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Page 27

by Dylan Quinn

  Gabrielle smiled, stood, and touched my shoulder.

  "You've got this." She rose, bowed her head then returned to Michael’s side.

  The weight of this invisible crown I wore finally took hold.

  Who’d have thought me, a girl who just six months ago, wanted nothing more than to spend her days singing and playing gigs for an audience was destined for so much more?

  What the hell was I even thinking? My cheeks heated.

  None of this should have ever happened. Whining like a selfish brat over Eli, a man who already had a Gemini. Over Sophie, who gave up her Gemini to be my surrogate mother.

  And Cade. My Gemini and Twin Soul. A man who loved me more than any other, who traded his life for mine without a second thought, knowing he may not live to ever see me again.

  I owed them all.

  I owe Cade

  Eternal Mother. The term held new meaning after visiting the Tree. This was my sacrifice. My duty. My burden to bear, but I wasn’t alone.

  Truth is, I'd never been alone.

  My Genesis family. The Eternals, and the Elder Council. They were always there, watching and waiting. Protecting me. It was my turn to protect them.

  This was my legacy.

  I would not fail.

  Sophie tapped my shoulder and handed me a bag. “Come along, Chayah.” She led me to a changing room where I could get ready.

  I opened the bag and pulled out the make-up and clothes Sophie had packed. Apparently, these were some of the things I used to wear. She said it would put me into the right frame of mind.

  Black fatigues, a dark ruby tank top and black leather boots. Sophie picked these out?

  Huh. I kept hearing what a badass Zoe 1.0 was. Maybe they were right. Wish I knew her.

  I focused on Cade as I changed into my new clothes, which fit perfectly. I pulled my hair up tight on top of my head. The black eyeliner ran under and over my lids, bringing out my green eyes. I put on some tinted lip-gloss. Better.

  I stared at my reflection. Blew out slowly, regaining my strength.

  "Lead with love.” I recited the mantra Gabrielle said was kind of our Genesis thing.

  It was also something Cade taught me.

  “This is about love, not vengeance,” I reminded myself. I had to make sure my head was in the right place.

  No longer the weak little girl with scars on my body, I was renewed. A fighter.

  This was my crowning battle, and it was time to bring home my Gemini.

  When I got back to the Great Hall, everyone stood in a circle around the arch where Michael and Gabrielle waited. A bright, iridescent light lifted around the room. It reminded me of Cade's.

  Gabrielle reached out for me to come. The Firstborns stared, a few gasped with shock.

  And of course Julian couldn’t resist. “There you are, boss lady.” He winked.

  "Zoe. Your light is breathtaking." Michael tipped his head.

  Gabrielle clasped her hands together, beaming.

  “Welcome, Chayah.” Gabrielle began. “And welcome to our Firstborns, newly initiated and returning. Before each Elder Council meeting, we conduct an Infinity Circle.” Gabrielle took my hand in hers. “We join our energies and become one. It’s our way of reaffirming our commitment to our family. To the Genesis legacy. To our family.”

  As each Eternal took the next one's hand beside them, their colors lit up. A pulsating heat flooded throughout the circle, and their energies entwined with my own. We were one force. One family.

  I closed my eyes and cleared my mind, reciting my mantra. “Lead with love.”

  As I stood there blending my energy with the circle, A warm, gentle voice whispered in my head…

  "Love will guide you home."

  When I opened my eyes, hands began to release and the circle disbanded, but there was residual power pulsing throughout the room.

  We all felt it.

  "Julian, Nate and Remie. Are you ready?" Raz broke the silence.

  The boys nodded and braced their daggers strapped to their thighs.

  Their role was to start a faux war outside Cade’s cell and distract anybody who may be waiting to strike when Eli and I got inside.

  Nate said the words, and a bridge opened—a faint shimmering wave moved through the air, and wind whipped into the hall.

  "See you on the other side, boss lady." Julian saluted, and they all disappeared through the portal.

  Next up were Rainah, Sophie, and Micah.

  Sophie came over to Micah and Rainah, taking their hands. "We’ll be waiting to follow in if we need to get Zoe out. Eli, you be ready to surge in if necessary. Otherwise, we’re going to sit tight. You can do this, Zoe. Be strong."

  “Here we go.” Eli took my elbow and led me to our spots.

  Two pewter chairs sat where the Infinity Circle had been moments earlier. Eli gestured to one, and then sat in the other. Michael and Gabrielle joined us.

  "Alright, Chayah. Clear your mind. Think of your Gemini. Do you remember what we talked about earlier?" Gabrielle moved to sit beside me.

  "I do."

  "When you get in the chamber and see Cade, you must reach for him. Not with your hands, but with your Genesis origin. Your soul. Sense him within you. The most difficult part of soul projection is materializing, and then building a new portal for the two of you to return. I know you’ve practiced this, and Eli says you're ready. Just as soon as you can reach him, your light must join with his, and you will materialize immediately. Once you can sense him, do whatever you can to be near him. Hold him, touch him, and kiss him. His light will regenerate the moment you have true contact, and his will grow stronger simply by being near you.”

  We had practiced. For hours. It was a good thing I didn’t need much sleep.

  "Once he’s regenerated enough to recognize what’s happening, you’ll be ready to leave. Hold onto him, Chayah. Don’t let him go. We will call your souls home, opening a portal if you cannot. When you return, we need to get you two immediately to the fountain. We'll return there. In fact, it's just outside this compound. Once the Ceremony is complete, you and Cade will need to go home and Converge as soon as possible."

  “I understand.” I closed my eyes.

  Gabrielle laid her hands on my shoulder and for a second, all my worries faded away. The weight lifted. If only for a moment, long enough to regain my energy and prepare for what lay ahead.

  Eli reached for me and took my hands.

  “Let’s bring your Gemini home.”

  ~Chapter Forty-One~


  "Cade, I'm here. Wake up.”


  I pried open my eyes and glanced about the room.


  Nothing but two wooden chairs stood in the corner of the dark room.

  My eyes fell shut.

  It had been chaotic outside my cell for the past hour. I’d been hearing voices—demons and Fallen running up and down corridors, though I was unsure what the commotion was about. A fight of some sort, I’m sure.

  “It's me. Please wake up."


  It had been hours since I vaguely recalled her presence. Or since I imagined her light hovering above me, though the warmth from her energy felt real. I wasn’t sure how long ago that was, or how much time I had left.

  Only that she would return for me.

  As I lay there, limp and lifeless, only a shred of light left inside of me, I focused on her energy. Envisioned her emerald eyes that lit up when she smiled. Her long, dark curls that hung down around her shoulders. Her lips that she chewed on while attempting to be coy.

  I loved everything about her.

  "Cade. Please, open your eyes."

  As I envisioned her presence, a light filled the dark dungeon. A shift in the pressure of the room hummed, and something flickered above me.

  I attempted again, to pry open my eyes, but the emptiness inside still weighed them down.

  "Cade. Can you hear me? Please wake up. It'
s me. It's Zoe."


  "Can you hear me? Oh, please Cade.”

  I forced my eyes open. Her rich, iridescent light hovered overhead. But I could not focus long, and my eyes fell shut.

  "Cade Adams, open your eyes. Right now! Look at me."

  A charge ignited the air with a renewed force. The hum gave me incentive to push through the lifelessness.

  A luminous light lingered above me, and a surge of heat forged through my limbs. The silhouetted iridescent light expanded and slowly transformed into Zoe. Her form fell and clumsily rolled to the dirt beside me.

  The light grew beyond her and merged with mine, and then she fully materialized.

  My aura grew steadily stronger.

  "Cade!" She rolled over, sat against the wall, and pulled me into her arms.

  Her warmth and her essence seeped into my skin, into my bones. Slowly, her energy merged with mine, bringing my limp frame back to life. She laid her hand on my forehead. The heat of her touch burned through me. She lowered my head to her chest. The beat of her heart thumped like a drum beneath my cheek.

  My Chayah was here. "Zoe."

  I struggled to keep my eyes open, still so weak, though desperately fighting the numbness in my limbs.

  "Cade, look at me."

  I could not turn my head, but her light continued to fill the hollow of my soul.

  With each passing moment, her essence filled me. Woke me up. I felt her arms wrap around my shoulders, then a pulsing light rushed through my skin, my body reviving with each gentle touch.

  My head spun with the rush of energy that flowed into my veins.

  Voices echoed from outside the cell.

  Zoe's heart raced at the sound, and she began to fidget. "Cade, please. Look at me. We need to go. Wake up." She lifted my chin. "I need you."


  "Yes, it's me. I'm here. You have to wake up. Open your eyes. Look at me, Cade."

  I opened them, and her teary eyes gazed back.


  "Cade, please. Help me."

  "You projected here?"

  She nodded, a single tear rolled down her cheek.

  I reached up and wiped it away with my thumb. Her warmth radiated through my hand.

  "I’m so sorry I ever doubted you. Doubted us.” She laid her palms against my face. "You’ve imprinted on my soul." She brushed the hair off my forehead, running her fingers through it. “I will always return to you.”

  Our lights exploded around us, and our hearts raced. Symbiotic. In balance once more.

  The Convergence had begun.

  She leaned down, and her lips met mine, soft and sweet. They tingled beneath me, warmed me from the inside as she kissed me, gentle. Loving.

  Jolts of energy burst around us, and the lights flickered in the room. Numbness that once plagued my limbs was replaced with renewed vigor. Her kiss vibrated through my soul.

  Her love brought me back to life.

  She wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me up to sit beside her.

  I cupped her cheeks and kissed her. The nerves in my skin woke. The electricity between us pulsated faster as she drew me closer.

  With one last tug on my bottom lip, she pulled back and rested her forehead to mine. “I’ve missed you. So much.” She grinned, then dived back into my lips, kissing me like the Zoe I used to know. My Zoe.

  My Chayah.

  "Do you feel better?"

  “Much.” I ran my fingers along the line of her jaw.

  "Good, because we need to go. Now."

  I drew her into my arms, and she nuzzled into my chest and closed her eyes.

  "I've never done this before, Cade. I need your help."

  "Where are we going?”

  "Eden,” she said. “The Great Hall."

  "Focus your energy, love.” I tightened my grip. “Focus on me."

  I concentrated on Eden and the Great Hall, on Zoe—her love, our time together this incarnation. Kissing her at the piano. The night of our date. In our bed.

  Zoe’s light replaced the emptiness within my soul.

  As I held her, vibrations moved through us, and our bodies began to hum and pull away from the cell.

  I was never more proud of my Chayah.

  The room began to fade out, until a new wind whipped in around us.

  A portal was opening.

  Our energies were sucked back to the dusky ground.

  Lilith appeared in a cloud of dust. Her eyes widened when she saw Zoe beside me on the floor.

  "What the hell are you doing here?” She growled. “Did you learn nothing from the past six months? You had an out. You really do have a death wish, don't you?" She pulled out her dagger.

  Zoe wrenched herself from my arms and hopped to her feet. She whipped around me, drawing out a dagger from her side, and held it toward Lilith.

  “Zoe.” Lilith cackled, shaking her head. “It pleases me to no end seeing you put up a fight, but you’re in way over your head with me, little bird.”

  Showing no fear, Zoe lunged and thrust her dagger toward Lilith’s chest, but Lilith dodged and stumbled into the wall. Fell to her knees.

  Zoe hovered over her, dagger pressed toward Lilith’s throat.

  Lilith shoved Zoe back and hopped to her feet. She charged back for Zoe, but Zoe swung around, kicked up her foot and shoved Lilith back down.

  In seconds, Lilith returned to her feet.

  “Is that all you’ve got?” Lilith laughed.

  “Nope.” Zoe pulled back and kicked, but Lilith caught her and pushed Zoe to the ground beside me.

  “Nice try. You can do better than that,” Lilith grinned.

  I reached out for Zoe, but she pushed me aside and bounded back up to her feet.

  My energy was still low, and as much as I desired to help, I didn’t have the strength. Or a weapon. This was Zoe’s battle, and she was doing well on her own.

  “Yeah, I can.” Zoe guarded me, kicking up her foot at Lilith, who surged forward, dagger at Zoe’s chest.

  My heart raced, feeling Zoe’s pounding within her chests. Our hearts synced, her energy melded with mine as I began to feel better.

  Zoe dodged to the right, and Lilith missed. They both stumbled but held their ground.

  Despite my concern for Zoe, I was never more proud. She’d obviously been training and was giving Lilith a fair fight.

  And Lilith knew it.

  “I must admit—” Lilith inhaled. “I’m impressed,” she hissed and stalked toward Zoe. “But you really are no match for me. I do sincerely appreciate the effort, though.”

  “In case you haven’t noticed, you haven’t gotten in one good jab at me. And you say I’m no match for you? Ha. I call your bluff, lady. If this is the best you got, you’re in a bit of trouble.”

  “Guess we’ll see.” Lilith thrust her dagger at Zoe, who darted to the right and shoved hers into Lilith’s side, forcing Lilith into the wall. Lilith bounced, then fell to her knees, but quickly rebound, even with blood seeping through her clothes.

  “And you say I never learn?” Zoe popped forward, hauling Lilith into the wall once more. Lilith fell into the chairs in the corner, knocking them to the side.

  “You wanted a war, Lilith. Well, you’ve got one.” Zoe rushed Lilith.

  Zoe was wearing Lilith down, one move at a time. Lilith put up a good fight, but her sighs and subtle moans made it clear she was beginning to tire. In reality, she was no match for Zoe’s agility. Lilith was lucky Zoe was new to this world. She would likely not survive her in full form.

  Lilith turned back, and they both danced around the room, taking turns jabbing and lunging, only to end in a stalemate.

  My gaze scanned the room, searching for some form of distraction. If they proceeded in this stalemate, we’d never get out of here.

  Familiar voices outside the cell must have had a similar idea, as they were in the midst of a battle of their own. Julian and Nate must have been sent as back up, though unable to p
enetrate this cell, I’d hoped now with Zoe’s intrusion, the enchantment would soon be broken and we could forge a portal home with ease.

  I made to stand, feeling a little stronger, when a new portal opened up, and Elijah materialized.

  Lilith was caught off guard, and she whipped around.

  Zoe surged, burying her Eternal dagger into Lilith’s side.

  Disabled, Lilith slumped to the ground, clutched her chest, and dropped her dagger, while Zoe stood over her, beaming with pride.

  Elijah moved beside her. “I’ll cover her, and the boys are outside. Go. Take Cade home.”

  Zoe rushed to my side just as another portal opened above us, and two familiar adversaries came through. Azriel and one whose name I couldn’t recall.

  Landing on his feet, Azriel lurched straight for Zoe.

  Zoe darted around so fast, she gave me whiplash. She didn’t stall a second and forced her dagger into the demon’s leg. It didn’t make much difference though, as he pulled back and kicked out his foot.

  Zoe was sent flying across the room, into the chairs.

  Elijah came beside Zoe and pulled her to her feet. “Take the demon, I’ll get Azriel.”

  The demon dove for Zoe, but she didn’t blink. She thrust her dagger toward him, but he cast a blow, knocking the dagger to the ground, leaving Zoe defenseless.

  She eyed the dagger, but the demon pressed forward. His hands went straight for her neck.

  Zoe pulled her fist around and punched him under the jaw.

  His dagger fell from his hand as he flew around. Too far from his reach, the demon picked up a wooden chair and held it over Zoe.

  She didn’t hesitate, but swung her foot as he thrust the chair toward her, and she knocked him off his feet. Zoe picked up her dagger, surged forward, and thrust the metal weapon into his stomach.

  He howled, as the bite of the Eternal dagger pierced his soul, which from what I’d been told, was much more painful than a Fallen weapon—lethal to those who befell its wrath.

  The demon’s soul would be sent to the dark realm, where it belonged. He would not be coming back from that.

  Elijah and Azriel were in their own stalemate when Zoe jumped in, distracting him long enough for her dagger to thrust into Azriel’s thigh.


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