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Gemini Page 11

by Dylan Quinn

  "But if Elijah just spoke to her. Explained why he left, she would understand."

  “Elijah, of all Eternals, cannot visit her. Zoe had feelings for him. She must sort through her emotion without that kind of interference. Besides, he already did that. Despite being advised against it, he sought her on her eighteenth birthday. Should she search her memories, she would recall, but she’s too overtaken with grief. She even saw his light merge, yet she still blocked it out."

  “I understand the rules, Raziel, but things are different this time.” My blood boiled. “Even you admitted that. I don’t understand why we can’t come clean with her, end this once and for all.”

  "This is a journey she must make on her own.”

  “To hell with you and your archaic rules. They no longer apply. We can’t keep her safe if we keep her in the dark. She also needs to be trained. To protect herself. She’s in danger in this weakened state, and you know that. She needs to know the truth. About everything.”

  “You need to calm down.” Raz reached for my shoulders, but I pushed him away.

  “No. Not this time. Tell Zoe the truth. All of it. What she truly loses should she choose to become human this incarnation.”

  “She is close, my friend. I sense it.”

  I shook my head. “No. She’s not.”

  “Yes, she is. You’re too lost to see it.”

  I glared. “I’m far from lost.”

  “Cade. You’ve lost your faith. I recall a girl who made my brother a promise, but you must also keep yours. If you don’t trust in her, how can she trust in you? Or even herself?"

  Zoe did make me a promise and had never broken it in all our lifetimes together. I had to trust her and the love we’d forged so long ago.

  A loud thud echoed from Zoe's room.

  “Go see to your Gemini. She needs you,” Raz said. “I’ll inform them that we’ll begin training so they can protect themselves and Zoe until she confirms her intentions to Gabrielle. Once demons or Fallen recognize their light, they’ll be targets as well. And Phoebe. Perhaps we should contact her guardians. Consider sending her home. They all need protection."

  Raz left the apartment, and I paced my steps carefully to Zoe’s bedroom.

  I stood outside the door for a moment and deliberated my options, whether to give her space, but Raz’s words rang in my mind.

  I listened at her door for movement or sound inside, but there was only silence. I knocked softly, but there was no answer. I knocked again.

  "Zoe?” Nothing. "Zoe, may I come in?”

  I carefully opened the door but didn’t see her. I searched the room, her closets, and the bathroom.

  My pulse quickened. Cold tremors raced through my veins as I moved toward the window.

  Shattered glass covered the floor.

  The fire escape was empty, and the sky was dark. I rushed out of her apartment toward Remie's and burst through his door, breathless.

  "Zoe." I gasped, catching my breath. "Zoe’s gone."

  ~Chapter Sixteen~


  Thunderous screams roared through my head like a freight train. My temples pounded—one of the worst recent headaches on record. Between the screeching in my ears and the putrid scent of sulfur burning my nose, I fought back chunks rising in my throat.

  My eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the strange shades in the room.

  My arms and legs were bound with black ropes to a flimsy wooden chair. I wearily scanned the room.

  Slate walls. Two square windows. Thick, red smoke filtered in through the edges. Where the hell am I?

  Oh, shit.

  I released a breath, and my gaze followed it through the dense air.

  My heart pumped harder. Chills drove through my veins. I desperately fought back tears. Keep it together, Zoe.

  A loud grunt echoed through the cold room. I glanced up and noticed a ginormous guy sitting by a door, arms crossed over his burly chest and feet stretched out. It appeared he was sleeping, but I couldn't tell for sure. He wore a black T-shirt, jeans, and boots.

  Deep breaths.

  He must've sensed I’d woken up because he raised his head, then got up and strutted toward me. He wasn't the same guy from my room, but scarier. He circled me, slow at first, arms behind his back.

  The stomp of his boots in the charcoal earth snuffed up dust with every step.

  I sputtered out dirt as it filtered up my nose, making me choke.

  Blood rushed into my head, the sound swished through my ears and my aching chest, pulsing through my veins.

  He stopped and stared like he’d never seen a girl before. He was average height, a little thick around the middle, but muscular. Long, blond hair tied back.

  My bound hands trembled behind my back, foot shaking nervously.

  His black eyes stared through me, like I wasn’t even there. He narrowed his glare, as if trying to gauge me. "Cade’s one lucky schmuck." He shot a toothy grin. Fangs.

  He stomped to the door and rapped on it twice, never shifting his stare from me.

  A second later, the guy from last night strolled in wearing a tight, black T-shirt, and fatigues. Military looking clothes and combat boots. He had short, red hair.

  "Ah, you’re finally awake. I have to say, I was disappointed in your performance, princess. You didn’t put up much of a fight. Maybe next time? You know me, always up for a challenge.”

  This guy looked familiar. And there was something different about him, different from the others. His eyes were a dark brown with a red ring around them, but not black. Not red. And his aura wasn’t like the other demon’s. Still no color, but not completely black. Hazy. Like smoke.

  As he got closer, the temperature dropped around me. Chills raced through my arms, pushing a knot into my chest.

  “Lilith, however, will be pleased to know you're not resisting this time."

  “Lilith?” The second the name left my lips, a vision of a woman ran through my head but disappeared just as quick. “What do you mean, this time?”

  He laughed, crossing his arms, and peacocked out his chest. "This incarnation."

  This isn’t happening.

  My chin dropped. My gaze scanned my bare feet, my painted toes were buried into the dirt beneath them. I tugged at my wrists, but they wouldn’t budge.

  I was clearly not going anywhere.

  My poker face failed me as I worked to block the anger and fear rising inside, but I felt my chest tighten and blood rushed into my head.

  "You didn't think it was true, did you? You always were a fool for love. For that Eternal. So pathetic."

  Fool for love. Yeah, he had Eve pegged for sure. But Zoe? Was I a fool for love? Could I be so easily swayed by Cade’s blue eyes and amazing smile? Yes.

  Whose side was I on? I had to shake this off.

  "Who’s Lilith? Where the hell have you brought me?” Disdain dripped as I attempted courage.

  His eyes narrowed, and a near inaudible growl rumbled from his throat.

  Mental note: Shut. Up.

  "Can't you smell the roses? We're in the garden." Ponytail demon laughed.

  The other guy snarled at ponytail demon, and stomped toward me. He put his finger under my chin and thrust it up.

  “You disappoint me, girl.” His steel gaze burned through me.

  My throat tightened, like a noose had been laced around it.

  I couldn’t breathe.

  "Lilith is your predecessor. And she’s come to collect a debt."

  The door swung open.

  “Enough, Azriel.” A commanding female voice bounced off the slate walls, and the invisible grip on my neck disappeared.

  I sucked in a harsh breath and inhaled particles of dust that fluttered through the air. Red smoke left an iron taste on my tongue, and I sputtered out dirt.

  A beautiful woman with flowing black hair falling down to her hips sauntered in. She had deep brown eyes—not black, like the demons. No red ring. Her bronzed skin was illuminated, not gristly. Glow
ing. Her aura wasn’t black or hazy either, but a deep, dark blue. Alluring. Almost intoxicating.

  What the hell were these people?

  Wait. There was something familiar about her.

  She was the woman who had been haunting my dreams, wielding a sword. Lilith.

  I wracked my brain, trying to think of any stories about this Lilith person. Who was she, and what did she want from me? I didn't recognize anything except her aura. Predecessor?

  Lilith strutted closer wearing black fatigues and spiky boots to her knees. She looked fierce, like something out of an Underworld movie. Her presence was captivating. If it weren't for her dark soul, I could see the appeal.

  "Bella Ragazza." She reached for my cheek and studied my face. "It's been such a long time, Eve."

  Lilith circled around me, inspecting my bindings, then stopped. Her boots sunk into the dirt in front of me. She gripped her hips, jutting herself to the right.

  The woman stood nearly six feet tall, perfect posture. Her chest proudly pushed out, showing off cleavage in her too tight tank top.

  "Why so quiet? You must have questions for me."

  For the first time today, I was speechless. This whole situation was surreal. Dizzying.

  She bowed her head and smirked.

  "I’m Lilith. You could say I'm also Genesis.” She bobbed her head. “Of sorts. I’ve had many nicknames through the centuries. Queen of the damned is one that stands out. Though I don't particularly like that title. I prefer to think of myself as the one to deliver you and I from our oppressor.”

  My wrist began to burn a warning, and the ring on my hand blazed to life. A subtle white glow grew around me, like an invisible bubble. I wiggled my hand around to loosen the binds, but still couldn’t.

  “Relax. I'm not here to hurt you. I want to help you. I've studied you all your life. Lives. You seem a bit more vulnerable this incarnation, though. I believe we should get to know each other. Talk. You know, girl to girl. We have much more in common than you’ll ever admit."

  "Kidnapping me probably isn't the best way to gain my trust."

  A laugh escaped her blood red lips. She cocked her head to the side and swung her hair around her shoulder.

  "I’ve seen the way you react to Cade. I'm not so sure you truly love him. In fact, I think you’d be better served letting me help you get what you really want in this life. We can help each other. Be friends.”

  She bent down and set her hand on my face. “You’re an amazing creation, child. A perfect match for Cade.”

  Heat rushed into my pores, spiking the temperature of my skin.

  “Almost as perfect—" Her gaze burned into mine. "As I was."

  ~Chapter Seventeen~


  "I'm Genesis, just like Adam. His first soul mate, as you humans call them.” She rocked between her spiky boots. "Both formed from dust. True equals.”

  "You're lying," I blurted. “You’re not his Gemini.”

  She smirked and shook her head. “You’re right. I’m not. Gemini didn’t exist before you. I didn’t belong to anyone but myself.” Her tone dripped with disdain. “You, on the other hand, will always be possessed. Controlled. Never fully free as long as you’re anchored to that man.”

  "You don't know a thing about me."

  "I know everything about you. Followed you for all of your lives to convince you, time and again, that this sacrifice doesn't help any of us. But you never listen. You just blindly follow Cade around, letting him own you. Rule your life.” She scoffed. “But I still kind of like you, Zoe. So I keep coming back, trying to talk some sense into you. I could just kill you, but I’ve tried that, too, and it never changed anything before. So here we are again, having the same boring conversation. I have to admit, after five of these, it's getting quite monotonous."

  Lilith pulled up a chair in front of me, turned it around and sat, digging in her heels.

  "What do you want for this incarnation?"

  This time I kept my mouth shut. I wasn’t going to be backed into a corner and make this any worse than it already was.

  "Okay, don’t admit it. I know the answer anyway. And it’s not Cade. Or this ridiculous Doctrine you got roped into five thousand years ago.”

  "You don't know anything. I care about, I mean—I love him.” I widened my eyes and tried another poker face attempt.

  "You're not a good liar, Zoe. Too pure.” She laughed. “But hey, at least you're trying, right?" She tipped her head. "I knew you had some darkness in you." She craned her neck and peeked behind my back. "You know, there was a time you didn't need that ring to protect you."

  "It's not to protect me. It was my mother's.”

  She let out an animated cackle.

  "What kind of lies are they telling you? They can't even be candid. And yet you choose to continue this charade, one incarnation after the other. Trusting them. And for what? Where has it gotten you? Because every incarnation, you end up in the same predicament. Right here, on the fence between choosing his happiness over yours. I just don’t understand you."

  I almost agreed with her.

  I had no idea what I was getting out of any of this. Why did I keep choosing Cade? I hadn’t spent more than a minute with him since we met. Granted, he seemed very sweet and loyal—all the things humans could want from a man, but I didn’t really know him. What I did know was that I loved my life as it was. I was on my way to making a name for myself. To living my dreams.

  Was Lilith right? What was all this sacrifice about anyway? Why did I keep wavering if Cade was my Twin Soul? Maybe I didn’t love him like past Zoe 1.0 did.

  My head was spinning.

  "Who’s your mother, Eve? Your father?" She smirked, shaking her head. "You have none. Neither do I. We were both created to please Adam. That's about where the obvious similarities end.” She blew out a hard breath. “But I have this theory that you and I have much more in common than meets the eye."

  I scoffed. "I seriously doubt that.”

  "Do you know why I left Cade?"

  "How could I?"

  "Oh yes, I forgot. Lailah has taken all your memories." She stood and pulled out a black dagger that was strapped to her thigh, and nodded at her cohort.

  The temperature dropped again.

  Azriel stepped behind me, untied my feet from the chair, and loosened the ties behind my back, enough so I could try to wiggle free.

  Were they letting me go?

  Lilith passed the dagger back and forth between her hands as she circled around me again.

  My heart pounded. My Gemini mark was on fire.

  I discreetly pulled at my hands to free from the ropes while my gaze focused on her dagger. It was just like the one the foster demon used to cut my arms with.

  Lilith paced in front of me again, hips swaying. With a swish of her dagger, she slashed at the ropes on my feet. The blade ripped through my skin and sliced open my ankles.

  I yelped as the sting from the cuts spread up into my knees. Quick, heavy breaths rocked my chest, and I clenched my teeth. I pulled at my hands behind my back but still couldn’t untangle them from the ropes.

  A second passed, and another swipe of her blade seared through the ropes on my wrists, through my skin.

  I cried out, falling to my knees on the charcoal dirt floor. I squeezed my eyes shut for a second to regain my composure, then glared up at Lilith. I grit my teeth and let out a grunt, breathing through the pain, while the blood from my ankles and wrists dripped onto the earth below me and disappeared like quicksand.

  What the?

  “There you are.” Lilith grinned. “Get angry. Stop fighting the darkness. The good girl routine is getting old, even for you.” She bent down. “Admit it.”

  “Back off.” I pulled away and sat on the dirt, tugging my knees into my chest and inspecting the cuts on my wrists and ankles.

  “So adorable. Oh, I get it. It’s obvious why Cade keeps you. But you see, you have a once in this lifetime opportunity here. You can h
ave it all, everything you’ve ever dreamed of, right now. And I can help you get it. All you have to do is let me.”

  I did have a touch of darkness coursing through me. Directed at whom, I didn’t know.

  Maybe I wasn’t good enough for Cade. Maybe he deserved better.

  What the hell is wrong with me?

  I was letting this crazy bitch get into my head. Give me doubts. She was manipulating me.

  Not gonna happen.

  I scanned the room. Could I make a run for it? Nope. There was one door, and it was securely blocked by ponytail demon. No way out.

  I shifted to the right and inspected my healing wounds, then made to stand.

  “Uh uh uh—” She shook her head, clicking her tongue.

  A loud bang rang from outside and drew Lilith’s attention away from me.

  The two demons, or whatever they were, eyed Lilith for instructions, and she nodded her head toward the door.

  They took off outside while Lilith returned to me.

  “Well, it appears your knights in shining armor have finally arrived. Took them long enough. Tell Julian he’s slipping. Still hot.” She fanned her cheeks. “But he’s going to have to step it up if he’s going to keep up with me.”

  Who’s Julian?

  Lilith paced the room, waving her dagger in the air. "Quick story before you go.”

  My pulse sped up, and despite the freezing temperature in the room, sweat pooled on my forehead.

  Clashing metal rang from outside the tiny windows.

  Lilith growled and stomped her boots.

  “Perhaps another time, I’ll tell you about Eden. The day I left Adam and why. When I was punished for wanting my freedom. The day you were created.”

  Her attention aimed toward the windows. The red smoke streaming in incited more chunks to rise to my throat.

  “No. Tell me now.” I rocked back onto my heels and held in the pain. Voices cried outside the window, words I couldn’t make out. "I'm waiting." I hissed, hoping to draw her attention away from whoever was here to rescue me.

  Lilith stopped in front of me, dropping the dagger she’d been playing with, and pulled out a long, silver sword with a black tip. She thrust the sword into the black dirt beneath her boots and stared blankly for a second.


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