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Learning to Be Little Again

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by Meredith O'Reilly

  Learning to Be Little Again


  Meredith O’Reilly

  Copyright © 2014 by Stormy Night Publications and Meredith O’Reilly

  Copyright © 2014 by Stormy Night Publications and Meredith O’Reilly

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Published by Stormy Night Publications and Design, LLC.

  O’Reilly, Meredith

  Learning to Be Little Again

  Cover Design by Korey Mae Johnson

  Images by and

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults.

  Chapter One

  It’s snowing again, I thought as I looked out my kitchen window and finished my measly one orange breakfast. It was New Year’s Day and most people had probably been partying the night before and were still asleep at six forty-five in the morning. Not me. I hadn’t had a peaceful night’s sleep since before… Boyle. Just thinking about that dirt bag made my entire body shake.

  Don’t think about him. He’s gone, I tried to tell myself a couple of times to calm the growing panic inside.

  I got up from my chair, still watching the snow fall as I threw my orange peel into the garbage can. Sighing, I looked down at the doctor’s card that Mark had left on my kitchen counter the last time he’d been here. It hadn’t been touched since.

  I knew that I needed to get help. I knew that I was too thin, that I hadn’t been sleeping well, and that I felt awful. I just couldn’t go and get help, because I was too afraid. I knew that Mark would be really upset with me since I told him before Christmas that I would go to a doctor. But the idea of having to answer medical questions and let a doctor touch me did not appeal to me in the slightest.

  I walked out of the kitchen and into the family room. It was nothing special. The walls were a dreary brown, with hand-me down furniture and faded pink carpeting to match. But even though my apartment was small and not much to look at, it was home, my safe haven.

  Walking over to the couch, I sat down, clicking the TV on and immediately flipping to the children’s station that always seemed to have my favorite shows. Arthur was on right now. Sinking further into my couch, I began to watch it.

  I was laughing at something that Buster said when there was a knock on my door. My clock read seven fifteen.

  Who would be stopping by my apartment now, on a holiday? My panic increased tenfold as I realized that I hadn’t been expecting anyone today.

  Hesitantly, I got up from the couch and walked over to the front door. Carefully peeking through the peephole, I saw Mark standing there and my shoulders slumped as the fear left me.

  Opening the door, I greeted the large man who stood on the other side. “Hi, Mark. Happy New Year.”

  “Hi, Juliana. Happy New Year to you too. May I please come in?”

  “Sure.” I opened the door more so he could step in. Once he was inside, I closed and locked it, then turned to face him.

  Mark was a large man, and that was putting it nicely. He was at least 6’3” and had black hair like mine, but in a crew cut style. He had these shiny gray eyes that could make me feel like he was x-raying me, and he was very muscular, even more so than my friend Samantha’s husband, Jackson. But since he was a cop, Mark had to stay in tip-top shape.

  “You haven’t seen a doctor yet, have you?” he asked, his eyes watching my every move.

  “No, I haven’t. Would you like some coffee?” I asked, walking past him and heading back into the kitchen. Mark was one of the few people who I felt comfortable around. After all, he was the one who had found me handcuffed to a bed, wearing a used diaper and baby clothes. And he was the one who had taken care of me afterward and let me live with him before I got back on my feet.

  “Juliana, what did you promise me the last time that I saw you?” he asked, and even though I wasn’t facing him, I knew he had his arms crossed over his chest and was waiting for my reply.

  I sighed and turned around to face him. Guess switching the topic won’t work this time.

  “That I would go see a doctor,” I muttered, not looking at him. This was the hard part for me. I could care less if I saw a doctor, but disappointing Mark—that made me feel like a class A jerk.

  “Juliana, when are you going to listen to me and go get help? You look worse than you did the last time I saw you.”

  “I’m sorry, okay?” I said, giving him my puppy eyes, hoping that would lessen his anger. My puppy eyes seem to work on everyone because they help me look like an innocent little girl. And who could turn down a little girl?

  “Puppy eyes are not going to help you in this situation, little girl. You have to take care of yourself. It looks like you’ve dropped even more weight that you desperately needed to keep, and you still have dark circles underneath your eyes.”

  “I’m really sorry, okay? I promise I’ll see a doctor soon,” I said, turning to look out at the snow again. Oh, how it must feel to be a snowflake. All you have to do is fly around in the open air. There’s nothing to be afraid of.

  “You’ll see one today,” he said, shaking me out of my thoughts.

  “What?” I asked incredulously, turning back to face him. He couldn’t be serious. I knew that he wanted me to go, but he had never made me an appointment before… and he wouldn’t now.

  “I called in a favor and got you an appointment to see my friend—you know, the one whose card I gave you.”

  I began to panic, but then realized he forgot something. “It’s New Year Day. Everything is closed, including doctors’ offices. I have to go back to work tomorrow, so I won’t be free to go any time in the future.” Thinking I’d made my point, I reached for a mug to pour myself some coffee. I really didn’t like coffee and only drank it because I loved how hot it was in the morning, plus the bitter taste reminded me I was still alive.

  “You’re right, Juliana. Most doctors’ offices are closed. However, since Robert owns his practice, along with a few other doctors, he can go in whenever he likes, even on holidays. So, I want you to put down your coffee because I know you don’t even like it, go take a shower, and get dressed.”

  I slammed my coffee mug on the counter, spilling coffee everywhere, and turned to face him. “How could you do that? I was going to make an appointment!” I shouted, stomping my foot on the ground and wrapping my arms around myself. I felt like he’d betrayed me, going behind my back to schedule an appointment I’d told him I was going to make.

  “Don’t go stomping your foot at me, young lady. Keep up this attitude and I don’t care whether you’re mine or not, I will spank that bottom of yours until it glows brighter than your nightlight,” he said in a low tone that was much scarier than if he’d just shouted at me.

  We had a staring contest, and of course, I was the one to look away first. I’m always the one who looks away first. However, when I looked back at him, I felt like I’d been punched in the gut. He looked defeated.

  “Juliana, I know we haven’t been friends for long, but I couldn’t just do nothing anymore. You’re wasting away in front of my very own eyes. You’re so thin that I swear someday a gust of wind is going to blow you away. Those dark circles under your eyes make your face look so hollow. You look like death. I had to do this. I had to,” he said.

  Guilt washed over me as I walked over and placed my hand on his shoulder. “I�
��m so sorry, Mark. I… I’m just scared.” The last part of my sentence come out as a whisper.

  He looked up at me with those piercing gray eyes. “I know you are and I don’t blame you. That’s why I called my friend. I’ve known him since college, and he would never ever hurt you. And I can be with you the entire time if you want.”


  “I promise, Juliana,” he said, wrapping me in a big bear hug.

  I pulled away, deciding that I was going to put aside my fears of going to the doctor to make Mark feel better. “I guess I better go and get ready now.”

  I turned away, heading for my bathroom when he said, “Wait, there is one other thing about Robert that you should know.”

  “What?” I asked, turning to face him.

  “You met him at that munch that I brought you to last December, remember?”

  I nodded, getting a sinking feeling in my gut that I knew where this was going.

  “Well, just to remind you then, he’s into age play. So, if you would feel more comfortable… ummm… acting younger, he’d be okay with that.”

  I nodded again, feeling like I’d been punched in the gut for the second time today in a matter of minutes. The last guy I’d acted young in front of had treated me like dirt. What would happen if this guy did the same? I… I couldn’t do that… again.

  I turned, heading towards the bathroom again, this time my steps filled with fear.

  Chapter Two

  I was so nervous as I entered my office. Today was Juliana’s appointment. I really wanted her to like me and feel comfortable with me, and I couldn’t get the last time I saw her out of my head.

  It had happened a few weeks ago. Mark had called me to tell me about an age play munch he was going to with the woman who’d been living with him. He asked me to go too, as he thought his roommate and I would hit it off. A munch was just a place for like-minded people to get together and talk about the lifestyle they participated in, in a safe setting, and I’d only been to them a couple of times in the past. Since I hadn’t had a little in a long time, I saw no point in going, but not wanting to be rude, I’d agreed, thinking I’d spend a few hours at the munch mingling.

  I had never been so wrong in my entire life. I was talking to Jackson and Meghan, two parents I’d just met, when I saw Mark enter with the most beautiful girl in the world. Her curly black hair that ran down her shoulders and her cute little features had my cock as hard as a rock, and the instinct to wrap her up and protect her was overwhelming. I was about to go over and talk to them when I noticed her face. She looked terrified. Pausing, I sat down again, as Jackson’s little girl, Samantha, went up to greet the woman.

  They talked for a couple of minutes and then Samantha got her to come and sit at our table. I watched as Meghan’s little Joey went to get her some food while Samantha tried to keep her calm.

  After she settled down a little, I’d tried to talk to her, but for the most part, besides nodding her head a couple of times, she ignored me. At the end of the night, I finally got her to give me her cell phone number. As I was walking out of the restaurant, I just knew she was the one for me.

  She was so small and fragile looking, almost like a life-sized doll. Her eyes scanned the room the entire night, as if she was preparing to find someone who would hurt her. I wanted to take her home, take care of her, and let her know that nothing bad would ever happen to her again.

  Unfortunately, in the weeks following the munch, she hardly ever texted or called me, but I decided I would bide my time and wait. And my patience had finally paid off when Mark called me early this morning, begging me to see her, and I’d jumped at the chance.

  In my office now, I put my winter coat on my chair and clasped my hands together. How do I get Juliana to relax when she comes here? I wondered as I paced my office.

  I knew that she was terrified of people, so I would have to go slow and be extra gentle with her. That wouldn’t be a problem for me.

  I left my office and walked through the exam rooms, deciding that I was going to examine her in the yellow one, with sunflowers painted on the wall.

  I went back into my office and grabbed some juice boxes and the teddy bear I’d brought for her and put them in the exam room. Then, taking a deep breath and trying to force myself to relax, I headed back to my office.

  When I looked out the window in my office, it was snowing. I couldn’t help but imagine that someday Juliana and I would be playing together in it. We would build a snowman together and make some snow angels. Then when I noticed that she was getting too tired, I would bring her into the house, change her into some warm, clean clothes and feed her hot chocolate. She would fall asleep in my lap and I’d be a very happy daddy.

  I shook my head, knowing that now was not the time to have those thoughts. I had to be completely professional today. Otherwise, Juliana would probably never go back to a doctor. Sitting down in my chair, I turned my computer on to update some of my files. There was nothing more that I could do except wait for my little patient to arrive.

  Chapter Three

  I walked into the doctor’s office with Mark right behind me. I was so anxious for this appointment that I felt like I was going to be sick. I was all set to turn around and tell Mark I was sorry, but that I was not going to do this, when suddenly I spotted the coolest thing I’ve ever seen. Across the waiting room there was a huge aquarium filled with colorful fish!

  Walking over to it, I immediately looked at all of the fish inside. After a few seconds, I noticed that the fish matched the fish that were in Dr. Sherman’s office in Finding Nemo. I greeted each fish by name and just watched as they swam around. I was so enthralled with my new discovery that I didn’t hear Mark or his doctor friend come up behind me.

  “I’m glad that you like the fish, Juliana. Very few people actually recognize what movie they’re from.”

  My focus left the fish and the ball of panic that had disappeared when I saw the fish came back, but this time it felt twice as big. I just stood there, not wanting to move.

  “Juliana, aren’t you going to turn around and say hello?” Mark asked, and I could tell by the sound of his voice that he was getting frustrated.

  I was about to turn around when I felt Robert’s presence by my side.

  “It’s alright, Mark. I can understand why looking at fish is more appealing than saying hi to me. Look at Bloat. He’s such a silly fish,” Robert said, pointing to the glass as Bloat did what looked like a summersault. Robert and I watched the fish together for a little longer until he finally said, “As much fun as this is, I think it’s time that we get that exam started.”

  I slowly turned to face him and Mark, and I just nodded.

  “Would you like Mark to come with us, or not?”

  I thought about it and then I shook my head. That would make this entire visit even more embarrassing than it was already going to be.

  “Okay, let’s go on back then.” With that, Robert turned and slowly started to walk back to where the exam rooms were.

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you, Juliana?”

  “Yes,” I answered, and then followed Robert. He led me to a small room that had yellow walls with sunflowers painted on them. I instantly fell in love with the room. Yellow was my favorite color, and sunflowers happened to be my second favorite flower. Yellow roses were the first.

  “Take a seat on the exam table, please,” he said as he sat down on the small rolling chair and turned his computer on.

  I did as I was told and sat on the exam table. The paper crinkled as I sat, making so much noise in the silent room. Robert tapped away on his keyboard for a few minutes. Then he stopped, grabbed a cup on the corner of his desk and wrote something on it. As he was writing, ink splattered on his hands.

  “Ugh! Why does this always happen to me?” he muttered, as he threw the pen into a wastebasket. “I’m sorry, Juliana, I have to go wash my hands. The sink in here isn’t working as of yesterday, and since it
was New Year’s Eve, a repairman couldn’t come out until tomorrow. I should also grab another pen, so I’ll be back in a moment.” He stood and left the room.

  As I looked around the room, I had to admit that nothing looked too scary. It was a regular doctor’s exam room. Robert also didn’t seem to be a bad guy.

  He walked back into the room, grabbed the cup he left on his desk, and said, “Alright, Juliana. So today, I’ll be giving you a physical. Do you have to go to the bathroom now? I’ll need a urine sample to test.”

  For a moment, I just stared at him. His dirty blonde hair and light blue eyes just captivated me. His eyes reminded me of how the sky would look on a fresh spring day. But I was shaken out of my captivation when the thought that he’d be touching me soon entered my mind.

  “Juliana?” he asked, his eyebrows furrowing as if he was worried.

  “I… ummm… n-no. I… I don’t need to go…” I said, bowing my head and looking at my hands.

  “Juliana, listen to me. I know that right now, this is probably one of the last places you want to be. I get that. Please remember though, I’m trying to help you. If you feel uncomfortable at all when I’m examining you, tell me and we can take a break.”

  “Promise?” I asked, looking up at him.

  “Yes, I promise,” he said, the corners of his mouth turning up in a smile.


  “Good. Now, let’s start off with the easy stuff. Could you please step off the exam table, take your shoes off, and place your heels against that measuring tape on the wall?” he gestured towards the wall at a bright yellow measuring tape.

  I did as I was told and he looked at the wall. “You’re five feet exactly. Only fifteen inches shorter than me,” he chuckled. “Now, can you please step on the scale?”


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