Dreaming of a Hero (Heroes Series Book 2)

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Dreaming of a Hero (Heroes Series Book 2) Page 68

by Lyssa Layne

  ''Abbie, stop looking at my... cut it out, it’s embarrassing,'' he laughs.

  ''I should say sorry, but I’m not.'' I smile at him, wanting to tease him a little.

  I get in the shower and wait for him under the running water.


  Alicia's waiting for us outside the restaurant. She smiles when she sees us walking up together, holding hands. Presley kisses my temple before he releases my hand and then he hugs Alicia tightly. ''It’s good to see you, Ali,'' he says, stepping back.

  Ali grins. ''I missed you.''

  ''I missed you too,'' Presley laughs.

  ''Come on,” Ali says, indicating the restaurant with a head movement. “We're all waiting for you guys.''

  We walk into the restaurant, Presley walking along behind me with his hand on my lower back. I’m following Alicia and all I can see over her head is a petite red-head with a pixie haircut that’s running toward us at full speed.

  ''You must be Abbie!” The petite woman announces. “I'm Joy-Anna, Presley’s sister.''

  She hugs me. She might be petite, but she's very strong. There was no way for me to even attempt escaping her clutches, until she’s ready to let go. I can sense that she’s sincere enough, not pretending to be nice. I feel like she already likes me.

  ''It’s so good to finally meet you.” Joy-Anna announced. “I’ve heard a lot about you.''

  Really? ''It’s very nice to meet you, too.'' Joy-Anna is definitely an intriguing woman. She seems utterly unique.

  ''Come on, Joy, don't scare Abbie away with your weirdness,'' Presley teases.

  Joy-Anna finally releases her grip and Presley wraps his arm around my shoulders. ''This is my brother, Joshua. Joshua, this is Abbie.''

  ''Hey, Ab.'' His physique is very impressive, as if he might be a football player, or a professional wrestler. He has a cute dimple when he smiles, just like Presley. I can see the family resemblance.

  ''This is Derek, Joy’s husband.'' Derek seems very shy, but he’s handsome. They make a cute couple. They seem like total opposites to one another, where Joy-Anna is outgoing and Derek seems far more reserved.

  ''Good morning, Abbie.'' Derek is polite, too.

  ''Good morning. It’s a pleasure to meet you all.'' I didn't know what I’d been expecting, but I didn't expect to be sitting here at a table with his family and friend, all of them watching me curiously.

  We sit down at the table, and I find myself between Presley and Alicia. Joy-Anna is sitting opposite me. I decide I need a black coffee... right now. Joy-Anna is smiling non-stop. I don't know where to look, and it’s making me uncomfortable.

  ''Abbie, Alicia and I are going shopping this afternoon, would you like to come?''

  Oh no... This is turning into a bad day. I should have stayed in bed this morning –I hate shopping. They are important to Presley, though. I should go.

  Presley squeezes my hand reassuringly. ''It’s a good idea, love; you could have a girl’s-only kind of day.''

  ''I’m not certain. I don’t think we shop in the same type of stores.'' Joy-Anna and Alicia are wearing designer outfits and it’s apparent I don't fit in with them at all, with my casual jeans and baggy band tee.

  ''Abbie, there's no way you're going home alone. You're coming shopping with us – that's an order. Besides, Presley needs to work on the photos from the shoot in New York,'' Joy-Anna insists.

  ''Yes, you have a point. Presley needs to work.'' It looks like I’ll have to go whether I like it or not.

  “You’ve got to come with us! This is going to be so much fun and we’ll get to know each other more.” Alicia adds.

  “Okay, I guess I'll go, then.'' I manage a smile. During breakfast, it becomes obvious they share a very tight bond with one another and I hope that with time, I'll start to fit in.

  While Presley's talking with Joshua and Derek, Alicia tells me a little about her own family. Her father's a lawyer downtown, and Ali was raised here in Seattle. Joy-Anna also tells me a little about herself, and how she normally works with Presley on set. She’s a makeup artist, and is very knowledgeable about everything to do with fashion. Apparently, Joy-Anna directs most of Presley’s photo shoots. They all seem very well established in their chosen careers and I’m finding it a little intimidating. Presley's holding my hand beneath the table and when he squeezes my fingers, I feel a little better. I’ve never been so intimidated by people before, and I think I'm simply overwhelmed by their success. I get along with them fine, but I feel so different from them in many ways.

  The only good thing about spending the day with Alicia and Joy-Anna is I’ll get to ask them about Presley’s apartment and why he doesn’t want me to go there. I hope they'll be able to tell me. I have no clue.

  With Joy-Anna as a sister, it can’t possibly be because the apartment's not nicely decorated. I don't think she would allow him to live in a messy place. She’s definitely a fashionista. From what I can understand, they live next door to one another and are located in a nice part of town. So I just don't get his reticence. Maybe he has a severe case of OCD, and he doesn't want me to disturb his routine? Or maybe it’s the opposite. Maybe he's a compulsive hoarder and his place is a disaster area. My curiosity is killing me.

  ''Hey, E.T., earth is calling you.'' Joy-Anna snaps her fingers two inches away from my face and I jump. ''Thinking about Presley butt naked, eh? You naughty girl!''

  How embarrassing. The heat of a blush travels across my cheeks. ''I'm sorry.''

  ''Are you ready for our shopping adventure?'' She seems so excited about it, while I’m dreading the process.

  ''Not really, but I’m sure you ladies are going to make it fun'' I bite my lip, wishing I’d held back the words I might eventually regret.

  Joy-Anna doesn’t take any notice, instead she spanks my backside hard, and steals me away from Presley. I didn't even get a chance to kiss him goodbye. Alicia walks in front of us, car keys in her hand. Where are we going? I hate this idea and wish I’d managed to wriggle out of it. I sit in the back seat of the car, texting Presley and planning an escape.

  Abbie: Presley. If you love me, you’re going to pick me up from wherever they're taking me. I HATE shopping, Okay? PLEASE, I’m begging you.

  I wait impatiently for a response, mentally talking to myself... please answer me back. Soon. Please, please, please.

  Presley: Love, I have to work this afternoon. It can’t be that bad, it’s only shopping. Who doesn't like shopping?

  ME! I type back.

  Presley doesn’t get it. I could've happily stayed at home and read, or cleaned the apartment and done my laundry. Part of me knows this is important to Presley; he wants me to like his family and friends. I decide I’ll do it for him… if I try hard, I might even enjoy myself. Who knows? I can’t complain, they’ve been nice to me so far. I try to look on the bright side.

  Presley texts me again. I’m sorry, love. I'll pick you up when I’m done. Love u

  I send him one last message. It’s okay. I’ll behave. :) ILY

  I can't be mad at him; he couldn’t have known how much I hate shopping. It’s not the end of the world, it's just one afternoon. I’ll spend some time with them, and afterwards, I’ll decide if I should go home, or if I should surprise Presley with an impromptu visit.

  ''So, Abbie, how was New York?'' Joy-Anna asks.

  I grinned. ''It was great, we had fun. We walked around the city, went to a great bookstore, and Presley took a heap of pictures.”

  ''Did you assist during the photo shoot?''

  ''Yeah, I did. I was impressed by Presley during the shoot; he knows what he's doing. He’s such a professional; so talented and he’s as sexy as hell.'' I cringe at my own words. Did I really say that?

  ''Yeah, he's a very talented artist,'' Alicia agrees and Joy-Anna nods.

  ''Every time I mention going to his apartment, he gets nervous, and avoids taking me there I don't know why, I mean, it can’t be all that bad, can it?'' I add smoothly.

y both start laughing, and I'm wondering why. I hope they’ll tell me what the joke is, so I can laugh too.

  ''Abbie...'' Alicia is trying to talk, but she's still chuckling. ''Presley's an artist... his apartment reflects his artistic soul. There are pictures absolutely everywhere, paintings... it's a very personal space for him. Presley has a lovely apartment, very clean and no mold, so you don't need to worry. It’s just Presley’s own personal art gallery. You'll get to see it soon, I’m sure.''

  Joy-Anna continues. ''Presley’s living room is painted black, and there are huge black and white pictures on the walls. Some are portraits of us.” She offers me a warm smile. “Given the way he watches you, he'll probably add one of you to his display soon. Anyway, I won't spoil it for you by telling you anything else. You’ll see for yourself in time.''

  I’m relieved, and settle back against the seat. ''At least he’s not a compulsive hoarder.''

  ''He isn't,'' Joy-Anna confirms with a giggle. “I promise you.” Her eyes flicker across my bare arms. ''Do you have any tattoos, Abbie?''

  I’m surprised by the question. ''No, I don't. Why?''

  ''Well, I'm sure he'll have some ideas for you, if you’re interested in getting one done. He has a little tattoo studio in his apartment.''

  ''Have any of you been tattooed by him?” I ask curiously.

  ''Of course.'' Joy-Anna shows me the inside of her wrist. There's some writing, but I can't see it clearly from the back seat of the car. ''He's very talented, and he does it because he enjoys it, not because he needs to pay the bills. I think that makes all the difference. To Presley, tattooing is another form of artwork.”

  A tattoo? The idea has crossed my mind quite a few times in the past, but Dean was very definite about not wanting me to have one. However, he's out of the picture now, and this is my life. Maybe I can get one done if I’m ready and know what I want. There are a few quotes I've read in books that appealed to me, or maybe I can get a tattoo in memory of my dad. It’s an interesting idea. I don’t want a big one; something small and cute would be great. I hope that Presley will offer to give me a tattoo. The idea is appealing.

  It turns out the shopping trip was a good idea, as I got the answer I was looking for. I might hate shopping, but I’m hoping Joy-Anna, Alicia and I can create a lasting friendship. Now all I have to endure is the actual shopping, and I’ll be fine.



  I’m studying the photos I took of Abbie while we were in New York and only one thought comes to mind…so gorgeous. I knew some of them would stand out, but they're almost all equally stunning.

  The pictures she took of me are pretty good, although I appear to be trying to fix or hide my hair in almost all pictures after Abbie stole my beanie. The selfies are good too. At least, as good as selfies ever get. I decide to print a copy of all the photos for her. One thing I’ve noticed about Abbie is how natural she is in the photos. She isn’t trying to impress me; she is just being herself. I like it a lot.

  Enough for now, Presley, I warn myself. I’ve spent fifty minutes gazing at her photos. I need to get my ass into gear and get to work. It’s time to concentrate and stop thinking about her for a couple of hours.

  Fifteen minutes pass and my frustration only grows with my lack of ability to stop thinking about her.

  Abbie, go away... please. I just need a few hours alone... fuck! I rake my fingers through my hair. Presley, you're losing it, if you’re not even able to spend few hours without her and not act like a love struck fool. She's on my mind constantly. I've never been like this before over a woman. Hell, over anyone.

  ''Presley, can I come in?'' Derek shouts. I groan. I should have locked my door.

  ''Sure, Derek, I'm working on the computer.'' Trying to emphasize the word ‘working’ I wonder if he'll get the hint and leave soon…doubt it.

  ''What the hell are you listening to, man?'' Derek asks when he comes into the room.

  ''Chopin... He's the man.''

  ''You are a weirdo, Presley.'' Derek jokes.

  ''I’ve heard that before,'' I retort. ''Seriously, it calms me down. Apparently, Mom used to listen to Chopin all the time. That's what Joshua tells me.''

  ''I know, Pres, I’m just kidding around. I know you like classical music.'' Derek walks across the room, towards my baby grand piano. ''Do you still play? I haven't heard you in a while.''

  I learned to play piano many years ago. I love it, but I haven't played a lot in the past few months. After everything that happened with Kelly, I mostly moped around, not doing anything to help myself out of the funk.

  ''I know, Derek, I know. I’ll get back into it soon. I just need a little more time.'' Playing is like therapy to me; I actually miss and crave the feeling of playing.

  Derek puts his hands on his hips and scans the room. ''I’ll let you get back to work then. I’ll talk to you later.''

  I don’t look up from the computer screen. ''Later.''

  Finally. Now I'm hoping I’ll settle down and get to work on the photos. There isn't much to be fixed in them, but I still need time to go through and make sure they’re perfect. I need to concentrate and do a good job, if I want them to call me for more contracts in the future. The company I'm working for is demanding, and want me to correct every little imperfection – cellulite, freckles, any signs of a wrinkle and I’m expected to remove it. I think it’s too much Photoshop, but this is what they want so I'm going to do everything I can to please them.

  An hour later...

  My phone's ringing and my guess is that it is Abbie looking for an escape. Poor girl. If I'd known that she hated shopping so much, I wouldn't have encouraged her to go with them. Ali and Joy will no doubt drive her fucking crazy; I know they will. I'll apologise to Abbie when I see her again. If I wasn’t so busy fixing the photos, I would have picked her up from the shops, but I need to get this finished.

  I snatch up the phone. ''Hello?''

  ''Mr. Presley?''

  I click the mouse button, losing interest when it’s not Abbie on the other end of the line. ''Yeah, speaking.''

  ''It’s Justin Fitzgerald from Tattoo Magz. We’d like to have you as the photographer for our next shoot. Are you available in two weeks? We'll have the studio set up for a two-day job.''

  I think for about two seconds, and agree quickly. ''Yeah, sure, I’ll make the dates work. Just tell me where and when, and I'll be there.''

  ''I’ll call you later with the full details. Oh, and your protégée will be modelling for the shoot.''

  I frowned. ''My protégée?'' Who the hell is he talking about? I have no freaking protégée.

  ''Yeah, Kelly Dickey.'' I’m certain my heart stops when I hear her name. I can't believe I’m going to have to deal with her for two full days and wish I hadn’t already agreed. She's a total pain in the ass. If I had my way, I’d never have to deal with Kelly Dickey, ever again. I can only expect trouble with her the same room as me and that infuriates me. This is my job. I can’t risk it.

  ''Hmm. She's not exactly my protégée, I only did her portfolio photos.'' The ones she used me to get. I feel sick in the pit of my stomach.

  ''Oh, okay. Well, I’ll be in touch with you soon about the final details.''

  I disconnect the call and sit staring into space. Another contract is great, but I know this is going to be a nightmare. Kelly Dickey! There are two possibilities for how this shoot will pan out – she’ll either behave like the total bitch that she is, or she might try to play nice. Probably too nice, if you know what I mean. She's the devil personified, and it pisses me off that I’ll have to deal with her again.

  I wonder if I should tell Abbie about Kelly and the fact that I’ve got to work with her on a shoot. I’ve met both of Abbie's exes. Cameron seemed alright. I wouldn’t mind spending time with him; he seemed like an okay kind of guy. If he does move back to Washington, I’m sure I will see him again, because Abbie seemed pretty keen on renewing their friendship. It worries me a little bit,
but I don’t believe Abbie would ever go back to him. That guy is history.

  I pray to God that Abbie is never put in a situation where she has to meet Kelly. They are complete opposites. Kelly is wild… tattoos all over her body, curses like a sailor and tends to be on the rougher side. Abbie... well, she is absolutely flawless, just the way she is. Funny, adorable, simple and magical. The problem is, if they did meet one another, Kelly would try to intimidate Abbie – of that, I have no doubt. I'm not sure if Abbie would be able to deal with Kelly. Abbie is far too nice. Kelly would eat her alive. When I think about Kelly, I not only can't believe we dated, but I also can’t fathom why I was hooked on her for so long. She was nice at the time, but it was only a facade. She is evil, a complete narcissist.

  Okay, now it’s my third attempt to get down to work. The door is locked to help prevent distractions, but I keep my phone on, just in case Abbie calls. Fortunately, the photos don't need too much work, so I don’t need to stay focused for long. I make sure everything is perfect, save every change and go back to double-check if there is anything left to do. I’m pleased with my work. Three hours later, I'm done.


  If I could only get Abbie to try on one single pair of heels, it would make my day. Converse are comfy enough, but come on – you can’t wear them all the time! Apparently, Abbie does.

  I don't know why, but she's the type of woman I've always imagined for my brother. I only met her a few hours ago, and I can already see that she completes him. She's strong, beautiful… and a little weird, just like Presley. She thinks differently; she constantly surprises me with the way she thinks and what she says. I hope that she likes us, it will break Presley’s heart if she doesn’t. Family is very important to him.

  ''Abbie. Please don't say no, okay? I just want to see you in a pair of heels for five seconds. Please?'' I’m begging her, even giving her my best shot at puppy eyes. Nobody can refuse puppy eyes.


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