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Rellik Page 17

by Teresa Mummert

  “Ryder,” I whispered as I took a step closer. He shook his head but didn’t move as he turned his pocketknife over in his hands.

  “How could you do this to us?” Janel called out, and Ryder’s head snapped up, the tension in the room palpable.

  “How could you do this to Katie? To me?” I asked, jumping as Trigger placed his hand on my shoulder, encouraging me to be strong.

  “What are you talking about? How dare you talk about my daughter?”

  I held up the note, the paper shaking as I swallowed back my fear. “Katie left a note. You let Bryce hurt her. You let him hurt me.”

  I couldn’t keep my eyes off Macie, with her short, dark hair and big green eyes. I took another step until I was beside Ryder.

  “The baby,” he said. His voice was rough, as if he’d been fighting back tears.

  I glanced down at him as his pain-filled eyes met mine.

  “One of your scars.” He wasn’t asking. He already knew the truth.

  My throat closed as my hand instinctively went to my lower stomach, to the largest of my scars from my C-section.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I didn’t know you’d come here. You didn’t tell me what Katie had said.” I shook my head, fighting to keep my tears at bay. Had we both been honest, we wouldn’t be in this mess right now. I could only imagine the disgust he must feel for me, knowing I had a child with a monster like Bryce.

  “I thought you’d hate me,” I whispered.

  He stood slowly as he glanced at the family, unremorseful about the terror they felt. “What’s her name?”

  “Macie, after my grandmother.”

  “Go get her.” He nodded slightly in their direction. I glanced down at the knife in his hand, the tendons in his arm tensing as he gripped it tightly. Macie was probably the only reason they were still alive. I walked slowly toward the couch, placing my hands under Macie’s arms and fighting against Janel’s grip before lifting her to my chest and hugging her tightly as I burst into tears. I had dreamed about this moment for months, dying inside every day I had to be away from her.

  Macie began to whimper, and I bounced her as I tried to keep her calm, tugging on her yellow nightgown.


  Chapter 33—Rellik

  Innocent: not guilty of a crime or offense

  I couldn’t walk away from what had been done to Katie and Ella, but I’d never expected that from all this would come an innocent child. Ella held the baby tightly against her chest, and there was no animosity, only love.

  From all of this tragedy, another life had been created, and now I had to decide if I was going to take more away. I couldn’t think clearly, couldn’t contain the onslaught of emotions. The last thing I expected was to feel ambivalent toward those who had caused so much pain.

  “Rellik, it’s not too late to walk away,” Phantom called out as Ella walked back toward the door.

  “I promised Ella I would finish this.”

  “You have finished this.” Phantom looked to Ella, who was kissing Macie’s head, whispering sweetly to her child.

  “She won’t ever feel safe until they’re all gone.”

  “Ryder, I won’t feel safe if I lose you.” Her voice shook as she clutched her child tighter, and I turned my attention to her. “You’re my magic shield.”

  I shook my head, pressing the tip of the knife blade against my palm, my head spinning with doubt. “Ella, you deserve so much better, and I deserve nothing. Macie deserves so much better than what I can give anyone.”

  “I love you.” Her words cut through me, shredding any last hope of being able to walk away. With a thunderous clap, the storm that had been brewing for all these years was upon us. Macie began to cry, Ella’s eyes widened, and I could feel the sensation of warmth on my chest.

  Was this love? Excruciating pain radiated through my body in waves. My fingers went to my shirt, and I pulled back crimson-coated fingers as the color grew, bleeding out into the gray. My legs gave out, and I fell to my knees. My eyes met Ella. She was frozen in terror. The muffled shouts and screams faded out around me as my eyes closed, and I drifted off into my eternal nightmare.


  Chapter 34—Ella

  Love: an intense feeling of deep affection

  This was love. It was giving your heart to someone else with the understanding that it may be taken away.

  I screamed, fingers clawing at my flesh as I begged to go to his side. Hangman wrapped his arms around me, cradling Macie and blocking me from danger.

  Trigger wasted no time as he tackled Coach, struggling to disarm him. My eyes met Ryder’s, his fading and mine wide. This was why he didn’t want me to love him. He knew this feeling and wanted to spare me the agony. People die, but love doesn’t waver.

  Phantom was on his knees, hands against Ryder’s chest as he fought to keep my love from leaving me. I couldn’t breathe, not knowing if his next breath might be his last.

  Janel was screaming as another shot was fired. Everyone was shouting, and soon the voices came from strangers as police swarmed inside the small home. Ryder was placed on a stretcher, his eyes closed as they rushed him out of the house and into a waiting ambulance.

  “I need to go with him,” I said, panicked as Hangman forced me to sit. Coach was wheeled by me on a stretcher, the white cloth that covered his body stained red like a Rorschach test.

  I gave my statement as quickly as possible, handing over Katie’s suicide note to the police. The fact that Ryder had been shot in the back led the police to determine Ryder was the victim, not the aggressor. After they learned that Janel had been keeping my child from me, and that she knew about the abuse I’d been forced to endure, I was allowed to go to the hospital to be by Ryder’s side. Janel was going to finally get what she deserved, and it was only a matter of time before Bryce did as well. I tried not to think about the agonizing year I’d spent without my daughter. I had no choice but to flee the abuse I’d endured and I had no way to take care of a child. Keeping her from ending up in the system was the only way I could ensure I’d get her back, so when Janel told me I could never take her from her, I knew I’d have to wait until I was old enough to come back for her.

  I grabbed Macie’s car seat from Janel’s car and placed it in the back of the Barracuda, hurrying to get to the hospital. I couldn’t fathom not being by Ryder’s side when he was in so much pain. When I arrived, he was in emergency surgery, and I couldn’t get any information, just sad eyes and pity.

  “She’s beautiful. How old is she?” I glanced up at a nurse who stood by my side in heart-covered scrubs.

  “Almost two.” I smiled at Macie as I stood her up on my knees.

  “She looks just like you.”

  I ran my hands through Macie’s messy hair, relieved that when I looked at her, I didn’t see any of Bryce.

  “Want to get her a snack? I have some diapers too, if she needs changed.”

  I hesitated, looking down the hall. The guys hadn’t arrived, and it had been nearly two hours.

  “Come on. I promise you’ll know as soon as he is able to have visitors.”

  Reluctantly, I nodded and stood. The nurse put her hand on my shoulder and guided me toward the vending machines.

  The nurse bought Macie a bag of gold cheesy fish and an apple juice. I changed her and sat her down in the waiting room, allowing her to eat her snack.

  Just as I was able to rock Macie to sleep, Ryder’s mother and stepfather walked through the door.

  “Ella, what happened?” Kirsten’s eyes danced over the baby on my lap.

  “Ryder was helping me.” I closed my eyes, hating that I’d have to live this nightmare again.

  I broke down, giving as much detail as I could stomach, omitting anything that would reflect badly on Ryder. It was more than apparent Ryder still held a lot of resentment for being locked away. I didn’t want to overstep and give more than he would want me to share.


bsp; Chapter 35—Rellik

  Oblivion: the state of being unaware or unconscious of what is happening

  I blinked awake, the light painful on my eyes and my head swimming. I was high, my body liquid.

  “Stay,” a voice commanded as I felt pressure against my shoulder. I struggled against the force but couldn’t move.

  “His vitals are good,” another voice called out. “You dodged a bullet, son. So to speak.”

  I drifted back off into oblivion, but it wasn’t Katie’s face I saw. I stared into Ella’s wide, frightened eyes when she thought she had lost me forever. Before that moment I’d never thought anyone would care if I died. Truth be told, I thought they would be relieved, not having to carry the burden of knowing me any longer. I lived with reckless abandon, convinced that death would finally cease the perpetual ache of losing the girl I loved. I never thought it was possible to have that feeling again. My heart was broken, but so was Ella’s, and those pieces fit together. In my darkest hours, she found something in me to love, even when I couldn’t love myself. In all of the evil I’d done, I’d somehow managed to save her, and she would save me from myself.

  “I love you.”

  Those words. Ella was the only reason my heart still had the will to beat. I couldn’t leave it unsaid again. I needed to make sure she knew that I loved her.

  I had no idea how much time had passed since I had been shot, but as my eyes blinked open, all the pain in the world couldn’t stop me from smiling at the sight of Ella. The fluorescent lighting overhead looked like a halo around her beautiful face. Perfect for the angel she was to me.

  “You scared me,” she said with a smile as her eyes clouded over with tears.

  “I love you.” I couldn’t waste another minute without letting her know how I felt.

  “I love you.” She wrapped her thin fingers around mine and squeezed my hand.

  I tried to sit up, but the pain was too much, and I groaned in agony as a nurse patted my left arm. “Don’t try to get up just yet. Give your body time to heal.”

  “Where’s Macie?” Panic began to set in as I realized Ella’s arms were empty.

  “Your mother is holding her.” She glanced over her shoulder as my mother stepped forward.

  “How are you feeling?” my mother asked as she rubbed her hand over Macie’s back.

  “Complete.” I reached my hand out, and my mother dipped lower so I could run my fingers over Macie’s head. My mother smiled as she took a step back, and Phantom took her place next to me.

  “You scared the hell out of us.”

  I sighed, not wanting to hear how I put our band on the line for Ella.

  “But now I know why. Next time, call me first. I would have been there with you.”

  “I will.” I nodded as I stared at Ella, unable to take my eyes off her.

  “All right, enough of this sappy shit,” Hangman called from the foot of the bed and everyone laughed, easing the tension.

  “Don’t say shit in front of his mom, man.” Trig slapped Hang on the chest.

  “You just said shit in front of his mom too.” He slapped him back, and Trig hit him in the back of the head.

  “You just fucking said it again,” Trig snapped, and Ella got lost in a fit of giggles.

  “All right, boys. This is a hospital.” The nurse gave them a stern look with her fists on her hips. The both mumbled apologies as she shook her head. “Let’s let Mr. Bentley sleep. He needs his rest.”

  I gripped Ella’s hand so she wouldn’t go as the others filed out of the room.

  “You know how they say when you are close to death, your life flashes before your eyes?”


  “It’s not true. All I saw was my future. All I saw was you and Macie. I won’t ever put that in jeopardy again. I promise.”



  Monster: Ryder “Rellik” Bentley

  It had been two years since I was shot. The wound had healed long ago, leaving behind a small scar that was a constant reminder of the moment Ella told me she loved me for the first time. The other events of that day faded into the background, letting my past remain where it belonged. Coach was dead, and Bryce committed suicide after hearing that his father had been killed and the police were looking for him.

  * *

  I’d waited months for this moment and as I watched Bryce ascend the stairs into his shitty apartment, I knew I’d finally be able to put the past behind me.

  I crossed the desolate street under the cloak of night, griping my pocket knife tightly in my hand. My ribs ached as I jogged, but the rush of adrenaline made it bearable. Nothing was going to stop me from ridding the world of the one last monster that haunted Ella’s dreams.

  I’d been watching Bryce for several weeks, letting my body continue to heal. I couldn’t wait any longer. As I reached the front of the run-down building, I slipped inside, my eyes dancing up the stairwell toward the sound of his boots stomping heavily above me.

  I grinned as I gripped the banister and followed after him, taking three steps at a time. As I reached the second floor, he was putting the key into the lock of his door. Glancing over his shoulder, his face went pale when our eyes connected. My hand holding the knife went over my rips as I struggled to slow my breathing and alleviate some of the pressure in my chest.

  “You’re not an easy man to find,” I walked slowly toward him as he fumbled with the keys, desperate to get inside.

  As he pushed the door open, I chuckled. I needed this to happen inside, away from any possible witnesses that may come out of their apartments. At two in the morning, the odds were slim, but I wasn’t going to be reckless. I had too much to live for now.

  I slammed my palm against the wooden door, the thud echoing in the empty stairwell as I stopped it from slamming closed.

  Bryce ran for what I assumed was a weapon as I stepped inside and glanced around the sad, pathetic excuse for a home.

  “I’ll call the fucking cops,” He yelled from another room as I closed the apartment door behind me.

  “Not a smart move for a man on the run.” I tapped my finger on the mouse pad of his laptop and the screen lit up. The desktop background picture was of a girl who looked like Ella, but a little bustier and in obvious pain as her naked, bruised body was tied to an unmade bed.

  “You’ve been keeping yourself busy. I guess that’s one way to cope with the death of your father,” shaking my head I walked through the living room and toward the sound of things being thrown around.

  “What is it you want, man?” Bryce’s voice wavered as he stepped from one of the rooms, holding a bat beside his head, poised to swing. “I have a little money. Not much. But I can give you anything you want.”

  “I want you dead.” I squeezed the pocket knife, the blade not extended from the handle. “But luckily for you, I’ve promised Ella I wouldn’t kill anyone else.”

  Bryce sighed, his lips quirking up in a smile. He was hopeful and it made my palm itch with the need to cut the smirk from his face. “You’re still going to die, Bryce. You’re just going to do it yourself. You made Katie feel helpless. She felt like she had no other way to escape you. That’s how you’re going to feel.” I stepped closer to him and he readjusted his grip on the bat but I knew he was scared to swing. Bruce liked to pick on helpless girls, not grown men who could knock him down a peg or two. “You destroyed Ella’s ability to trust and fucked up her perception of what a man should be. I mean, look at me, Bryce. She fucking loves me and I can’t fucking wait to watch you bleed out. How fucked up is that? Not that I’m complaining. I’d probably be dead right now if it weren’t for her.”

  “You should thank me then,” Bryce took a small step backwards as he spoke. My eyes narrowed as I clenched my jaw, biting back the urge to yell.

  “Thank you?” I stepped forward, trying desperately to keep calm.

  “So I fucking hurt her. So what? Look at you. You fucking kill people. You killed my dad,
” His chin quivered like a fucking child and it almost made me feel sorry for him. Almost.

  “You are the reason Katie is dead. Ella was dead inside after what you did to her. I brought her back to life. I’m going to make this right.”

  “Listen to yourself. You think I’m a monster but what you do is okay? You and I are the same.” His voice rose as he grew desperate for me to understand. But I was beyond talking, growing tired of playing with my food, so to speak.

  I unfolded the blade of the knife from the handle, looking down at my reflection in the metal. “You and I are nothing alike.” I shook my head as I pressed the pad of my index finger against the point. There was a noise from the living room and he looked past me, his eyebrows drawn together.

  “That’s my man, Trig. He’s fucking amazing when it comes to technology. Right now he is pulling all of your twisted, fucked up kiddie porn off your hard drive.”

  “No! I’ll delete it all. I won’t touch another girl ever. I promise,” Bryce’s eyes glossed over with tears.

  I pulled my cell phone from my pocket and held it up for him to see. “When I send a message to my boy Phantom, he’s going to call the cops from a burner cell. He’s going to tell them his name is Bryce Alexander and you couldn’t live with what you’d done any longer. All the evidence they need will be here, along with your body.”

  “No,” he shook his head, his eyes wide. “Janel knows I’d never kill myself.” The bat lowered to his side as he tried to think of a way to outsmart me.

  “Like she knows you like to fuck little girls?” I stepped forward again, leaving only a few feet between us. If he swung, he had a good chance at hitting me.

  “That’s why my other friend, a crazy asshole by the name of Hangman is sitting outside of your step-mother’s house right now as she drowns herself in tequila, wondering where her life went wrong.” I hit the speed dial and Hangman picked up as I clicked the speaker phone button.


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