Closing Time

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Closing Time Page 14

by E. L. Todd

  “So…are you cool with it? I know you don’t know me very well, but I really love Hazel and I promise I’ll take care of her.”

  He laughed. “I don’t need to know you for a great length of time to figure that out. I’ve seen you with her, and it really took some guts to tell my parents off like that. You’re a good guy for her. It’s as clear as night and day.”

  Well, that was easier than I thought. “Thanks.”

  “And as a lawyer, I can read people pretty well. I know you’re an honorable guy. Besides, you’re already feeding her and housing her. She’s your problem now.” He laughed.

  “She’s a problem I love having around,” I said honestly.

  “So…when are you going to ask?”

  “On Friday night. I’m taking her to a nice restaurant.”

  “Cool. Good luck with that.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Hazel is weird about expensive things. She’s been poor her whole life so she doesn’t accept nice gifts.”

  I laughed. “You think I don’t know that already? Every time I buy groceries she barely touches anything because she feels bad. It’s really annoying.”

  “Are you sure you want to marry her? She can be a brat. For her birthday I got her a Tiffany’s bracelet that cost me a few hundred bucks and she acted like I sold my kidney.”

  I couldn’t stop laughing. “God, that’s exactly what she does to me.”

  “Not to overstep my boundaries, but are you loaded?”

  I smirked. I wouldn’t tell anyone this besides Hazel or people she was close to, or people I respected. “I’m worth a few million. I live off royalties and mutual funds.”

  He nodded. “Well, good luck getting her used to that.”

  I chuckled. “Yeah…it won’t be easy. She insisted on working at an office because she needs to support herself. I keep telling her to quit and only do the things she loves, but fuck, she’s stubborn. She doesn’t want me to take care of her and she refuses to accept any money I give her.”

  “Yeah…that sounds like her. Are you sure you want to marry her?”

  I laughed at the teasing sound of his tone. “Completely.”

  “Phew. I’m glad I don’t have to worry about her anymore.”

  “You certainly don’t.”

  “So…you have my blessing, or permission, or whatever the hell you want to call it.”

  “Cool. Thanks.”

  We sat in silence for a while.

  “So, how’s your boyfriend?” I asked.

  “Great,” he said. “He’s been working at lot lately. But at least we have the same schedules. We get off work around the same time.”

  “We should go out,” I offered. “Maybe on Saturday night so Hazel can show off her ring to you?”

  “That would be cool,” he said excitedly. “I really want to see her. I know she’ll be happy.”

  “Yeah, she will be.”

  “Thanks for being cool about me being gay,” he blurted.

  I shrugged. “There’s nothing to be cool about.”

  “Yeah…not everyone feels that way.”

  “Did someone do something to you?” I felt the anger rise.

  “Some guys in our building wrote graffiti on our door, calling us faggots. But whatever.”

  “Did you report it?”

  “Yeah. But we can’t prove anything.”

  “I think you should do something.”

  “Oh, my boyfriend already did,” he said with a smile. “When one of the guys was carrying groceries into his apartment, he beat him into the ground. I don’t think they’ll bother us anymore.”

  I smirked. “Well, that’s good.”


  “Let me know if you ever need my help.”

  “Sure.” He sipped his coffee then looked at his watch. “I should get home. We’re having a dinner party tonight.”

  “Cool.” I stood up to shake his hand but he hugged me instead.

  “I’m so happy for my sister.” He patted my back then walked out.

  I watched him go, feeling the warmth spread through me. Everything was ready, and Friday was only a few days away.

  I couldn’t stop sweating. My palms were slippery and my brow started to glisten.

  What the hell was wrong with me? I always kept my cool. I needed to calm down otherwise Hazel would know something wasn’t right. I patted cold water on my face while I stayed in the bathroom until my temperature decreased.

  “I’m starving!” Hazel yelled from the living room.

  I patted my face dry then walked out.

  “Where you two going?” Cade asked.

  “Out to dinner,” I said coolly. He had no idea what was about to go down. After Hazel said yes, we would head to the Plaza where a booked room was waiting for us. It would be a perfect beginning to our engagement.

  “Bring me something back,” Cade said.

  “Order a pizza,” I snapped.

  “Geez, I’ll lay off.” He turned to the television and increased the volume.

  Hazel was wearing a simple blue dress, something she got at a thrift store. She liked buying cheap things because she insisted clothes weren’t worth buying if they were expensive. She went through them too quickly. I agreed with that statement in theory, but she didn’t need to buy used clothes. But whatever. There was no arguing with this woman. “You look great.”

  “Thanks.” She spun around like a ballerina.

  “And very lovely.”

  She grabbed my tie and pulled me in for a kiss. “You look sexy in that suit.”

  “Thanks.” I grinned while I kissed her.

  “But you never dress up. Where’s your sweater and jeans?”

  “We’re going somewhere nice.”

  “Hopefully, it isn’t too nice,” she said while giving me the eye.

  I knew she wouldn’t be too thrilled about the restaurant, but I refused to propose somewhere cheap. I wanted her to remember this night forever. “Let’s head out.”

  “Good. Because I could eat a moose.”

  I closed the door then locked it. “I really hope not. They are magnificent creatures.”

  She hit my arm. “You know what I mean.”

  “Okay, okay.” I grabbed her hand and we left the building. Instead of getting a taxi or limo, we walked. She and I both preferred getting around on foot. I hated being in confined spaces. Besides, it was quicker to walk anyway.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “Just a little place a friend recommended to me.”

  “I don’t care what they serve. I’ll eat anything.”

  I sure hope so.

  When we entered the restaurant, Hazel took one look around and knew how classy it was. “Um…”

  “Reservations?” The host asked.

  “Indeed. Robbins for two.”

  He scanned the list and his eyes widened. “I see. Right this way.”

  I wondered if he recognized my last name. I definitely wasn’t as successful as my father, but people still knew me from time to time. I grabbed Hazel’s hand and guided her to the table.

  “This place looks expensive,” she whispered in my ear.

  “It’s not,” I lied. I pulled out the chair for her then she sat down.

  I sat across from her then grabbed the menu. There were two different dinner choices, and each was a three-course meal. At three hundred bucks a pop, it better be good. But that was pocket change for me. It also came with a vintage bottle of wine.

  Hazel looked at the menu and her eyes widened. “Why isn’t the price on there?”

  “Because it’s so cheap, it’s not worth writing.”

  She gave me a frightened look, not believing my lie. “Flynn.”

  “Just relax and have a good time.”

  “Pizza would have been just fine.”

  I tried to put up with this but it was really starting to get annoying. She was used to being poor. I got it. She didn’t want me to think she was with
me for my money. I understood that too. But the fact she got irritated every time I wanted to do something nice for her was just a pain in the ass. But I couldn’t snap at her, not tonight. “Do me a favor and just enjoy dinner with me.”

  She looked torn.

  “We’re already here and this is what I want for dinner. Now be pleasant company and don’t suggest how I should spend my money.” We got into an argument once before and I didn’t want to repeat it.

  She sighed, defeated. “Okay.”

  “Thank you.”

  The waiter came to us then took our wine order. Hazel knew nothing about wine so I took care of it.

  “Why are there only two choices?” she asked.

  “The chef puts more emphasis on those two creations.”

  “I guess I’ll get the steak.”

  “Okay. I’ll order for both of us.”

  She sipped her wine then savored the taste. “It’s good.”

  It better be. The bottle by itself was normally four hundred bucks. “It is.”

  “So…” She looked around the room, seeing all the spiffy people. “How was your day?”

  “Good. But it got better once I came home to you.” I winked to accompany the cheesy line.

  She rolled her eyes. “Do those lines actually work?”

  “You’re living with me aren’t you?”

  She chuckled slightly. “It’s only because you don’t have any murderous cockroaches.”

  “I think there’s something more to it…”

  “Nope.” She gave me a playful look. “You’re arrogant, cocky, annoying, full of yourself, and not to mention, cocky. I’m just with you for your bug repellent abilities.”

  “And how I rock your world in bed.”

  Her cheeks tinted and she looked away.

  That’s what I thought.

  They brought the courses to us one at a time and we dug into our meal. The plates contained tiny and pretentious servings of food, but it was absolutely delicious. I knew Hazel liked it because she almost licked her bowl like a hungry puppy.

  “You like it?” I asked fondly.

  “It’s better than McDonald’s.”

  I laughed. “I’ll be sure to tell the chef that.”

  The waiter brought the main course, and again, Hazel consumed her food like she hadn’t eaten in weeks. Despite her small and limber size, she ate like a bear. Her metabolism and athleticism automatically gave her a petite body and burned all the calories she pumped inside. It was amazing.

  When she was done, I knew it was time to ask. Shit, I was getting nervous again. Why was this such a big deal? I loved her and she loved me. I knew she wouldn’t say no. She wouldn’t, right? I mean, of course she wouldn’t.

  I cleared my throat, my voice suddenly becoming weak. “Hazel, you’re the best damn thing that’s ever happened to me.”

  She stilled at the sound of my voice. Her eyes locked onto mine and she suddenly became nervous. Her cheeks flushed and they tinted. She swallowed the lump in her throat multiple times.

  “I’ve met so many different people and experienced so many different things, but that chapter of my life is over. I never imagined myself settling down with a wife, but that’s what I want with you. I want to watch you scarf down your food like a bear then tell me you’re hungry an hour later. I want to take care of you, always making sure you’re well-fed.”

  Judging the emotion in her eyes, she was connecting the dots. We were at a ridiculously fancy restaurant, I was dressed nice, and now I was declaring my undying love for her. Perhaps she remembered a few things she said the other night when she was drunk. Maybe she didn’t. But she certainly knew what was coming.

  “Hazel, I—“

  “Hazel?” Kyle came over to our table, a sad look on his face.

  You’ve got to be fucking kidding me right now.

  Hazel took a moment to react, too absorbed in the moment we were just sharing. “Uh…Kyle? What are you doing here?”

  “I’m having dinner with my mom.” He looked at me awkwardly then turned back to Hazel.

  I would normally kick his ass but I was so depressed that the moment was ruined that I didn’t care.

  “Oh.” She still seemed loss. “Well, have a good night.”

  “Um, actually my mom wants to say hi.” Kyle said as his mom approached.

  Seriously? Why was this happening?

  “Hello, dear.” She leaned down and hugged Hazel. “It’s so nice to see you. Wow, you look stunning.”

  “Oh.” She fidgeted with a piece of hair. “Thanks…”

  She better introduce me.

  “I was so sorry when I heard you and my son parted ways,” she said. “I was very disappointed in him. Still am.”

  Kyle averted his gaze.

  “Well, sometimes things work out for the best,” Hazel said awkwardly. “By the way, this is my boyfriend, Flynn.”

  ‘Hey,” I said rudely. I should be her fiancé right now, not her damn boyfriend. I didn’t extend my hand to shake hers. She raised a piece of shit son. She wouldn’t get any respect from me.

  Hazel glanced between me and Kyle. “Well, we should get back to dinner.”

  “Yeah.” Kyle came to her then hugged her.

  I was on my feet instantly. “Back off. You forfeited your right to touch her when you fucked someone else.”

  The guests at the nearby tables all turned their heads in our direction. Quiet whispers ensued across the room.

  Kyle stepped away. “Sorry…”

  I stared him down, about to make him feel sorry for something else.

  He and his mom finally went across the room and took their seats at a table.

  I sat back down and looked at my date.

  Now it was awkward, like, really awkward.

  We both knew what I was about to ask her. Should I keep going? The moment was gone, dead and buried. I wasn’t going to force it, and I certainly didn’t want Kyle to be in the memory of the night we got engaged. I stared at her then looked away, waiting for the tab to come. The ring sat in my pocket, suddenly feeling heavy.

  When the check finally came, I threw my credit card inside and waited for them to ring us up.

  Still awkward.

  Hazel played with her nails and kept her gaze averted.

  I sipped the last of my wine and waited for the waiter to return.

  After the bill was squared away, we finally left. Walking hand in hand, we headed back to the apartment.

  “You seriously didn’t bring me anything?” Cade asked.

  “Shut the fuck up.” I stormed into the bedroom.

  “Damn…what’s his problem?” Cade whispered to Hazel.

  I called the Plaza and canceled the room. We clearly weren’t going to use it. I jumped in the shower so I could be alone. The night couldn’t have gone worse. That was not how I planned on proposing to my wife. It totally blew up in my face. Now I had to come up with another plan. The biggest problem was the fact she would expect it from this point on. It had to be so unexpected and random that she couldn’t see it coming.

  Back to the drawing board.



  “You’re home early.”

  Sean came in the door then dropped his bag by the coat hanger. “Yep. I’m staying home with you from now on.”

  “You are?” I asked excitedly. I was sick of being coped up in this house by myself, so fat that I couldn’t even roll over.

  He came to the couch and kissed me. “I am.”

  “Are you sure? Mike doesn’t need more time?”

  “No. It seems like they have everything under control. Mike even took Trinity to work so Cassandra could have some alone time.”

  “Awe, that’s adorable.” I knew Mike would be a great father. He was stupid for ever thinking otherwise. “So, you’re going to be with me every day?”

  “I’ll wait on you hand and foot, darling.” He grabbed my feet and started to massage them.

  I sighed while I l
aid back. “I want to be pregnant forever.”

  He laughed. “Pretty soon you’re going to want to tear someone’s eyes out.”

  “If you keep rubbing my feet, it won’t be you.”

  He smirked and continued to massage the muscle. “You doing okay?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Is there something I can get you? How about a milkshake?”

  “Ugh. I’m fat enough as it is.”

  “You aren’t fat,” he said firmly.

  “Let’s not beat around the bush. I’m a cow.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Would I come so quickly if you were so damn fat?”

  “Maybe you just want to get it over with.”

  His eyes narrowed his annoyance. “You’re lucky I don’t hit women.”

  “Same to you,” I teased.

  “Ha ha. Very funny.”

  I watched him attend to my feet. “You’re sure you want to do this? I’m not upset at all if you need to work.”

  “My primary duty and obligation is to you.”

  “No, it’s to carry on your legacy and make your father proud.”

  “No, that’s secondary. You are first and foremost in my life, forever and always.”

  Sometimes I couldn’t believe how sweet my husband was.

  “If I don’t remember anything else my father taught me, I’ll at least remember that. And that old man is never wrong about anything.”

  “I’m going to tell him you said that.”

  He tickled my feet. “You better not.”

  I laughed then kicked his hands away. “Don’t tickle me!”

  He kept going, enjoying the upper hand.

  “I’m going to pee myself. Stop!”

  He finally ceased. “Fine. But only because you’re pregnant and it’s a little unfair.”

  “A little?”

  He leaned back into the chair. “What do you think of Trinity?”

  “What do you mean? I think she’s absolutely gorgeous.”

  “She is.” His eyes stared far ahead, distant. “I can’t wait until ours gets here.”

  “Me too,” I said happily.

  “I just hope she’s hideous and the boys don’t like her.”

  I rolled my eyes. “If she looks like a combination of us, she’ll be perfect.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of…if she has my height and your looks she’ll be a damn supermodel.”


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