Bought by the Lone Cowboy

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Bought by the Lone Cowboy Page 23

by E. Walsh

  Amber stood beside her. “When my mother died, I was so heartbroken that I didn't know where to turn. She had been my greatest comfort, you know.” Amanda didn't know. She didn't have that, but she understood.

  “I never met Bruce, but I had to take my brother's somewhere. They were so young back then, and Tom-Tom was just a newborn. I took a chance, and he became my comfort.

  When he lost my mother all those years ago, he lost his comfort, and over time we found it in one another. Neither of us know how it happened, but we love each other and we're a family.

  “I've never seen this before, but that was the most amazing thing. I don't know what to say to any of it, but I don't have negative feelings towards either of you. In fact I guess...”

  “Will you be with us, Amanda?”

  “Yes. I will.” The two women embraced and found love.

  8. Babysitting for my Boyfriend’s Billionaire Dad

  By: Kylie James

  Babysitting for my Boyfriend’s Billionaire Dad

  ©Kylie James, December 2015 – All rights reserved

  Published by Steamy Reads Publishing

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

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  This book contains graphic content intended for readers 18+ years old.

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  * * *

  Chapter One

  “Hey Jeremy, what’s up?” I said as I walked into my dorm room. It was eight thirty at night, and my final class just let out several minutes ago.

  “Nothing much, just seeing what you had planned for the night.” Jeremy said and by the way that his voice sounded, I could tell that he wanted me to do a favor for him. I sighed, but a gentle smile came across my face. Jeremy's predictable, a great guy, but predictable.

  “I can tell that you have a question to ask me,” I said as I sat down on the bed. I’d been wearing heels all day and my feet were killing me. I kept telling myself that I needed to wear more comfortable shoes, but the ones that I had on was just too cute to resist. Jeremy laughed on the other end of the phone.

  “You know me too well Alysa,” Jeremy said. Jeremy and I have known each other for nine years, ever since we were eleven years old and I feel that Jeremy is the only one who gets me. We always spend time with each other and it was a surprise that we were not dating. I found Jeremy to be incredibly attractive. He was five foot eleven with dark brown hair and eyes. His lips were full, and he kept his facial hair tidy. He kept himself in great shape and women of all ages practically threw themselves at him, but we weren't into each other like that.

  “Well spit it out already.” I wish that Jeremy would stop beating around the bush and just tell me what's on his mind.

  “Well, you remember my dad right?” I couldn’t remember how Jeremy’s father looked, but I did know that he’s rich as hell.

  “Yeah, he’s a billionaire right?” Jeremy sighed, and I could picture him rolling his eyes.

  “I’m glad that you remember him.” He said sarcastically. “Well as you know he and my mother isn’t together anymore, and he has a new wife. They recently had a baby, and they’re looking for a babysitter. Since I know that you have to pay some of your college expenses this semester, I thought of you.” My eyebrows went straight up, and I sat up on the bed.

  “For real? I’d love to do that; I could use the extra money.” Since I knew that Jeremy’s father was rich, I knew that he’d pay me well.

  “Great, you have a pen and piece of paper so that I can give you my dad’s number? He’s expecting a call from you.” I grinned. Jeremy was the best for setting all of this up for me.

  “Yeah hold on.” I grabbed my cheetah print book bag and took out my notebook with a pen. “What is it?” I wrote down the number quickly and grinned stupidly. I’ve always loved kids, and I've babysat children on a regular basis when I was a teenager. “When should I call him?” Since it was almost nine, I didn’t want to bother him at that moment.

  “My dad gets calls from work all hours of the day. If you call him right now, he won’t be upset about it.” Even though it wasn’t incredibly late, I still felt skeptical about this.

  “What about your step mom? Would she mind me calling him so late?” Jeremy busted out laughing at this.

  “She doesn’t care; she’s just trying to get out of the house more without being tied down by Justice.” I considered what he said and decided that since I wanted the babysitting gig, I’ll call Jeremy’s father now before I lost my nerves.

  “Alright, I appreciate you doing this for me, Jeremy. I’ll call him right now.” Once we got off of the phone, I took a deep breath and dialed Jeremy’s father’s number.

  “This is Alexander.” A deep male’s voice said through the phone. I was momentarily taken aback because his voice didn’t sound like what I expected. For some reason, I expected it to sound raspy and old, but his voice was smooth and sexy.

  “Hello, Mr. Stevens.” I said once I composed myself. “My name is Alysa Connors, I’m a friend of Jeremy’s, and he gave me your number because you’re looking for a babysitter.

  “Ah,” Mr. Stevens said. “Yes, I do remember you Alysa, and I’ve been expecting your call. How are you today?” the man on the other end of the phone was so polite and respectful that it was hard to believe that he cheated on Jeremy’s mother.

  “I’m fine Mr. Stevens and how are you? I hope that I didn’t catch you at a bad time, Jeremy told me that you wouldn’t mind if I called you right now.” I tried to sound as professional as possible because I didn’t want to blow my first impression.

  “You can call me anytime Alysa. I’m doing well thank you.” I heard Mr. Stevens shuffling around in the background, and I wondered what he was doing. “As you might have heard from my son, my wife and I are in desperate need of a babysitter. Do you have experience with infants?” He asked and I went into detail about what certificates that I held and the ages of the children I babysat. “Would you be available to come to my office tomorrow for an interview? If you can bring you resume along with references that would be great.”

  “Of course.” I said quickly. I was feeling good about this and even though I didn’t know how many people Mr. and Mrs. Stevens’ were talking to, I felt I had an edge over them just because I’m friends with Jeremy. “I’m available all day tomorrow, what time would be best for you?” I could hear Mr. Stevens typing something into his computer before he responded.

  “I’m available tomorrow during lunchtime. I’ll tell my staff that you’re coming so that they don’t interrogate you when you get there. Some of my employees are nosey.” A huge grin spread across my face. I needed a job desperately and nobody was calling me back for interviews.

  “Yes, noon is great.” I took down his office’s address, and we said our goodbyes. By the time everything had processed, I was grinning from ear to ear because I knew that tomorrow would probably be the start of something great.

  * * *

  Chapter Two

  “Hello, my name is Alysa Connors, I have an appointment with Mr. Stevens.” I said as I approached the receptionist at the front desk. The
older man smiled at me kindly before he spoke.

  “Hello Alysa, Mr. Stevens will probably be another ten minutes, but I’ll let him know that you’re here.” I nodded my head and went towards the women’s bathroom quickly. Mr. Stevens hasn’t seen me in a very long time, and I wanted to make sure that I left a good impression. I know that the job was only for babysitting, but considering that the man was worth billions of dollars, I was going to treat this like I was closing a major deal for a corporation.

  “I look okay," I said looking at myself in the mirror. I tried to keep my honey face as natural as possible other than some red lipstick. I had my shoulder length coco hair in tight curls, and I wore a blue women’s suit that my mom gave me for my birthday. I made sure that my C cup cleavage wasn’t exposed and that my skirt wasn’t showing anything inappropriate. My hazel eyes scanned my entire body until they were satisfied. “I look okay.” I said again and walked out of the bathroom and took a seat.

  “Ms. Connors,” The receptionist called out as soon as I sat down on the couch. “Mr. Stevens is ready to see you. His office is straight to the back.” I thought that someone would have at least shown me to his office, but I guess this wasn’t the case. The building was lovely, though, something one would expect someone who makes over a billion dollars annually to own. As I got closer to Mr. Stevens’ office, I began to get nervous.

  “Have confidence.” I said to myself as I made my way to the giant office door. I’m sure that Mr. Stevens would like me as long as I carried myself professionally. I knocked on the door a few times before it opened on its own.

  “Alysa?” I heard a deep male voice before I saw the owner of the voice. I looked around the room and noticed how big that it was. Was it honestly necessary to have an office this big with only one person in it? When I saw a figure stand up from the corner of my eye, I looked in the direction, and my breath caught in my throat at the sight of Mr. Stevens.

  “Yes, hello Mr. Stevens it’s been a long time since I’ve seen you.” I walked over to his desk as I swallowed the lump that was forming in my throat. The man was breathtaking. He was wearing a Ralph Lauren suit and he had his black hair slicked to the back. He had gray at his temples, but I didn’t think that it made him look old; it made him look mysterious. His face was flawless and tidy. When I walked over to him and stood in front of him, I couldn’t help but notice that he towered over me. On the other hand, most people were taller than me since I was only five-foot-three. I held my hand out to him, but he shook his head.

  “Alysa, there’s no reason to be so formal with me, we’re practically family.” He grinned and took me into an embrace, and I inhaled deeply. I didn’t know what cologne he had on, but whatever it was it smelled fantastic. “Let me look at you.” He said and pushed me gently away from him. I didn’t know why, but I flushed when his eyes roamed every inch of my body and for some odd reason I felt heat forming in between my legs. “You’ve blossomed a lot, Alysa.” Mr. Stevens said with a grin, and he motioned for me to have a seat.

  “Thank you so much.” I said still blushing. It should be a crime for an older man to look this good. Jeremy shared a lot of features with his father, but I had to say that Mr. Stevens was hotter than Jeremy.

  “Did you bring your resume?” he asked then as he pushed my chair under the table.

  “Yes, I do.” I said and pulled a copy of my resume out of my folder. I pulled my copy out of the folder as well so that I can remember to touch on some important points. Mr. Stevens took it from me and instead of sitting at the head of his table; he sat right next to me.

  “I’m sorry, would you like something to drink?”

  “No thank you.” I said quickly. My mouth was starting to feel a little dry but not because I was thirsty. Sometimes when I was nervous, I got cotton mouth, and I wish that I’ll grow out of this soon.

  “Alright Alysa, tell me why I should hire you to take care of my daughter?” I took in a deep breath and sold myself to him.


  I don’t know if this is good or bad, but I spent ten minutes going over each little accomplishment and detail when it came to children and me. I told him about all of the certifications that I’ve acquired, such as; CPR and first aid, Blood-Borne and Pathogens, AED, along with other lifesaving training certificates. I told him how I pretty much cared for all of the children on my block when I was living at home and how I volunteered at a daycare center during the summer. I thought that maybe I took too long, but he listened to me talk without interrupting me once and he never looked like he was bored.

  “That’s impressive, Alysa. You sound like you know what you’re doing. You look professional, and kids seem to flock to you.” Mr. Stevens said to me and I smiled. I could tell that he meant what he said because he didn’t seem like the type of person to flatter anyone when he wasn’t interested in them.

  “Thank you, Mr. Stevens.” I said, and I watched him lean back in his chair, and he appeared to be deep into thought.

  “This Saturday my wife wants to go out with her friends to a spa. She’ll be out of the house for majority of the day. Maybe around noonish to seven. I’ll get home around six, but I want at least an hour to myself to relax.” From the way that Mr. Stevens was speaking, I was sure that he was offering me the job. I wanted to hide my excitement, but it was getting hard to hold my composure. “I want to give you a little trial run to see how you interact with my daughter. If you do a good job, I’d love to hire you as our babysitter. How does that sound?” By the time Mr. Stevens finished talking, I was smiling from ear to ear.

  “That sounds great, I’d love to spend the day with Justice.” Mr. Stevens stood up then, and I followed his motion.

  “Great, and far as payment,” he paused as he thought about what he was willing to pay me. “Since this is a trial will $50 an hour work? Also, if we decide to go with you, we’ll pay you more.” That was more than enough for me, and I was shocked that he was willing to pay me that much money just to look after a baby.

  “Yes, that’s fine.” I said trying to keep myself from jumping up and down. I could buy a lot with that type of money.

  “Great, I’ll give you a call again Friday night. It was good seeing you again Alysa, let me walk you out.” Mr. Stevens walked me out of his office, passed the receptionist to the elevator. “Be careful.” He told me as I stepped into the elevator. I politely said thank you just before the elevator doors closed. I was happy to be on the elevator alone, but I knew that the elevator more than likely had cameras in it, so I decided to cheer later. As soon as I walked onto the streets I punched at the air.

  “I have to call Jeremy.” I said as I walked towards my car. I was so happy at that moment that I would have kissed Jeremy if he was standing in front of me. “We’re going to celebrate.” I said out loud when I got in my car. I knew that he was at home because I called him before I went to my interview. Even though this wasn’t a job that’ll pay me millions of dollars, but it was a job nonetheless which I got because of Jeremy. Instead of calling Jeremy I decided to pay him a visit.

  * * *

  Chapter Three

  “Hey you,” Jeremy said after he opened his door and saw me on his doorstep. I didn’t say anything to him as I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his body.

  “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” I said many times as I kissed him on his cheek repeatedly. He laughed and pulled me through the door.

  “Hey, if you’re going to show me your appreciation like that, at least do it so that the neighbors won’t see us.” I laughed at him and pulled away from him then. “I take it the interview went well.” Jeremy said as he closed the door. I followed him to his room, and I went in and laid down on the bed. Feeling a little uncomfortable still wearing the suit jacket, I unbuttoned it and threw it on the floor and took off my blouse. My tank top hugs my midsection and my breast nicely and could see Jeremy’s watchful eyes looking me over.

  “Of course it went well.” I said stretching my arms over
my head. I felt so much better after throwing those bothersome clothes to the side. “I’m going to babysit your little sister this Saturday for a trial run. Jeremy, he’s paying me $50 an hour.” Jeremy looked through his DVD collection to find a movie for us to watch.

  “Just $50? Well, I guess that’s alright for a trial run. I know he told me he was going to pay whoever he picked at least $100.” My breath caught in my throat when Jeremy said that. That meant that I had to do a damn good job Saturday if I wanted to get paid that type of money.

  “I am going to get this job.” I said as a new sense of motivation washed over my body. If I were their babysitter now, I would be making $700 Saturday instead of $350. I needed to kiss serious ass if I wanted to get this job. I'd be making a hell of a lot more money than working at any traditional jobs that college kids got to pay their college expenses. “Where’s your mom?” I asked once I noticed that the house was too quiet.

  “Out with some of her friends. She’s not going to be back anytime soon.” Jeremy said and sat down next to me on the bed once he found a movie for us to watch. Normally I would have told Jeremy to “borrow” some liquor from his mother, but I didn’t want karma to come and bite me in the ass because I’d be drinking when I’m just twenty years old. I’ll drink my little heart out once I’ve secured this job. “You look good,” Jeremy said out of the blue, and I looked at him and smiled. I saw something in his eyes that I’d never seen in them before, but since I couldn’t put my finger on what I was seeing, I decided to tease him.

  “Your dad looks good too.” I said and laughed when Jeremy’s mouth twisted into a deep frown.

  “What the hell, Alysa?” he said and that only made me laugh harder.


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