Born Of The Blood
Page 19
“Does it bother you that I’m half witch?” she asked.
“It scares me,” he replied. “It scares me to think that it could kill you.”
“If I let go of my werewolf side, I can live.”
“Then let it go,” he said without hesitation.
“But then I won’t be like you.”
Daniel took a deep breath and then slowly let it out.
“I don’t love you because you’re a wolf. I love you because you’re kind, and gentle, and brave. I love you because you care for others more than you care for yourself. I love you because you give freely and expect nothing in return. Whether you’re a witch or werewolf is like if you’re a blond or brunette. It doesn’t matter, because you’re beautiful either way.”
“But I can’t be with you if I’m an Amazon.”
“You will always be with me, Jessie. You have burrowed yourself in my heart. I will never forget you.”
Jessie closed her eyes as she nuzzled deeper into his arms.
If only this weren’t a dream.
Jessie woke up in the small hut. She shifted on the sand-filled mattress, and then it hit her.
She was naked.
She looked down at her body and then searched the bed and floor for her clothes. They were gone.
But it was a dream, wasn’t it?
“Are you awake yet?” Helena called through the cloth door.
“Yes,” Jessie replied. “I’ll be right there.”
“Hurry up. We’re training with weapons today.”
Jessie looked at the sunlight filtering through the small window above her. It was a new day. Tomorrow would be the Trials. She had to be ready for them. She had to be. If not for her, then for Daniel. She couldn’t give up on herself when he won’t give up on her.
She grabbed some fresh clothes. She was going to wear the clothes the Amazons wore, but she was tired of trying to fit in with them. Instead, she opted for a pair of leather pants and a white tank top. She threw them on and then slipped into her boots. She braided her hair to the side and took a deep breath before she stepped out into the sun light. She felt more like herself now. She was going to be an Amazon, but she was still Jessie.
Daniel woke to a pounding on his door. He rolled over in his bed, feeling sated. That was a good dream indeed.
He shuffled to the door and swung it open to find Torrick standing in front of him, his hand suspended in air as if mid-knock.
“Sleep much?” Torrick said.
“What time is it?”
“Almost ten.”
“Ten in the morning?”
“Does it look like morning?”
Daniel looked behind him to the window. The moon light shown through the blinds, lighting his room in a soft pale glow. He had slept all day. With dreams like that, he was surprised he woke at all. Daniel turned back to his brother.
“What do you want?”
“We got a lead on the werewolf pack.”
“Where?” Daniel asked as he grabbed his pants from the floor and pulled them on.
“Some abandoned warehouse out past the city limits. Ty got a tip that there was some unusual activity going on there. Something about a few missing hookers or what not.”
“Who gave him the tip?”
“What does it matter? We’re going now to check it out.”
Daniel sat down on his bed as he quickly shoved his feet into his black leather boots and laced them up. He grabbed his shirt from the floor and froze. Lying in the corner was a beige, bra top and skirt. He held them to his nose. The scent of Jessie instantly surrounded him. It was a dream, wasn’t it?
“If you’re sniffing panties, so help me, Daniel.” Daniel rolled his eyes.
“Shut up.” Daniel put the clothes down on the bed. That was weird, but he didn’t have time to dwell on it. He threw on his shirt and quickly followed Torrick down to the gym where Boyd and Colt were already decking themselves out in weapons.
“You’re coming?” Daniel asked Colt as Colt shoved a switch knife into his boot.
“With Helena gone, there’s not much else for me to do around here. I might as well be useful.”
“It might be a heavy fight,” Daniel warned. “You ready for that?”
Colt let out a laugh.
“I’m more than ready. In case you forgot, I’ve been hunting the supernatural since I was fourteen. I know, killing vampires is bad, but it did teach me a few things. I’m more than capable of holding my own against a few werewolves.”
“Well, all right then.” Daniel smiled as he grabbed a sword from the wall and a couple of daggers.
“Here,” Colt said, tossing Daniel a set of keys.
“Helena’s bike?” Daniel asked.
“Unless you want to ride behind a dude,” Colt said. “Oh, and don’t scratch it. It’s Helena you have to face if you do.”
Daniel nodded as he followed them out back to the bikes.
It took nearly half an hour to get to the warehouse. He parked Helena’s bike next to Torrick’s and Colt’s. He dismounted and looked at the Aprilla RSV. It had been modified for extra speed and painted a sleek black. Helena had good taste.
He looked to Torrick next to him and Boyd on the other side. Colt stood to his right. They waited only a second before the sound of three motorcycle engines came barreling up to them. Rickon, Robb and Justin parked and came to stand next to them. They nodded as they all turned to the building.
Daniel looked at the abandoned warehouse. It was dark around the building. No street lights were on outside or any lights coming from inside the building. It looked like a pile of metal. No life to it. Even the moon seemed to keep its rays hidden from it.
Even though the building was creepy in every way possible, there was something else that bothered Daniel about it. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but there was something in the air that sent his senses into overdrive. Like a sixth sense or a gut feeling. There was just something not right here.
“I don’t smell anything,” Boyd said.
“Werewolves can mask their scent,” Robb replied.
“If they’re strong enough they can,” Torrick added.
“Not from me. No matter how strong they are,” Boyd said. Daniel looked over to him and Boyd nodded. “Yeah, I smell everything.”
“Ty said Rocco was here?” Daniel asked, looking at the three wolves.
“That’s what he said,” Robb replied. “He said he got a tip from someone in a bar.”
“That sounds promising,” Boyd replied.
“It’s the closest we’ve gotten in the last few days. It’s worth checking out.”
“Fine.” Boyd hiked up the sleeves of his shirt before he pulled out two daggers from his boots. He twirled them in his hands. “Let’s do this.”
They walked towards the warehouse, the uneasy feeling still surrounding Daniel. It grew the closer they got. They tried all of the doors until Robb found a side door that was open. He waved them over and, one by one, they slipped into the dark warehouse.
The smell of rust, steel, and oil filled his nose as Daniel peered in the darkness. His night vision was excellent and he could see the empty building on all sides. The ceiling was two stories high with a catwalk midway above him, leading from a set of stairs across to what looked like office windows. There were crates along the far wall of the first floor, some stacked as high as the ceiling, and double metal doors behind the stacks.
“I can’t see a damn thing,” Colt said.
“That’s because you’re human,” Justin replied.
Daniel saw Colt flip Justin off.
“You know I can see in the dark, right?” Justin asked, looking at the blind Colt.
Colt smiled. “Yeah, I know.”
“Are you sure this is the place, Justin?” Daniel asked, ignoring both of them.
“This was the address Ty gave me. He said he would meet us here, but he should have been here by now.”
“I don’t lik
e this,” Boyd said.
“A dark, abandoned warehouse,” Colt replied. “What’s not to like?”
“You scared, human?” Justin asked.
“On the contrary,” Colt replied. “Warehouses comfort me. Or at least they did when a demon had possessed me.”
“Let’s not talk about demons,” Daniel said. He really didn’t like this. The more time they stayed in the building, the more his gut tugged for him to run. Something wasn’t right here. Daniel rarely felt like running. His flight of fight instinct was always to fight, but right now, running seemed liked the best option.
“Guys,” Boyd said. “We need to get out of here.”
“Don’t tell me you’re scared too, Dark Lord?” Justin said.
“No, but I can’t smell anything.”
“We already told you werewolves can mask their scent.”
“No. I can’t smell anything. It’s like I’m human again.”
“You mean…” Daniel’s voice trailed off. Boyd looked to him and nodded.
Demon Venom.
The only thing that could weaken a Dark Lord. It muted their powers. Daniel looked to Rickon and Rickon nodded. He knew what that meant, too.
“Let’s go,” Rickon said.
They moved to the door they had entered from, but it wasn’t opening.
“What’s the hold up?” Colt asked.
“The door is locked,” Robb replied.
“Can’t you kick it down?”
“I’m trying.”
Daniel heard the thud of Robb’s boot kicking the door, but it made no effort to budge.
And then the lights flicked on.
Daniel blinked as the halogen lights burned his eyes. He turned to see the warehouse was no longer empty. Thirty demons stood in front of him, not more than fifty feet away. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up and his body was ready to shift. Every nerve was alive as he looked at the pasty, black-haired demons in front of him. He did a quick count in his head. They were outnumbered. Thirty demons. Seven of them. They could take four demons each. He, Torrick and Boyd could easily take a fifth. Sounds do-able.
“You walked so willingly into the lion’s den,” a deep voice echoed through the warehouse. “It must be my lucky day.”
Daniel looked up to see Rocco standing above on the catwalk.
“Not most people think of the day they die as their lucky day,” Boyd said beside him.
Rocco let out a deep laugh.
“Look around, Dark Lord. You’re outnumbered. Can you not see your end even when it’s right in front of you?”
“I’ve seen many ends, and I’m still alive.”
Rocco let out another laugh before he waved his hand, signaling for forty more demons to come in. Daniel let out a growl. Okay, so ten each.
“Where is the girl?” Rocco asked.
“Jessie is safe,” Rickon said.
“Oh, my dear brother,” Rocco said, walking gingerly to the stairs. “Your daughter will never be safe. My employer will hunt her to the ends of the earth.”
“Who is your employer?” Daniel asked.
“A very powerful man. He even shared some of his powers.” Rocco flexed his hand.
Daniel looked at Rocco’s fingers as his nails elongated into razor sharp claws… but he wasn’t shifting.
That wasn’t good.
Only the strongest of werewolves could manipulate their shift like that. For wolves, it was all or nothing. Only Daniel’s family held enough power to control their shift like that, and even Gareth still had trouble sometimes.
“Did this man also give you a demon army?” Boyd asked.
“Why, yes he did,” Rocco said, coming down the stairs and then walking to the middle of the room in front of the hoard of demons. “He even gave me the pointers about the demon venom. Shame there weren’t more Dark Lords here to die. He would have liked that. Might have even tripled my pay.”
“I might just be a human here,” Colt said. “But one thing I do know is you don’t count your chickens before they hatch.”
Rocco let out a laugh that sent chills down Daniel’s spine.
“Before I kill you,” Rocco said. “Don’t you want to know how this is all possible?”
“You got lucky?” Robb offered.
“Luck had nothing to do with it,” Rocco replied. “Just how luck had nothing to do with finding Jessie in the bayou, killing your pack, essentially weakening your alpha, and lastly, bringing you here.”
“Someone ratted us out,” Justin said. It wasn’t a question, and neither was who was behind it all. Only one person was on guard the night the pack was murdered. Only one person would give Jessie’s location away. And only one person had told them to come to the warehouse tonight.
“Ty,” Daniel said.
“That can’t be,” Rickon replied. “He’s part of my pack.”
“And I have been held back ever since.” Daniel looked to the back of the demon army where Ty walked his way through. “You say we’re a pack, but when it comes down to it, you protect your family, Jessie above all.”
“She’s my daughter.”
“She’s a half breed and should have been killed the moment she was born.”
“I found you half starved, half naked and half alive,” Robb said. “We have treated you like a brother. And this is how you thank us?”
“Thank you?” Ty stood next to Rocco. “Thank you for keeping me at the back of the pack? Thank you for never letting my powers grow? Thank you for using me as muscle and nothing more? Rocco has already promised me more power than any alpha ever has.”
“Whatever he promised you,” Rickon said. “He’s lying. That’s what he does. Tells you what you want to hear so he can get what he wants.”
“He’s already made me stronger.”
“Then prove it,” Robb said. He leapt into the air and shifted, landing as a massive brown wolf. Ty let out a growl as he shifted into his wolf form, and in a blur of brown fur, they set in on each other.
Daniel saw Rocco give the signal and then the demons charged. Boyd drew his sword and began slashing down the demons. Rickon, Justin, and Torrick shifted and began sinking their teeth and claws into the demons. Within seconds, the room was filled with ash as the demons were slain one by one.
But it wasn’t enough. There were still too many.
Daniel ducked as a demon swung his talons at him. He grabbed a dagger from his boot and sunk it into the demon’s heart. Daniel was strong in his wolf form, but quicker on two feet. Opting to stay in human form, Boyd threw him a sword and he began slashing left and right as the demons flanked them. Colt held his own to Daniel’s right as he made his way through the demon hoards. Helena was teaching him well, but they were still drastically outnumbered. And more demons were still coming in. Daniel saw Colt take down two more demons before one caught him with its talons. Blood seeped from the back of his left leg. Colt went down on one knee, but didn’t stop fighting. He came back up and killed another demon, ignoring the pain he had to be feeling in his leg.
Daniel dodged another demon, spinning and sending his sword into the demon’s back and through to the heart. The demon burst into ash around him. Daniel turned again and blocked more talons with his sword before sending that demon back to Hell. Torrick was making his way through the demons, ripping off head after head. Rickon was locked into battle with Rocco while Robb still fought with Ty. Justin was holding his own, but Daniel could see blood coming from his right front leg.
And worse, there were still more demons coming in.
With every demon they killed, it felt like two more took its place.
They needed help. And they needed it fast.
Daniel threw his head back and let out a howl louder than he ever had before. It was the Alpha Call. Ashley would hear it and come with reinforcements.
Hopefully, it won’t be too late when she gets here.
“Now you’re getting it,” Helena said as Jessie stood over he
r. A small bead of blood sat on Helena’s perfectly pink lips. Jessie had gotten an opening, and managed to get in a right hook to Helena’s face. The force of her hit was strong enough to send Helena flying back on her ass.
“Finally,” Jessie said as she helped Helena up. “I feel stronger. I can feel my powers, too.”
Helena dusted the sand from her leather pants. She still refused to wear the clothes provided from the witches. Helena was all leather.
“I would say so,” Helena said as she put her sword back in the sheath that sat on her left hip. “I think you’re ready now,”
Jessie looked up to the night sky. It was the darkest she had ever seen. There were no stars, no moon, no joy to it. The night sky had always been filled with joy. Stars twinkling in their spots. The moon shining like a beacon of hope. But not here. This island was cut off from the world. Cut off from the moon.
“When the sun rises,” Jessie said. “I’ll be a hundred years old. My fate will depend on me being ready.”
“You’re ready for the Trials, but are you ready to give up your wolf half?”
Jessie turned back to Helena.
“I don’t have a choice. The two can’t live together inside me. And my witch half won’t back down.”
“And your wolf half will go quietly?”
“I don’t want it to, but I don’t have a choice.”
“If there is one thing I’ve learned in my four thousand years,” Helena said. “Is there is always a choice.”
Jessie smiled at her. If only it were that simple. She didn’t want to give up her wolf half, but she had to. It was the only way to survive. She had to embrace herself as a witch. She had to become the Amazon she was born to be. But with that, there were consequences. Amazons only took mates to reproduce a child. They didn’t take lovers and they didn’t marry.
Jessie was choosing between her life and her heart.
Daniel knew this when he gave her to Asteria. He knew he was giving her up. He wanted her to live. Jessie needed to respect that choice. Even if it felt unbearable.
Jessie put her sword in the sheath on her back. She liked it there better. It was getting in the way on her hip and kept hitting the back of her thigh.