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Gemini Page 22

by Dylan Quinn


  Tall and proud, arms outstretched, he stood just inside the platinum gates of Aravot. Waiting for me to take my place by his side.

  His brilliant iridescent aura burned around him. The cerulean ring circling his irises deepened, and sparkled from the sunshine reflecting in them. His bronzed skin glowed. Something was different about him now. Different about me. My wrist pulsed, picking up its pace. The tingle raced through my arm and into my chest.

  Our hearts synced.

  Every nerve within me came alive as Cade reached for my hand, kissed my Gemini mark, and then laced his fingers with mine.

  Cade led me along a path through a flower garden. Pink peonies and lavender, pastel tulips and calla lilies surrounded us. I blinked slowly, inhaling the sweet fragrance blowing in the warm breeze.

  We reached an enchanting lake with a waterfall in the distance. Rocky plains stood beyond, and birds soared through the air.

  Goose bumps rose on my arms as we reached the water’s edge.

  The Chayah Fountain.

  Cade stilled. He released my hand and waved them in front of him. A shimmering bridge appeared over the water. He took a step and gestured his head to the side, urging me forward.

  We crossed the bridge toward the waterfall.

  This place was like nothing I’d ever seen. No wonder they loved it here.

  When we reached the waterfall, Cade lifted his hand above his head and the water stopped, freezing in mid-air.

  My jaw dropped, and more goose bumps raced over my sensitive skin. The magic of this place was… I was lost for words.

  Cade laughed, then continued leading me along the path beneath the cavern.

  Beyond the lake, we reached a stone path bathed in wildflowers, pinks and purples—my favorites. The scent of peony and jasmine followed us. We floated along toward a wooden arch that hung with ivy and vining flowers.

  We passed beneath the arch, and a foot ahead, stood a stone alter erected before a distant meadow. Once at the marble alter, Cade tapped his fingers on the stone.

  The Genesis symbol was carved into it, with an infinity symbol. Two sets of names were carved inside each of the two circles of an infinity symbol…

  Adam & Eve ~ Zoe & Cade.

  Cade stood behind me, strong arms surrounding my waist, and he set his chin on my shoulder. His warmth filtered through me, and our hearts picked up their pace.

  I traced the infinity symbol, and the smooth etchings beneath my fingertips tickled my skin.

  So many things began to make sense—our lives together, the love Cade had for me that now coursed through my own beating heart. Peace filled me as Cade held me close, his soul synced with mine.

  This was home.

  Cade gently clasped my hands together. He covered my them with his and closed his eyes.

  The Gemini mark on my wrist warmed, as did the skin inside my closed hands. Something twitched, drawing my attention.

  Moments later, Cade peeled my palms apart—A tiny butterfly sat still inside.

  Our iridescent auras glowed bright, warming our skin. The butterfly began to grow before my eyes. Blue iridescent wings stretched out, preparing to take flight.

  A light breeze blew through the air around us. The butterfly lifted from our hands, fluttering its tiny wings.

  Cade lifted our hands up into the air, and the butterfly fluttered off to the meadow.

  Goose bumps raced through my body as I fought back tears. The good kind.

  Cade kissed my forehead, laced his fingers with mine, then turned us to face the alter.

  Two lights filtered through the trees, gliding toward us. Just as before, Michael and Gabrielle materialized.

  Gabrielle stepped toward us, her gaze moved between Cade and me. She held up my hand with Cade’s.

  "What are your intentions, child? For Time or Eternity?"

  A spark surged through me. As I held his hand, the eight tiny stars in our skin tingled and burned beneath the surface. My stomach was in knots, and my heart sped to an erratic pace.

  I gazed into Cade’s eyes. My breath caught. Heart stopped.

  At once, more visions of our lives came crashing back—Cade’s love, and now mine. It filled me. Pulsed through my veins as if it were my own.


  Cade’s eyes watered as he pressed my palm to his cheek.

  I blinked slowly, reveled in his touch. Just for a moment, knowing this time was fleeting.

  He kissed my knuckles, never taking his gaze from mine, and mouthed “I love you.” His voice whispered through my head, though my ears heard nothing.

  A tear slid down his pale cheek as he released my hand…

  In a heartbeat, his presence dissipated into the air.


  My heartbeat slowed slightly, the fullness in my chest that existed just moments before had drifted away. I felt the emptiness without him. Hollow, like part of me was missing.

  Because it was.

  Gabrielle held out her hands to me. The ring on my finger changed from its crystal clarity—a violet iridescent light, the same color as the butterfly, filtered out and warmed to her touch.

  "You may enter the Eternal City. For now and Eternity." She ushered me ahead past the arch and altar, toward the meadow. It was as if lights flickered, fading from where we stood, as a new landscape appeared.

  Fields of plush green grass lay ahead for miles, and pastel flowers bloomed in the meadow before me. Birds and butterflies circled two Trees. Majestic and noble.

  Gabrielle nudged me forward. "Go on, child. See your Tree."

  I glided ahead toward the Trees that stood beside one another deep within the meadow. My soul was instantly drawn to the one on the left, its branches blooming with life.

  The stone path ended just before the Trees. Whispers in the air called to me, words that jumbled together, but formed no coherent thoughts. Just emitted emotions. Life.

  Soft glows scattered throughout the blooms, twinkling beyond the branches.

  One single bloom shined brighter than the rest.

  Another whisper breezed through the air, calling me closer.

  I reached out for the blazing sphere of light. The iridescent color surrounding me pulsed beyond my body and through my limbs. I reached for the bloom and shared my light. The sphere blossomed to my touch, took on my color, then separated from the Tree. As I held it, the stone in my ring lit up, and the bloom took on the color of my ring. Just for a moment, then changed.

  Changed to a color all its own.

  It burned brightly in my palm, its essence now independent from mine.

  "Let it go," Gabrielle whispered.

  I lifted my hand.

  The luminous spark of light fluttered away into the sky above the meadow.

  My breath stilled. My heart settled. The light in my ring died out and returned to its normal state.

  This was never just about Cade. Or me. Not just two soul mates falling in love. No, this calling went way beyond us.

  As I stared off into the meadow, gazing on the spark of light that had now drifted off with the breeze, it all came together.

  This was my legacy…

  Gabrielle released my hands.

  My Trees disappeared, and the meadow faded into dusk.

  I gasped, a gust of air forced into my lungs. My eyes burst open, and we were back in front of the gates.

  Gabrielle lightly braced my shoulders and whispered into my ear. "Breathtaking as always, Chayah."

  "You have a dangerous journey ahead of you, child.” Michael set his hand on my shoulder. “Your heart is true, but you must remain vigilant if you are to overcome this. You’ve been granted your Eternal gifts, the powers of Genesis—the beginning and the end. The Council has bestowed you these gifts. Do you promise to use them wisely and always let love guide your heart?"

  "Yes." I bowed my head.

  "Stay strong, child. Cade needs your guidance. This has been a difficult journey for him as well.
And from what we can tell, it’s only just begun. Trust in him and your love for one another. If you follow your instincts and your heart, they will not mislead you."

  Michael and Gabrielle bowed, their bodies transformed back into lights, and they disappeared beyond the gates.

  Raz put his arm around my shoulder, and the Firstborns stared like I was wearing a halo.

  Julian patted my shoulder. "Glad you’re back, boss lady."

  He opened his hands, and a portal shimmered and grew before us. He grabbed my hand, and gave a knowing grin at the recognition of my formed Gemini seal.

  “Let's go get your man.”


  After the virtual trip into Aravot, we jumped a bridge back to Chicago. I’d been gone almost three months, and it felt strange—December.

  The winter chill had returned to the city.

  The world as I knew it was no more.

  I wasn’t the same person. Not the weak human kidnapped and tortured by demons and Fallen. I was stronger and ready to do whatever it took to rescue my Gemini.

  We stopped over at my apartment, but I had no desire to stay there.

  It wasn’t home.

  I packed some things and went with Raz to Cade's. When I walked inside, the air was stale. The emptiness without him was palpable.

  It had been such a strange day, and I needed to process what happened.

  After soaking in a hot bath, I sat on Cade’s bed and ran my hand along the soft sheets. They were smooth like silk, but may as well have been made of paper.

  There were ghosts of Cade everywhere—the piano in the front room, the chair in the corner. The bed beneath me.

  I closed my eyes and tried to focus on Cade’s face. His cerulean eyes that came to life when I stared into them. The way his dark hair swept over his forehead, and his adorable dimple that sunk into his cheek when he shared his crooked smile.

  Memories continued to trickle back in, slow and methodical—the moment I sacrificed my soul for the Tree. Cade’s gift, the iridescent butterfly. The beauty of the garden in Aravot—the Tree of Souls, and how majestic it was. And when the flower I held opened and flew into the sky—a soul beginning its journey, independent of me.

  I couldn't have chosen any other path.

  The Tree must be protected.

  Humanity must be protected, and if it was my duty alone, well, I was okay with that.

  In the beginning, my sacrifice had rewarded us an Eternity together, Cade by my side, to protect the Trees in Aravot and protect life on earth. Even after the mistakes he and I had made before, we were given a second chance.

  All of this was worth it.

  And I would do it again. In another thousand years, but that was a fear for another day. Today, I had to focus on Cade—my Twin Soul. The man I loved, and the man I would fight for.

  For time and Eternity.

  ~Chapter Thirty-Five~


  Stretched out in Cade's bed, I stared at the ceiling. I rolled over and turned off the light, then buried my head into his pillow. His scent lingered. I inhaled as if he were there. Memories filled my head as I closed my eyes, and his face invaded my visions.

  Unable to sleep, I squeezed my eyes shut and focused on his features.

  No luck.

  Around three in the morning, I gave up.

  I growled, annoyed at my sleeplessness. My brain wouldn’t shut off. Maybe I’d met my sleep quota when I healed from the pus of death.

  As I stared at the ceiling, sounds from my piano drifted through the apartment.

  Music. I missed it. It’d been months since I played. Sang. How odd that such a huge part of my life was no longer a priority.

  I’d all but forgotten about Infinity. The record deal. Lucci.

  Everything was such a distant memory now.

  Nothing made sense. I didn’t recognize any part of my life. Phoebe was in New York. Cade was missing—I never felt more alone.

  I had to get him back.

  A haunting melody drifted through the apartment. It was beautiful. Romantic. Sad.

  I wandered down the hallway and was surprised to see the back of Raz's head, though I didn’t know why, there was nobody else here.

  I held up the wall and listened to him play.

  He finished his song and sighed. "Come sit, Zoe."

  He didn't turn around, just began playing something new.

  "I didn't know you played." I sat beside him on the bench.

  "Where do you think all the Firstborns get their natural musical gifts?" He nudged my shoulder then turned back to the piano. "Can't sleep?"


  He laughed. "Get used to it. Not much sleep for Eternals."

  "Why not?"

  "Don't need to. Humans sleep to regenerate energy. Our bodies don't age, they replenish themselves. Under extreme conditions, some rest is necessary, but very seldom. Sometimes Newborns will sleep while they shed their human selves but the rest of us? Not so much."

  Well that explains it.

  “Let me guess. You’ve never needed much sleep, have you? I'm sure Sophie never instituted much of a bedtime. She’s a bit of a pushover." He chuckled lightly

  “Wait—you know Sophie?" I’d figured her to be an Eternal, but had no idea of the connection for sure until now.

  He stopped playing. "You don't remember. I often forget this life is new to you. Your memories have not all returned, only the necessary ones. They will come as you progress to your Convergence."

  "So what about Sophie. How do you know her?"

  His aura lit up the room. "I miss her."

  I grinned.

  Just then a new color emitted from him. His skin shown with a radiant light, a tinge of amber drifted around him. A flash of Sophie the day she left me returned to my memory...

  I understand this will be unnerving for you, Zoe. But you must know it's time we say goodbye. You’re about to embark on a journey so surreal, but once it comes full-circle, you’ll understand everything. Try to focus on the love around you. See people for who they are. Look for their light, some will have color, like me." A beautiful amber light lifts around her. I turn my head to the side as she lights up the dark bedroom.

  "See my color. Memorize it. When colors combine, you’ll recognize their Gemini. That’s how you match Twin Souls and bring them together. While you wait for yours, focus on finding love for others. It’s your gift, alone. Use it to give the gift of love to others."

  I opened my eyes.

  Raz was smiling, eyes closed, head tilted to the side.

  His gaze drifted to mine, and I recognized his light. It was the same as Sophie's.

  He nodded.

  “You and Sophie are Gemini.”

  "Yes. And you found her for me. I owe you my life, Chayah. For you gave me mine. My Sophie."

  I stared blankly ahead, and a vision of Sophie and Raz meeting flashed through my mind. "Wow."

  He laughed. "Yes, you matched all of us. With our lights, you assign all Gemini. And each incarnation, we’re allowed to procreate. It's very special."

  "How can they have a baby if they're not human? I thought you're an angel?"

  "I am." He chuckled. "But the Eternal Gemini is always a—" A grin crossed his face as he scanned the room. "Well, almost always a human. They're matched with an Angel. That's how they retain angelic light, but also their humanity. A special human with an amazing heart is chosen to become Eternal. Sophie was an amazing human, a protector of children. She had a strong faith and died her human life sacrificing herself for an entire community of children."

  "You must love her. Your light’s blinding me." I laughed.

  He lifted his head and gazed out the sliding glass doors to the balcony.

  "Why are you separated from her now? Can't you be together?"

  "It's all part of the rules," he said. "While you and Cade are coming together during these incarnations, only I am allowed to be a part. And even I cannot intervene, I'm only here to help Cade." He stared
at me and rubbed his chin. "But you’ve Eternalized now, so I don't know. This has never happened before. Never have you become Eternal through an astral plane."

  "What are you thinking?" I narrowed my eyes.

  "I don't understand why Cade can’t escape the dark realm. If you’re now Eternal and have your powers, so should he." Looking away, Raz rubbed the tops of his fingernails. They were still glowing, but the light had dimmed. "Though you two have not Converged… or consummated your union yet." He winked.

  I rolled my eyes.

  "It may be the astral plane union keeping the two of you separate."

  "Is there a way to find out? What can we do?"

  "Time for some divine research."

  While I enjoyed hearing Raz play, I itched to take over. I hadn’t played in months.

  "Let me hear." Raz scooted over to make room for me. I glared at him, shaking my head.

  It was so weird, knowing he could hear everything that ran through my mind.

  "Can I not hide anything from you?"

  He smirked. "Sorry, Chayah. Until you learn how to hide them, I hear it all. So I’d keep your thoughts PG for now, just to be safe." He laughed. "But you can do it now, too.”

  I stopped playing. "I don't hear anything from you."

  He laughed even harder. "Of course not. I'm well protected. So are you now. Except from me and the Archangels. Though you’ll learn to protect them, and then nobody will be able to breach your thoughts."

  "Can Cade hear them too?”

  "Not yet, but he shares your emotions. It’s one of his mental gifts."

  "So tell me about these gifts. How do I use them?"

  "So eager to train." He smirked. "I rather missed you, Zoe. You seem more like the Chayah I know."

  "I feel different, some glacial shift within me. Is it supposed to be so disarming?”

  "I suppose, although I've never experienced it first-hand. You can talk to Cade, did you know?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "Once you’re united, you can talk to each other. You won’t hear random thoughts that aren’t directed toward each other, but direct communication is part of your gifts as Gemini. He can probably hear you now, although until he’s Eternalized again, he can’t communicate directly back to you.


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