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Page 12

by Dylan Quinn

  My ring fired to life, the bubble glow I hadn’t noticed in a while began to rise around me.

  "They sure want you back. Not that I expected to get to keep you. This time.”

  Her words rushed back into my head. The dream.

  My gaze scanned the room, and the memories flashed back.

  “I’ll tell you my story.” She stepped forward, pulled the dagger from the dirt, and slammed it into my chest. “But not today.”

  Holy hell.

  I gasped for air, grabbed at my chest as she pulled the sword out.

  My body collapsed to the gritty floor. Dust rushed up into my mouth and nose. I inadvertently drew in a breath and inhaled the dead earth, then coughed up the debris that had been sucked into my lungs.

  “Until next time, little bird.”

  The door flung open, and the room went quiet. The only sound came from the blood rushing into my head and the pounding of my heart.

  Every muscle tensed. The pain from the cuts seared, burned from the inside out. My consciousness slipped further away with every slowing beat of my heart.

  Faint voices called my name. Then a loud bang. Another thud. Clashing metal.

  The door flung open, and a new voice called out.

  “Jackpot.” The voice got closer. Lights behind my closed lids grew stronger. Brighter. “Genesis,” a hushed whisper called inside my head. “You’re okay, Zoe. I’ve got you.”

  My new best friend gathered my mangled form up off the floor.

  I relaxed in his arms as he carefully pulled me close. The heat of his chest against my shivering body comforted me.

  "Hold on, Zo. Going to get a tad bumpy. I've got her, Nate. Heading to the bridge." He sprinted with me in his arms. “Hey, you look great."

  Is he serious?

  Who is he? Who’s Nate?

  I grunted while my insides weaved themselves back together. I sank into his arms like a rag doll, and the noises around me faded out.

  "Stay with me," his voice echoed.

  It was cold and damp. My body bounced around as he ran, making my stomach want to be relieved of its contents. I took a deep breath and tried to hold it in.

  I had no idea who he was, but he obviously knew me. His pure light let me know I could trust him, so I kept quiet and focused on healing.

  “Azriel and Lilith are dealt with. For now,” a new voice said as he pulled up alongside us in our dead run.

  We ran—and ran. Forever.

  I occasionally opened my eyes to see where we were going. Dark tunnels, windows sporadically lined the walls, red smoke filtering through them. The putrid sulfur still burned my lungs, despite how cold it was.

  A loud whoosh rang in my ears.

  We stopped, but I was too exhausted to even peel open my eyes.

  The boys started chanting in Latin. "Aperiesque ostium."

  A light wind breezed over my skin. Soft at first, then picked up its strength. A strange noise rang through my ears, low. Then louder, like thunder.

  A second later, my body was weightless. My muscles froze, and I couldn’t move. I panicked. My chest tightened.

  "Take a breath, Zo. Almost there."

  We were sucked into a vortex of wind, roaring like a freight train. The pounding in my temples became unbearable. My body trembled, my head dizzy as we moved through the tunnel.

  Next thing I knew, we were in the woods. Darkness filled the night sky. Peaceful. I let out a thankful breath.

  The storm had passed.

  I had no idea what time it was, or where we were. Didn’t care. I was safe. Exhausted, but safe, and thankfully, far from Lilith and her damn daggers.

  All I needed was sleep, but my body ached. My chest pumped tirelessly, trying to repair itself. I could hear my heart thudding inside my head, and my temples throbbed worse now than with the visions.

  We sprinted to an alcove. I recognized the forest preserves outside Chicago.

  "Zo, we're going for a ride. I'm going to lay you down in the car. Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere."

  He set me on the black leather seat of an SUV.

  I laid my head back and closed my eyes.

  He crawled in beside me, pushed the hair from my eyes, and pulled me into his lap, strapping us into the seat.

  I opened my eyes and glared at him.

  He grinned. “Hi.”

  The other guy got in the driver’s seat and turned on the ignition. The SUV took off at lightning speed, thudding down a rocky road.

  Every bump shot straight to my throbbing head.

  "You gave us a scare there.” He laid his hand against my cold cheek.

  "Who are you?" I blinked and squinted at the brightness of his aura in the dark car.

  "Bloody hell. Sorry, Zo. I forgot. Lailah stole your memories." He ran his hand along my hairline. "I'm Julian. We're sort of best mates." He laughed. "Up there is Nate. We were Firstborns the last time. Been friends ever since. We're Eternals now, protecting the borders from demon crossings. Raz called us when you got snatched. We felt the breach, so we knew something was afoot. Just glad we were there to get you. You sure are a troublemaker, aren't you?"

  “You’re British.”

  He laughed. “So were you, once.”

  Man, this guy talked. A lot. I needed to close my eyes and drift away, but he wouldn't let me. His accent was kinda awesome though.

  "You have to stay awake until your wounds close. Those are the rules."

  My eyes didn't want to cooperate and began to drift closed.

  "Zoe. Look at me."

  I glanced up, and Julian began rubbing my temples. How did he know I had a headache?

  "I know everything, Zo. Told you, we're… BFFs?"

  "So you can read my mind, too?"

  “You taught me how. Though I can only read yours until you and Cade are mind melded again.”

  So weird, all these people telling me about a girl I didn't know.

  "This is going to sound a bit—awkward, but I need to look up your shirt."

  “Huh?” My gaze darted to his.

  "Relax, I mean your wound, to see if it's closed yet. When it is, you can go to sleep."

  "Whatever.” My cheeks flushed.

  "I promise I'm only checking so you can sleep.”

  He raised his eyebrows, asking for permission, and I nodded. He pulled up my shirt and turned on a flashlight. A second later, he pulled it back down. “Not yet. Hopefully soon.”

  Shivers ran across my skin. My body trembled, my shirt soaked in my own blood.

  I was freaked the hell out. I could heal, but I had no idea if I could survive being stabbed in the chest.

  My eyelids drifted shut. I just wanted to sleep.

  "I know, but your body won’t heal. Let's chat. What do you want to talk about?"

  Ugh, my head. “No talking. Please.”

  "Here, let me help." He rubbed my temples, occasionally running his hands through my hair.

  I buried my head into his chest to drown out the pounding.

  "Glad you're okay,” Nate chimed in from the front seat. “Cade’s a panicky mess."

  "Where are we?" Julian asked.

  "The Kennedy, just down from the Roosevelt exit. Should be getting off any time. Call Cade, let him know we're on our way, and that Zoe’s hanging in there."

  "I'm an idiot." Julian pulled out a cell phone, pushed a button, and it speed dialed a number. "Cade, we got her. Bitch jammed her in the chest with a Bleak Dagger. Got her ankles and wrists, too, but she's healing. No, I haven't let her sleep. Yeah, hang on.” Julian nudged me. “Cade wants to talk to you. Do you want me to put him on speaker?"

  I nodded.

  "They're bringing you to my home tonight, and I’ll care for you. Phoebe is gathering some of your things. You need to rest. Your injuries should be healed enough for you to sleep soon, and I'll explain everything when you get here." He paused. “I’m so sorry about this. I promise, it won't happen again."

  "Open your eyes. You can't fall asleep
yet," Julian rumbled. "Ten minutes, Nate?”

  “Sounds about right,” Nate answered.

  “Got it. Be there in ten, Cade.” Julian dropped the phone on the seat beside us. "Man, that guy's got it bad for you. He's been out of sorts since you left the City. I reckon since I never knew him during this incarnation thing, I didn't know what to expect. Felt terrible for the guy. He really doesn't know what to do when you're not around. He moped for, like, fourteen years before he got on with his duties. Kept checking in to see what you were up to, though they wouldn't tell him anything. Poor bloke."

  I glanced at Julian, tear brimming.

  He frowned and wiped it away. "This isn't like you. Just do your thing with Cade and come home. Enough of this mundane human shit. You hated it in London.” He narrowed his eyes. "Don't you hate it?"

  I shook my head, which made it throb even more.

  "Damn. You must've been beat up badly this time. With us, you were ready to jump ship as soon as you turned. You sure you're okay?"

  "I don't know. I don't remember anything."

  "No, you wouldn't. But it's okay. Nate and I are hanging around a while. I'll get you put back together. I heard Raz and Sophie had twins. And a girl. There's never been a Firstborn girl either, other than you. Heard she's hot."

  "That was bad," Nate shouted. "She's my sister, mate.”

  “Sorry.” Julian laughed.

  “Okay, passengers,” Nate’s voice chimed from the front. “Return your seats to their upright positions."

  ~Chapter Eighteen~


  “Wake up, love. You can’t sleep yet.” I carried Zoe to the elevator. She smelled of dried blood and sweat. “Raz, call Phoebe. Tell her Zoe’s here.”

  The elevator opened, and we filtered inside. At the fifteenth floor, the doors opened.

  “Oh Zoe.” Phoebe’s hands covered her mouth as she ran to our side.

  “She’ll be okay, let’s get her to bed.”

  “Bath,” Zoe whispered. “I feel gross.”

  “On it.” Phoebe rushed ahead of us.

  I followed behind, down the corridor to my bedroom. We reached the bathroom, and the tub grew with bubbles.

  Zoe's teary eyes opened and gazed into mine.

  “Can I help you, or would you prefer I leave?”

  "I don’t care," she whispered.

  With Zoe in my arms, I sat on the edge of the bathtub. Phoebe helped her undress, and I helped Zoe step into the tub.

  I inspected the wound on her chest. There was still an inch-long cut that had not fully closed, so it was necessary she remain lucid during the healing process. No sleeping.

  "Let me see your hands and feet, love."

  Phoebe dipped her hands into the bath and helped Zoe lift her feet. They had healed, though the scars were still pink and visible.

  I reached for her arms to inspect her wrists. Old scars scattered up and down her forearms. Deep marks, like someone had carved a tic-tac-toe board into them. I held them up. "The scars. What are these from?"

  Phoebe’s focus shifted toward me then she lowered her eyes. "Steve. He used to—cut her. And watch her heal. Guess she didn't, huh. Sleeping was the only thing that made her feel better."

  I shook my head. Holding her arm to my lips, I kissed each scar.

  My Chayah. Tortured. I had to swallow down the bile rising into my throat. "No wonder she cannot trust anyone."

  "I'm sorry," Zoe whispered.

  "Do not apologize. It’s I who failed you. You did nothing wrong.” I took a breath to compose myself. “Now, please try to wake. You’ll heal quicker, then you may rest."

  Zoe stared blankly at the wall.

  My gaze remained fixed to her wound for what felt like hours. Slowly, it began to mend. Hopefully, like her heart.

  “Do you feel a bit better? Or would you like to soak a while longer?”

  “I’m done. Can I sleep now?”

  “Soon.” I stood. “I’ll be back shortly. Phoebe, can you help her to my bed?”

  “Of course.”

  I nodded and leaned toward her. “I’ll return shortly, love.” I kissed Zoe’s forehead and went to find Raz.

  He sat quietly on the bench of the terrace, staring out at the Chicago skyline. "Zoe was in the dark realm. With—" he paused and pursed his lips. "Lilith. She’s returned.”


  A fever spiked within me at the sound of her name. My chest tightened. Rage surged through my limbs.

  "How?” I closed my eyes and clenched my fists. “How could you have not seen her coming so soon?"

  This happened in every incarnation, though usually closer toward the end, but each progressively worse than the last. During one incarnation, Lilith nearly succeeded in killing Zoe. I vowed never to let that happen again.

  I would not lose my wife.

  "I don’t know.” Raz kept his gaze fixed to the sky. “I should have sensed there was more evil at work, I’m sorry.” He sighed. “Her defenses have grown stronger, and there are factors at play here that—” He let out a breath and rose to his feet. “We called upon the Firstborns just in time.”

  “Raz.” I unclenched my fists and shook out my hands. “I cannot lose her.”

  Raz set his hand on my shoulder. “We’ll handle Lilith. But you need to bond with Zoe. She needs you.” He gestured off toward my bedroom.

  "She’s in bed.” Phoebe stood beside Remie. “Who's Lilith?"

  "She was part of Cade's past,” Raz said. “A very long time ago."

  Phoebe narrowed her eyes. "How?"

  "Lilith?” Rainah walked over. “As in the demon, Lilith?"

  "How do you know of her?" Raz asked cautiously.

  "World religions. She was some newborn-killing demon. Jewish myths. Is that her? The same one?”

  “So to speak,” Raz said.

  Lilith was from a time in my life I had all but forgotten. I only ever had to be reminded of her when she reappeared every millennium, attempting to turn Zoe against me.

  “We’ll deal with Lilith. For now, go see to your Gemini. I’ll speak with the Firstborns. When Zoe’s healed, we’ll begin.”

  I narrowed my eyes toward Raz, my teeth clenched.

  “I promise, brother. Now go. Zoe is your priority.”

  I shook my head, disappointed, and then went to my bedroom.

  Like an angel, Zoe lay peacefully in my bed. Her dark hair shrouded her shoulders, and her skin glowed with a pure, iridescent aura. My beautiful Chayah. I didn’t want to wake her, so I made to sit in a chair beside the bed.

  "Don't leave me." Zoe’s pleading gaze glistened with tears.


  “I’m cold. Come warm me up?”

  “Of course, love.” I got into bed with her, tugged her into me, and pulled the coverings up over us. “May I see your wound one last time? I need to be sure it’s healed before you rest.”

  "Okay." She rolled to her side.

  I exposed the wound just enough to see it remained open, though it was working its way closed with every waking moment. I yearned to heal her, but I couldn’t.

  As Gemini, we healed each other but for now, we were both partially human. We must heal ourselves. Zoe’s self-healing ability kept her safe during the transition, before the Convergence though, it didn’t help if she slept.

  "It's nearly closed, but not completely. It will leave a scar near your heart, but I think it will heal if you must sleep."

  Zoe turned to me and lifted her chin. “Thanks for taking care of me,” she whispered. She rested her head against my chest. “I’m glad you’re here.”


  Sunlight streamed in through the windows, landing on the table beside my bed.

  Zoe slept beside me. I ran my hand over her hair, but she didn’t move. I kissed her cheek, felt her warmth rise to the surface of her soft skin.

  The clock read 11:15 a.m.

  My soul was refreshed lying beside Chayah. She energized me in a way I couldn’t on my own in thi
s mortal form. Her presence filled the void that had possessed my being for the past twenty-one years.

  Zoe’s eyes were closed and half of her face was burrowed into the pillow beneath her.

  Her hair was tussled around her shoulders. It had a dull, reddish tint to it, not her natural ebony tone. No sheen. Lifeless.

  Even her body displayed the stress she’d experienced this incarnation.

  I studied her features—high cheekbones and arched eyebrows. A light scattering of freckles spread across her otherwise clear skin. I ran my middle finger along her jaw line, and her eyes fluttered as if dreaming.

  I hope it's a good one.

  She let out a sigh and sidled closer to my chest.

  I pulled her in tighter, inhaling the cherry scent of her hair.

  Her eyes opened, and she gave me a weak smile.

  "Good morning, Chayah." I kissed her now closed eyelids.

  "How long have I been asleep?"

  I eyed the clock to gauge the time. "You arrived around two."

  She rolled over to the side, pulled herself up and leaned on her right arm. Her eyebrows furrowed, and she scrunched up her face.

  "Are you hurting?"

  "Eh. Sore."

  "I’m so sorry. You shouldn’t have had to endure that." I pushed her hair from her eyes.

  She sat up straighter and pursed her lips. "Who's Lilith? Was she for real? Was she your first—"

  My shoulders slumped as I exhaled a distressed breath. This was a conversation I never cared to have. Particularly not before the Convergence.

  "She was Genesis. What did she tell you?"

  Zoe built up a deep breath, then let out her air. "She said you two were the original Genesis. Oh, and then she proceeded to stab me in the heart."

  Zoe sat up and settled herself against the back of the wall, staring at the ceiling.

  I sat beside her. "Please. Look at me."

  She turned to face me, yet stared at my hands.

  "Lilith was formed from the earth, after I was. It was a contentious time, and we never found peace. Soon after, Lilith chose to leave, turned her back on all the gifts she’d been given. Once again, I was alone.”


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