Learning to Be Little Again

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Learning to Be Little Again Page 17

by Meredith O'Reilly

  When the tears stopped once again, I turned towards her, confused about why she was here.

  “Here, you’ll probably want some of these,” she said, handing me some Kleenex. She helped me sit up to blow my nose, and then she threw the used tissues out and placed some pillows behind me so I could sit up.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked. I hadn’t called her and I didn’t know why Robert would. Probably so they could take care of me after he dumps me. I felt new tears start to fall down my cheeks.

  “No more crying, Juliana. Let me explain some things first,” Samantha said, dabbing my cheeks with the Kleenex.

  I nodded, letting her know I wanted her to continue.

  “Robert called Jackson this morning. He was nearly crying himself. He told Jackson everything that happened after he brought you home from the hospital. Jackson told him that he was an idiot, and then Jackson told me what Robert said.”

  She paused to let me process all of this. I couldn’t believe that Robert had called Jackson almost crying. I couldn’t understand why he would be crying if he was going to dump me. And I didn’t think it was nice of Jackson to call Robert an idiot. Though, I guess deep down, I knew he was being one.

  Samantha continued. “As much as I think Robert has treated you unfairly, his heart was in the right place. He wanted to do everything for you because he almost lost you once, and he was scared that he would lose you again.”

  “Lose me again? I’m not going anywhere.”

  “I know that, and you know that. Heck, even Robert knows that, but it shook him to his core to see you lying in that hospital bed. In his mind, if you even tried to move to go to the bathroom, you could get hurt again. All he wanted and all every daddy wants is to protect their little girls from getting hurt.”

  Suddenly, everything made sense. Robert was afraid I would get hurt if I tried to do something by myself. He was just trying to avoid that. I shook my head. My stupid boyfriend.

  “Okay, now that we have that figured out, how do I not lose him? I called him Boyle on accident this morning.”

  “Thank gosh you did. That’s what woke him up out of his Neanderthal trance. If you hadn’t done that, he would still be acting crazy.”

  “Okay, so then, how do I prove to him I won’t get hurt? I-I want to make him happy, but I don’t think that I’ll ever be able to act as a one year old.”

  “That’s okay. Everyone is different. Personally, I love acting as a one year old sometimes, because for me, it’s the ultimate way to relax. You don’t feel the same way and that’s perfectly fine.”

  “Well,” I felt myself begin to blush, “I didn’t mind sucking on a pacifier that much. It was just using the diapers. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to use one.” Just the thought of having to use one again made me feel sick to my stomach.

  “You have to tell Robert that. He isn’t a mind reader. Being in this type of a relationship requires both people to be brutally honest with one another. He might like something you don’t and vice versa. Also, what you like and dislike might change the more you guys role play with one another.”

  “I know that now.” Just thinking back over the past twenty-four hours, I knew if I had been honest with Robert, it would have saved us both so much grief.

  “So, are you good?”

  “Yes. I’m good,” I said, smiling. I was so lucky to have Samantha as my best friend. It was nice knowing I always had someone who would be there for me, someone I could talk to about stuff without fear of being judged.

  “Great! Then we can play,” she said, bouncing off the bed and running out the door. She came back a minute later carrying an armful of the dolls and stuffed animals that were in my little room. She went back two more times to make sure that we had every stuffed animal and doll I owned.

  She arranged everything so that we were surrounded by dolls and stuffed animals. With Molly in her arms and teddy in mine, we pretended we were on a boat, sailing to the Princess Island with all of our friends.

  We got so lost in our fantasy that neither of us noticed Jackson and Robert watching us until Jackson finally knocked on the door.

  “Oh. Hi, Daddy! We’re on a boat traveling to the Princess Island,” Samantha said as she smiled up at them.

  “That sounds like fun, sweetie. Robert has to talk to Juliana, so why don’t I take you to the bathroom to wash your hands before breakfast,” he said, walking over to her and holding his arms open.

  “Okay!” she giggled, jumping into his arms while still carrying Molly. They left the room, leaving me alone with Robert.

  “Hi,” I said shyly.

  “Hi,” he said, not moving from the doorway.

  I picked at the blanket covering my legs, all of a sudden feeling shy. Samantha said I had nothing to be worried about, but I didn’t think she was right about that.

  “Juliana… baby girl… I want to say I’m sorry. I had absolutely no right to treat you how I did. I promised you when we began dating and role playing together that I would never break your trust. Yet, that’s exactly what I did. I know I messed up, but I’m here to beg you to give me another chance.”

  I looked up at him, stunned. He was begging me to give him another chance? Here I thought it should be me begging him not to leave me.

  “Please, Juliana,” he said, coming closer and kneeling down on the hardwood floor and taking my left hand and squeezing it. “You’re perfect for me. You’re smart, beautiful, and so brave. Any man would be counting his lucky stars to have you. I know I haven’t shown it to you these past couple of days, but I love you, Juliana. I think I’ve loved you ever since I saw you.”

  My whole world stopped. He loved me? He loved me. He loved me!

  I couldn’t help the tears that once again began to fall down my face.

  “Juliana, please stop crying. You’ve already cried so much today,” he said, taking a Kleenex and wiping away my tears.

  “I love you too! Please don’t leave me!” I blurted, right before I dove into his arms. He caught me and squeezed me tightly, moving us so that he sat on the bed and I was curled up on his lap.

  “I’m not going to leave you, sweetie. You’re my world. If anything worse had happened to you in that car wreck, I would have lost my mind. That was why I’ve been acting so strangely. I just kept thinking of all the things that could hurt you. I’m so sorry again.”

  “I understand now, Robert. You have to know that I’m going to heal. Yes, I might get hurt again, but it won’t be as bad as this.”

  “So I’m forgiven, and you’re not going to leave me?”

  “As long as I’m forgiven and you won’t leave me,” I said with a chuckle, pulling my head back so I could look at him.

  “Never!” He gently took my head in his hands and kissed me. I met him eagerly, opening my mouth as his tongue dove in. I reached for his shirt, wanting to pull it up, but he stopped me.

  Pulling away from the kiss, he said, “We have guests and you need to eat.”


  Looking me straight in the eye he said, “I know. I promise, once they leave, you and I will finish what we started.”

  “Okay,” I sighed, frustrated that we weren’t going to finish what we started now.

  “Breakfast is ready. Do you mind if I carry you downstairs? Would you like to change first?”

  “Well, since Samantha is wearing footie pajamas, I’ll stay in mine too.”

  “Okay. Let’s go downstairs and eat.” He picked me up with teddy in my arms and turned and headed for the kitchen.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  I placed Juliana next to Samantha at the breakfast table.

  “Are you feeling better?” Samantha asked Juliana.

  She nodded. “You were right. Our lines of communication were just messed up.”

  Samantha clapped her hands together. “Oh! I love being able to help out other couples!”

  “I’m glad you did in this case, young lady. But I don’t want to hear you medd
ling in other people’s love lives unless they ask for help,” Jackson said sternly, taking a sip of his coffee.

  “Yes, Daddy,” she said, a little too sweetly for my liking. I’d have to make sure to be careful around her.

  “Everyone ready for some breakfast?” I asked.

  Juliana and Samantha clapped their hands and started chanting, “Breakfast! Breakfast!”

  “Where do these girls find this kind of energy in the morning? Neither one has had coffee yet,” Jackson muttered as I set two pink plastic plates down in front of the girls. Each had an omelet stuffed with cheese, ham, green peppers, mushrooms, and broccoli.

  They both looked up at me and then started complaining.

  “I don’t have a fork.”

  “I hate broccoli!”

  “I hate broccoli too! I’m not going to eat it!”

  “I need a napkin!”

  “Enough!” Jackson said, cutting both girls off.

  I cut in. “Girls, try some of the omelet before you judge it. Trust me, the broccoli will taste good. And yes, neither of you will be eating with forks because we’ve decided you can eat with your fingers.”

  “We’ll get messy! Especially me! I can’t eat well with my left hand,” Juliana pleaded.

  “Yes, you will probably both get messy. But, that’s why Daddy Jackson and I are here. We’ll clean you both up after breakfast. I forgot two things, but then you girls can eat.”

  I grabbed the two Sippy cups and two baby bibs and brought them to the table. After I placed a Sippy cup in front of both of the girls, Jackson took one of the baby bibs and put it around Samantha and I put the other around Juliana.

  “There, now you girls are ready to eat.”

  They both looked at each other and then began to eat with their hands. I sighed, happy they were no longer yelling.

  As Samantha and Juliana ate, they seemed enthralled with each other. They were talking about what they wanted to do today and which TV show was better, Arthur or Barney.

  “There something else, aren’t they?” Jackson asked, in a low tone that only I could hear.

  “Yes, they are.” I glanced up at the chattering little girls and couldn’t help but feel like I was the luckiest man alive. I had the absolute best baby girl. From here on out, I was going to treat her like the princess she was. Of course, from time to time, if she misbehaved, a spanking would be given if needed.

  “I wouldn’t have them any other way,” I added, taking a sip of coffee.


  8 months later

  “Robert, can you please just tell me why you decided all of a sudden that we had to go this month’s munch,” I said as I sat in the passenger’s seat.

  Three days ago, Robert had asked me if I had plans for this Saturday. I’d told him I planned on acting like his little girl, like I always did, and he’d nodded and informed me that we were going to the munch and that I could act however I wanted to.

  So I decided I wanted to act as an adult, but I also decided to dress in between. I was wearing jeans with little hearts on each back pocket and a white shirt with colorful polka dots. I loved polka dots. I also brought my purse with my teddy bear in it.

  I enjoyed going to these munches and they were lots of fun, but Robert and I hadn’t been to one in almost a year.

  “We’re here,” Robert said, pulling into a spot in the restaurant parking lot.

  There were a lot of parked cars, I noted, as he helped me get out of the car. We walked together, hand in hand. The munch was normally held inside a banquet hall and today was no different.

  When we stepped inside, I immediately spotted Samantha and Joey. I let go of my daddy’s hand and quickly walked over to them. “Hi, guys!” I said, giving each of them a hug.

  They greeted me and I found out they had been waiting for me before they ate. I turned to my daddy. “Can I go get lunch with Joey and Samantha?”

  “Sure, sweetie. Call if you need any help.”


  The three of us went off together to get our lunches.

  The munch was similar to the few others I’d been to. Joey, Samantha, and I hung out, each of us having a great time as we talked about our time spent as littles.

  As the munch was starting to wind down, I heard someone tap the microphone. I turned to look at the front of the banquet hall to see Robert standing there, microphone in hand. What is he doing?

  “Excuse me. Hi, may I please have everyone’s attention?”

  The room quieted down almost instantly.

  “Thank you. I’m sure more than a few of you are wondering what I’m doing up here… It’s quite simple, actually. Juliana, baby girl, if you could please come up here?” he asked, holding out one of his hands.

  On shaky legs, I slowly got out of my chair and walked up to stand in front of him at the front of the hall.

  “Juliana, I’ve known you for almost a year now. The first time I saw you was in this very room. I was sitting over there, and you walked in right over there,” he said, pointing to the two areas. “You took my breath away the first time I saw you. I think somehow I already knew that you were the one for me. That’s why we’re here today.”

  He got down on one knee, and I covered my mouth with my hands. I couldn’t believe he was doing this!

  “Juliana Abbott, you are the center of my universe. You amaze me every day with how much love and dedication you put into anything you do. You are also my baby girl, and I cherish the times you look up at me and call me Daddy. I will love you until the day I die. Will you please do me the honor of becoming my wife?” He pulled out a ring box and opened it so I could see a beautiful diamond ring.

  Tears were streaming down my face as I just nodded my head. I couldn’t speak. He stood up and took my left hand and slipped the ring onto my finger. That did it. I was sobbing like a lunatic. I was so happy!

  He pulled me toward him and gave me a kiss. At that moment, I didn’t care that we were in a room full of people. I wanted my fiancée!

  Then he pulled back and whispered in my ear, “We’ll finish this later.” He nipped my ear lobe, sending what felt like an electric shock straight down to my groin. I smiled up at him and then we were swamped with people coming up to congratulate us.

  * * *

  Three hours later, Robert and I finally got into our car. After he had proposed, the party started up again, and I spent a good chunk of time with Samantha and Meghan as we compared our rings. Shockingly, they were all pretty darn similar. So we came to the conclusion that our men had good taste in jewelry.

  Robert had chosen a silver band with a huge square-cut yellow diamond. Then all around the yellow diamond were small, sparkling white diamonds. It was the perfect ring for me. I loved yellow more than any other color and for the rest of my life, I would be able to stare at a yellow diamond on my finger, reminding me how lucky I was to have Robert in my life.

  At the end of the evening, I was starting to get tired and Robert noticed. Thanking everyone for making this day even more special for us, we made our escape.

  “Thank you, Robert. I couldn’t have asked for a better proposal,” I said, looking at my ring again. I didn’t know if I would ever be able to stop looking at it. It was exquisite.

  “You are more than welcome. I’m so happy that you like your ring.”

  “I do! I do! I can’t wait to be Mrs. O’Connor.”

  “I can’t wait either,” he said as he turned the car off.

  I looked around and realized that we were at his practice.

  “What are we doing here, sweetie? I thought we were going home.”

  “We will. But first, I believe there is a fantasy we have to explore.”

  “Explore? A fantasy? What are you talking about?”

  “You’ll see,” he said, getting out of the car. He walked over to my side and helped me get out, then took my hand and led me into the practice. I realized that no one was here as he disarmed the security system. Duh, it’s Saturday a
fter two. The practice is closed.

  Robert led me into the yellow exam room I’d visited when I was here before.

  “Robert, I—” I began, but he cut me off with a kiss. His tongue dove right into my mouth and I couldn’t help wrapping my arms around him, my hands fisting his silky hair. My earlier desire came back a vengeance. I was all set to have sex on top of the exam table.

  But just as I started to pull at his shirt, he once again moved away from me.

  “Robert!” I stamped my foot in frustration. I was not going to let him get away with leaving me high and dry again.

  “I want you to completely undress. It’s time for your physical,” he said, giving me a gown. “I’ll be back in five minutes. Have a seat on the exam table when you’re ready.” With that, he left the room.

  I started to change, thinking about what he said earlier. Explore a fantasy… I blushed all over. He was referring to the first time I was here and had come from fantasizing about him giving me a happy ending exam. I continued to blush as I realized that he must have smelled my arousal during my first appointment. I was so embarrassed as I sat down on the exam table.

  Not knocking this time, he came back into the room in his white doctor’s coat. Closing the door behind him, he turned towards me. “Hello, Juliana. I’m Dr. O’Connor. It seems like you’re here for a physical today.”

  I nodded.

  “Is your throat sore?”

  “No, sir.”

  “Then I expect you to answer me when I speak to you.”

  “Yes, sir.” I nodded, as if that would prove I understood his point even more. At the same time, my pussy let out a gush of wetness. I loved when he was in charge.

  “Alright. Well, let’s start with the basics. I need you to turn over onto your tummy so I can take your temperature.”

  “Turn over onto my tummy?” I parroted, confused.

  “Yes. Hurry up,” he said as he pulled out a thermometer and some lubricant.


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