Catching A Rake (A Rake's Redemption Book 3)

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Catching A Rake (A Rake's Redemption Book 3) Page 9

by G. L. Snodgrass

  Again, he laughed as he set his glass down on the mantel. “Perhaps,” he said. “But you have turned what should have been a beautiful, and joyous occasion into a business deal. I must say, it does kill the romance of the moment.”

  Olivia scoffed. “Romance? What about our situation is romantic? I ask you. I thought the only reason we are married is to save our reputations. And as for the moment. I see nothing beautiful or joyous about it.”

  He tilted his head slightly as he looked at her for a long moment. Then sighed heavily. “Of course, Olivia, that was my point.”

  She continued to frown. What did he mean and why did he seem disappointed in her? All she had done was lay out her concerns and issues. Why did he find that upsetting?

  He stepped up close to her and gently removed the glass from her hand and placed it next to his on the mantle.

  “It is time,” he said. “If we are going to do this, best get it over with.”

  His words stung. He really wasn’t thrilled with the idea of taking her to his bed. What did that say about her? Was it her appearance? Her personality? Granted she could be sharp at times. Did that dissuade him? Or was it something else. Maybe the fact that he was being forced into this just as she was. Maybe that was what he found so disturbing.

  No, it was her appearance. Wasn’t that the only thing men cared about? Did he find her too curvy? She knew the fashion was changing to thin women in straight dresses. Or perhaps it was her face he found less than attractive.

  A thousand thoughts raced through her mind as she fought to ignore the unhappy feeling floating around the bottom of her stomach. It was turning out to be such a miserable wedding day. She was terrified of the upcoming liaison and her husband didn’t find her attractive.

  No worse scenario could occur. No, this was surely the worse wedding day in the history of wedding days. And it could only get worse from here.

  Sighing heavily, she preceded him out of the room and up the stairs. With each step, her heart hitched just a little. Please, she begged, don’t be a fool tonight. Not in front of him. But deep in her heart, she couldn’t deny the sense of anticipation building inside of her.

  Chapter Twelve

  Lord Bradford watched his wife’s sweet derriere as she preceded him up the stairs. With each step, he felt his ardor increasing. The woman was a goddess and wasn’t even aware of just how tempting she was. Her innocence of that fact was definitely one of her most appealing aspects.

  He smiled to himself at the thought of her negotiations. She wasn’t aware of just how innocent and unaware it had made her sound. So sure of herself. So positive of exactly what she wanted. With absolutely no idea of the cost.

  Yes, she had given him the keys to the marriage. It had come to him in a flash. He needed to teach her exactly what she was missing by always being in control. It was simple, he had to seduce his wife.

  Not tonight. Tonight was a given. A formality in her mind. But to him, tonight was but the first night in a long campaign of changing Lady Olivia Bradford’s outlook on life and of him. He now knew exactly what must be done. Only once Olivia surrendered herself to him, body and soul, would she find true happiness.

  At least that was his plan. Of course, the danger was in becoming lost himself.

  Sighing internally, he stepped up next to Olivia and let his hand rest on the small of her back. She shot him a curious frown but she didn’t shy away.

  “These are your rooms,” he said as he stopped and opened a door into her chambers. The maid, Mary, was putting away clothes. She turned quickly and dipped a quick curtsy.

  “That will be all Mary,” he said to the maid.

  Olivia immediately turned and stared at him. But he ignored her until the maid had slipped past them and out the door. A knowing smile and a bit of blush on her cheeks.

  “I don’t know that I like you dismissing my maid,” Olivia said with a cold tone.

  He laughed, “It is expected, at least for tonight.”

  Olivia’s cheeks blushed a pretty pink as she realized why he had sent the maid away. Her scowl turned over to a curious frown.

  “Does it bother you that everyone knows what we are about to do?”

  He smiled and shook his head, “No, not in the slightest.”

  She sighed with exasperation, “But, it doesn’t bother you that this is happening only because we signed a piece of paper, said a few words. And now, we are to do something we have been told we must never do. It doesn’t seem right. What are your thoughts on the matter.”

  He laughed again as he walked past her to open the adjoining door to his room. “I think you are delaying the inevitable,” he said with a flourish of his hand indicating she should step in.

  She froze for a second, all color leaving her face as she looked through the doorway to the bed in the other room. She could no longer avoid this, she thought as she swallowed hard, set her shoulders, and entered his bedroom.

  He watched from the corner of his eye as she scanned the room. She’s probably looking for an escape route, he thought. Not tonight, my dear, he wanted to tell her. No, tonight she would be his. Stepping past her, he grabbed an iron and stirred the fire then tossed another log into the flames. Using the hot poker, he lit a candle.

  Setting the candle on the bedside table, he turned back to her and raised an eyebrow.

  She looked back at him, her eyes as wide as full moons and her skin as pale as a Yorkshire mist. She is terrified he realized. He was tempted to go to her. To ease her concerns, but no, he thought. Not yet. This must go as he wished if he was to have any control over her. Or himself for that matter.

  “Are you ready?” he asked.

  She swallowed hard. Looking at the bed, then at him. Then back to the bed. He could read her like a book. She didn’t have any idea what to expect.

  As if the realization had finally occurred to her she turned to him and said, “As you are perfectly aware, I am inexperienced. What exactly is expected of me?”

  He fought to hold back a grin. So typical of Olivia. She would always address a problem head-on. He casually shrugged. “Normally, you would get undressed and get into bed.”

  Olivia gasped. “Now? With you here?”

  Again, he shrugged. “It is expected and as I said, perfectly normal. We are man and wife after all.”

  She swallowed hard, obviously debating with herself. She swallowed again, that pretty neck of hers betraying her every concern. Then he watched as she set her teeth and decided to do what he had asked.

  “Do you need help with your dress?” he asked. “After all, I did dismiss your maid. If you wish I could assist you.”

  She slowly shook her head as she stepped out of her shoes. Bending, she moved them out of the way then reached behind her to untie the bow behind her back and then the knot at her neck.

  He found himself holding his breath as he realized that it was really going to happen. He and Miss Olivia Caldwell were going to share a bed and so much more. The delicious nature of her body was about to be exposed to him. A body that he would possess. At least for tonight.

  As the dress became loose, she quickly grasped it, holding it in place. Then just as quickly retied the knot behind her neck.

  He felt his world come to a screeching halt. Had she changed her mind? The sudden disappointment that rushed through him was a surprise. He had wanted this much more than he had been willing to admit to himself. Every curve, every flash of skin called to him. Demand his attention.

  Luckily, Olivia did not see the disappointment in his eyes. Instead, she bent and slowly removed her stockings. Flashing a lovely hint of an ankle.

  Glancing up at him from her uncomfortable position. She shot him a quick glance laced with doubt.

  Bradford sighed to himself, the woman was a tempting goddess. The personification of feminine, the puzzle that must be solved.

  Olivia rose after removing her stockings then reached up and pulled the pins holding her luscious hair in place. She shook it out a
nd let her hands run through it, bringing it under control, making it dance and shimmer in the candlelight. Again, she glanced at him. This time he was not able to hide the passion burning inside of him. This time, she saw the truth.

  She didn’t falter. Instead, she held his gaze, letting him know that she could tell he wanted her.

  He didn’t care, instead, he held his breath waiting for the next moment.

  At last, Olivia loosened the knot at her neck and let her dress and shift fall away. She didn’t look away, instead, she defiantly held his stare. Daring him to find fault.

  Bradford stared back, his eyes slowly drifting lower. Taking in her beauty. The woman was perfect. Flawless skin that begged to be kissed. Full, well-shaped breasts. A narrow waist that curved into flared hips. A small triangle that called to every part of him that was male.

  Her hands fluttered at her side, obviously wanting to cover herself. But she held firm and let in examine every detail.

  He swallowed hard and looked up into her eyes. She held his stare for a long moment, then slowly turned her back to him.

  He gulped as she looked over her shoulder obviously curious as to his reaction.

  Such perfection. The woman was an innocent, yet she had turned him into a blithering idiot filled with a burning need. Every plan, every design were lost to him as all he could think about was having her. Yet, he held back. If he lost control of the situation now, the marriage would become a shambles. No, he must do this right.

  A small smile creased her lips as she bent slightly to pull down the covers and slip into his bed.

  Damn, the woman was too good to be true.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Olivia’s heart wouldn’t stop racing. She had disrobed in front of Bradford. The sheer terror that had flowed through her had almost made her stop. Until she had seen the desire in his eyes. The need.

  Something inside of her had fallen into place. Some sudden awareness. Perhaps it was Lady Weston’s words about a man wanting a harlot in his bed. Or perhaps it was simply her true nature. But once she had realized that Bradford desired her, she felt once again in control.

  A feminine satisfaction had filled her.

  But now, now she must follow through with the unspoken promise between them. Slowly licking her dry lips, she watched as Bradford unbuttoned his red jacket. His eyes continually focused on hers.

  He was so big, so tall, she thought. He seemed to fill the room. Her husband now, she realized, as he winced slipping his wounded shoulder out of his jacket. Her insides melted just a small fraction. He had received that wound saving her. Risking his life for her.

  As he slipped out of his shirt she remembered the barn where she had tended his wound. But it was different now. Now she could look without embarrassment. Now she could study and learn.

  He was all angles and sharpness. Hard muscles and taut skin. Wide shoulders that narrowed down to a trim waist. Pure male, the same thought she had realized in the barn that day. All man. Now, her man. The thought sent a tingle of anticipation through her.

  Resting a hand on a chair, he removed his shoes and hose then stood again, staring into her eyes. His hands reached into the belt of his breaches, looking at her for a long moment. Building the tension.

  Olivia found herself holding her breath. For some unknown reason, this moment had become critical to her. At last, he slipped his breaches off and stood before her fully naked. Swallowing hard, she fought not to gasp. The man was fully aroused and very big. So big, she feared for her safety. Surely, he was not normal.

  “Do not worry, I will be gentle and yes, it will work,” he said with a small smile.

  Once again, he was reading her thoughts, but this time, she was pleased at his reassurance. She continued to study him as he stood there, letting her observe and learn.

  At last, he pulled the covers back and slid in next to her. She gasped as his cold feet brushed against her leg.

  He laughed and said, “Don’t worry, we will both be warm enough very soon.”

  Oliva slid away from him to give him room. What was she supposed to do? she wondered. Her fingers ached to touch him, but was it allowed? Now? Later? When? Why hadn’t anyone ever told her what to do?

  Bradford looked deeply into her eyes for a long moment, locking her in place with his stare. Slowly, his hand came to rest on her waist. His touch sent a bolt of pure energy right through her. Her heart continued to race while she waited for the next thing. Her body ached to be touched, to be caressed. But was that only for people in love?

  What about in a situation such as this? Didn’t they do what needed to be done then move on with their lives? Surely all she had to do was lie still and accept it.

  He smiled softly and leaned forward to gently kiss her on the forehead. His lips felt like a breath of fresh wind. A kiss that sent a calming warmth through her.

  “Turn over,” he said gently.

  “What?” she exclaimed. Why? What was this for? It was not how things had been explained to her.

  He chuckled under his breath, obviously finding her naivety amusing. “Please,” he whispered. “You will see, I promise, you will not be disappointed.”

  Olivia frowned. How could he know what she would find disappointing or not? How could …

  “Please,” he said again.

  Bradford’s voice washed over her. She could get used to him being nice to her. His simple request didn’t seem worth fighting. She sighed heavily and slowly turned to lie on her stomach. She instantly brought both hands under herself and rested them beneath her chin. Her entire body went tense, even tighter than before. Every muscle rigid with fear.

  “Relax,” he said as he brought a hand up to gently start massaging her neck and shoulders. “You are tenser than a parson in a bordello. Let yourself relax.”

  Olivia couldn’t stop a giggle from escaping. The sudden realization that he simply wanted to rub the tension out of her shoulders mixed with the visual image of a parson standing in the middle of a bordello combined to make her giggle.

  She quickly shut it down as his hand continued to gently pull and knead her shoulders.

  “Mmmm,” she moaned as she felt herself relaxing into his touch. His fingers were working magic throughout her body. She felt her eyes close as she sank into the glory of his touch. Just as she thought she could get no further enjoyment, his hands drifted lower. Down her spine, pulling every worry, every fear, every concern from her body.

  She shifted, resting her hands under her pillow as his hand continued to fall further and further down her body. Slowly, he gently rubbed his strong hand over her rear. Olivia froze for a second at the mere idea of him touching her there, but then slowly let him work away her trepidation.

  “You are very beautiful,” Bradford whispered in her ear. “The kind of beauty that could make a man mad with passion.”

  Olivia smiled to herself. She could almost believe he actually meant it. Without thinking, her hand reached to touch his strong arm. Suddenly she had an overwhelming need to feel his body. To caress and touch.

  Bradford chose that moment to lean in and slowly nibble at the back of her neck. Within moments he found a spot that melted her soul. Moaning softly, she turned and slipping a hand around the back of his head and brought his lips to hers.

  She could feel him smile as his lips kissed hers, but she didn’t care. She needed those lips. They did something inside of her. Ignited a fire she did know she had.

  He became more ardent, more demanding in his kiss, all while his hand slid up her waist to cup her breast.

  Olivia gasped and pulled away from him as a new sensation washed over her. A burning, thrilling sensation. He leaned in to resume kissing her while his hand pulled and gently squeezed. She tried to focus on his lips but her mind was repeatedly drawn to the hand at her breast.

  She had not known. There were so many things she had not known.

  Then he pulled his lips from hers. She felt a loss, a regret deep inside until he trailed kis
ses down her chest to take a nipple into his mouth.

  Olivia gasped with pleasure as she whipped her head to the side with sudden joy.

  Bradford winced and pulled away from her breast as her head connected with his wounded shoulder. A sudden feeling of shame and embarrassment washed over her. How could she be so clumsy, especially at a moment like this?

  “I am so sorry,” she said, unable to believe what she had done. She had surely ruined everything.

  Bradford however simply smiled at her, looking up over her breast, he said, “You will have to do a lot more than that to keep me from this.”

  He returned to sucking on her breast and Olivia forgot everything that had happened moments earlier. She became lost in the feeling he was bringing forth inside of her. Became lost in the softening of her very core. Suddenly she was aware of a building expectation inside of her. There was a new need for release that she had never felt before.

  When she believed that need could grow no further, he slowly lowered his hand to between her legs. Instinctively, she clamped her legs closed. Denying him access to what he wanted.

  He continued to suckle her breasts while his hand ran over her legs. Caressing, gently probing until she surrendered and allowed him access to her very core. His fingers gently slid over her folds, renewing that burning need inside of her. Now, she no longer feared his touch, now she desperately needed his touch. Some part of her would die if he did not touch her there.

  Then he did. And her world crumbled away until there was nothing but his touch.

  His strong fingers gently entered her as they rubbed back and forth. Building, bringing her higher. She arched her back, silently demanding more as a long soft moan escaped her lips.

  Yes, she thought, there, right there, he knew the perfect spot to touch, to caress. Yes, she was almost there. Almost ready to explode, the tension inside was building to the breaking point. Yes.

  Then it happened. From nowhere, she was hit with wave after wave of pure joy. Like nothing else in this world. Her heart stopped, her lungs screamed for air, but she couldn’t breathe. All she could do was ride the wave after wave that washed over her.


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