Learning to Be Little Again

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Learning to Be Little Again Page 11

by Meredith O'Reilly

  “No thank you, Daddy,” I said, picking the pen up. I began to write down my lines and before I knew it, I had finished them. I felt a little like Harry Potter when he had to do his lines for Professor Umbridge. Thankfully, my pen was filled with ink and not my own blood, but my hand was cramping probably as badly as Harry’s had after one of his detentions.

  “I’m done, Daddy,” I said, pushing the open notebook towards him.

  He looked over my lines. “That’s perfect. Let me see your hand, please.”

  I gave it to him and he took it and began to massage it. After a few minutes, the cramps started to dissipate. After a few minutes more, they were all gone.

  “Okay, pumpkin, on to your second punishment. Let’s go into the bedroom,” he said, giving my hand a little pull so I stood up.

  I stood and quietly said, “You’re going to spank me. This is going to hurt.”

  “Yes it will, but don’t worry, I’ve had a lot of practice spanking naughty little girls’ bottoms.”

  “I was afraid you were going to say that,” I said as I rubbed my behind with my free hand, knowing that in a few short minutes it would be bright red and burning.

  We entered my bedroom and Robert sat down at the end of my bed. “Alright, little girl, pants and underwear off and over my lap you go.”

  With slow hands I removed my pants and panties and draped myself over his lap. He ran his hand over my bottom, increasing my embarrassment and making my bottom tense up.

  “This will hurt less if you relax your bottom, Juliana.”

  Ha! Easy for him to say. He wasn’t the one about to get spanked.

  Smack! “You. Will. Not. Lie. To. Your. Daddy,” he said, as he alternated spanks over my bottom.

  The spanks stung my butt when they landed, but they didn’t hurt me much… yet. The thing that bothered me the most were the noises. Daddy’s bare hand on my bare globes always made each spank sound worse than it actually felt.

  Smack! “You will not—keep secrets from your Daddy,” he continued saying, while raining down more smacks on my increasingly aching backside.

  I began to cry after the second set of spanks. My bottom was really starting to hurt. At first it just stung, but now my bottom felt like it was on fire. The worst part though, was the shame that I felt from being over my Daddy’s lap and having to display my red butt to him. This really did make me feel like a six year old that had screwed up.

  Smack! “No—more—lies,” he finished, with one final hard smack on the center of my bottom.

  “I… I’m… sorry… Daddy!” I sobbed as he moved me so I was sitting on his lap. I threw my arms over his neck and just cried because I’d lied to my Daddy over something that could have seriously hurt me.

  “It’s okay, sweetie pie. You’re forgiven,” he cooed, squeezing me tightly and kissing my head.

  “Promise?” I asked, wiping my nose on the back of my hand.

  “Yes, baby girl.”

  “Thanks,” I said, sniffing and snuggling closer to his chest.

  “Blow baby,” he said, holding up a Kleenex to my nose. I did, wondering where he got it.

  He must have seen my confusion because he said, “I always make sure to carry a few Kleenexes in case I need to give a spanking to my baby girl. Now, how about we put your clothes back on and we can go watch TV together on the couch?”

  “Okay,” I said, carefully getting off his lap. With his help, I got my clothes back on and we walked hand and hand into the living room.

  “You stay right there, sweetie, while I go get you something,” Daddy said, letting go of my hand and heading into the kitchen. He came back minutes later, carrying a bottle filled with what looked like milk.

  He sat down on the couch and said, “Come here, sweetie pie.”

  I went over to him and he held me like he would a baby he was about to feed. He covered me with a blanket and asked, “Do you want to watch Sesame Street?”


  “Why not?”

  “You won’t like it,” I said, feeling very shy all of a sudden.

  “Are you kidding, sweetie? I love it! How could someone not like Sesame Street? Everyone has to love Elmo.”

  “Big Bird too!” I added in. I loved Big Bird. He was bright yellow and so friendly!

  “Yes, Big Bird too. Now let’s watch Sesame Street,” he said, clicking the TV on to the start of the show. As it began, he placed the bottle in my mouth and I contently sucked on it while I watched some of my favorite characters laugh and sing silly songs.

  It made me feel happy and safe. I knew that Boyle was out there and would hurt me if he got the chance. But I also now knew I had a daddy who loved me and would take care of me no matter. With that last thought, I sank further into my daddy’s lap.

  Chapter Sixteen

  As Juliana was just finishing her bottle of milk, her eyes started to close. That was precisely what I had wanted. My poor baby girl hadn’t gotten nearly as much sleep as she needed these past few weeks.

  I pulled the bottle out of her mouth, careful not to wake her, set it on the ground, and ran my fingers over her cheek. I hadn’t realized how special she would become to me so soon. She was my little girl, and I cherished the fact that she allowed me to see this side of her, especially after how Boyle had treated her.

  I planned to take care of my little girl no matter what. I thought about her punishment earlier today. At first, I had planned to give her a long spanking to bring home the point that she shouldn’t lie to me. But then I was afraid a spanking would be too much for her when she wasn’t feeling well, so I decided to split the punishment into two parts, with a hundred lines and a shorter spanking both making clear that she shouldn’t lie to Daddy.

  In the future, I wouldn’t be as easy on her, but for now, I thought this was all she could take. Also at some point in the immediate future, I planned to get her to try and talk with my therapist friend who was also active in the age play lifestyle. This week showed that Juliana had a lot of unresolved feelings about Boyle and that in order to get over them, she would have to talk to someone about them. I was hoping she would agree to talk to the therapist, or at least to me. All I wanted was to help her get past her demons and feel better.

  I decided I could think about how to best broach the subject of talking to me or the therapist later. For now, I laid my head back against the couch and closed my eyes.

  * * *

  I woke up and immediately realized that Juliana was gone.

  “Juliana?” I called as I stood up and headed towards her bedroom.

  “In here,” she answered just as I got to her bedroom door. She was sitting on her bed with her teddy on her chest, flipping through a big picture book.

  “What are you doing, sweetie?” I asked, walking over and sitting down on the other side of the bed.

  “Teddy and I are just looking at the pictures in this book,” she said, flipping the page again.

  “Okay.” I glanced over at the clock and saw it was already noon. I’d slept a lot longer than I thought. “How does some lunch sound?”

  “Ummm… it sounds good, but I’m still really full from breakfast,” she said, giving me a sheepish smile.

  “I’ll make sure to make it a light lunch then.”

  “Can teddy and I stay here while you get it ready?”

  “Sure. I’ll call you when I’m done,” I said, giving her a kiss on the forehead. I got up off the bed and headed into the kitchen to make lunch.

  Fifteen minutes later, I called Juliana to come in the kitchen for lunch.

  “One minute,” she called back to me.

  I placed our sandwiches on plates and called her again. “Juliana, come here right now!”

  “One more minute!” she shouted back.

  “Juliana, if I have to come in there, it’ll be because I’m going to give your bottom another spanking!” I was going to count to five and if she didn’t show up, I’d go in there and spank her. But before I could even get to
one, she was flying out the bedroom door with her teddy bear still in her arms.

  “I’m here, I’m here!” she said, sitting down where I’d just placed the crazy straw cup filled with milk.

  “Is this a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?”

  “Yes it is.”

  “I love these!” she said, picking hers up and taking a huge bite. She put it down and said, “That is delicious! Here teddy, try a bite.” She started to bring her sandwich towards him, but I stopped her.

  “Baby girl, I don’t think that’s the smartest idea. The jelly might get stuck in teddy’s fur.”

  “Okay,” she said, putting her sandwich back on her plate. She moved teddy so that he sat in the empty chair next to her. “Now he can still see everything,” she said before taking another bite.

  “Yes, he can,” I laughed. My little girl was so silly at times.

  The rest of the afternoon went well. After lunch, Juliana, teddy, and I read all of the picture books she owned. Just as I was finishing reading, her eyes began drooping again and she was soon fast asleep. I covered her with a blanket and left her alone to go and clean up her apartment.

  When she woke up, she decided she wanted to help me clean up. With our busy hands, we managed to get her entire apartment cleaned in no time. Once we finished that, we had dinner and watched a movie, and then both of us fell asleep once again.

  * * *

  It had been a week since Robert had come over to my apartment to take care of me. True to his word, he was with me almost every minute I wasn’t at work. The only exception was on Thursdays when Mark picked me up. I liked hanging out with Mark. He let me get away with pretty much anything… unlike Robert.

  Robert would make dinner for me and it always included a large helping of some vegetable and a glass of milk. I wasn’t allowed to leave the table until I finished all the food on my plate and drank my entire glass of milk. Plus my bed time with him was at eight thirty. That was so early for me.

  On the weekends, he put me down for a nap in the afternoon, even if I told him I wasn’t tired. I learned my lesson, however, to not complain too much or else I’d get another one of the spankings he seemed to love to give.

  Staying with Mark was awesome because he didn’t have a bedtime for me and he didn’t care what I ate. As long as I didn’t burn his house down, he was happy to let me do whatever I wanted.

  I smiled as I came back to reality and thought about what was going to happen this weekend. It was Friday night, and Robert had just picked me up from work. I had a small suitcase in the back of his car, while I held teddy in my arms. I was finally going to visit his house and was more than a little nervous.

  I’d decided to act like an adult tonight, but since I was so nervous, I felt myself slipping into my little personality.

  He must have realized I was scared because he took my hand and said, “Everything is going to be just fine, baby girl. I live in this beautiful house in a cul-de-sac. I have a huge back yard and wait until you see the surprise I have for you.”

  I just nodded and kept looking out the window, noticing that the houses around here looked big and rather expensive. He turned the corner and pulled into the driveway of a house with tan siding. He pulled the car into the open garage and closed it.

  After turning off the car, he asked me, “So, are you ready to see my house?”

  I nodded.

  “You’re going to love my house, sweetie. Come on and let’s go in,” he said, getting out of the car, grabbing my bag from the back seat, and then coming around to get me. He helped me out of the car and took my hand, and then together we entered his home.

  We walked through the garage door that entered right into the kitchen. He placed my suitcase on a small island that had appliances and countertops surrounding it. Next to the island was a small kitchen table that could seat four people. I placed my coat on the back of one of the chairs, then turned to the left to see a big open archway that connected to the living room. Robert had painted that room tan, which matched his cream colored couches and large black flat screen TV.

  “Juliana, let me show you the rest of the house,” he said, holding out his hand. So with Teddy in one hand, I took his hand with the other.

  “You already saw the kitchen and living room. Through that door there is the dining room.” He pointed at an open doorway in the far right corner of the kitchen.

  We walked through a short hallway connected to the kitchen. There was a bathroom on one side of the wall, and at the end of the hallway, we were at the entryway. To our left was an archway that lead to a front room. To our right, there was a carpeted staircase.

  “Let’s go upstairs, sweetie,” he said, giving my hand a little tug to start me walking upstairs. At the top of the stairs to our left was another open doorway that looked like his workout room. There was a rowing machine, an elliptical, and a treadmill. To our right was another small hallway with two doors on the right, one door on the left, and one at the end of the hall.

  The first door on the right was Robert’s office. It was a pretty small room, but there was enough space for a desk, chair, and his computer. The second door on the right was a bathroom. It was an ocean blue with stickers of fish on the walls. I really liked that room.

  The door on the left across from the bathroom was Robert’s bedroom. It looked like a manly bedroom, with blue walls and dark furniture. He had the usual king size bed, dresser, TV, and nightstand. He also had a huge window on the far end of the room that overlooked the whole backyard.

  I stood looking out the window for several minutes when he said, “Come on, Juliana. There’s one more room you have to see.”

  I took his hand and together we walked into the last room on the second floor.

  I was speechless as we walked through the final room. It was more than I could have ever dreamed of. It was my very own little room. The walls were painted a vibrant yellow, giving the room a very happy feeling. There were windows that let so much natural light in, and across from the front window was a cream colored canopy bed with a smiling sun comforter on it. There was a dresser and nightstand to go along with the bed, and in one corner, there was a huge toy test. In another corner, there was an easel where someone could draw pictures.

  The best part about this room was there was a huge built in aquarium against one of the walls. I couldn’t help myself as I ran over, pressed my nose to the glass, and looked at all the exotic fish swimming around in the tank.

  I turned to Robert with tears in my eyes. I couldn’t believe he had done this for me. This was the room that every little girl dreamed of. I flew across the room and hugged him as hard as I could.

  “Easy there, pumpkin,” he said, pulling me back. “Why are you crying, honey?”

  “I-I’m… just so… happy…” I sobbed.

  “There’s no need to cry. Come here, let’s sit down,” he said, picking me up and carrying me over to a yellow padded rocking chair. He placed me in his lap and slowly began to rock back and forth until I stopped crying.

  “Sorry,” I said, wiping away the rest of my tears.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for, baby girl. I’m really happy that you like your new room.”

  “I do, I do.”

  “I know that you said you wanted to act like an adult tonight, but I still have to make dinner. So, do you want to spend some time exploring your new room as a little girl, while I go downstairs and cook?”

  “After dinner I can be an adult, right?” I asked. I have the perfect way to thank him, but I couldn’t do it as a little girl, I thought as I licked my lips.


  “Great, because after dinner, I’m going to thank you for this room,” I said, lifting my arms and wrapping them around his neck and planting a big kiss on his lips.

  The kiss lasted for a few minutes and Robert said, “If we don’t stop now, I’ll never go and make dinner for you.”

  “I’m fine with that,” I said, reaching for the button on
his pants. “Oh!” I gasped as he lifted me up and carried me out of my bedroom and into his. Guess I’ll be thanking him now.

  He placed me gently down on his bed and followed after me. He was hovering over me as he asked, “Now, where were we?”

  “Here,” I said, flipping us over. I slid down to where his erection was constrained by his blue jeans. I unbuttoned them and with his help, I got his pants and boxers off him, freeing his engorged cock.

  I lightly ran my right hand up and down his shaft, while my left hand lightly ran up and down his inner thigh. He gave a slight shiver, which made me feel proud of myself. The head of his cock was increasingly starting to drip with his seed.

  I stopped moving my hands and took the head of his cock into my mouth, then gently sucked on it, tasting the salty sweet taste of his cum. I hummed my approval, then brought more of his length into my mouth while keeping up the gentle sucking motion.

  I started to massage his balls with my left hand, while my right hand reached up, went underneath his shirt, and rubbed little circles on his stomach. I liked the constant contact with him because it made me feel even closer to him.

  I started to suck harder on his cock, which produced more precum. I ran my tongue around the head while gently squeezing his balls.

  “Juliana,” he moaned aloud, his hands coming up to fist in my hair.

  I continued to suck his hard shaft until his hands pulled my hair a little more firmly and he gasped, “I’m… going to… come.”

  I looked up at him without moving my mouth from him to let him know that was okay with me. The pure needy look that he gave me sent a rush of empowerment to me. I felt proud that I could bring a big strong man like Robert to this level of need.

  I moved my left hand from his balls when I felt them tightening up towards his body. My left hand was now rubbing long strokes up and down his inner thigh.

  With a guttural cry, he let go and came in my mouth. Warm spurts of his salty sweet taste came pouring into my mouth and I lapped up every bit of it. When he finished, I let his flaccid cock fall out of my mouth, and I looked up at him, smiling like the bird who ate the canary.


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