cage, but her brother lied to me. That I thought she was a horrible person for years, like her father, but the words don’t come out as I look d
own at her.

  "Hey, you two. Blake is asking for his cake, Alliecat," Maisy says with a small smile aimed at me while she walks over to stand near us.

  "Right, it's in the fridge in my room. I can go and get it," Allie stutters out. I glance down at her as we unlink our hands.

  "I will come and help," I say way too quickly. Come on, I'm better with girls than this.

  "Luke was looking for you," Maisy says to me. I don't think she realises I wanted to go with Allie, so I'm guessing she thinks she is helping me. I doubt Luke really needs me.

  "Right, see you around, cookie. Watch out for crazy exes, yeah? There seems to be a few around you Kings." Allie winks at me. I can’t hide how much she turns me on while I watch her walk away with Maisy, shaking that amazing ass from side to side. I have to take a few minutes, thinking of anything not fucking sexual before moving. I shake my head, walking inside to find my brothers.

  Before I step through the doors, I hear Luke's raised voice. "What the hell are you doing here?"

  I look over to see him glaring at Allie’s roommate, Emilia. She is dressed in a black hoodie and jeans and her hair is up in a ponytail. They are standing close together, both of them staring each other down.

  "I live here, what about you?" she replies curtly.

  "I'm Izzy's brother," he says, every word dripping with anger. Emilia looks down for a second before looking at Luke. She looks close to crying; I hope he hasn’t upset her. Allie can be scary when someone upsets her friends, and Izzy can be worse. I know they are both close with Emilia.

  "I'm sorry. I didn't know anyone saw us, I just wanted one normal night," she says.

  "I could be dead because of you. One fuck wasn't worth my life," he says, his words harsh, and I hear Emilia suck in a breath.

  I decide to go over, asking, "What's going on?"

  "Nothing," Luke mutters before walking off into the apartment and slamming the door shut. I turn to see Emilia looking at the closed door with tears running down her face. I want to ask if she is okay, but I think that's a stupid question. What the hell did Luke mean about his life being at risk? I can't believe this girl would hurt him.

  I go to say something, but she walks off, leaving me very confused.

  As I walk into the party, I see Allie laughing as my family stands around her, and I know I have a chance. I may have royally fucked things up in the past, but I know she is worth it.



  Hangovers suck.

  That’s the only thought I can come up with as I wake up. I thought drinking my weight in vodka to forget what happened last night at the party was a good idea. It really, really wasn’t. I’m never drinking again. Okay, maybe I will, but for now, I’m not drinking again.

  My phone is buzzing somewhere in my bed, and I feel around for it.

  Maisybear: Meet you in town at Starbucks at 12 (in two hours) and invite your roommate. Izzy says she is cool. Xx

  Me: Sounds good, I will need coffee for my headache and I will ask her xx

  Maisybear: Hangover you mean ;) see ya Alliecat x

  I laugh, as I get up, until I look in the mirror by my bed at my mad hair. I look like I’ve been dragged through a bush backward. Or thoroughly fucked, not that I know what that feels like. I quickly change my thoughts and grab some clothes. I shower in record time, before drying my hair and putting it up in a high ponytail. I hurry to put some makeup on. I look at myself in the mirror quickly and decide I look okay in jeans and a simple, long-sleeved black top.

  I grab my phone and keys, shoving them into a purple handbag before going to get something for breakfast. I come to a complete stop when I walk into the kitchen. A shirtless Elliot is cooking bacon. My mouth drops open as I look at the massive, angel wings tattoo on his back, which is beautiful. It’s like a hot dream; a gorgeous guy with massive, muscular arms and chest cooking with no top. Elliot doesn't notice me as I walk up to him and stare more at his tattoo; it’s extremely detailed, as you can see every feather in the wings. I notice there are raised scar lines in the wings, which they seem to be covering. Without thinking, I reach out to touch one of the larger scars in the right wing. Elliot tenses under my touch, and I quickly move away.

  "I like your tattoo," I say, clearing my throat and thinking what the fuck did I just do? I’m feeling really awkward when he turns to grin at me. I notice straight away his cut lip and bruised cheek. Elliot always looks like he just beat someone up.

  "Couldn't help yourself, by all means, touch away," he says and widens his arms.

  "Is that bacon?" I ask, changing the subject and looking away from the nice view I have now of his chest. Fuck me, that's a nice six-pack with that V-shape dipping into his jeans. All girls love that V-shape, even if it’s not talked about. I could imagine running my hands all over him, wondering if he feels as firm as he looks. He runs his hand through his messy, black hair, winking at me before cooking again.

  "Yeah, grab a plate, angel. There is more food on the table," he says. I know he is smirking as he turns back to his bacon. I shake my head at how flirty he is being. The reason I got drunk in the first place last night was because of his flirting. It’s like someone has hit Elliot on the head and his whole personality has changed. I don’t mind him not winding me up, but honestly, I think I miss it. I walk into the living room, forcing myself to think of all the reasons I don't like Elliot King. I’m not finding many reasons, and it’s pissing me off. Also, why the fuck is he calling me ‘angel’? He really doesn’t know me well if he thinks I’m any kind of angel.

  "Hey, Al," Emilia says when I sit down. Blake is typing away on his phone and waves before eating his food.

  "Hey, Em, do you want to come shopping with me and the girls today?" I ask her, and she grins at me. I don’t know why, but I get the feeling Emilia was a little lonely before she moved in with us. Maybe sheltered.

  "Sure." She smiles before eating some more.

  I grab some eggs and toast before sitting down. Elliot walks in a little later, thankfully wearing a top now, and hands me the plate with bacon on it. I take a few pieces before handing it back and look over to see Blake looking between me and Elliot. He smiles before laughing to himself.

  "Shut up, Blake," I mutter and kick him under the table. He doesn’t even flinch, and it makes him laugh louder before he tries to hide it with a cough.

  My phone starts ringing, and I quickly pull it out. It’s Harley King. I have, literally, no idea why he is calling me.

  “Hey, Harley, what’s up?” I ask as I answer, and I see Elliot turn to me, giving me his full attention as he eats.

  “Allie, morning. You remember I agreed to let another dance instructor set up a new class for eight to sixteen-year-olds on Sundays at four?” he asks.

  “Yes, I remember. I think I'll try to come and watch a few,” I say.

  “Well, the instructor has fallen and broken her arm. I now have thirty-two children expecting a class tomorrow. It’s all paid for, and I know it’s not your thing, but could you take it over? Just until I find another instructor who lives near here. I will pay you,” he asks me.

  “I can’t teach that many children. I don’t know what to do,” I reply.

  “Izzy and Maisy said they will come and help you. Please, I need you, Allie. The kids are so excited about this class. Ten of them are from a local foster home, and even if I refunded them, they won’t find anywhere else to go this year. The next gym is miles away, and no one else does dance classes in town.”

  “This is a guilt trip. I can see where Izzy gets it from. Fine, I'll try,” I tell him.

  “Thank you, Allie. You’re the best. Say hello to my sister when you see her,” he says.

  “Will do. Later, Harley.”

  “Goodbye, Allie,” he replies.

  “What was that about?” Blake asks before Elliot can say a word. He looks tense as he watches me.

  “I’m apparently teaching a new dance class for thirty kids with your girlfriend. The old instruc
tor broke something, and Harley can’t find anyone else in time.”

  “Ah, but Izzy isn’t exactly very good at dancing. Don’t tell her I said that, but maybe teaching kids isn’t the best idea,” he says. I know where he is coming from. Izzy is very attractive and smart, but something goes wrong when she tries to dance.

  “I know. I'll have her work with the younger ones or get drinks or something.” I smile, and he nods in relief.

  "Morning, everyone," Gage says, coming into the room and leaning over me to grab a piece of bacon off my plate. I frown at him, which makes him kiss my cheek. Gage likes to steal other people’s food, it’s the main reason I have a mini fridge in my room.

  "See you later, sexy Allie. We need to talk." He smirks at me before walking out.

  "Sleeping with your roommates, now?" Elliot asks, drawing my attention to his bored-looking face.

  "None of your business," I say, choosing to glare at him.

  "Clearly, I thought you had standards, but you don't." He waves a hand in the direction of where Gage went.

  "I do have standards, and Gage is nice," I say. I don’t know why I don’t just say I’m not interested in Gage. I see his jaw tick before he stands up.

  "I'm clearly wasting my time on someone who isn't worth it." He glares at me across the table and walks out. I look down at my food, not wanting anyone to know how much his words hurt me. I remember the last time he said those words to me.

  "Allie, do you want a drink?" a cute guy from my science class asks me. I’m fifteen and at my first party, so why not? I go to answer, but Elliot King, the boy I hate so much, comes to stand right next to me with his arm around Lily, his girlfriend who’s one of my friends.

  "She doesn't need a drink, do you, Allie?" He sneers at me, looking me up and down before grimacing at what I'm wearing. I don't wear dresses often anymore since Elliot told me I look terrible in them in front of my whole class and everyone laughed.


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