Dreaming of a Hero (Heroes Series Book 2)

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Dreaming of a Hero (Heroes Series Book 2) Page 108

by Lyssa Layne

  “I didn’t think you had ever met Ana’s mom…” she said absently.


  Ana’s grip on Rick’s hand tightened as Georgia and Jennifer walked into the room. Their eyes locked for a moment before Georgia turned her focus on Stavros.

  Hate; pure and vicious. That’s what emotion filled Georgia’s eyes when she looked at Ana. Rick saw it too and he placed his arm protectively around her.

  Why? Ana wondered. Why did she still hate Ana so much? She had, in a sense, respected Georgia’s wishes and had never come back into Austin’s life after she had caught them together. Of course, it had been Barry’s actions that caused Ana to stay away and not Georgia’s threats but she figured Georgia didn’t need to know that.

  “Stavros! So good to see you again! Get over here and give me a hug young man!” Georgia scampered over to Stavros, squeezing him tightly.

  “Mrs. Troy. So good to see you again! How’s your knee feeling?” he smiled warmly.

  “Just fine, thank you for asking. Have you been taking care of my Jennifer? Ever since we lost our Austin, God rest his soul, I’ve been so worried about her.” she cupped her hand on the side of Jennifer’s face and smiled.

  “Of course, ma’am, but I find that she doesn’t need me as much as I need her.” he smiled at Jennifer as he spoke. “She’s a very strong woman.”

  “Ah, so she is.” Georgia agreed. “Rick good to see you again too. I trust you are well?” her tone was slightly cooler but didn’t hold any hostility.

  “I am, Georgia, thank you.” he stood and shook her hand, then escorted her to the chair next to Lissa. “Georgia, this is Lissa Perry, she is also a medium, the best in the field. Lissa, this is Georgia Troy.”

  Lissa stood and shook her hand. “Mrs. Troy, it’s a pleasure. My condolences for the loss of your son, I understand he was a very special young man.”

  “Thank you, he was.” she sniffed.

  Both ladies sat down as Rick made his way back to Ana’s side. Not even an acknowledgement, he thought angrily, Ana at least deserved an acknowledgement.

  “Hello, Mrs. Troy. I’m also sorry for your loss.” Ana spoke softly and tentatively. “I know how much you loved Austin.”

  Georgia finally looked at Ana and once again, the hate filling her eyes. “Yes, he was a beautiful person who deserved the best. Only he and the good Lord know why he was taken so early from me,” she spat out. “And his beautiful wife.”

  Seeing she wasn’t going to get anywhere with her, Ana just nodded and averted her eyes. Rick cleared his throat and broke the thick tension.

  “Well, let’s get started, shall we? Georgia, we called you here because it seems that Barry has been unable to move on. Austin has also been around and it appears that there is some unfinished business.”

  When Georgia didn’t say anything, Lissa cut in. “You don’t seem to be surprised or in disbelief, have you been to readings before?”

  “When Rick did his reading for Jennifer, I was invited to join. I was able to speak to my baby.” she sniffed.

  “Yes, well.” Rick continued, “Let’s get started with our opening prayer and we’ll get going.”

  Twenty minutes into the reading, Rick and Lissa started asking for Barry.

  “Barry, this is your opportunity to make right what you have done wrong, to put to rest that which is haunting you. Your wife is here, will you please communicate with us. Let us know how we can help you.” Lissa spoke calmly and clearly.

  “No more games, Barry. We are truly here to help you and those that you are affecting. You have died and need to pass on, leave this earth and those living to get on with their lives, without you!” Rick spoke those last words a little harsher than he had intended but he was getting frustrated at Barry’s noncompliance.

  After another thirty minutes, without any response from Barry, Georgia started getting visibly irritated. “Maybe he’s not the one that has something to settle. He doesn’t seem restless or needing to clear something up, he appears to have moved on, maybe we all should.” she glared at Ana. “Or maybe Barry changed his mind and doesn’t have any unresolved guilt for her, he could have realized that he was wasting his energy and crossed over.” Georgia sniped.

  “We need to eliminate the negative energy and the comments are not necessary, Mrs. Troy.” Rick spoke with a steely calm.

  “Mom, please. You promised…” Jennifer pleaded, embarrassed by Georgia’s words.

  “I’m sorry Jennifer, I tried but obviously neither one of my men is willing to be in the same room as this tramp, even dead!”

  “That’s enough!” the voice thundered through the room and all eyes focused on the owner. “I have had enough of your verbal abuse! I have done nothing wrong and I will no longer tolerate your mouth!”

  Anastasia had raised herself out of the couch and now stood glaring at Georgia. Georgia’s eyes bulged as she stared at her, shocked at the outburst. Everyone else stayed quiet, their eyes glued on Ana.

  “Why I never.” Georgia sputtered her face turning beet red.

  “No, I’m sure you haven’t, seeing as how you have had everyone bow down to you and obey your every wish! I did because I loved Austin and because he loved you so much, I never wanted to put him in the position of him having to choose between us. Maybe I should have! He was my world. My everything. I wanted to marry him, have his babies and grow old with him! I wanted my happily ever after! But you couldn’t accept that, no one was good enough for your Austin. I’m surprised that Jennifer was welcome! Or maybe you said something to Austin and he stood up for Jennifer, telling you he was going to marry her, like it or not. I never allowed that opportunity to happen. If things had been different, if he hadn’t shown up with the roses…” Ana trailed off, lost in the memory of that night.

  "Oh, pshaw. I still don’t believe that my Barry would come over with roses and proclaim his love to you! Just a chit! It’s all lies, a scheme that you and your drunk of a mother dreamed up…” Georgia seethed.

  “What did you say? I never said it was Barry, I never told anyone, not even Austin. You knew? You knew that your husband came over and threw himself at me?” Ana stared at her in disbelief as the others gasped in shock.

  “Well, I didn’t know exactly, it was just a story! Again, lies! A way for your mother to try and ruin my family the way she ruined yours! She was just jealous because she didn’t have a loving husband anymore!”

  The slap was strong and sure, leaving an angry red welt as evidence of the assault. “Don’t you ever speak of my mother again, you bitch.” Ana’s voice was low and venomous, Georgia said nothing, shock averting her eyes to the floor, knowing she had given herself away with talk of the betrayals that her family had done.

  “Ana, honey, are you alright?” Rick stood and pulled her into his arms. She was stiff with resistance for a moment, still charged up with the adrenaline she felt but soon softened in his arms.

  “She knew. She knew this whole time and didn’t say anything. I let Austin go to try and protect his family, I let him go for nothing.” she started sobbing. “I held this burden for all of these years for nothing. All I did was punish myself.”

  “It wasn’t for nothing, Austin didn’t know of his father’s betrayal and his mother’s deception until after he died. He lived believing in his family and taking strength in that belief.” Lissa said softly. “He’s here, Ana, he wants you to know how sorry he is that you went through the sorrow and pain that you did, he loved you so very much and never forgot about you. He’s sorry that his parents caused you so much heartache but he’s happy to see how successful you are, that you made a life for yourself and have found another soul mate. He knows that Rick will make you happy and offer you the life that you have always dreamed of having.”

  “My baby. I did it for you! For us! We were a family! I couldn’t let that tr…uh…girl tear us apart! Barry was just confused. He didn’t realize that we just needed to talk more. We fixed our marriage, it got better! You had a good
life!” Georgia spoke into the air, twirling, seemingly looking for her dead son.

  “Shut your hole, you fat cow!” Rick’s voice bellowed through the room, his face twisted angrily, his eyes revealing a craziness that was unnatural.

  All attention turned to Rick as he stood and ambled over to Georgia, swaying over her as if drunk.

  “Barry’s here.” Lissa said softly.

  “Barry! Honey! What are you talking about? We were so good! A team.” Georgia sobbed, staring at Rick as though she were looking at her long lost husband instead of a family friend.

  “Shut up! For so many years I took your crap, your domineering, bossy bitchiness because I was afraid! After Ana’s mom told you what I had done you swore to me, screeched at me like a harpy, that you would take everything, leave me in financial ruin and I would never see my son again! I stayed with you, put up with you, to keep my son in my life! I tried to find another love, another soul mate like I knew Ana was to me but all I found were warm beds and cold hearts, just like you, Georgia, your bed was always cold, cold and unwelcome. Now everything is so clear, Ana can join me, we can be together forever! I saw the love in her eyes, it was beautiful, breathtaking. I want to see that again!”

  “Bastard. The love you saw in my eyes was for your son! It was never for you! I looked up to you, as a father figure, I wanted to love you as a daughter would her father, I wanted to be a part of your family as your son’s wife! I will never love you, Barry! I will never be with you and now I’ve been given another chance, I am in love with Rick and I choose to be with him, for the rest of my life!” Ana stood next to Georgia poking her finger in Rick’s chest. She frantically searched his mad eyes for any sign of comprehension, any sign of Rick. “You and Georgia deserve each other. You’re both selfish and controlling. You never thought of what your son wanted and now you’re acting like fools in front of the last living person who truly loves you. I have sympathy and sorrow for Jennifer because when she lost Austin, she truly lost her family. You two are nothing but soulless weasels, trying to steal anyone else’s happiness because you can’t find your own. I pity you, both of you and now I turn my back on both of you. Go to hell, Barry.” Ana spoke softly as she turned, walking slowly to the mantle.

  “Bitch. You’re all bitches!” Barry seethed and suddenly Rick’s body crumpled to the floor as a hurricane force wind whipped through the room. Vases, statues and books started flying, turning into odd missiles that aimed for the vulnerable bodies that were in the room. Georgia screamed as a small Bernini statue hit her between the shoulders as she dove for cover behind one wingback chair, Lissa taking cover behind the other.

  Ana flung her body over Rick’s to protect him and she saw Stavros doing the same to Jennifer. Crazy, this is crazy, she thought to herself. She searched the room for anything to protect herself when she saw a shimmer by the fireplace. At first, she thought it was a reflection from the flames but then saw it grow and begin to form.

  “Austin!” Ana stood, knowing that Rick was safe at the foot of the floral couch. “Austin, please help me, help us.” she looked down at Rick, “I love him. I truly love him and I don’t want to lose him.”

  She looked back up at the shimmering apparition and felt warmth, love and joy fill her body, she gasped at the power of the emotions that filled her and felt her body float down to Rick. Just before she passed out, she saw Austin glide over to Jennifer.


  Ana woke to buzzing in her ears, high and low pitches all jumbled together excitedly. She felt her body being held, comforted, a cold washcloth pressed against her forehead.

  “She’s coming around.” Jennifer’s voice floated into her consciousness and she opened her eyes to see four faces staring anxiously down at her.

  “What happened? Oh, God, I passed out, didn’t I?” she moaned, mortified at the thought.

  “Hey you shouldn’t be embarrassed. You stood up to a ghost! Hell, you stood up to Georgia and that’s enough to make anyone weak in the knees!” Jennifer chuckled.

  Ana looked at Jennifer, “Did you see him? Did you see Austin?”

  Jennifer nodded, squeezing Stavros’ hand. “I did, we all did. It was beautiful, seeing him again! He fixed it, he did something and both he and Barry went into the light, they crossed over.”

  “Barry went with him? Willingly?” Ana asked astonished. “After all of that and he just went quietly?”

  “It was because of you, Ana.” Rick spoke softly. “Barry felt the love you had for Austin, and then felt the love you have for me. He knew he would never experience that with you, or anyone. I think he actually felt penitent. You shamed him, Ana, him and Georgia.”

  “Where is Georgia? I should apologize for my harshness, it's not her fault her husband was haunting me.” Ana started to sit up and look for Georgia.

  “She’s gone. She said there has been enough pain and loss and she didn’t want to deal with anything else. I think she went home to lick her wounds. Between you and Barry, I think she got a major reality check.” Lissa explained.

  “You were right, Lissa. Barry had other lovers, I just never knew, never thought…” Jennifer shook her head.

  “Marriage is a very challenging, beautiful union. It’s also a force to be respected and reckoned with all in its own.” Lissa said quietly.

  “Would you like to have coffee?” Jennifer blurted out, staring at Stavros.

  “Pardon?” he stumbled, caught off guard by the misplaced question.

  “Uh, oh,” Jennifer stumbled, realizing her timing.

  “I would love to have coffee with you.” Stavros jumped in, giving her hand a slight squeeze.

  “Great! How about tomorrow morning? We could go into town to that little café that we first went to when I wanted to pick out drapes?”

  “Café Rouge? I haven’t been there in ages. That sounds perfect! Thank you, Jennifer.” He leaned over and brushed a kiss along her cheek, Jennifer’s face flushing bright red and Ana started giggling, knowing that Jennifer was recalling one of her dreams.

  “Well, it has been quite a night for me. Marcus is going to be here bright and early so if you’ll excuse me, I will be retiring to my room for the night.” Lissa stood and smiled at everyone. “It has been an interesting and challenging night, thank you for the experience.”

  “Lissa.” Ana stood tentatively and when she felt sturdy, embraced Lissa. “Thank you so much for all of your help, for believing me and not abandoning me. You helped give me my life back.”

  “Oh honey, it was all you. You have more strength in you than you give yourself credit for. You’re an incredible woman and deserve an incredible man, again.” Looking over at Rick, Lissa smiled. “Take good care of him and keep him out of trouble. Oh, and after things have settled down, you two need to come to our home for dinner, it would be nice getting together with another married couple!” she strode out of the room without waiting for a comment.

  “I think we all need to get a good night’s sleep but right now I’m wired.” Jennifer admitted. “Anyone game to join me for a nightcap?”

  “I sure could use a good stiff drink.” Ana agreed. “How about you, Mr. Montgomery?”

  “I would love one, Miss Cassadine.” Rick smiled

  “I don’t understand the formalities of you Americans.” Stavros shook his head looking at Rick and Ana.

  “It’s like a term of endearment, Stavros.” Jennifer tried to explain but seeing the puzzled look on his face, gave up. “Never mind, I guess it’s a good thing we’re not American! Come help me with the drinks, please?”

  “My pleasure.” he nodded and took her hand as they left the room.

  Rick pulled Ana into his arms and lowered his head to kiss her. It was hard, full and passionate. “You were so brave and so furious! Remind me to never make you that mad when we’re married.” he teased.

  “I don’t think you could. I love you Rick, I love you so much that sometimes it’s scary and painful. I don’t want to be away from you a

  “I promise, my beloved, you’re stuck with me! So, did you want to talk about the date?” he started to kiss and nibble on her earlobe, working down her neck.

  “Date? What date? I thought we were beyond the dating part and moving on…” Ana was confused, trying to focus on the subject at hand but finding her body responding to his touch.

  “Not a date, silly, the date, our wedding date.” he brushed her hair back over her shoulders and moved towards the swell of her breasts, feeling her shake and tremble.

  “Oh, that date! As soon as possible, I don’t want to wait any longer! I don’t have any family that I need to make arrangements for and Sally can be ready on a moment’s notice, how about you? How soon do you want to get married?” she started to rub his chest and kiss his earlobe, wanting to disorient him as much as he was her.

  “My family and I aren’t very close, remember? The most important people in my life are right underneath this roof so how about tomorrow? Let’s get married tomorrow.” He fingered her bra straps so that one fell gently off of her silken shoulder.

  “Afraid I can’t do it that soon. Being that this is my first wedding, I want a beautiful dress and all the frills. Sorry, honey, but I want the works.”

  Hearing the slight apologetic tone in her voice, he stopped what he was doing and looked at her. “Don’t you dare apologize. You deserve the fairy tale wedding. I can put a hold on my hormones, for now, and give you the wedding that you want. Just don’t make me wait too long!” he teased and kissed the tip of her freckled nose.

  “I promise. How about in three weeks? Here? I know Jennifer and I can find a dress in three weeks and the gardens are so beautiful right now with all of the fall colors that we won’t need to buy a lot of flowers, just my bouquet. Tuxes for you guys shouldn’t be too hard and Sally can handle the office until the week before the wedding, I’ll just have her let our clients know that we will be shut down for a week so that if they need anything, they will have to schedule it before or after that week. What do you think?” she searched his face for any sign of what he was thinking.


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