Dreaming of a Hero (Heroes Series Book 2)

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Dreaming of a Hero (Heroes Series Book 2) Page 80

by Lyssa Layne

  ''Don't tempt me.''

  ''Have you thought about it lately?'' She asks curiously. I can see the excitement in her eyes.

  ''Yes, of course I have. I haven't changed my mind. I will marry you, and as soon as possible.'' We both share a smile.

  We slowly walk into the kitchen. Abbie sits at the breakfast bar and I fix her a bowl of fruit and yogurt. She’s gone quiet. I know she’s thinking about something important, but I don't want to push. We eat breakfast silently.

  ''I won't have any family or friends at the wedding,'' she suddenly announces, keeping her eyes lowered to her plate. ''I’ll be all by myself.''

  I reach across and take her fingers in mine, squeezing them gently. ''It’s okay, Abbie. It doesn’t have to be a big wedding. I just want you to be my wife. We can have a very intimate wedding, with just my family. That will be enough.''

  ''Are you sure, Prince Charming?” She finally lifts her eyes to meet mine, and she bites her bottom lip anxiously.


  Her facial expression changes to a shy smile. ''A pretty white gown and a tux?''

  ''Only if that’s what you want. It’s your day,'' I say, taking a strip of her bacon.

  ''Ours. It’s our day, Presley.'' She holds my hand in hers. ''But this, this is my bacon. Don’t touch.''

  I nod, trying to hold back a smile. She’s so damn cute. She’s right though, I want to make our wedding day special for her. She’s not only agreeing to marry me; she’s agreeing to become a part of my family. My family will be hers now, too.

  Our wedding day has to be special. I know she only has me now, and I want to be able to fulfil her dreams. Call me crazy, but I love her, and I want to share everything I have with her. Absolutely everything.



  It had been three weeks since the attack. The first week was terrible, but by the second week I started feeling a bit better, and the bruises had mostly disappeared.

  Presley was the greatest boyfriend ever. He took care of my medications, pampered me with massages, brought me hot meals, and he even painted my nails –after he made me promise to never tell anyone. Of course, I agreed. He painted them a light purple. I loved it, and it was quite funny to watch him concentrating so hard on such a girly thing. As an artist, he couldn't do the job like everyone else, so he painted little designs, flowers and hearts, on my toes and fingernails. He seemed to be having fun. He even looked up designs on the internet before he began. Everything that man does, he does with passion.

  In the last week, most of the pain went away. The pain from my rib is still present, but at least it’s manageable. Some movements are more difficult than others, but I’ve gotten used to it. At least I’m able to get dressed by myself, much to Presley’s disappointment.

  While I’ve been recuperating, Presley taught me a little bit about photography, and his passion for it took my breath away. I think we took over 1200 pictures in two hours. We had a blast. I’m hoping to make an album with all the photos.

  Currently, I’m sitting in an airplane with three crazy, over-excited ladies. All I can think about is Presley. I miss him already. I miss his voice, his smile, his cologne, everything about him. After spending so much time with him in the past three weeks, it seems unthinkable to be apart. Despite the pain of recovery, I think they were the best three weeks of my life. Presley and I got to know so much about each other, and it made me realize just how much we were meant to be together.

  I’m sitting between Joy-Anna and Lucia on the flight. Alicia's sitting on the other side of Joy. We’re on a flight heading towards an unknown destination. Apparently, it’s a surprise.

  I have a hard time dealing with surprises. I don't hate them, but I’m usually just too curious to enjoy the suspense. To be honest, the curiosity is killing me. I’m surrounded by three way-too-ecstatic women, who refuse to tell me where we’re going. Even when I begged, they kept their mouths shut. I’m finding it utterly unfair. Presley didn't know either; they didn't even trust him with their secret. I know we’re travelling to some destination in hopes of finding me a wedding dress, and their dresses, too. I try to keep a smile on my face and convince myself everything will be alright. What can go wrong? If I don't like a dress, I don't have to buy it. I know my budget, and I have an idea of what I might like. I was hoping that I could go with Presley so he could give me his honest opinion, but apparently, that’s not the way to go. Not with the Williams family, anyway.

  I sent my last text to Presley right before the plane took off. I told him how much I loved him, and how much I miss him already. I also promised him I’d send him a picture of the dress.

  Presley: Don't send me a picture of the dress. It should be a surprise on our wedding day–but you can send me naughty pictures, anytime.

  I blush at the thought of doing that. Maybe I will, though. This could be a fun little game to play, while I’m away.

  Abbie: You might be surprised, Mr. Williams.

  I ask Joy-Anna to take a picture of me with my phone. A cute picture, where I’m biting my lower lip provocatively. I know it drives him crazy. After Joy-Anna takes the photo, I take a quick glance and then place it in a message to Presley.

  Presley: OK…which flight are you on? I want you back home. NOW. I’m coming to get you.

  Abbie: Only in your dreams, baby

  Sadly, I turn off my phone as requested by the flight attendant. Joy-Anna offers me her hand in support. Presley must've told her how much I hate flying. I gladly take a hold of her hand, and try to relax by taking deep breaths.

  ''Can I at least know if we’re on a direct flight, or if we have to make other connections?'' I ask.

  Joy-Anna glances across at Lucia.

  Impatiently, I roll my eyes. ''Come on girls, I need to know. This is a big deal for me. I hate flying.''

  ''It’s a direct flight.'' Lucia confirms. ''Relax, Abbie, everything will be just fine.'' She kisses my hair, like my mother used to do when I was a kid.

  The girls have booked first class seats, and I don't think I will ever want to travel in economy class again. First class is the bomb. Everything's so much better here amongst the rich folk. The seats are more comfortable and they recline, almost to the point where you’re lying down. We have champagne, a hot meal of shrimp and pasta, and much better service than in economy. I could definitely get used to this.

  There's a businessman in front of us talking on the inflight-phone about New York City, so I’m guessing that’s where we’re heading. That would be fun. I had a good time with Presley when we went there. I glance down at my necklace and smile. That’s one of my sweetest memories… Presley was so cute and shy. My heart fills with joy, just remembering it.

  A yellow taxi is waiting for us at the arrival area after we touch down, and the driver takes care of our luggage. As I suspected, we're in New York. The Empire State Building appears in the distance and my enthusiasm builds.

  ''Are you girls’ hungry?'' Lucia asks excitedly. I get the impression she wants to treat us to something special. She’s happy to have all of us together with her… she seems proud of her family.

  ''I am starving; can we grab some food on the way?” Alicia asks.

  ''Alicia, I am not going to buy fast food. It's a special weekend, so I get to spoil all of you,'' Lucia replies.

  ''Where are we going?'' Joy-Anna is always so curious. I bet she already knows all the best places in the Big Apple.

  ''Le Bernardin. You’re all going to love this place. Last time Bentley and I were in New York, we had dinner there, and we had the best seafood ever.''

  Seafood, I love seafood! I'm thinking shrimp, lobster. I'm suddenly starving, and looking forward to sharing a meal with my soon-to-be family.

  I turn on my phone and I already have five texts waiting from Presley.

  Presley: Abbie, you can’t send a picture like that to me. You know it drives me crazy.

  Presley: Bee, you turned off your phone and left me here
, alone and wanting you. Bad girl!

  Presley: I miss you already, come back please?

  Presley: :(

  Presley: Joshua just told me you’re going to NYC. I wish I could be there with you, love. There are so many things I wish I could have seen with you.

  I wish he was here too but it’ll be good to have a girly weekend.

  Holding my phone in my hands, I text him back.

  Abbie: I wish you were here, too. NYC holds a special place in my heart. It's where I officially fell in love with you.

  I'm sure I’ll enjoy my time here with the girls, but part of me is miles away… with Presley.

  Le Bernardin is absolutely amazing. It's very elegant and I feel terribly underdressed. I'm more boyish than the others; they’re naturally more sophisticated. I know I have a lot to learn. I’m not up to their classy standards.

  Lucia's ordering caviar. Just the sound of that word gives me the chills. Joy-Anna and Alicia order oysters. I’ve had oysters before and they weren’t too bad. I decide to go with the marinated scallops. I spotted someone eating a plate of them at another table, and they looked delicious. The aromas in the restaurant are so good, it’s mouth-watering.

  The entrees are served and they look delicious. Even the caviar looks good, but I'm still not prepared to try it. The girls are talking together and I’m enjoying just listening to their conversation, but I'm in my own personal ‘Presley’ bubble. I’ve spent the past month with him; it's just amazingly difficult not to have him nearby.

  Joy-Anna leans across the table towards me. ''Are you ready for this Bee?''

  I offer her a weak smile. ''I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready for this.''

  ''It’s time.''

  ''What do you mean it's time?'' Time for what? I thought we were just going shopping.

  ''We have an appointment with a gown specialist, Abbie.'' Lucia announces.

  ''A gown specialist?” My mouth drops open momentarily, as I deal with the shock of Lucia’s announcement “I just want a very simple dress!'' I was freaking out. ''I don't want anything fancy or too elaborate, I want something simple. Like me. I am simple.''

  Alicia places her hand on my shoulder, trying to reassure me. ''Bee, you need to breathe. We’re going to a store that has thousands of dresses, so in order to find the one you want, something simple, we need a gown specialist to help. That’s all. We aren’t going to force you into anything you don’t want. We wouldn't do that.''

  I take a deep breath. I know...I know...relax Abbie...come on, relax. ''I’m just not used to this, okay?'' I hide my face in my hands, embarrassed at getting so distressed. ''I’m not used to this kind of attention.''

  ''We know.'' Alicia puts her arm around my shoulders and gives me a gentle squeeze.

  I smile wanly, relieved by her reassurance. It’s good to know they aren’t expecting me to choose something I’m not comfortable with. Joy-Anna and Lucia are both staring at me with tear-filled eyes. I wonder why they’re so emotional all of a sudden.

  As if she’s reading my thoughts, Alicia spoke. ''We just want you to know that you’re a part of us, Abbie. We’re your family now.''

  I lift my gaze to meet theirs, and I can sense their honesty and love. It’s overwhelming.

  We leave the restaurant and Lucia calls us a taxi. She takes the front seat. Joy-Anna, Alicia and I sit across the back. Lucia gives the address to the taxi driver on a slip of paper, again ensuring the surprise isn't ruined.

  We arrive at one of the biggest bridal stores in the United States. I see advertising for their store in every magazine on the continent. I’m speechless and my knees are suddenly weak.

  Oh my God! Really? I can’t believe they want me to buy my dress from here!

  ''Abbie, you look like you’re going to pass out, you’re as white as a ghost. Are you okay?'' Alicia asks anxiously. She’s proving to be quite the caretaker today.

  ''I’m in shock. I was planning on buying a dress online, and you girls bring me here? Can I even afford a dress from here?” I exclaim worriedly.

  ''Yes, we can afford it, Abbie,'' Lucia confirmed warmly.

  She said we, as if I’m part of the family already. Oh my God, IT IS way too much.

  ''It’s a gift from Bentley and me,” Lucia adds happily.

  ''Lucia, I can't. You brought all of us here to New York, you’re already paying for everything. There’s absolutely no way I’m going to let you pay for my dress. No way,'' I protest.

  Alicia and Joy-Anna are standing beside Lucia, waiting for me to accept the gift and get on with the appointment. They seem to think it's impossible to stop Lucia, but I’m determined I will. Alicia rolls her eyes, as if by arguing, I’m the thickest-skulled person on the planet.

  ''Abbie, can we go in now? I’m way too excited about this to be standing here listening to you be stubborn,'' Joy-Anna says. “Lucia and Dad want to do this for you. You don’t have to wear any dress you don’t like, and it can be as simple as you want it to be. But let them have their fun, okay?”

  She turns and enters the store, Alicia following closely behind. Lucia looks at me for a moment and then offers me her hand with a gentle smile. “I promise. We won’t make you wear anything you don’t love.”

  I take her hand and we walk into the store together. If they want to spoil me, maybe I should give in and accept with gratitude. They mean well.

  Once inside the building I stop stock-still in the entrance, staring around in disbelief. I don’t know what I expected, but this is something else. I think my jaw hit the floor. I can't believe it. There are dresses everywhere. Joy-Anna takes a picture on her cellphone, and seems as if she’s about to send it to Presley.

  ''Joy, don’t do that. I look like a complete idiot,'' I protest hopeless.

  ''Too late.'' She smiles. ''You look like a little girl who is finally living her dream. Look at you; you don't even notice the happy tears in your eyes. Someday, it will be Alicia’s turn. Right now, it's yours. Let’s all enjoy the experience.''

  Lucia wipes my tears away with a tissue, hugging me tightly. It feels so good to be loved, and to be part of such a tightly-knit family. I’m not used to this, but I’ll have to work on getting more comfortable with it. Presley, too, I think. We will both have to work on it. I think it’s important for Presley to let his father in again, and I have to learn what it’s like to have a family. I smile, ready to enjoy myself.


  I'm excited for Abbie. She looks nervous, but she seems happy. I’ve seen her smile before, but today, every smile seems so much more meaningful. They’re coming from her heart.

  Joshua and I have been talking about getting married for a few months now. I thought we would be the first to get married, but apparently Presley is quick with his decisions. I know Abbie’s completely transformed him, and it’s been the best thing to happen to him. It's not the same without Abbie, and right now, I’m sure Presley must be in so much pain because he doesn’t have her close by. I should call him, just to check how he's doing. I know he tries to look strong and independent with Abbie, but with me, he can’t play any games. I’ll know if he's moping around, missing his fiancée. Before I call him, I take a picture of his lady love, capturing her shock at being here. Joy-Anna takes a picture as well. Abbie has a huge grin on her face. She looks like a five-year-old in the Barbie department of Toys R Us. I send Presley the picture, and call him immediately afterwards.

  ''Alicia, what the hell have you done to my girl? Joy-Anna just sent me a picture, and now you send one.''

  ''Nothing! Don't you think she looks happy?'' I demand.

  ''Yeah, but geez, she looks like she just watched a male stripper take his gear off or something,'' he laughs.

  ''No male strippers. She's just overwhelmed at the moment. It's a lot for her, to be standing here, ready to buy a wedding dress, especially when she was planning on buying her dress online. Instead of trawling through websites, Lucia has brought her here to one of the biggest bridal store in New York. She
's very surprised.'' To say the least.

  ''Could you do me a favor?'' he asks.

  ''It depends.'' I'm not sure if I like the sound of that, and I’m instantly suspicious.

  ''I just want her to try on one of those mermaid dresses. I've always thought they were hot.''

  I laugh at his request. ''I think you’ve done too many wedding shoots, ’Ley.''

  ''Maybe, but please, have her try on one? And take a picture if you can.''

  ''Is this one of your fantasies, Presley?'' I demand, narrowing my eyes.

  I can guess he’s blushing from here. He’s not the type of guy who can express how he feels about a woman easily. The fact that he’s admitted he likes that particular style of dress is a big deal in itself. It seems like a good opportunity to do some teasing of my own.

  ''Shut up Alicia. I should have asked Lucia. Now you're never going to let this go,'' Presley grumbles.

  ''Come on Presley. Don't worry about it. I’ll get her in a mermaid dress, and I’ll take pictures for you as well. I have to go now. See ya.''

  ''You're the worst friend ever. Watch out for my girl, Ali. Bye now.''

  I’ll have to ask our designer for a mermaid dress now. I can't forget about this, or Presley will never let me hear the end of it. I have to admit; those dresses are quite sexy. I was thinking about wearing one for my own wedding.

  Abbie has finally relaxed, and Lucia is overjoyed by her reaction. We are greeted by the receptionist, and I think she’s having a bad day. She's a pretty young woman, but she looks like she has been running a marathon and she seems agitated. Lucia puts her hand on the receptionist’s shoulder sympathetically. ''You're having a bad day, I can tell. Take two minutes to pull yourself together, we’re early. Our appointment isn’t for another fifteen minutes.''

  Lucia has an amazing way with people. I was so astonished by her personality when I met her for the first time. I was playing with Presley, outside in his tree house. My mother and father were away, and I was staying at the Williams’ house for the day. I started to feel unwell, and Lucia took care of me all afternoon. She is an angel.


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