Progeny (The Children of the White Lions)

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Progeny (The Children of the White Lions) Page 80

by Kaelin, R. T.

  Jak chimed in, saying, “While I appreciate the fact that they’re interested, a little more assistance with the oligurts and razorfiends would have been nice.”

  Broedi shook his head. “One Celystiela alone, or even a handful, cannot deliberately aid the mortal world. A sizeable consensus must be met before they lend assistance. An Assembly must be called.”

  Pointing out the obvious, Nundle asked, “If they can’t lend aid, then what do you call what have they been doing to this point?”

  “Everything and nothing,” said Broedi.

  “Riddles, Broedi,” muttered Kenders.

  Wearing a slight smile, the hillman rumbled, “Our string of ‘coincidences’ may seem definitive to us, but I am sure the Celystiela would claim they have done nothing. Do we have any true proof of their involvement?” He stared around the fire at each of them, waiting. “I did not think so.”

  “It is not right,” said Zecus, his tone decidedly bitter. “Gods interfering with my life? My family’s life!?”

  “What is ‘right’ is of no consequence,” rumbled Broedi. “Nine Celystiela of the Neither comprised the Assembly. Right and wrong? Good and evil? None of that matters to them. They strive for balance, doing whatever is necessary to achieve it. If either evil or good gains too large a foothold in the mortal world, they insert themselves.”

  “How do you trust someone if you don’t know where they stand?” asked Nikalys.

  Broedi turned his gaze to Nikalys, remained quiet for a long moment, and then said, “I have been asking myself that question for two hundred-fifty years. However, that is not the pertinent question of the moment. Motives aside, I want to know why have they chosen now to interfere?” After a brief pause, he added, “Which is what I intend to ask them when I travel to the Seat of Nelnora.”

  Unsure he had heard correctly, Nikalys said, “The Seat of Nelnora? In the Celestial Empire?”

  Staring at him and Kenders, Broedi said, “Once we reach the enclave, and you two are settled, I intend to travel there and try to gain some answers. I doubt I will be turned away this time.” He turned to Nundle and added, “And you, Nundle, are coming with me.”


  “Yes. You. After one of the mages at the enclave teaches you the Weave for a port, and you practice it quite a bit—I do not want to end up at the bottom of a lake—we can begin our journey. It will take us a while to reach the Seat of Nelnora, but I would like to return quickly.”

  Nundle’s eyes shone with excitement. “You have someone who can teach me how to weave a port?”

  “We do,” replied Broedi. An amused glint danced in his eyes. “And I believe you will be quite surprised who that will be.”

  “What about the rest of us?” asked Kenders, concern in her voice. “You’re just going to leave us there?”

  “For a time, yes. You and Nikalys will be in excellent hands.”

  Kenders frowned. It was clear she did not want Broedi to go. Truthfully, neither did Nikalys. Ironic as, not too long ago, all he had wanted was for Broedi to leave them alone.

  Turning to the Moiléne sisters, Broedi said, “If you would like, Sabine, you can learn to use what gifts you have at the enclave. I am sure Gamin will be happy to craft a set of lessons for you and perhaps Helene, should you desire. If not, you are both welcome to live in Claw as members of the Manes. It is your choice.”

  A small, relieved smile touched Sabine’s face, and she gave Helene a gentle squeeze. “Thank you.”

  Looking across the fire to Jak and Zecus, Broedi said, “And for the two of you, Sergeant Trell and the commander have something in mind.”

  Commander Aiden stepped forward. “I’ve had the opportunity to talk with Nathan, an impressive man in his own right. He had some very good things to say about you both. To charge a blasted demon with but twenty men? Gods, that was brave. Brainless, but brave. The sergeant seems to think you would both make good soldiers. Care to find out?”

  Nodding at Nikalys and Kenders, Jak said, “I already told them I’d do whatever I can to help them. If that means playing soldier, I’ll do so.”

  Kenders reached out, grabbed his hand, and squeezed. Nikalys grinned, reached around Kenders, and patted Jak on the back.

  The commander shifted his gaze to Zecus. “What say you, Borderlander? We’d be honored to have you join us as well.”

  Zecus stood in silence for a long moment, a solemn expression affixed on his face. He glanced west, sighed, and then looked back to the commander. “I will stay and help as I can. For now.” His gaze shifted to rest on Kenders. “Perhaps I am meant to be here.”

  A touch of color bloomed in Kenders’ cheeks. Nikalys caught Jak’s eye and the brothers exchanged a slight grin. They were normally protective about young men’s interest in their sister, but Zecus was a good soul.

  Broedi turned and looked to the northwest, his profile lit by flickering firelight revealed a worried frown. “ is settled. We march for the enclave in the morning. The Cabal surely plot even while we stand here. They have had centuries to prepare. We have only turns. Or perhaps weeks.”

  The task before them was daunting but Nikalys was determined to see it through. He glanced at Kenders and found the same expression of resolve that he knew was etched his face. Jak, too. With complete confidence and conviction, Nikalys said, “We will be ready.”


  19th of the Turn of Thonda

  An icy wind lashed the mountain’s peak, whipping and clawing at the black robes of the lone figure standing upon the rocky summit. The cloth fluttered and flapped in the blustery blasts, adding an arrhythmic snapping to the whistling of the air as it twisted between the jagged gray rocks jutting from the ground.

  As was typical, Tandyr was the first of their group to arrive. He tried to suppress his irritation at the other’s tardiness, but he allowed himself one tiny sigh of exasperation.

  Three black cords bound his blonde hair into a long ponytail, doing their best to refute the wind’s power. His wide, frosty blue eyes stared eastward, down into the plains below. The vast range of mountains upon which he stood stretched north and south, clear to both horizons. Tall, leaden gray peaks stretched upwards to the cerulean sky, each one topped with caps of snow.

  An abrupt ripping sound, utterly distinct from his flapping robes, caused Tandyr to turn his head. A dozen paces away, a slit had appeared in the fabric of the world.


  A stunning erijul emerged from the port, stepping onto the rocky mountaintop. She paused a moment to glance around the barren landscape before striding towards Tandyr. The mountain wind tore at the thin, gauzy dress she wore.

  Lifting an eyebrow, Tandyr queried, “Cold, Raela?”

  Visibly shivering, the erijul used a quick Weave of Air to wrap herself with a small, invisible barrier to hold back the icy wind. “Not anymore.” She eyed him and shook her head. “I do not know how you can stand it.”

  Tandyr did not mind the chilly gusts. In fact, he welcomed the cold sterility it added to the delicious barrenness of the mountaintop. It helped keep his mind clear and calm, allowing him to repress the bedlam churning inside his being.

  Tandyr, the god of Chaos incarnate, turned his gaze back to the eastern plains as Raela joined him. Thousands of tents and burrows dotted the valley below. A layer of hazy smoke from the countless campfires lay like a thick blanket over the sprawling camp.

  Without preamble, Raela said, “I have looked everywhere, Tandyr. He is nowhere to be found.”

  Tandyr was unsurprised.

  “I suspect he has tried to clean up after his mistakes.”

  “That or he is hiding, afraid of what we would do should we found him.”

  “I doubt that.”

  “You say that with confidence.” She peered at him with curious eyes.

  In a voice as cool as the wind, he said, “One of my demon captains is missing. Along with four hundred Sudashians.” He shook his head, calm yet angry. “Urazûd
left the rest of his charge alone, a thousand of which had killed one another before I arrived to put a stop to it.” A bitter frown spread over his elongated lips. “Blasted fool. He knows the binding weakens if he does not remain near.”

  “How long was he gone?”

  Tandyr’s scowl grew. “At least a week.”

  Deep furrows appeared in Raela’s forehead. “Where would he go?”

  “How I wish I could answer that question. Unfortunately, the one I can is ‘with whom.” He turned to meet Raela’s inquisitive stare. “He left with a saeljul.”

  Raela dropped her chin to her chest and sighed. “He truly believes he could kill them on his own?”

  “It would seem so, yes.”

  “He is a fool, then.”

  “Was a fool,” corrected Tandyr. “Had he been successful, I would have certainly heard about it, bombarded by demands that I reunite him with his beloved at once.” He shook his head. “No, Raela. We must assume that he failed and is dead.” A tiny smile graced his lips. “At least he got his wish to be with his love, something that would have never happened despite my promises. Maeana was not pleased with me interfering in her domain. She has held tightly onto that soul.”

  “You are remaining quite calm about this.”

  “Only because I must.”

  An amused, wondering grin spread over Raela’s lips. “I am still having difficulty growing used to your new demeanor. I do not know how you do it.”

  “It was time to try something different.”

  The others did not believe he could keep his nature in check forever. Yet he had done so for over three hundred years and needed to for a little while longer. His plan was too ambitious for him to lose control.

  After a few moments of quiet, Tandyr said, “Jhaell was not entirely useless. Without his help, we would not have found two of the Suštinata. For all of his faults, he was good at what he did.” He sighed and gave a tiny, careless shrug. “Without winter, there would be no spring, I suppose.”

  Directing her gaze eastward, Raela mumbled, “Yes, well, he should have stayed in the blasted libraries.”

  “Yes. He should have.”

  “So…what now? It seems the Progeny do exist. And live. Indrida was right.” Frowning, she sighed, “Yet again.” She glanced over at him. “Do we hold back and wait until we can find them?”

  A quick surge of wild, bitter anger swelled inside Tandyr. “No! We do not wait!”

  Raela raised an eyebrow at the intensity of his response. A tiny, smug smile touched her lips.

  Ignoring Raela’s haughty stare, Tandyr forced himself calm and then spoke.

  “We cannot afford to postpone. Word of what is happening is already spreading. Freehaven will be slow to react, but they will do so eventually. If we move quickly enough, no one, not the First Council, not even the blasted Progeny, will be prepared to counter.”

  He stared at the world below him and frowned.

  “So, no, Raela. We do not wait. We have waited long enough.”

  After the Appendix, read the Prologue to Prophecy, Volume II of The Children of the White Lions


  The Gods

  The High Host—the nine good Gods and Goddesses


  Other Names/References



  The Hammer of Innocence

  Purity, Hope, and Justice


  The Vital Soul



  The Villager



  The Bright Blade

  Light, Sun, Honor, War


  Delver of the Deep

  Earth, Mines, Smiths


  The Rebellious One

  Change and Freedom


  Graceful Guider of Hearts

  Beauty and Love


  Guardian of Eras

  Summer and Time


  The Ruler of Rules


  The Gods and Goddess that are Neither


  Other Names/References



  The Inspired One

  Ideas and Innovation


  Filler of Purses

  Commerce and Wealth


  The Great Artisan

  Industry and Crafters


  The Master Weaver



  Cold Twister of Fate

  Winter and Fate


  The Strong Arm

  Strength and Athletic Skill


  The Enlightened Oracle

  Knowledge and Prophecy


  She Who Walks the Woods

  Forest and Wild Nature


  The Final Friend



  Watcher of the World

  Civilization and Balance


  The Shrewd Fox

  Shadows, Cunning and Luck


  Dodgy Gatherer

  Autumn and Trickery


  The Untamed

  Spring, Sea, and Storm


  Eternal Queen



  The Great Tracker

  Beasts and Hunt

  The Cabal—the nine evil Gods (None has a name)

  Other Names/References


  The Eternal Anarchist


  The Great Quarreler


  The Bringer of Misery


  Agony’s Friend


  Immortal Teller of Lies


  The Mad One


  Bearer of Grudges


  Terror’s Maiden


  The Loather of All


  The Calendar

  The calendar of Terrene is a symmetrical one. Some scholars suggest the Gods altered the world and the moons to facilitate such a perfectly aligned set of dates. A year on Terrene is exactly 360 days, divided into 12 turns of 28 days per turn. A week is seven days long; four weeks make up a single turn.

  Between each turn is a two-day period that belongs to neither the turn before nor the turn that follows. They are commonly referred to as Days of Leisure, and throughout the year are used for feasts and other celebrations.

  The turns of the year and the Days of Leisure between are as follows:

  Turn of Khanos – named for Khanos, the God of Life (Winter in the southern

  hemisphere, Summer in the northern hemisphere)

  Days of Leisure for Khanos and Indrida

  Turn of Greya – named for Greya, the Goddess of Winter and Fate

  Days of Leisure for Greya and Sarphia

  Turn of Duryn – named for Duryn, the God of Industry and Crafters

  Days of Leisure for Duryn and Ketus

  Turn of Roden – named for Roden, the God of Change and Freedom

  Days of Leisure for Roden and Rheoc

  Turn of Saewyn – named for Saewyn, the God of Spring, Sea, and the Wilderness

  Days of Leisure for Saewyn and Nelnora

  Turn of Sormina – named for Sormina, the Goddess of Beauty and Love

  Days of Leisure for Sormina and Tirnu

  Turn of Lamoth – named for Lamoth, the Goddess of the Forest and

  Wild Nature (Winter in the northern hemisphere, Summer in the southern hemisphere)

  Days of Leisure for Lamoth and Horum

  Turn of Sutri – named for Sutri, the Goddess of Summer and Time

  Days of Leisure for Sutri and M

  Turn of Thonda – named for Thonda, the God of Beasts and the Hunt

  Days of Leisure for Thonda and Gaena

  Turn of Rin’tira – named for Rin’tira, the God of Autumn and Trickery

  Days of Leisure for Rin’tira and Chalchalu

  Turn of Luraana – named for Luraana, the Goddess of the Community

  Days of Leisure for Luraana and Ceruna

  Turn of Maeana – named for Maeana, the Goddess of Death

  Days of Leisure for Maeana and A’shana

  The Moons

  There are two moons that circle Terrene with two very different cycles. White Moon has a twenty-four day full moon-to-full moon cycle while Blue Moon has a thirty-six day cycle. This creates a very uneven pattern of light/dark cycles at night. One of the moons is always visible in the sky; at no point are both moons at the new stage. Five times every year, though, both moons are at the full stage. These are known as Nights of the Two Moons.

  Nights of the Two Moons occur every year on these dates:

  First Night of Two Moons – 27th of Turn of Khanos

  Second Night of Two Moons – 9th of Turn of Roden

  Third Night of Two Moons – 21st of Turn of Sormina

  Fourth Night of Two Moons – 3rd of Turn of Thonda

  Fifth Night of Two Moons – 15th of Turn of Luraana



  5th of the Turn of Roden, 4751, 248 years before Yellow Mud's destruction

  Tandyr stared at the tiny village on the far side of the wooden bridge. A weary sigh worn from the ages slipped from his lips.


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