Bought by the Lone Cowboy

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Bought by the Lone Cowboy Page 11

by E. Walsh

  “Well, me and Stephanie…” Harold interrupted her again.

  “Stephanie and I.” Stacey sighed quietly in aggravation.

  “Stephanie and I were wondering if maybe you knew anyone who could maybe help us find jobs so that we don’t have to move back home?” Stacey knew that adding in the part about moving back home would convince him to do her bidding if nothing else did. While he loved his daughters, Harold had been glad to get a little peace and quiet and finally not be outnumbered by the women living in his household.

  “Honey, I don’t really think I know anyone who…”

  “Please daddy! We’re trying so hard but it’s so unfair, no one is even calling us for interviews.” Harold sighed loudly in to the phone. They had been trying hard to get jobs, he had to give them that, but they had been trying to get the wrong jobs. He had tried to tell them a few times that there was just no possibility that they would be hired for the positions they were applying for, but the girls would tell him that he should have more faith in them. Eventually he stopped offering his advice.

  “Well…there might be someone I could ask.” He relented, as he always did, although he knew that pulling off this favor was going to take some doing.

  “Seriously?!” Stacey squealed down the phone. Harold winced at the high pitch of her voice.

  “I can’t promise anything mind you. But I do know that Tom was hiring not too long ago and maybe he will still have something open.” Stacey’s eyes widened.

  “Tom Ford?” Her step-dad’s best friend. Harold and Tom went golfing every weekend. Stacey didn’t see much of him, but she remembered him from a Christmas party that Harold and Maude had held a few years ago. She had only been nineteen at the time but the thirty-two-year-old magnate had made her knees weak with his perfectly tailored suit, his slicked back brown hair and his deliciously emerald green eyes. If she had thought she could get away with it then she would have jumped him in the coat closet.

  “Yes, my golfing partner?” He paused and when Stacey didn’t say anything he added, “He came to our Christmas party that one year, remember?” Stacey didn’t want to sound too much like a stalker so she paused for a moment.

  “I think so.” There was no ‘think so’ about it though, she remembered everything about Tom Ford, from the way he looked to the way he smelled.

  “He owns Ford Technologies.” Ford Technologies was by and far the biggest thing about Springfield in terms of business. It had been the fastest growing company in the area and within eighteen months Tom had found himself named one of the richest men in the country.

  “But I don’t know anything about technology…we both have business degrees…” Harold laughed.

  “A company as big as Ford’s needs just about every skill somewhere in the hierarchy. Let me give him a call and see what he can do.” Stacey loved that Harold always came through for her.

  “Stephanie too right?” She added, making sure – as she always did – that her sister was part of the deal.

  “Yes, I’ll ask for both of you, but I can’t guarantee that even if he finds you something that you’ll be working together.” Stacey made a pouting face at her sister who was listening intently, her ear pressed to the other side of the phone.

  “I know, daddy. Thank you.” She knew that it was unlikely that she would be able to work alongside her sister but she had hoped that it would be a possibility.

  “You’re welcome, now does your sister want to talk to your mom or can I get back to my newspaper?” Stacey looked over at Stephanie who shook her head and mouthed the word ‘no.’

  “No, she’s good.” Harold shook his head at Maude and reached for his newspaper again.

  “Okay, I’ll let you know when I hear back from Tom, okay?” Stacey nodded.

  “Okay, thank you again daddy.”


  “I love you, bye!” Harold smiled at the sound of the words.

  “I love you too, bye honey.” As he hung up the phone Maude waited patiently to hear what her daughters had finagled out of him this time.

  * * *

  Chapter Two

  Stacey tugged on her sister’s formfitting black pencil skirt and fluffed the edges of her blouse over her waistline.

  “Stop!” Stephanie pulled away from her sister’s mothering hands. “It’s fine, you’re making me self-conscious!” Stacey pulled her hands back by her sides and looked her sister over.

  “Sorry, I’m just nervous.”

  “We look fine and it’ll be fine.” Stephanie brushed her palms over the front of her skirt and smiled at her sister, catching her own reflection in the steel elevator wall.

  “I’ve never had a job without you, urgh, I’m so nervous!” Stacey bit down on her bottom lip and moved beside her sister, leaning in a little closer than she needed to for comfort.

  “It’ll be okay and we can meet up for lunch. Plus, if you need anything I’m just going to be down the hall or upstairs or something.” Truth be told Stephanie had no idea where she was going to be, but she knew that if she was going to calm her sister down, she had to tell her that she would be close by. Stephanie leaned back against her sister in reassurance. “Did he tell you what floor you’re going to be on?”

  “Mmm mmm. Nothing but what he told you, meet him at his office and he will introduce us to the job. Something like that anyway.” Stephanie nodded. The elevator came to a halt on the twenty-fifth floor and the girls both put a hand to their belly in a single movement as it surged upward.

  “Okay, deep breath and I’ll meet you by the elevator for lunch okay?” Stacey nodded nervously.

  The girls walked out of the elevator and came to a large oak reception desk behind which sat a middle aged woman in a headset sporting a rather large black perm. The phone rang loudly.

  “Ford Technologies, please hold.” The woman pressed a button on the large phone and smiled up at the girls like an icon out of an 80’s movie.

  “Hello, welcome to Ford Technologies, how may I help you?” Her voice was friendly and tinged with an accent that neither of the girls could identify. At the same time both girls responded.

  “We’re here to see Mr. Ford.” The receptionist laughed before reaching up and putting her hand to her mouth.

  “Well that’s what you call stereo sound!” The girls gave a polite laugh, but it was nothing they hadn’t already heard a million times and they no longer found it funny. “Can I get your names, please?”

  “Stacey and Stephanie Anthony.” Stephanie answered for both of them. The receptionist nodded her head and clicked through a few computer screens before looking back to them with a smile.

  “Ah, yes, Mr. Ford is expecting you! Just head on through there,” She pointed to her left, “and carry on until you hit the double doors at the end of the hall. Just knock.” The girls nodded.

  Walking down the hallway Stacey relived her first day of kindergarten and wished that she could reach over and hold her sister’s hand like she had done then, without drawing attention to them. As they walked down the hallway a number of heads popped up over cubicle walls like prairie dogs on the lookout for a predator. When each of the critters realized that the girls were twins they would stare for much longer than necessary before sliding back down at their desks and whispering something to their neighbor who would then pop up over their cubicle wall as well.

  Stephanie raised her hand and knocked confidently on the office door before giving her sister a reassuring nod.

  “Come in!” Mr. Ford’s voice was strong. He was the kind of man you imagined having been in the military even though he never had been. Stephanie lowered the door handle and with a quick smile at her sister and a deep breath, she pushed it open.

  Walking in to the office the girls couldn’t help but look around at the minimalist décor, but what caught their attention most was the large panoramic window that covered the wall behind Mr. Ford’s desk. The entire city lay below them and they both found themselves staring open mouthed.
  “Ah, girls, it’s lovely to see you again!” Mr. Ford stood up from his executive leather chair and gestured to two seats on the opposite side of his desk. “Sit, sit!” Stacey smiled and waited for her sister to sit down first before she took her seat. “So your dad told me that you are looking for work?” Stephanie wasn’t quite sure what to say, she had been positive that they were there for their first day of work and yet Mr. Ford was talking as though they were still going through an interview process.

  “Yes, we just recently graduated.” Mr. Ford ran his hand through his dark hair, pushing it out of his eyes. It flopped back in to place.

  “Oh, congratulations! That’s fabulous! The last time I saw you I think you were only just starting college!” Stacey could feel her cheeks reddening at the thought of her reaction the first time she had seen Tom Ford. He looked no different now, still wearing the perfectly tailored suit, his hair still ever so perfect and…who was she kidding, everything about the man was perfect.

  “Thank you,” the girls said in unison. Tom laughed and the girls waited for a stupid remark about stereo sound that never came.

  “Well, I just have entry level positions open right now really, but I’ll see if I can’t fast track you girls up the ladder.” He winked and Stacey felt her heart begin to race. “So…forgive me, but which one of you is Stephanie?” Stephanie raised her hand slightly. “Stephanie, I am in desperate need of someone to take dictation for me, think of it like a secretarial position…” Stephanie nodded; at least it was something that she could do! “And Stacey,” he turned to Stacey, “I need you to help me with follow up calls to new clients.” He looked at both girls. “Is that manageable?” They both nodded. “Now, Stephanie your job will be pretty easy, I’ll walk you through it the first time and from there on out you’re just going to be doing the same thing over and over so it shouldn’t be hard. Stacey, I’m going to introduce you to Patricia, you met her at the front desk, but she’s going to walk you through making follow up calls to clients. You know, telling you what to say etcetera.” Stacey nodded; she couldn’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy that Tom Ford had chosen her sister over her however, to work beside him. “Okay, so Stephanie…” He shook his head, “sorry Stacey, come with me and I’ll get you set up with Patricia and Stephanie, if you could just wait here for a moment I’ll be right back!”

  Tom disappeared with Stacey in tow, shutting his office door behind him. Stephanie craned her neck to look out of the large glass paneled window again. Everything in town looked so much different from the twenty-fifth floor. She imagined looking out over the people who probably all looked like ants. She couldn’t see any from where she was sitting, but she was quite sure that they would look like some kind of insect and from up here she felt like the kid with the magnifying glass.

  Tearing her eyes from the view Stephanie looked around the office. There were three uniquely shaped bookcases and a number of odd-looking statues that she could only assume were meant to be abstract art. She wanted to look at the bottom of them to see if there was any hint as to what they should be, but she was afraid that Tom might return and find her snooping. Instead she squinted her eyes to try and read some of the book titles on the shelf. They all looked to be pretty standard business practice books and there was one shelf packed with technology themed titles, nothing interesting, she sighed. A shaggy black rug sat in the center of the room; it looked like the kind that you always see babies lying on. She resisted the urge to pet it to see if it really was as soft as it looked. A large white leather chaise sat beside Tom’s desk and Stephanie wondered if that was where she should sit while taking his dictation or whether it might be more proper to sit where she was now. The chaise certainly looked like a more comfortable option.

  It felt like an hour had passed before Tom returned to his office, shutting the door behind him gently and flashing his beautiful white smile at Stephanie.

  “I just can’t get over how grown up you girls are now!” Stephanie smiled awkwardly. “Okay, so are you ready to get to work?” Tom walked towards her and for a moment Stephanie was taken in by just how well his suit fit every flawless curve of his body.

  “Ready as I’ll ever be!” She smiled. Tom slid in to his leather chair behind his desk and leaned forward.

  “Okay, so I’m sure you know what dictation is, but just to recap. I’m going to speak out what I want written, emailed or otherwise passed on to someone and your job is going to be to copy it down. My last girl used a tablet; it made things a little bit easier. Just don’t rely on those text to speech things because they never get things right and please always double check everything before it goes out because autocorrect is a disaster!” Stephanie giggled. “It’s not funny! You wouldn’t believe some of the things my last girl sent out” Stephanie giggled again.

  “I can believe it!” She found her voice trembling as she answered him, there was something about him that made her feel more nervous than her sister had seemed in the elevator and she couldn’t quite put her finger on it.

  “Alright, so,” he reached in to a desk drawer and pulled out a slick black tablet, “this is what you are going to use to take dictation. I’ll always let you know beforehand whom it is going to and how it should be delivered. You will take shorthand notes if you like or longhand – as long as you can keep up with me I don’t much care, then I’ll have you go over everything, write the official correspondence and we move on!” Stephanie nodded.

  “Sounds simple enough!” Tom nodded.

  “It’s just a matter of being thorough, I like all of my girls to be very thorough.” Stephanie couldn’t help but think that there was a double entendre in there somewhere but opted to overlook it. “Want to give it a practice run?” Stephanie was quite sure that she could do everything he had asked, but for his confidence in her she nodded. “Okay, so I’m going to open up the Word app, it’s just my preferred app but if you have one that you like better then that’s fine too. So long as things are done thoroughly, spell checked and the like, whatever makes you comfortable is fine.” Stephanie raised her hand slightly and Tom laughed. “You don’t have to raise your hand, honey, you’re not in the classroom anymore.” Stephanie could feel herself blushing as she lowered her hand to her lap.

  “Umm, is there somewhere you prefer for me to sit?” Tom shook his head.

  “Anywhere that you feel comfortable is fine by me. I spend most of my day in this chair so everywhere else is up for grabs!” Stephanie stood up and walked over to the white leather chaise beside Tom. She perched on the edge of it hesitantly. He laughed at her. “Oh hell, if you’re going to sit on it, really sit on it!” He stood up and taking her calves in his hands he swiveled her around so that she was in a position to lie back. “Now, lie back!” Stephanie wasn’t sure about it but she did as she was instructed, keeping her eyes on his as she did. She felt vulnerable, but at the same time it was a feeling that thrilled her. She blinked softly. “Comfortable, right? I take quite a few naps on that thing…don’t tell anyone though!” He laughed and Stephanie caught sight of the huge dimples in his cheeks. She could see what her sister had seen in him.

  * * *

  Chapter Three

  Stephanie pulled her legs up and rested the tablet against her thighs, ready to take dictation. Tom sat back down in his chair and turned to face her.

  “Okay, we’re going to start with a fake e-mail, just to get some practice in.” Stephanie poked at the tablet screen to find her cursor and poised her fingers over the keys. “Ready?”

  “Ready!” Stephanie waited as Tom leaned back in his chair and steepled his fingers.

  “Dear Harry,” he paused and Stephanie smiled. “I am writing to you today to send my thanks for referring your daughters to my service.” He paused again as Stephanie finished typing. “I have to tell you that they have grown up so much since I last saw them at your Christmas party. I almost didn’t recognize them.” Stephanie tapped at the keys. Tom licked his lips before he began speaking a
gain. “As I sit here watching Stephanie type in her short tight skirt, I can barely hold myself back from seeing just how much of a woman she has become…” Stephanie’s eyes widened as she kept typing. She wanted to look up at Tom, but her face was burning with embarrassment. “How I would love to run my hand up between her warm supple thighs and show her just how much Tom Ford can teach her.” Tom stopped and smiled broadly before standing up and perching himself on the edge of the chaise. Reaching over he took the iPad from Stephanie and placed it underneath the chaise. “Would you like to see what I can teach you, Stephanie?” Stephanie nodded, she couldn’t help herself. He made her whole body tingle just by being close to her.

  Tom Ford slowly slid his hand up between Stephanie’s thighs, pushing them apart just enough to rub his thumb over the front of her panties.

  “Mmm,” Stephanie leaned her head back against the back of the chaise.

  “Do you like that?” Stephanie nodded silently and Tom smiled. “Good, now lift your butt, I’m going to get rid of these panties so I can really have some fun!” Stephanie did as she was told and Tom slid her panties down over her heels. “Now, how about we unzip that skirt too?” Stephanie separated her legs on either side of the chaise and leaned forward to unzip her skirt. Tom watched, hypnotized by her tight slender body. “Good, now lean back and let me help you with that.” Stephanie lifted her butt again as she had before and let Tom slip her skirt down over her heels. “Mmm, perfect. Now I want to see those perfect perky tits of yours.” He leaned forward and slowly unbuttoned her blouse to reveal a white lace bra with her pert nipples poking through. Without any prompting this time Stephanie leaned forward and unhooked her bra and slowly slid it down over her arms while keeping her eyes on Tom.

  Tom couldn’t tear his eyes away from the naked young thing that sat in front of him. Her skin was so perfectly porcelain white and every inch of her body was so tight. His cock was already throbbing.


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