Closing Time

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Closing Time Page 26

by E. L. Todd

  “Stop being a jerk,” I said.

  “Stop making fun of me,” Ryan responded.



  Janice sighed and crossed her arms over her chest. “How about we drop this little feud for now?”

  “Okay,” Sean said. “But keep that…thing…away from me and my wife,” he said as he looked at Ryan.

  Cortland stepped through the door with an arrangement of flowers. “Hey, what’s up—” He faltered in misstep then dropped the flowers on the ground. “Shit, what the hell happened to you?”

  Ryan’s scowl deepened at the reaction.

  Janice covered her face and laughed loudly, tears coming out of her eyes.

  “Go to hell,” Ryan snapped.

  “Were you kidnapped and held hostage in a tanning booth?” Cortland asked in a serious tone.

  “You want me to beat you up in front of your wife?” Ryan threatened.

  Monnique came behind Cortland then looked fearful. “Protect me from that monster, honeybunny.”

  Ryan put his hands in his pockets then clenched his jaw, clearly annoyed by everyone’s reaction.

  When Mike and Cassandra walked in, I knew it was going to get worse.

  Mike smiled when he saw me, but when he spotted Ryan, looking like a black dot against the white walls, he froze then pushed Cassandra, who was holding Trinity, behind him. “Baby, stay back.”

  “That’s it,” Ryan huffed. “I’m leaving.”

  I laughed then grabbed his arm. “We’re so kidding.”

  Cortland still stared at Ryan like he might spread wings and fly up his nose. “How did you get that dark?”

  “The Caribbean is at the equator,” Ryan said irritably.

  “And is the equator two inches from the sun?” Mike asked incredulously.

  Ryan was losing his cool. “My sister is about to have a baby, so why don’t we acknowledge the reason why we’re here.”

  “Shit, Skye is going to be so scared when she gets a glimpse of you,” Cortland said.

  Ryan headed to the door. “Fuck you all.”

  Janice laughed then grabbed his arm. “Baby, they’re teasing. Let it go. It’s all in good fun.”

  “Fun isn’t the word I’d used to describe it,” Ryan said through clenched teeth.

  “What happened anyway?” Mike asked. “Did the hotel not have a roof?”

  “Enough with the jokes,” Janice demanded. “You’ve had your fun.”

  Ryan relaxed slightly now that his wife defended him.

  “He just put on tanning lotion instead of sunscreen,” Janice explained. “I told him he was using the wrong bottle but he insisted I didn’t know what I was talking about.”

  Cortland smirked while he looked at Ryan. “Looks like the joke is on you.”

  “I’m this close…” Ryan threatened him with his eyes.

  “Is the baby here yet?” Flynn asked when he walked inside, pulling Hazel with him. He practically jumped out of his skin when he saw Ryan. “Holy shit!”

  The nurses outside the room looked through the door, surprised by the outburst.

  Flynn grabbed Hazel’s hand and stepped back. “Whoa, dude…did a radioactive spider bite you?”

  “If it did, I’d wrap you up in a web until the bugs came for your body,” Ryan threatened.

  “This is getting dark…” Sean kept his place beside me.

  “Did you wipe shit all over you or something?” Flynn asked.

  “I’m just tan,” Ryan snapped. “You’ve never seen anyone have dark skin?”

  “Um…” Cortland looked at Monnique then turned back to him. “Monnique is dark and she doesn’t look freaky like you.”

  “Well, I’m sorry I’m not model material,” Ryan jabbed.

  Hazel looked at him curiously. “Do they not have sunscreen in the Caribbean…?”

  “I’m officially done talking about this.” Ryan walked to the opposite corner and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones,” I said with a smirk.

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Ryan asked. “Is that a riddle you learned from Harvard that I’ll never understand?”

  Cortland took the lead. “If you throw something when you live in a glass house, people can see you throwing whatever you’re throwing. So, don’t condemn people for throwing stones when it’s pretty clear you are too.”

  Ryan looked at him blankly. “Was I supposed to understand that?”

  “I’m just saying what goes around comes back around,” I said.

  Ryan cocked an eyebrow. “Again, what?”

  “You make fun of me all the time and now it’s your turn to be made fun of,” I said irritably. “Damn, you are dumb, Ryan.”

  “You’re one to talk,” Ryan snapped. He spoke in a feminine voice to imitate me. “Oh, my best friend just got dumped by his fiancé five minutes ago and now he slept with me. Obviously, that means he loves me and we’ll be together forever.” He rolled his eyes and his voice returned to normal. “Idiot.”

  No one thought that was funny.

  “Not cool, dude,” Cortland said.

  “Not even a little,” Sean said.

  “Whatever.” He sighed and leaned against the wall. “Don’t battle fire with fire.”

  “Wow, you actually know one,” I said with a laugh.

  “I guess I’m not so dumb,” Ryan said with a shrug.

  “We aren’t too late, right?” Diane came in, her glasses skewed on her nose.

  “No, Mom,” Mike explained. “We still got some time.”

  “Good,” she said with a sigh. “That’s good.”

  Andrew came in behind her. “I’m so excited to see my second granddaughter. She’ll be just as beautiful as Trinity.”

  “She will,” Cortland said.

  “Nah,” Mike said. “My baby will be cuter.”

  Cassandra hit his arm. “Don’t say that.”

  “It’s true.” Mike grabbed Trinity from her arms and held her. “How can anyone be more beautiful than this?” He looked down at his daughter fondly.

  I smiled while I watched him love his daughter so completely.

  Andrew squeezed between Janice and Monnique. “Geez, it’s crowded in here.”

  “Yeah,” Flynn said. “Maybe someone should leave…” He looked at Ryan.

  Andrew followed his gaze then watched Ryan. Then he extended his hand. “Hi, I’m Andrew, Sean’s father. I don’t think we’ve met.”

  I tried not to laugh, but I couldn’t help it. And unfortunately, a little pee came out. Sean’s eyes leaked from the fit of laughter he experienced, and Janice was laughing uncontrollably.

  Ryan glared at Andrew then left the room, too embarrassed to stick around.

  Everyone kept laughing, unable to stop.

  “What?” Andrew asked, confused.

  “That was Ryan,” Mike said.

  “Oh.” Realization came over his face. “What disease did he get?”

  “He just got really, really tan,” Janice said.

  “Oh. I thought that was hair.” Andrew shrugged.

  Everyone laughed again, unable to stop.

  Hours later, I still didn’t have my baby. The contractions came and went, and they were getting closer to each other every time. The pain level increased with each one, and soon I was practically breaking Sean’s fingers.

  “I have to be ten centimeters by now,” I said irritably.

  “The doctor will let us know,” he said patiently.

  “I’ll check.” Mike said as he walked to the end of the bed.

  Sean gave him a look of hatred that would scare the shit out of the devil.

  “Joking.” Mike walked back to Cassandra, who was sitting in a chair while she breastfed Trinity, a blanket covering her chest.

  Sean calmed down slightly but he was still irritated.

  “Geez, get a grip,” Mike said as he rolled his eyes.

who I found in the cafeteria.” Janice pulled Ryan into the room.

  We all agreed to stop making fun of him after he walked out. So everyone was silent, keeping their promises.

  Ryan looked at everyone, waiting for someone to take a jab. When nobody did, he relaxed. “That baby still in there?”

  “Sean, take her out.”

  He cocked an eyebrow. “How? You want me to reach in there and just pull?”

  “Yes, please.” I couldn’t stop sweating. I was so uncomfortable. “Cassandra?”

  “Hmm?” she asked while she held Trinity.

  Mike was watching her breastfeed, his eyes lustful.

  “Does it really hurt as bad as they say…?” I asked.

  Cassandra smirked. “Get the needle.”

  That wasn’t what I wanted to hear. “So, it didn’t hurt after the drugs?”

  “No, it did,” she said with a nod. “So I can’t imagine how painful it must be without the drugs.”

  My spine shivered. “I’m definitely getting the needle.”

  “But it’s so worth it.” Cassandra held Trinity close to her.

  Mike peeked under the blanket, watching his daughter suck on her breast.

  “Um, do you mind?” Cassandra asked.

  “No.” Mike kept staring.

  “Mike, there are people here,” she growled.

  “So? I married you so I can stare at your tits all I want,” he argued.

  Cassandra pulled the blanket back down so he couldn’t see. “Go get Scarlet something.”

  “She said she doesn’t want anything,” Mike said. “I already asked.”

  “Well, just go away,” Cassandra said irritably.

  “You like it when I stare at your tits.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

  “Yes, in the privacy of our own home, not when your sister-in-law is about to have a baby and she’s nervous about it.”

  “If it makes you feel better, Sean stares at my chest all the time,” I said. “All. The. Time.”

  “I’m not going to refute that.” Sean said as he looked down my gown.

  I hit his shoulder playfully. “I’m about to have a baby.”

  “And how did that baby get there?” Sean countered.

  “Your parents are listening,” I argued.

  He shrugged. “My parents know I like your tits. So what?”

  I covered my face, mortified.

  Andrew smiled. “My boys are smart, confident, and very loveable. But they sure as hell don’t have any proper manners.”

  “No, they don’t,” Cassandra said firmly.

  The doctor knocked then walked inside. “How are we doing?”

  “Get this baby out of me,” I blurted. My forehead dripped in sweat so Sean patted it dry.

  She smiled. “Let me see how far you’re dilated.” She looked at the crowd in the room. “Having a party?”

  “Something like that,” I said in irritation.

  “Well, please leave the room.” She sat on the stool then pulled on her gloves.

  Everyone left without protest and shut the door.

  The doctor measured the dilation. “You’re ready, Mrs. Preston.”

  “Oh.” I was excited but scared as hell at the same time.

  “I thought you would be more excited?” she said with a smile.

  “I guess I’m just scared,” I admitted.

  “It’ll be over before you know it. A small period of pain for a lifetime of happiness,” she said as she threw her gloves away.

  I just hoped that time would be extremely short.

  “We’ll take you to the delivery room. It’s time.” She walked out to get the nurse.

  “It’s really happening…” It suddenly hit me. Skye would be here soon.

  “It is.” Sean grabbed my hand and kissed it. “I’m so happy.”

  “Me too…ish.”

  He laughed. “Baby, you’ll be fine. I’ll be there the whole time.”


  “Promise.” He kissed my forehead despite the beads of sweat covering it. “Now let’s do this.”

  The nurse and daughter came back then unlocked the wheels of my bed. They took me out and down the hallway.

  Everyone’s eyes widened in excitement.

  “It’s really happening?” Flynn asked. “Awesome!”

  “You can do it, Scarlet,” Cortland said. “You’ll kick ass.”

  The doctor looked at all of them. “I sincerely hope you don’t expect them all to join you.”

  “No,” I said. “Just one. Ryan, come on.”

  “What?” he asked. “You want me to be there?”

  “Yes,” I said. “Now shut up and come on.”

  “Is he family?” the doctor asked.

  “My brother,” I said. “And I want him there.”

  “Okay.” She pushed me down the hallway while Sean walked beside me, still holding my hand.

  After I was in the room, Ryan and Sean dressed in their gowns then joined me. Sean was at my side, his hand locked in mine. They already gave me the shot and I felt the numbing sensation.

  “You’re doing great, baby.” His thumb trailed over my knuckles.

  Ryan stood on the other side of me. “I’m staying way up here by your head.” He eyed my open legs. “And I’m not moving.”

  “Please don’t,” I said.

  He grabbed my hand. “Now bring Skye home, Scar.”

  “It’s time to start pushing,” the doctor said.

  “Okay…” I took a deep breath and began.

  Yikes, it really was as painful as everyone said. I grabbed Sean’s hand so hard I thought I might have broken a few fingers. Sean didn’t complain or wince. He supported the back of my neck while I pushed. His lips were near my ear, giving me the support and encouragement I needed.

  “She’s almost here, Scarlet,” Sean said. “Imagine holding her in your arms.”

  That thought gave me more motivation to keep pushing.

  “Through your nose and out your mouth,” Sean commanded.

  I squeezed his hand again as another bout of pain came through.

  “Damn, you’re going to break my hand, Scar,” Ryan said.

  I kept squeezing it, trying to get through the pain.

  Sean never pulled his hand away.

  When I suddenly felt the emptiness inside me, I knew Skye was out. Silence stretched before crying echoed in the room. I breathed hard, trying to catch my breath. I felt like I just ran three marathons in a row.

  “We’ll give her to you after she gets cleaned up,” the nurse said.

  Ryan patted my face and forehead with a rag before he tossed it.

  “You did great, baby.” Sean pressed his face to mine. “She’s here.”

  “I couldn’t have done it without you,” I whispered.

  “Yes, you could. But we’re better when we work together as a team.”

  The nurse came to me with the bundle in her arms then she extended Skye to Sean.

  “No,” Sean said. “My wife deserves to hold her first.”

  The nurse smiled then placed my daughter in my arms. She was still crying, but it was such a beautiful sound.

  “Oh my god…” I couldn’t believe I was holding her. She was here. She was real.

  Sean sat on the bed beside me and put his arm over my shoulder. “God, she’s beautiful.”

  The hormones weren’t responsible for the emotional I felt. Unable to control how amazing it was to hold my baby girl, my eyes broke down in tears and I cried while I held her in my arms. I sniffed while I looked at the face that was still slightly red. She had blue eyes just like me and Sean, but the curve of her eyes reminded me of Sean’s. Her lips were thin like mine, and her face was thin and curved too.

  When I looked at Sean, his eyes were coated with tears. “I can’t believe we made her.”

  “I know…” His eyes were glued to Skye’s face, love and adoration paramount.

  “I already love her so much.”

  “I d
o too,” he whispered.

  Ryan stayed by the bed but didn’t speak. I forgot he was there.

  “Now it’s your turn to hold her.” Truthfully, I didn’t want to give her up, but I knew Sean was anxious.

  He moved his hands under the blanket then pulled her to his chest. Like a natural, he held her like he’d been holding her all his life. “So small…” He supported her head with his big hand, staring down at her like she was made of crystal.

  I grabbed one of her hands and played with it, feeling her tiny fingers. Everything about her was so petite. Even her fingernails were microscopic. “Sky Preston, welcome to the world.”

  “You’re going to love it,” Sean said with a sniff. “You already have so many people who love you.”

  “But not as much as we do,” I whispered. I turned to Ryan. “Would you like to hold her?”

  “No,” he said with affection in his eyes. “I’ll get my chance later.” He stepped away from the bed. “I’ll give you some privacy.” He stepped out and closed the door.

  Sean and I took turns holding our daughter, unable to believe she was really in our arms. She stopped crying and her eyes were closed. Then she opened them again, taking in the world around her.

  “Damn,” Sean whispered. “She’s gorgeous.”

  “Why is that bad?”

  “She’ll bewitch every man into falling in love with her.”

  “No, she’ll bewitch every person.” I leaned my head against his shoulder while he put her on my thighs. I pulled my legs to my chest and put my arms on either side of her, protecting her. Together, we stared at her a long time, unable to look away.

  “We have a name?” the doctor asked.

  Sean nodded. “Skye Preston.”

  “Beautiful.” She walked out and shut the door.

  Wordlessly, Sean and I sat with our daughter, treasuring the moment. It was the greatest day of my life. I thought my wedding was, or the day I graduated college, or even the day Sean and I finally got together, but no, I was wrong. This moment, here with my daughter, was something that couldn’t be compared to anything else. I knew Sean felt the same way. Our little girl was loved more than she could ever understand. And we would love her every day until our hearts couldn’t bleed anymore.

  By the time Skye was born, it was already late in the evening, meaning visiting hours were over.


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