Dreaming of a Hero (Heroes Series Book 2)

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Dreaming of a Hero (Heroes Series Book 2) Page 95

by Lyssa Layne

  At Jennifer’s insistence, a bottle of sweet Merlot was opened and they sat at the table, actually chatting amiably when Jennifer became a little more serious.

  “There’s been a delay in our schedule. The soonest that our lawyer can come out is Monday evening. I apologize for delaying you further but it really can’t be avoided. I was hoping that after you’ve caught up on your sleep and have had a tour of the grounds, that you would join me this Friday evening for dinner with a friend of mine.”

  Ana was a little confused by Jennifer’s request, she had enough dealings with attorneys to know that delays happened but she was a guest in Austin and Jennifer’s house. It was not Ana’s decision on what dinner guests she did or didn’t have, she wouldn’t be rude and stay in her room if that was Jennifer‘s desire. Seeing her hesitation, Jennifer tried to explain.

  “My friend has a talent; a gift is what I call it. He has experience dealing with the afterlife and helps people with loss. He’s coming over to help me with the grief of losing Austin.”

  Suddenly Ana understood. After her father’s death, strangers came over to try and “help” her mother transition over to being a widow and a single parent. There had been enough therapists and shrinks over at her house as a child for her to realize that Jennifer was having a grief counselor over. She also realized that she didn’t want her life’s decision’s picked apart by some psycho-babble expert and felt uncomfortable sitting in on Jennifer‘s private time.

  “I am so sorry about the pain and grief that you are going through with Austin’s passing but I believe you may need to do this by yourself. I’m sure your therapist would agree that dealing with the death of a husband is personal and he will want to council you independently.”

  Ana uncomfortably took a sip of wine when Jennifer burst out laughing.

  “Oh Ana. You are quaint! I would never dream of having you a part of a psychiatric meeting! Heavens, I wouldn’t want to be a part of that either! Rick’s not a therapist although I guess some would categorize him as one. He does help people deal with their grief, just not in the traditional way that most people would think. Rick is a psychic, he communicates with the dead!” Jennifer giggled.

  Ana felt her confusion turn into irritation at being laughed at and then at the thought of a psychic being here. She had heard of people hiring so called psychics to get answers and help deal with the pain of loss but being a logical, intelligent business woman, she knew they were just predators, taking advantage of those grieving with the loss of loved ones. The last thing she wanted to do was be a part of taking advantage of Jennifer’s pain.

  “Forgive me, Jennifer, but I’ve heard of these psychics before and I really don’t want to be a part of any séance. I respectfully decline and beg that you consider doing the same, I worry that you may get hurt worse in the process.”

  Instead of Jennifer being disappointed as Ana had expected, Jennifer got more excited and clapped her hands. “Oh goody. A skeptic! Rick said that skeptics are actually easier to do readings on! He said logical, business-minded people tend to be the best because they don’t have their auras muddled with tons of expectations.” Seeing that Ana was mildly insulted, Jennifer hurried on, not giving Ana a chance to respond. “Oh Ana, please reconsider, as a favor to me, the woman who has lived in your shadow for the past seven years! You don’t have to participate, just be there as a supporter for me.”

  Seeing Jennifer’s reaction and remembering why she was here, she felt herself soften. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt any more than you already have.”

  “I won’t, promise. Please, Ana, for me.”

  All the logical reasons in Ana’s mind dissipated with that request and she relented. “Fine, I’ll come but don’t expect me to participate and if I become uncomfortable, I will go back to my room, no arguments!”

  “It’s a deal! This is going to be great! Thank you, Ana, you won’t regret this.

  “I’m sure you’re tired, so I’ll let you retire to your room if you wish. A car will be provided for you tomorrow to do any sight-seeing you may want to do. If you don’t feel comfortable driving, I will have Devon, the driver who brought you here, take you anywhere you want to go.” Remembering the cold driver who brought her hours earlier, she quickly declined. “Thank you but I’m not ready to go out and about yet. Actually, I was hoping to look over your beautiful grounds. They are breathtaking!”

  Jennifer visibly swelled with pride. “Thank you, I’ve tried hard to make them welcoming.”

  Ana gaped at her, astonished, “You take care of the grounds?” and saw Jennifer blush.

  “Well, not all of it. We have grounds keepers to mow the lawns and keep the weeds out but I’ve designed and planted all of the gardens. There was a lot of time in between Austin’s showings, while he was creating more paintings to be displayed.”

  Realizing it must have been very lonely for Jennifer and not wanting to dredge up painful feelings, she quickly returned to the original topic. “They are beautiful and I know I irritated Devon by rolling down the window to take in the beauty and the fragrance but I just couldn’t resist!”

  “Oh, don’t be put off by Devon!” she mused, “He’s been around so long that I don’t think he appreciates the beauty of nature anymore. He maintains all of the cars we have and I think he only appreciates the beauty and smell of perfectly tuned engines!”

  Ana was dumbfounded, “You have enough cars to maintain someone full time?”

  Now Jennifer looked confused. “Of course. He takes care of the Mercedes that we use for going into town, and then there are Austin’s toys, the Lamborghini, the Ferrari and his American favorite, the Corvette convertible. My cars include the BMW convertible and the limo we use for the art receptions and of course…”

  “I get it! Devon has a full-time job!” Ana was laughing in spite of herself. She saw Jennifer’s features soften as she realized how silly it all sounded.

  It was then that Ana saw the beautiful woman that Austin had fallen in love with. All of this, the cars, the manor, the life, was what Austin and Jennifer had created together. Sobering with the pain of seeing the life Austin created in her absence, Ana gently declined when Jennifer offered to open another bottle of wine and stated that she was tired and wanted to retire to her room.

  Sensing the change in Ana’s demeanor, Jennifer hospitably accepted her request and bid her goodnight. “If you’re unsure of how to get back to your room, Stavros can show you.”

  “I think I can find my way back. Thank you, Jennifer, for your hospitality.” Ana meant it, considering the past hour, and she hesitated as she turned, “I do mean it.”

  “I know you do, thank you for flying over here. I’ll see you tomorrow. Good night, Ana.” And with that Jennifer turned and left in the opposite direction.

  Ana found her way back to her room but this time had the luxury of being able to stop and view Austin’s work along the way. As she lay in bed, she reflected on the work that Austin had composed after she had ended their relationship. Most of the work was of landscapes and still life's that she wasn’t familiar with, but there were many that she recognized of the hometown that they had shared. The city park gazebo where they had talked of getting married in, the river they had spent time playfully splashing about and then sunning along its banks to get dry before going home.

  All of the pain came flooding back to her again. The loss of her one true love hit her so hard that the pain of it took her breath away and she was unable to hold back the sobs that she hadn’t allowed herself to experience since that fateful night. How could the one person, so important in Austin’s life, put her in a situation that forced her to leave Austin’s life? She had felt hurt and betrayed that night but knew if Austin had ever found out he would be devastated and it would tear his family apart. She would rather have him believe that she fell out of love with him than for him to find out the truth that one of his parents betrayed him. She cried herself to sleep, knowing that now he would never know.r />

  The next two days were relaxing and enjoyable much to Ana’s surprise. She found herself touring the grounds and exploring the manor without any resistance. Busy with her own schedule, Jennifer was present during meals and occasionally had the time to join Ana on the grounds. The conversations were a lot more relaxed and companionable during those times, both women seemingly dropping their first impressions of each other. Ana was at first, slightly uncomfortable with the easy conversations that they had together. She was getting to know Jennifer as the warm, easy-going woman that Austin fell in love with. She sensed Jennifer letting her guard down and was surprised to find her own guard coming down as well. She told of her first experience with Dwayne Allen and the subsequent job offer from Greg Smith. They were both tearfully laughing at the vision of Mr. Allen flaunting his flabby body on the beaches of Fiji and of Ana’s initial indignation of Greg’s offer of a job, when Ana had assumed it was to be a concubine.

  After they both gained control Jennifer questioned Ana’s relationship with Greg. Feeling at ease, Ana explained.

  “Greg made it very clear that he had romantic feelings for me but was very respectful when I explained that I was unavailable, my feelings must have been apparent that I was still in love with someone else…” Ana faltered abruptly, realizing what she was saying and to whom. Ana saw the pain in Jennifer’s eyes and regretted that she failed to remember that she was talking to Austin‘s wife.

  Seeing Ana’s dismay, Jennifer softly asked, “If you have been in love with Austin for so long, can I ask why you didn’t seek Austin out sooner? You said that it was because of your careers but that was well before Austin finished school, before you got into the travel industry and before he met me. You could have sought him out, why didn’t you?”

  “We were living two separate lives. I knew we couldn’t make it work.”

  Even Jennifer knew it was not the truth but had the decency to once again to let it drop. Feeling contrite for not being honest with Jennifer but unable to open up with Austin’s wife, Ana claimed she was tired and begged for forgiveness for wanting to return to her room. Jennifer played the gracious hostess and accepted but stopped Ana cold in her tracks.

  “Ana, I never thought I would like you, being the other woman in Austin’s life but I want you to know, I’ve come to value you as a friend and I hope that the feeling is mutual. I would like to continue our friendship even after all is said and done.”

  Feeling the same but knowing the truth might jeopardize family relationships, Ana cautiously responded. “I can see why Austin fell in love with you. You’re beautiful, you’re gracious, you’re smart as a whip and your sense of humor is endearing. Austin made the right choice, never doubt that, Jennifer.”

  As Ana left the room, she thought she heard Jennifer say, “I do.”


  Ana walked into the room for dinner and was surprised to find another person sitting at the dinner table, softly talking with Jennifer and holding her hand. Neither one of them noticed her enter the room, being so engrossed in their conversation. It was Thursday night and she wasn’t aware of anyone else joining them for dinner but it was obvious that there was a connection between Jennifer and the handsome stranger. Ana felt like she was intruding and was about to leave when she saw Stavros standing in the corner, once again, in the shadows. He looked at her and nodded, indicating that she was expected and was not intruding.

  Without them noticing her, she had a chance to evaluate the newcomer sitting at what she now considered her place at the table. Though he was sitting, he appeared to be tall, at least six foot three, with dark hair and light complexion. He had an aristocratic face that was handsomely chiseled and she imagined that with his complexion he would have blue eyes. His arms were very well defined and muscular and she caught herself wondering what they would feel like wrapped around her body. He was currently holding Jennifer’s hands, his arms stretched across the table to meet her slender ones. His hair was longer than the current fashion, not quite feathering on the sides but definitely cut in layers so that he had a wind-swept appearance. She found herself physically attracted to him and was uncomfortable with the sensation since she assumed this must be Jennifer’s psychic.

  “Oh, Ana, I didn’t hear you come in.” Jennifer caught Ana off guard and staring at her guest. “Please, let me introduce you to my therapist.”

  Ana heard the humor in Jennifer’s voice but also caught the raised eyebrow that Jennifer’s new guest gave her. Thank heavens Jennifer hadn’t told him of their conversation.

  “Rick, this is Anastasia Cassadine, from New York. Ana, this is Rick Montgomery, from well, all over the United States. Tell me, Rick, where is it that you reside right now?”

  “Enough of your teasing, Jen. I will pick a place to settle down when the spirits tell me!” Ana heard the joking in his voice and relaxed a little. At least he had a sense of humor about his work. “Hello Anastasia, it’s nice to meet you.” He rose to shake her hand and she found she was correct about his height and his eyes.

  “Hello Rick, it’s nice to meet you. Please, don’t let me interrupt, I apologize for the intrusion.” she answered politely, attempting to ignore the unexpected electricity she felt when their hands touched.

  “No intrusion at all. We were just making small talk until everyone was here to start our magnificent meal. Stavros, I hear we are going to be honored to have your wonderful seafood this evening. I have been looking forward to it since Jennifer told me.” Ana was impressed at his warmth and sincerity.

  She seated herself across from Rick and accepted the glass of white wine that Stavros offered. After a few minutes of polite conversation, Stavros started serving the courses of the meal, each one magnificent and succulent in itself. All three seemed at ease with each other and Ana was pleased that none of the conversations included the touchy subject of Rick’s occupation. Ana knew that she was very prejudiced in her limited knowledge of psychics and was relieved that she didn’t have to express her thoughts on the subject. The topics seemed to flow more around the grounds of the manor and decorating talents that Jennifer possessed.

  After a wonderful meal, they retired to the library for drinks. Feeling uncomfortable with her portrait hanging above them over the mantle, she felt herself clam up, unsure of what direction the dialogue would go.

  Rick had tried to keep his composure and conversation cool and casual but felt like everyone could see right through him. From the moment Anastasia had entered the room, his focus and his balance became distracted. He had felt her presence before he saw her, felt her aura, her femininity, her essence which was very powerful and very female and when he turned and saw her, his body had reacted immediately. She was tall, stealthy and elegant. She held herself as someone who was secure with who she was and all that was around her. Her flowing locks were pulled back, but from the strays at the sides of her face, saw that they were long and appeared soft. When she spoke, it was like the spring song of the Larkspur, soft and lilting. He had tried to focus his attention on Jennifer and Stavros’ wonderful dinner but his eyes kept steeling glances of her, as if keeping his eyes off of her would cause visual starvation. Now that they were in the library, he found a conversation piece that focused on her.

  “A very beautiful portrait, if I may say so, Miss Cassadine. Austin has captured you beautifully.” Rick pointed out.

  Feeling the blood rush to her head, she glanced at Jennifer, hoping that it wouldn’t spark the hostility that it had the night she arrived. Jennifer smiled at her and nodded.

  “Yes, Austin captured her brilliantly. Hard to believe he did it from memory ten years ago. Ana, you don’t seem to have changed a bit, you are still so lovely.”

  Ana didn’t hear any insincerity in her voice and accepted the compliment graciously. “Your husband was the one with the talent, not I. It’s him who should receive the credit, he was a brilliant painter.”

  “Thank you, I thought so too.” Jennifer’s eyes miste

  “So tell me what it is like in the travel industry? Jennifer has just told me a little of your occupation. Is it as wonderful as it sounds? Do you get to see the most beautiful and amazing places in the world, Miss Cassadine?” Rick gazed at her appreciatively.

  “Please, call me Ana. Unfortunately no, I get to plan the most romantic and beautiful getaways but to date, I have yet to experience them. This is the first time I have been out of the States without being on business.”

  “You must have an amazing talent, to successfully plan exotic trips for your patrons without ever having experienced them. How do you choose the correct destinations for your clients if you have never stayed at any of these places?” he inquired.

  “I actually read a lot. I also learn the desires of my clients and line them up with the information I obtain through my books. Most clients have a childhood idea of the perfect, fantasy get away and after learning their idea, it’s just a matter of matching up the geography with the personality. It truly boils down to logic I’m afraid, nothing romantic about it at all.” Ana humbly explained.

  “I have to object. You have to have compassion for that person and have the honest desire to fulfill their dreams and desires. You must be very in tune to people to be able to materialize their fantasies. And you have appeared to have done it very successfully. I commend you.”

  Blushing at his compliments, Ana could only nod. “Thank you.”

  After a few more moments of light conversation, Jennifer excused herself. “Please forgive me. I’m very tired and I have a full day ahead of me tomorrow, some disaster with one of the cars that Devon claims needs my immediate attention before any of the parts stores close. Please, stay and enjoy yourselves. I would like for the two of you to get to know each other better. Stavros, can you give me a hand with the dishes before retiring?” Without giving Rick or Ana a chance to object, Jennifer slipped from the room, quietly followed by Stavros.


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