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Gemini Page 13

by Dylan Quinn

  I gazed into Zoe’s eyes, hoping she understood the importance of this conversation.

  “This journey was never meant to be a solo undertaking. So, your soul was created from mine. It gave us a connection Lilith and I could never have.”

  She lifted her hand and placed it on my chest. “Your heart. It’s beating like mine.” Her gaze met mine. “It’s in my wrist, too. Like—you’re a part of me.”

  “Because I am.” I laid my hand along her cheek. “And I’m part of you. We truly are made for each other, Chayah. Twin souls. Gemini.”

  She cleared her throat and removed her hand from my chest. "Did the other Zoe’s ever know this? About Lilith being your—first?"

  "Of course. I would never keep secrets from you.” I placed my other hand on her cheek. “You're my best friend. The love of my life. I trust you above all others."

  "I know, but you still have to go easy on me. As far as my memory can tell, we've only just met."

  "I understand how it works. I’ve been here with you a time or two.” I grinned.

  "Have former Zoes always dealt so well with this? Julian said she was in a hurry to end her human existence before. I don't understand why I don’t know. It’s just not like that this time. I don’t get it.”

  "Some incarnations were easier than others, yes. But none were without difficulty, and you always took time to get to know me first." I withheld a chuckle. “You’re the same soul, love. In all our years together, you’ve never changed that much.”

  "I just think if we had this special connection, I’d be more ready to give all this up."

  My chest tightened. She must have felt my sadness because she turned to me and reached for my hands to comfort me.

  "I care about you, Cade. And it's obvious how you feel about me. I think I'm just overwhelmed by all of this. I was kidnapped and stabbed. Not exactly a great way to begin a relationship."

  She did have a point.

  "But I must have some feelings since the idea of that—" she paused, her expression animated. "Demon being your first. It kind of pissed me off."

  I could not resist a grin.

  "While Lilith was Genesis, she was never my Gemini. You are and always have been. From the moment you took your first breath.” I cupped her cheeks with my palms. “You’re my life, my Twin Soul. I’m truly incomplete without you."

  Her gaze met mine. I could smell the sweetness of her breath. She moved toward me and lifted her chin, her lips.

  We lingered there for what felt like forever. Too long. She let go of my hands and laced hers behind my neck. Her lips met mine, slowly at first, then more passionately.

  I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close. Her lips tasted sweet.

  My heart rate soared. Waves of energy forced through my limbs—from my chest, through my arms, throughout my body. The hairs on my arms rose with goose bumps. Her energy melded with mine, bringing me back to life. Warming me from the inside.

  Zoe slid her other hand up my chest, along my arm and onto my shoulder, settling just beneath my shirt, on my waist.

  Her lips parted.

  Sparks of electricity ran up my spine.

  She pulled away and laid her forehead to mine, then let go of my waist and ran her finger along my jaw line.

  Taking my cue, I kissed her again.

  Magnetic energy bound us together.

  Zoe’s tongue ran along my bottom lip, then she gently tugged it with her teeth.

  The heat between us sparked, overloading the senses I’d buried for so many years.

  The sensation of her hands running along my chest drove my pulse to the edge, forced my wits, all the commonality of my thoughts went blank.

  There was nothing but her kiss. Nothing but her body. Her touch.

  Her heart pounded beside mine. Within me.

  The passion we shared so long ago was resurfacing. Finally. My Chayah was returning. Returning me to life.

  Just as she promised.

  ~Chapter Nineteen~


  I held Zoe for hours, comforted by the rise and fall of her chest with each precious breath, she took, soothed by the steady rhythm of her heart beating beside me.

  The walls this lifetime had built were crumbling.

  Around three that afternoon, a knock on the door stirred us.

  Zoe peered up, then nuzzled into my chest.

  She had a long day yesterday and needed to rest. I’d allow her as long as she needed to recover.

  "Are you hungry?" I asked. "Maybe we can make something to eat."

  “No.” She shook her head. “Need. Sleep.” She rolled over and pressed her forehead into the pillow.

  I rose from the bed to answer the door.

  Raz stood outside, his expression dripped with accusation. He wagged his finger at me.

  "She is my wife."

  “Not yet, she’s not.” He chuckled. "It's time to get started."

  I nodded and glanced over my shoulder at Zoe. I turned to leave, but recalled the day before. Zoe's abduction.

  I checked that the balcony and windows were secure before leaving Zoe to rest. I should talk to Raz about a security system.

  When I got to the kitchen, the Newborns, along with Julian and Nathaniel were eating food from white boxes.

  "What's up, boss? You're looking better today." Julian dug into his container with sticks between his fingers. Strange way to eat.

  "You guys slept forever." Micah spoke up. "Julian and Nate are ready to start training me. I'm ready to go." He cracked his knuckles, a wide grin on his face.

  Raz came in from the hallway and patted Micah on the back. "We've been discussing what's going on with the borders. Seems to be many breaches lately, and with Lilith coming out from hiding, we need to be vigilant to keep you safe until Zoe Eternalizes."

  “What does Eternalize mean?” Phoebe asked.

  “Once Zoe accepts her love for Cade, she Eternalizes. She regains most of her powers and memories that have been suppressed since her rebirth. This must happen in order to enter the Eternal realm, to confirm her intentions to Gabrielle. It’s the first integral step toward the Convergence.”

  “In the meantime, you all must begin training, and we should discuss Phoebe,” I said. “The risks are great, and everyone needs protection.”

  Only Raz was aware of the time restraints we faced.

  Until Gabrielle performed the Intention Ceremony, I was weak and vulnerable.


  Zoe and I were not bonding like we should be, and we desperately needed time together. Alone. Not just stolen moments, but significant time to forge the bond between us.

  "We're going to take the Firstborns and begin training them," Raz said. "They will receive their weapons and rituals, and we’ll learn what powers they’ve acquired. Julian and Nate will oversee it. They all know their duties and are prepared to take the oath."

  It was time. Zoe and I needed protectors here in this human state, but we needed time to bond as well.

  I just hoped she’d consent to it.

  I could not behave like our souls had already Converged. Not yet. I didn’t want Zoe to think she no longer had a choice, although part of me wished that she didn't.

  Zoe came into the kitchen then, her gaze shifted from me to the spread of food on the table.

  "Morning, Sunshine." Julian stood and swept the food away from in front of him. He moved toward Zoe, picked her up, and swung her around.

  His actions caught her off guard. She placed her hands on his chest and raised her eyebrows. "Um, Julian? Can you put me down?"

  "Julian," I growled.

  He lowered his eyes and set Zoe on her feet.

  He knew better than that.

  "Sorry, Zo. I missed you." He released her.

  I was never fond of the attachment Julian had for Zoe, though Julian was overly friendly with all the ladies. I’d hoped she would have matched him with his Gemini to take his attention away from her, but she hadn’t before
her rebirth.

  He was the last Genesis, besides the Newborns, who had not been matched.

  Zoe and Julian were close. Sometimes too close. Although I believed it to be nothing but friendship, my jealousy was always an issue. Raz often chastised me for it, but it was difficult after Lilith.

  Our relationship had been tumultuous from the start. Lilith never desired to be in Aravot, much less there with me. She was power hungry and demanded control. I respected Lilith out of duty, but there was never any love.

  Nothing like with Zoe—our love was instant. The moment I laid eyes on her, she owned my heart. After all, she was part of me.

  And later, when Zoe was willing to sacrifice her life for the continuation of humanity, she was rewarded with her Gemini status, beginning the whole system in place today. I had never been more proud to call her mine.

  I suppose I could understand how Zoe felt with Elijah. Though they never formed any romantic relationship, they were always close, both in this world, and in Aravot. It made sense she would carry some of that with her when he was the one who protected her in this life.

  Loyalty was one of Zoe’s greatest strengths. She took care of what was hers.

  Zoe approached me, her smile and warmth offering new hope for our relationship. She put her arms around my waist, and I tugged her close, then she set her cheek against my chest.

  My heart began to thump with the voracity of a wanton boy.

  "You scared me last night." Phoebe laid her head on Zoe's back. "I’d die if anything happened to you."

  Zoe turned toward Phoebe and pulled her into a hug, then stood back. "I don't know what I'd do without you, Phoebs. I don’t want you to go."

  "Don’t worry about me.” Phoebe smiled. “You need to eat something. You haven't had a thing since, when? Yesterday? It's five o'clock. I got your fave, beef and broccoli with rice and extra fortune cookies." Phoebe sauntered to the table and picked up two white boxes.

  Julian and Nathaniel moved from their places and ushered us over to sit.

  "I wasn't sure what you liked, Cade, so I got some extra of everything else. Help yourself." Phoebe motioned to the seat next to Zoe.

  Julian held out his chair for Zoe, and she slid into the seat. He pushed her chair into the table and set her food before her.

  I sat beside her and sifted through the other containers on the table. Sweet and sour chicken, and Crab Rangoon. The best part of being on the earthly realm was the food.

  The rest of the Firstborns stood, cleaned their food from the table, and left us alone.

  A short time later, Raz came into the kitchen. "Are you ready? We have much to discuss."

  “I think so.” Zoe stood and grabbed my hand.

  I liked this new Zoe.

  Everyone had gone except Raz, Julian and Nate, who sat in seats by the fireplace. The balcony was open, and the sun was setting over the harbor.

  It had become a picturesque evening in Chicago. I understood what Zoe loved so much about the view, though I hadn’t much time to know it.

  We sat on the couch together. Zoe pulled her feet up and settled beside me.

  Nathaniel smiled at Zoe and tipped his head to her. "Good to see you awake. This is strange, that you don't recognize us."

  "It's weird for me, too." Zoe shrugged.

  "Nate and Julian will be staying in Chicago until the Convergence is complete. I sent the Firstborns home to rest for the night," Raz said. "They’ll meet here, first thing tomorrow morning to begin. Julian and Nate have made arrangements for a training facility. You need to train yourself, Zoe."

  "I do some kick-boxing. I think I can handle more training though. I don't want a repeat of yesterday with your ex-demon. So." Zoe sat up straight. “Tell me how this works. My decision to be with Cade. What happens?"

  "Once you Eternalize, Michael and Gabrielle will meet with you to see your heart has chosen Cade. We proceed into the Eternal City, and the Intention Ceremony is held with the Archangels. The Convergence is initiated. When you’re ready, your souls Converge—your Twin Souls become one, and the bond cannot be broken. You then have until your twenty-second birthday to settle your affairs on this realm, have a honeymoon as humans call it, and then return to Aravot for the final Convergence Ceremony, at which time your souls are reunited as one, and the bond cannot be broken. Then you continue your duties.”

  "So I have until my twenty-second birthday? I don’t have to leave yet?" A glimmer of hope crossed her expression.

  “Well—” Raz narrowed his eyes. “Technically.”

  She smiled and exhaled loudly. Color rose to her cheeks. “Then what?”

  "Then the Tree is replenished, and Aravot is safe once more."

  "So we can stay here until my birthday?”

  “Why would you want to stay?” Raz began inspecting her thoughts.

  “What if I need more time?" Zoe's shoulders stiffened, and her gaze drifted between Raz and me. “You said I have until I turn twenty-two, right? To tie up my affairs. That’s what you said.”

  “Once you Eternalize and the Intention Ceremony has been performed, you’ve given your oath to return to your duties as Genesis. While there is a brief amount of time to tie up loose ends, it’s more so you can spend time with Cade. Not to focus on earthly wants.”

  “Well, that doesn’t mean it can’t happen though, right? What if there were things I still wanted to do? I’m not saying I wouldn’t do the Genesis thing, too, but what if I wanted to do both? Just for a little while. Till I turn twenty-two. I’d promise to be done by then. Ready to be full-on Genesis.”

  Zoe was negotiating with Raz for time. I’d never witnessed her do that before. There was more she was withholding.

  "Once you've Eternalized, your memories will return, and you’ll develop your full powers. I believe you’ll no longer harbor any ill feelings toward this."

  “I wouldn’t be so sure.” Zoe sat back. Her eyes narrowed, and she crossed her arms across her chest. "Who are Michael and Gabrielle?"

  "They’re the Elder Angels of the Council," Raz said. He sat beside her. "You call them Archangels. They play a role in Aravot and will know your heart when you're ready to proceed."

  Her gaze fell to her hands, and she spun the Ring of Chayah on her finger.

  "What's wrong?" Raz's lips turned down.

  "How will they know my heart if I don't know it myself?"

  I placed my arms around her, and pulled her to my chest. "The only way to break down this wall is to spend time with me."

  Raz began to speak, but drew silent at my concern.

  "I need one-on-one time with her. No distractions. This will never work unless she gets to see me for who I am and gives her heart a chance to heal from all she’s succumbed to this incarnation."

  Raz nodded in understanding at our silent conversation.

  "Agreed. What do you want to do?"

  I nodded toward Zoe, and Raz understood.

  "Maybe if we had some time together. Will you consent to going away with me for a while, get to know me again?"

  She stared at me for a minute and pursed her lips. "I have work. I can't go anywhere far. At least not for more than a few days."

  "It’s important, Chayah. For us, and our future. I promise, I won't take you long, and we can return at any time. When do you return to work?"

  "I work Wednesday through Saturday."

  "Let's say we leave Saturday after you’ve finished at the lounge. Just you and I go away until you must return. Please," I implored. "Give us a chance."

  "Okay." She sighed.

  "It's settled," Raz said. "Until then though, you need to train with the Firstborns and spend time with Cade."

  "I need to go home." She rose to her feet. "It's getting late, and I don't want to bother you any longer.”

  I stood and pushed her hair from her eyes. "You cannot go home, love. It’s not safe there."

  “Are you serious?”

  “I’m afraid so.”

  She put her ha
nds on her hips and stared at the floor.


  ~Chapter Twenty~


  Lake Michigan was beautiful at sunset. Shades of pink and orange spread across the harbor as the setting sun glimmered off the water.

  I leaned against the grey steel railing and stared out over the lake, hoping to find the strength to embrace what my life had turned into. Over the past three years, I’d made a real home here in Chicago.

  Giving it all up would be the hardest thing I’d ever done.

  The realization of what was about to take place over the next year was hard to swallow. I would have to give up the stage—a life I loved, and I’d have to leave the only place I truly belonged. All for a man I hardly knew and a past that was lost to me, but one I was expected to accept.

  Cade was growing on me, though. His beautiful iridescent aura grew brighter when I was near him. When his pulse quickened, it thrust my own into a frenzy. When his piercing blue eyes gazed into mine, it felt like I was the only girl in the world.

  And his kiss.

  My heart raced. I brushed my fingers against my lips at the memory. I closed my eyes, remembering his velvet touch. I missed it. Missed him, although he was just feet away.

  I was doing my best to keep cool. I really did want to spend more time with Cade, but all this was so new to me. Despite my resistance, I knew how I felt, and I knew what my heart wanted, but the stubborn part of me—the human part—still wanted more.

  A career and life I could clearly never have.

  When I agree to go to Aravot, if I’m not ready, will Michael and Gabrielle know my heart? Will they recognize the fear I can’t bring myself to admit to Cade—that this wall I’ve built might be indestructible?

  I wish I knew.

  Could I fake my way through this? I never was a good liar. Even Lilith saw right through me when I tried to play off my feelings with her.

  The only solution was to accept my fate.

  This was what my soul had been destined for—whether I, the Zoe of this life, wanted it or not.

  My only choice was to trust in fate and grow to love Cade for the man I knew he was.

  I could see myself loving him, though. Kissing him for the rest of Eternity, Holding him in my arms, his body beside mine. His warmth radiating inside of me.


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