Snow Covered Moon

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Snow Covered Moon Page 55

by L M Adams

  “Why aren’t you obeying?”

  “I can’t remember if you want me to walk or crawl. I can’t remember. I don’t want to mess up, please. Tell me what you want.”

  “Shh, baby. You can walk,” His body shudders beside me, another cycle of my essence running through his Chakra is beginning.

  He moans his body locking up, waiting for it to be over. I pet him gently and kiss his forehead. He lets out the breath he’s been holding between his clenched teeth.

  “There we go, you didn’t even scream that time. Now go get cleaned up.”

  “Mistress.” He swallows the lump in his throat.

  He sits up on the bed and swings his legs over. He drags himself to his feet. His back is still covered in welts. Most, if not all of the power he holds in his Chi vibrates on my frequency now, his body cannot use it to heal.

  He hunches over as he moves, he looks, beaten. He will never forgive me for this, no.

  It takes him long excruciating moments to get to the bathroom, but he accomplishes the task. The screams coming from him as the water hits his super-sensitized body the same time another wave of my essence courses through him is enough to wake the dead.

  He comes back into the room soaking wet, his skin too sensitive to even dry off. Small sounds of pain and desperation escape him as he gets dressed. His mind knows nothing but me and the task I put before him, his world has narrowed to those two things, nothing else matters. In some ways, the life of a slave is peaceful. The happiness of the one you serve is your only concern.

  I pray it’s enough. I need his aura to read broken, but without me actually breaking him, I have to take him to the precipice. I may have gone too far, but the only person I can ask is Tabari, and no thanks.

  I get cleaned up and dressed as well. Changing out my panties, but putting everything else back on.

  “Two paces behind me, head cast down at all times.”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  “Let’s go.”

  We make it back down the stairs, Tabari is sitting in the chair across from the steps, power swirling around him like a tornado.

  “Don’t you want to thank him again, Jack?”

  “Yes Mistress.” He turns to Tabari and drops to his knees. “Thank you for the punishment, Sir.”

  “Jaevia Knightley, enough!”

  “We are going out for a while, I’m going to make sure Jack is fed, I need him to have his strength for his training tonight.” A sob actually escapes from Jack’s kneeling form.

  “Can we borrow your car?”

  “You promise to never do that again, Jaevia, never dole out punishment on a slave because of something I did wrong? I will kill you if you ever do that again.”

  The rage in his voice is fucking terrifying. He means it, he would rather kill me than let me hurt something in his name. I nod my head once, quickly. He throws the keys more at me than to me.

  “Come Jack.” He stands up slowly.

  “Yes Mistress,” Jack holds his head down, maintaining the proper distance between our bodies. I know what he’s thinking. Maybe if he does everything right, I won’t hurt him to badly tonight.

  He has no idea. My succubus laughs.

  Tabari’s eyes narrow looking at me, he sees the difference in my aura. I walk out the door quickly, not even allowing him the chance to ask questions. I wouldn’t be surprised if he organizes an intervention while I’m gone. Not sorry I’m going to miss that.

  We make it out to the car. It takes Jack awhile to get in, he’s having trouble with his motor function. I get in and start the engine. I reach over, unbuttoning his pants. He whimpers as he springs free again.

  “I did everything right, Mistress, I did everything you wanted.” Jack has his head turned away and still cast down, he’s gripping the handle on the door tightly.

  “Look at me.” I order him gently. I have to repeat myself before he turns, his brow is wrinkled. His eyes, usually full of power and life, are flat almost dead. The color isn’t even right. He’s not even pulling power to feed his own Chi from Vayrá. They will burn purple when the next wave of my essence hits him.

  “Are you afraid of me?”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  “Good boy. You will follow every command given to you tonight, no matter what or from whom. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Mistress.” His immediate compliance gives me hope that maybe just maybe I can pull this off.

  “I don’t care how degrading, how much it will hurt. You do as your told.”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  “I need you to just accept this, I need you to accept your position now, and that your life will be full of misery for the rest of your days. No matter who wants to use you, everyone is your Mistress, everyone is your Master. Can you do that?”

  He looks at me in pure horror. I let my eyes glow as I stare at Jack. The sky deepening to a purple blue as the sun sets is a beautiful background to his terror.

  “Agree now or we will be having sex right now and I won’t stop, no matter how much you scream, no matter how much you beg.” I squeeze his cock to let him know I mean it.

  “I agree Mistress, I will obey,” he hisses out.

  His screams bounce off the walls of the crossover as the next waves hits him. I don’t think it’s from pain but pure despair. I put the crossover in drive and pull off. He grasps the seat so tightly the leather rips under his hand. He punches a hole in the dashboard. I ignore him and his tantrum completely.

  I drive us slowly through the fringe, trying to give him time to calm down. I make it to the old 83 North Freeway finally; it’s one of the only freeways still maintained, and then only barely.

  I turn the high beams on. There are no street lights this far out, not another car on the road. No one travels out here. It really is the best hiding space.

  Jack’s face is streaked with blood tinged tears.

  “If you do a good job tonight, do everything right, I’ll take the power out of you and let you rest tomorrow.”

  “Yes Mistress,” I’m not even sure if he understands what I’m saying. I wish I could read auras, I have to hope I can bring him back to me. That I can fix what I’ve broken.

  I pull over onto the shoulder about a mile away from the old psychiatric hospital. It’s dark and wooded. The energy here is filled with pain, I’m in no way gifted in the psychic arts, but I can feel the misery in the air. What a perfect place for her to make her lair.

  I unstrap my tablet and type a message to Peter’s set to auto deliver in eight hours, telling them to attack at dawn.

  “What are you to do tonight?”

  “Anything anyone tells me, Mistress. I’m everyone’s slave.”

  “Yes baby, fix your pants and get out of the car.”

  “Yes Mistress,” his voice is hoarse.

  We begin walking up the road in the dark, the night air quiet. Jack doesn’t even ask where we are, I don’t even think he cares. It’s taking all his concentration to remain on two feet. I turn off the screen and drop my tablet into the gorge. If the car is searched it won’t be found, hopefully.

  Jack and I walk up the road in silence, I reach for my succubus, she isn’t far. I hope my aura has changed enough. I feel her stir in me, I feel her power coat me. Jack whimpers at the smell of the pheromones I’ve released.

  We walk up to an old stone guard house with a little bridge beside it, CNAE guards everywhere. Machine guns slung over the front of them. All dressed in their smart blue BDUs.

  What are they doing here?

  You know they are involved.

  Yes, I know, but why? Why would they want to make these creatures?

  There are four guards. I walk towards them slowly with my hands in the air.

  Two of them walk forward, pointing their guns at us.

  “On the ground, on the ground!” they yell at us both. I get down on the ground spreading my arms out to my side.

  “Cross your ankles,” the one closest to me orders. I do wha
t they say quickly, Jack doing the same without a word. One pats me down, un-strapping my thigh sheaths, he breaths in my pheromones.

  “Who are you?” His voice is low, filled with lust.

  “Jaevia Knightley,” I respond, my voice just as low, teasing him.

  “You are like the Madame.” He jumps back, falling onto his ass. I guess he’s had the delight of some alone time with Sheba. His heart hammers in his chest.

  The other guard comes over and kicks me hard on my side. I roll over in pain clutching my stomach. I cough sending more pain through me. My succubus stirs ready to flood him, ready to destroy him with our power. No, I think to her. Not yet.

  “You’re all bitches.” He spits on me. It lands on my face, high on my cheek. It takes every scrap of control to lay there and do nothing. Thick, hot hatred races forward. I memorize his every feature. Brown eyes, he’s white, overgrown beard, early thirties. He’s well built, he works out a lot, not overly tall. I stare up to him, and promise him vengeance, and it will be terrible. I nod my head. Another guard comes out of the guardhouse.

  “Enough Gram, we are to take them to the main house. You better pray the Madame doesn’t take exception to what you did.”

  “I’m not afraid of her.”

  The third guard laughs. “Same thing Tom said.” He looks over to the one who’d breathed me in.

  He’s curled into a ball, begging for them to keep me away from him. Oh yes, he has been with Sheba, and he will never be the same, he’s human.

  “On your stomach, Ma’am, I’m still going to have to cuff you.” I roll back onto my stomach, already healed. I rub my face on the asphalt road, wiping the spit from my face.

  “You take the other one, Gram.” Gram goes and pats Jack down. Jack grinds his teeth at the feel of another person even touching him.

  My guard twists my arms behind me painfully, I don’t make a sound. I feel the cold hardness of the handcuffs as they click around my wrists. He grabs me under my arms dragging me to my feet.

  “Walk forward, Ma’am.” All in all this one is respectful, almost nice. I wonder how he got rotated on this detail. I’d think they’d need the meanest and ugliest of their kind to take it.

  “You don’t seem like you belong here,” I say softly.

  “I have my reasons… but you should not have come here.”

  “I didn’t have much choice.”

  “We seldom do.”

  I nod my head, I feel sorry that he will be dead in the morning.

  I try to turn around to see Jack. His head hangs, but he’s moving and Gram seems to be behaving himself. As long as Jack does as he’s told, everything will be fine.

  “What’s your name?” I ask, I didn’t catch his name tag.

  “Sgt. James Birkman, Ma’am. Why?”

  “I will try and save you, if I can.”

  “Ma’am, I believe it is you that will need the saving.”

  I don’t say anything else. I’ve probably already said too much. I don’t even know why. I just like him for some reason.

  We walk down a road so small I’d be surprised if two cars can even pass one another. There’s a small white picket fence to my left. To my right is a large hill with trees sprouting and tilting dangerously towards the roadway. We walk in silence. Every now and again I spot other guards in the forest, patrolling.

  “We have her,” Birkman says while holding down the button to activate his throat mic.

  “One other, yes Ma’am, a male,” he says.

  We walk for a long time before the road opens up to a cluster of old buildings. Large and gray in the night. There are more soldiers here, male and female, running about.

  I always liked the equal opportunity the CNAE has given to women. In that way, humans are far more culturally advanced than the Kindred. Gender roles are still very much alive and well with my people.

  I keep walking where they tell me. I make no complaint, show no emotion. I nod my head, hell is no place for feelings.

  We make it to a large building with wood and glass doors. More guards are stationed here. They take over and tell Gram and Birkman turn to head back towards the road. I’m sorry to see Birkman go, he’d given me some sort of peace, kindness goes a long way in hell. I nod my head.

  The two new guards lead us into the building, one in the front, one bringing up the rear. Jack doesn’t make one sound, no movement of complaint.

  A receptionist area is to the right. The entire space is carpeted; it’s clean and welcoming, a large room with huge windows lined on each wall. All the chairs and tables have been pushed to the left wall.

  They lead me through the large room to another set of doors. It’s the staircase; we go up. Our movements echo off the walls of the empty space. We reach the top floor. It’s carpeted here as well, my boots silent as I walk to what could very well be my own execution. I should be upset but I feel nothing; my succubus dampening the connection to my emotions. Detaching me from everything that would make me care, about others… about myself.

  The power is on, the hallway lights are lit. How did they get power out here? All the municipal services had been cut out to this area some time ago.

  Why ask stupid questions? My succubus hisses at me. I shrug my shoulder.

  This floor is lined with rooms, I don’t hear the screams of terror I was expecting. Maybe they aren’t keeping the Bâtardi here. The not-wolf vision showed rooms with half windows. This isn’t what I’d seen.

  There’s a large oak door up ahead. I know she’s behind it. I know it with all of my heart. The guard in front of me opens the door and steps aside. The room is large with a huge mahogany desk that gleams in the beautiful moonlight that streams through the windows. Such a beautiful evening to play chicken with a she-demon, I step forward.

  Sheba, the bitch of my nightmares. She sits in a high-backed, maroon leather chair. Her black as night hair free and curling around her beautiful porcelain face, her hair is so long and full. Eyes so violet your mind won’t allow you to believe they are real. Even her black eyebrows are gracefully arched. Long black eyelashes sweep over her eyes as she blinks slowly. Full pouty lips. She’s wearing a black suit jacket with a white shirt underneath. I can’t tell what she has on the bottom. I’ve always felt like a pitiful mouse in her presence.

  “Un-cuff her. She’ll be good, won’t you, little love?” Her voice is like sex, and lust and the night riding on the back of promised pain.

  “Of course, Mistress,” I say, looking directly in her eyes like I’ve done nothing wrong and we can pick up where we left off.

  I feel them un-cuff my wrists. A pain runs through my arms from being trapped like that for so long; I make no sound, however.

  Chapter Forty-eight

  To love a goddess

  “And what have you brought me, Jaevia?”

  I snap my fingers and point at the spot of carpet next to me. Jack falls to his knees, placing his forehead onto the floor. His own arms still locked behind his back.

  “A gift. He’s a vampire I’ve been training.”

  She looks at Jack for a long moment, humming in her throat.

  “I have plenty of vampires, he’s not even trained well. Look at that, not able to hold much power, can he?”

  “Yes Mistress,” I say, sitting down in the chair without permission. She smiles a little.

  “However, he does tolerate large amounts of pain, and I’ve saved the best present for last.”

  “Oh really, Jaevia, and what do you have that I have not already taken?”

  I laugh loudly. “No, not my body. The vampire, he’s to be the next Blood Lord.”

  “Jaevia.” She whispers my name and stands up quickly, coming around the desk. Sheba is one of the few women I’ve ever known to be taller than me, she stands at six-one, all legs. High cheek bones, large eyes, skin as pure as milk. She’s thin with a heart shaped ass, and small B cup breasts. She would be considered super model material by the humans of pre-com.

  She bends dow
n and grabs Jack by the chin, forcing him back onto his knees. Her fingernails are painted red, a high gloss. She has on a pantsuit, and white high-heeled pumps. The scent of her fills my nostrils. It takes everything I have to not whimper out in supplication: take me back, punish me Mistress. I want to fall to my knees and bathe in her essence, just the scent of her invokes so much. Yet I betray nothing.

  Lucien’s claim on my body last night helps, even if he hates me now, and isn’t here, he’s still saving me in a way not many could understand.

  “Look at me, vampire.” Jack looks up into her eyes.

  The terror there makes me want to kill her for even touching him. I try to settle my emotions. She would use that against me.

  “Are you the Blood Lord?”

  “My father is the Blood Lord, Mistress.” Jack answers immediately; good boy Jack. I was afraid he wouldn’t submit to her.

  “Are you going to be the next Blood Lord?” She hisses out, her red nails dig into his skin.

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  She releases his face and stands up straight, looking down at me, her heels add another four inches to her height, making her tower over me.

  “I was going to kill you. Maybe torture you, then kill you. But this gift, Jaevia, you’ve outdone yourself. We’ve been trying to grab him for a week now, and look at this, you walk him in here, already broken. Jaevia, you have earned a request from your Mistress.”

  I smile, I let the power flow forward. “Would you like to train him together like we used to? I’ve missed that.” My voice is soft and seductive with yearning.

  What I say is truth, I have missed it. Her eyes widen surprised at my request. I don’t ask for my life, for my freedom, I ask to hurt things with her. Something she enjoyed training me to do. Where I’ve trained to fight with Lucien in a perfect tandem of death, so I’ve trained to dance with Sheba in a beautiful melody of pain.

  “Oh yes, Jaevia, oh yes.”

  She can scarcely keep the rancid glee from her voice, her own eyes glow in response. She walks back to her desk opening a draw and hands me a golden cock ring.

  This is a wicked magic. I stare at it not even wanting to touch it. The cock ring is spelled, it will break Jack, easily. The more aroused he becomes, the tighter it becomes. It’s to train a slave to control their lust when the power of a succubus rides them.


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