Dreaming of a Hero (Heroes Series Book 2)

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Dreaming of a Hero (Heroes Series Book 2) Page 103

by Lyssa Layne

  When she saw Sally open her mouth to argue, she put her hand up “No questions asked, remember?”

  “All right Ana, I’ll get on it right away.” Sally said softly, turning away from Ana, disappointment and hurt flooding her voice.

  “Sally.” Ana called as she opened the door “I’ll tell you as soon as I figure it out. I promise, as your friend.”

  Sally swiveled her head and nodded, a small smile on her face as she closed the door.

  Four hours later Sally burst into her office, her face flushed with excitement. “Okay! Got it! It’s really hard to find a legitimate psychic who’s willing to see you on the spur of the moment but I found one! Her name is Lissa Perry and she’s actually on her way to Ravenna, Italy to investigate a missing girl. She said she is willing to meet with you there but you have to work around her schedule with the police in Italy.”

  Ana felt a glimmer of hope. “She’s reputable?”

  “She is. She’s been working with the Florida Police Department for the past five years and is now working the case of a local girl who went missing on a school trip to Italy. She insisted that I tell you her main focus is this girl and it could be a week or so before she can work with you but when I explained this was under dire circumstances, she relented.”

  “Dire circumstances?” Ana looked at Sally incredulously.

  “I figured whatever happened that would keep you from talking to the man you love had to be dire.”

  “Thank you, Sally.” Tears of gratitude welled up in her eyes

  “Don’t thank me yet. Thank me whenever you get this mystery sorted out. Your plane leaves in an hour.”

  “An hour. I don’t have anything packed!”

  “Don’t worry about it. I sent Jason to your apartment an hour ago to pack your bags and grab your passport. I gave him my key.”

  “You sent Jason? Our mail guy?” Ana felt herself turn red with embarrassment at the thought of an employee going through her things but didn‘t say anything else. She was so upset over the situation with Rick that she only gave a fleeting thought to Sally’s betrayal of Ana’s rigid rule of not allowing anyone into her personal space. She would sort through her feelings of annoyance and violation later, only Rick mattered now. But Sally sensed her distress and gently chided her, trying to ease her mind and her mood.

  “Oh Ana, you really need to get to know the staff better! Jason is completely and utterly gay and happily married to his husband for the past two years! He knows his geography and his fashion and will pack all the essentials. Whatever else you need, you can buy. I figured you’d rather get this ‘thing’ figured out sooner as opposed to later.”

  Sally took a deep breath, and then asked the question that had been on both of their minds but both had been avoiding, until now. “So with everything else organized, what am I supposed to tell Rick? He’s called several times today.”

  Ana visibly blanched and sat down in her leather chair. “He has? What did he say, what did you say?”

  “Well, from our earlier conversation, I figured you didn’t want to talk to him just yet so I told him you were with a very prominent client and couldn’t be interrupted.”

  Ana nodded, “Good, good. Just tell him I’m having problems with one of the resorts and I had to fly down to deal with them directly, but don’t tell him where I went! Tell him I’ll call him as soon as I get back into town.”

  “Okay. But if I may be so bold, if you love him so much, why can’t you just talk to him? He is the best psychic I know and I’m sure he could help you.”

  “It’s complicated, Sally. Please, just trust me.” Ana pleaded.

  “I do, which is why the limo is waiting downstairs to take you to the airport. You’ve got to go, now.”

  “What about my luggage?”

  Sally looked at her watch, “Jason should be arriving at the airport in a minute. I’ll call him on his cell and let him know where to meet you.”

  “I love you so much, Sally, thank you!”

  “You’re welcome and I love you too. But you owe me a huge girls’ night when you get back telling me everything!”

  “Deal!” Ana jumped to her feet and grabbed her purse. She gave Sally a huge kiss on her cheek before she ran toward the elevator.


  Rick tried Ana’s cell phone again and wasn’t surprised when it went to voicemail. He had called her office several times, only to reach Sally, who kept telling him she was with a very important client and couldn’t be disturbed. He ran his fingers through his thick hair, already mussed up from the previous thousand times he had done the same thing.

  Something was wrong, aside from the preceding evening’s nightmare. He knew she would be reluctant to talk to him about last night’s experience but he hadn’t expected her to blow him off completely, to shut him out, but that is exactly what she appeared to be doing.

  He had spent the rest of the night contacting his manager and debating how to convince Ana that together, they could figure out who this mystery ghost was. His manager had been furious when Rick told him he needed to reschedule the week’s book signings and readings. Rick claimed a family crisis and his manager, knowing about Rick’s personal life, called his bluff stating Rick didn’t have family to claim a crisis. At that painful statement, Rick became belligerent and bullish, threatening to hire a new manager if he couldn’t give him this time. His manager conceded reluctantly, grumbling about lost profits but assuring Rick he would get his bookings rescheduled.

  Rick dozed fitfully for the rest of the early morning hours, waking frequently to check the clock, waiting for Ana’s office to open. After spending most of the day unsuccessfully trying to reach Ana, he decided to focus on the brunt of the problem. He showered then spent an hour meditating, asking his spirit guides for protection and when he felt peace and security. He called upon the soul that had disrupted their lives last night.

  “I am here to help. I can help you find peace and lead you towards the light. Please, let me help you.” Rick felt the air change around him, becoming heavier. He felt the heaviness in his chest threatening to take his breath again so he quickly began to pray to his guides for protection and instantly felt the heaviness dissipate. All of a sudden, objects began to fly from the wall and tables.

  “Leave her alone!” The ominous voice demanded, the presence disappearing as quickly as it arose.


  Ana checked into the Hotel Bisanzio in Ravenna. Exhausted from the long flight but unable to sleep, she paced her room. She felt anxious to meet with Lissa Perry but knew she was too tired to make a justifiable argument as to why Lissa needed to meet with her now and she figured Lissa was probably busy with the local law enforcement anyway.

  She fell onto her bed, texting Sally to let her know she had arrived safely and was going to try to get some sleep before calling Lissa. She didn’t even have a chance to ask Sally if Rick called when her cell phone started ringing and seeing the caller ID, Ana answered immediately and to hear a frustrated sounding Sally at the other end of the line.

  “He sounds awful, Ana, and when I told him you had to fly to the resort that was causing problems he immediately asked where, like he was going to fly there himself or something!”

  “You didn’t tell him where I am, did you?” Ana felt her heart race with panic.

  “No, I told him you were hell bent to deal with this on your own but I don’t think he believed me. I don’t think he’s going to let this drop and I don’t think I can lie to his face if he shows up here, Ana.”

  “Don’t worry, he won’t. He has a lot of engagements this week.” Ana tried to soothe Sally but her own doubts were beginning to build. She shouldn’t underestimate Rick.

  “I don’t know, Ana. What would you do for someone you love? What are you doing? He loves you; he’s not going to let this drop.”

  Ana assured Sally again. “I just need a week. I think if I can meet with Lissa, I can get this worked out.”

  Ana wrapped up her
conversation with Sally and laid her arm over her face when she heard her phone beep, announcing a text message. Her heart leapt into her throat when she saw it was from Rick.

  Ana, where are you? We need to talk!

  Hating to lie to Rick herself, she risked texting back.

  I had to take care of a problem, should be home in a week. We can talk then.

  She sent the text and a second later received a new one, this one from an unknown source.

  Anastasia, you should be mine, let it go. There is nothing here for you. GO BACK HOME!

  While she read the text the lights in her room dimmed and she felt the presence in her room, still dark and foreboding but not as hostile as the night before with Rick. Filled with the adrenaline of fear, Ana called the contact number for Lissa, reaching her voicemail. She left a message giving her room number and cell phone, just in case Lissa checked in. She waited twenty minutes and when nothing else happened, she felt safe enough to take a shower. She knew she couldn’t get any sleep so she might as well freshen up and go get something to eat. She made the water so hot she almost scalded herself to awaken her senses. She stepped out of the shower and was reaching for her towel when she let out a scream. Written in the condensation on the mirror was the bone chilling words…

  You’re mine

  She ran out of the bathroom, sobbing, rechecking her door to make sure it was still locked.

  “Leave me alone!” She sobbed, curling up on her bed, paralyzed with fear.


  Rick tried to keep the communication going with the spirit but felt its departure almost as quickly as it came.

  “Ana” he whispered, knowing she was in trouble. He called Ana’s cell phone and when it went to voicemail, called her office. When it also went to voicemail, he swore and slammed the phone down. He quickly dialed information and asked for Sally Edwards but when the computer generated voice told him it was an unlisted number, he threw the phone against the wall feeling helpless and frustrated. “Dammit!”

  Ana was sitting in the restaurant of the hotel, sipping her second cup of coffee. With her thoughts lost on her crisis, she had only been able to eat a few bites of her fruit salad, numb to its exquisite flavors so she practically jumped out of her skin when her cell phone rang. Looking down, she saw it was from Lissa and quickly answered.

  “Hello?” Hoping to hide the panic in her voice.

  “Ana Cassadine, I hope? This is Lissa Perry. I received your message earlier, I’ve also been in contact with one of your staff, Sally, I believe? I hope I didn’t call at a bad time.” The warm, friendly voice coming through the phone eased Ana’s fear.

  “No! This is the perfect time. I hope I haven’t disrupted your investigation.” She partially lied.

  “No, not at all. Turns out our lovely girl fell in love with travel and independence and she decided to extend her trip without informing her parents.”

  Ana honestly felt relief. She had heard of stories of young girls disappearing on vacations but with the outcome not being as positive. “Oh, that’s wonderful, Lissa!” She exclaimed, truly feeling the sentiment.

  “Yes, it is. Although I don’t think the girl will feel that way after she is reunited with her parents. If she doesn’t receive a punishment from the government, I know she will from her parents, they have been distraught with worry. But this case isn’t what brought you to Italy on a moment’s notice, how can I help you, Miss Cassadine?”

  “I hate to be imposing but I would prefer to talk to you in person, is that possible?” Ana asked, trying to keep the desperation out of her voice.

  “Honestly Ms. Cassadine, I have been up for the past eighteen hours. I’m starving for food and sleep, so if we could meet tomorrow…”

  Ana interrupted her; aware that she was risking putting Lissa off but also knowing she couldn’t sleep with her current situation, so she persisted.

  “Please, let me buy you dinner, anywhere you want. I’ll try and be brief but I really need your help.”

  After a long pause, Lissa agreed and named a restaurant not far from her own hotel where they were to meet in fifteen minutes. Ana arrived at the restaurant ten minutes later, filled with hope and apprehension. If Lissa didn’t agree to help her, Ana would have to go back to New York and start from square one. She didn’t know how long she or Sally could keep lying to Rick and to involve him could be deadly, Lissa was her only hope.

  With Ana leaving so quickly, Sally didn’t have time to give her any description of Lissa. She sat up hopefully as a tall, statuesque redhead walked into the room. She was professionally dressed and scanned the room, obliviously looking for someone. Ana started to raise her hand to wave the woman over when the redhead saw who she was looking for and made her way over to a handsome young man. Ana lowered her arm, thankful she hadn’t made a scene when an exotic woman made her way to Ana’s table.

  “Ms. Cassadine I presume?”

  Ana was caught off guard, unsure what to say. The woman before her was beautiful, about five foot six with a flawless olive complexion, dark curly hair and emerald colored eyes. She was dressed in bold, bright colors that accentuated her complexion and flattered her figure. Ana stood, warming to Lissa’s genuine smile immediately.

  “Mrs. Perry. It’s such a pleasure to meet you!”

  They both sat, one exuding an air of confidence, the other filled with apprehension, unsure of what the evening would hold.

  “Thank you so much for meeting with me. I have heard wonderful things about you!”

  “Thank you for the compliments but I would like to get to what is bothering you.” Lissa stated warmly. “A woman doesn’t travel halfway around the world on a moment’s notice if it is not for desperation or love.” Seeing Ana’s expression, she smiled again. “Or is it both?”

  Ana found herself actually relaxing and returned a hesitant smile. “Both actually.”

  “Well, let’s order, since our waiter seems to be anxious to help us, then you can tell me your tale.” Lissa motioned to a young waiter who was moving towards their table.

  Ana could see he was nervous and anxious and she guessed that he was new. He started fidgeting and stumbling over the specials until Lisa spoke to him in a beautiful fluent Italian. His face warmed and he visibly relaxed as she spoke and after Lissa ordered a salad and a pasta dish, he turned and smiled to take Ana’s order. Because Ana had just eaten, she ordered a cup of coffee with a slice of tiramisu.

  “Now, please tell me what has brought you all the way to Italy to see me, Ms. Cassadine.”

  “Ana, please. It’s such a mess and I’m not sure where to start.” She stumbled. “Basically it boils down to, I’m haunted by a man, uh, a ghost and I want him to leave me alone.” Unsure of what to expect, Ana looked at Lissa pleadingly, hoping she wouldn’t dismiss her as wasting her time.

  “Okay, do you know who the spirit is that’s haunting you?”

  Ana released her pent up breath with relief at Lissa’s professional tone. “I thought I did but the things that are happening are making me think otherwise.”

  “When did it start?” Lissa asked as she took a sip of her tea.

  “Two nights ago. In my um…” Ana cleared her throat, “in my bedroom.”

  “I don’t mean to ask personal questions but without a reading, I’d rather hear some of the facts from you and then if need be, arrange a reading to find out who it is. How many times have you had an interaction? Can you describe what happened?”

  “Certainly. The first time a picture flew off of my dressing table onto my floor and broke. When my friend picked it up, it flew out of his hands, cutting his fingers before it slammed against the wall. Then the table lights started flickering on and off.”

  “You weren’t alone when this happened? Did you or your partner hear any voices?” Lissa asked, intrigued.

  Ana nodded. “He said he heard a voice and he felt a presence but I didn’t hear anything.”

  “You said your friend did? Is your friend a clair

  “A clairvoyant?” Ana asked, unfamiliar with the term.

  “A clairvoyant is someone with the ability to hear the dead.”

  “I think so. I’m really new to this aspect of the world. It’s not something that I was exposed to until a little over a month ago.”

  “What happened to you a little over a month ago?”

  Ana explained her history with Austin, his death and her trip to London. She told Lissa of her reading with Rick but was careful to leave his name out. Lissa wasn’t fooled, there were legitimate psychics all over the world but she knew of one psychic, a friend of hers had been in London recently.

  “So this psychic that you had a reading with, is that the same person who was in your room?”

  Ana felt her face flush with embarrassment and nodded.

  “And you didn’t want to involve the psychic because you’re afraid he’s going to be hurt?”

  Ana didn’t say anything, just nodded again, feeling her eyes well with tears.

  “You must care for this man very much to protect him. But you should know Ana that we are trained in ways to protect ourselves and those involved. But this is your decision and you must feel very strongly about this to drop everything and leave your business to come see me. Because the matter regarding the girl has been resolved, we can schedule a reading tomorrow morning. Can you come to my room around ten in the morning? Here’s the name and address of my hotel”

  “Tomorrow morning? I was hoping we could do it tonight.” Ana tried to keep the fear of her voice.

  Lissa studied her for a moment before she spoke. “The spirit has visited you at the hotel already.” It was a statement, not a question and when Ana didn’t deny it, Lissa reached over and patted Ana’s hand. “In order to help you, I need rest so that I can be able to protect both of us and I can’t do it when my body and spirit are tired. Come to my room at eight thirty and I will be ready, in the meantime, I want you to go to your room and put the white light of protection around you.”


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