Bought by the Lone Cowboy

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Bought by the Lone Cowboy Page 104

by E. Walsh


  They lay spent on the bed, breathing deeply in rhythm together, with no desire to ever move.

  Alice could hear Riley softly breathing against her. She looked over and smiled.

  She was in love with Riley, she always had been, but she wasn’t sure what to do next.

  It was as if Riley sensed Alice’s concern. He gazed up at Alice and tapped a finger to her chin. “Are you okay with this? Wish us?”

  Alice forced a smile. “I’m just wondering what I’ll tell Jack,” Alice said quietly. “And Maureen.”

  Riley began to stroke Alice’s arm. “Well, I think you have to be honest with Jack. I don’t want you to use me as a reason to end the relationship.”

  “I’m pretty sure the relationship is over,” Alice said with a sad smile. “I’m more concerned for you. What will your rich bitch friends have to say, knowing that you’re with me of all people?”

  Riley leaned over and gave Alice’s nipple a quick kiss. “I don’t care if I ever see them again. And Maureen can just get over it. I have a feeling that our relationship will be the least of her worries when Lawrence files for divorce.”

  “I am sad for her,” Alice said. “She’s a bitch, but she’s still my sister.”

  “Then we’ll be there for her when she needs us,” Riley said. “And we’ll be there together.”

  He pulled her closer and kissed her forehead.

  “Think you can handle that?”

  Alice sighed as she snuggled into Riley’s side and pushed herself closer.

  “I think I can handle anything,” she said with a sigh. “As long as we’re together.”

  The End

  37. The Shy Girl

  By: Judy Wright

  The Shy Girl

  © Judy Wright, 2016 – All rights reserved

  Published by Steamy Reads4U

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

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  This book contains graphic content intended for readers 18+ years old.

  If you are under 18 years old, or are not comfortable with adult content, please close this book now.

  * * *

  Chapter One

  Liz McKinney watched Sebastian Greene walk from the copier to his cubicle, charming everyone and laughing with them along the way.

  Everyone loved Sebastian Greene – especially the ladies– and it was easy to see why.

  Liz sighed as Sebastian passed by, doing her best to remain innocuous. She was attractive, but would never flaunt it. She wore stuffy humdrum business suits and kept her hair neat and the makeup to a minimum. She didn’t need the hassle of unfounded rumors or unrequited love especially in the workplace.

  High school had been an emotional train wreck, but romance had been a breeze when she went to college.

  During that incarnation, she'd been called Lizzy; a full bore Goth girl, with requisite spiky black hair, dark eyeliner, short-shorts, fishnets, and heavy combat boots that caused her to drag her feet when she walked.

  One nice side effect of the heavy boots was that she now had toned legs that most women would die for.

  The high heels she still struggled with every day made her calves look AWESOME!

  However, one must put away childish things, as her mother was fond of saying.

  Knowing that a different world awaited her after college, Lizzy slowly transformed herself into a more mature version of herself that she called Liz.

  During her senior year, she let her hair grow in a less severe style and started experimenting with makeup and tasteful tops and skirts.

  Her GPA and mock-professionalism easily landed her the job as a financial analyst with the prestigious firm.

  Still, she felt like a total poser as she interviewed with people who would have probably been horrified had they known the truth about her.

  She was happy with her job and her little apartment that was only three subway rides away.

  Life in general was good.

  The only real thing missing was someone to share it with.

  She wasn’t surprised that so many girls in the office complained about how hard it was to find Mr. Right.

  She herself thought Mr. Right might be Sebastian.

  With brown hair that looked smooth as silk and piercing chocolate brown irises, Sebastian garnered all manner of attention from men and women alike.

  The men wanted to be him.

  The women wanted to fuck him.

  However, he was as friendly as he was attractive, managing to avoid any kind of drama.

  Sebastian had been working in the insurance claims processing center for nearly five years, starting around the same time as Liz.

  While exchanging pleasantries in the hallway, they'd never really made friends outside of work.

  With a sigh, Liz turned back to the coffee cabinet in the break room. Someone had taken the last bit of coffee without starting a new pot. She held up the empty pot and wiggled it in the air.

  “Who took the last cup of coffee and didn’t make more?”

  Liz nearly jumped out of her skin when she turned around to see Sebastian's brown eyes sparkling with amusement.

  “I can't be sure without a fingerprint kit and DNA swab, but were I to guess, I'd have to say it was me,” he said with a smile. “I was actually coming back to make a new pot, but if you’d rather call in Inspector Jarvis to question me…”

  “What? No... I mean... I was just,” she stammered. She stopped and smiled at him. “Inspector Jarvis?”

  “You know, from the TV show,” Sebastian said, chucking, his husky voice ringing in mirth. Liz's heart caught in her chest at the sound. She'd always been a sucker for men who could laugh at themselves.

  “Are you a fan of Unlawful Intent, too?” Sebastian asked, as his laughter subsided, his mouth twisting into a sexy little grin. The popular crime drama was one of Liz's favorites, and she said as much.

  “You know,” Sebastian said, “They just released the first two seasons on Netflix… If you want to come over this weekend, we can hang out and watch it together.”

  In spite of her vow to keep her distance, Liz found herself looking into those earnest brown eyes and unable to decline.

  “Well… I mean… Sure... that would be great!” She sounded like a giddy schoolgirl. She cringed at the sound of her own voice.

  “Cool. We’ll order pizza and I’ll pick up some goodies from a bakery near my place. You like chocolate muffins?”

  “Of course,” said, giggling in spite of herself. “Who doesn’t like chocolate?”

  He smiled. “I’ll text you directions.”

  He nodded at the coffee maker.

  “Now step aside and I’ll brew you a fresh pot of coffee.”

  * * *

  Chapter Two

  Liz felt like she was suddenly in a dream. Had Sebastian really just invited her over to his place to binge watch TV?

  Five minutes ago she didn’t think he even knew who she was, and now they had a date.

  No, not a date!

  He invited you over to watch TV, you idiot, not get engaged!

  She poured herself a cup of coffee and brought the cup to her mouth, inhaling the rich scent.

sp; Since it was Friday, the customary box of donuts beckoned from the table.

  She leaned over and peeked inside, the smell of sinful carbs wafting up to tempt her.

  Thinking of all the junk food that Sebastian promised for tomorrow's get together, Liz used her willpower to propel her out of the break room, before she could change her mind.

  Carrying the cup of coffee back to her cubicle, she saw there was a notification on her phone.

  Clicking the message open, she found the directions to Sebastian's apartment.

  Despite knowing better, Liz took pleasure in noting how quickly Sebastian had sent the message.

  Don't get too excited, Liz told herself.

  He must really be lonely or a huge fan of Unlawful Intent.

  Still, she flushed at the idea of being alone with Sebastian, even if it wasn't for the reasons Liz would have preferred.

  Pizza, junk food, and her favorite television show nothing could be better.

  Except for maybe pizza, junk food, her favorite television show, AND making out with Sebastian.

  That would be better.

  Before she followed that train of thought into the imaginary bedroom, Liz shook her head, physically wresting her attention back to her computer.

  It was going to be a long day.

  * * *

  Chapter Three

  Liz managed to slog through the day on Friday, anticipation for Saturday afternoon making the time crawl along.

  In an attempt to keep herself busy, she made a batch of chocolate cupcakes to take with her, then remembered that Sebastian had said he would pickup chocolate muffins.

  What was up with her brain?

  She knew… all the blood was rushing to her…

  “Shit,” she said. She stared at the tin of cupcakes, then picked up the knife to ice them anyway. Satisfied with the icing piled high with the aid of a piping bag, she placed the lid on the cupcake carrier.

  After a glance at the clock, Liz decided to jump in the shower before heading to Sebastian’s, even though she had showered earlier that morning.

  She shucked off her clothes, depositing them in the hamper the bedroom.

  One of the benefits of living alone was being able to walk naked from the bedroom to the bathroom.

  Even though the apartment was warm, the tile was cold under her bare feet while she waited for the water to heat up.

  A shudder of relief went through her as the warm spray of water hit her back.

  She tilted her head back, the water hitting her scalp and cascading down through her thick black hair.

  Rinsing the conditioner from her hair felt absolutely decadent. She closed her eyes, enjoying the water sluicing down her back and rear.

  As her mind wandered, she imagined soft hands stroking her as the water did. Sebastian's hands… sliding over her breasts… down her stomach… pausing at her clit before sliding inside her…

  Liz jolted back to reality.

  She switched off the water and tugged the towel form the holder. She needed to quit thinking about Sebastian that way. This was not a date. It was just television and junk food. No matter how much she wished otherwise.

  * * *

  Chapter Four

  An hour later, Liz stood at the door to Sebastian's small apartment building, trying to figure out how to push the call button on the speaker while balancing the cupcake container.

  Luck was with her, as an elderly woman with a tiny dog came through the door.

  “Where you heading, honey?” the little woman's high voice warbled.

  “I'm going to 4C.”

  “Oh, to visit Sebastian? He's my neighbor. Such a sweetheart, isn't he?”

  The woman cooed into the furry little face of the white Maltese in her arms. “With the charm he has, you'd think he'd have a bunch of girlfriends, but I've never seen him bring a woman up. Not that I'm a busybody, mind you. It's just so important to look out for our neighbors in this big city.”

  With that, she put the little dog down on the floor. Its tiny nails clicked on the floor as it walked out the door, presumably towards the park across the street.

  Liz looked at the wrought iron banister on the stair case, debating whether to walk the four flights or take the ancient elevator.

  Since she didn't trust her coordination walking up the stairs while carrying her cupcake carrier and her purse, she opted to ride in the elevator.

  The elevator was so small, she had to wonder if it had once been a dumbwaiter before pressed into service for carrying people.

  Despite a few shimmies and a truly frightening screech, the elevator made it to the fourth floor.

  Not wanting to press her luck, Liz hurried off the elevator.

  She was pretty sure she'd walk down on the way out. She looked around to find the door labeled 4C.

  Considering there only appeared to be four apartments per floor, it wasn't overly difficult.

  Liz raised her hand to knock, but was interrupted when Sebastian flung the door open.

  "Hi there!" He smiled, opening the door wide and helping her with the cupcakes. "I saw you walking up to the building. Then, Mrs. Hammond walked out with her dog. I knew it would be a while before you got up here.” He smiled apologetically as he stood aside to let her pass, “Did you she chatter too much?”

  "No, she actually just talked about what a nice guy you are."

  "That's true. Or mostly, anyway." Sebastian playfully winked at her. He looked at the container of cupcakes. “Um, what’s this?”

  “I know, I’m an idiot,” she said, blushing. “I thought we’d use these as backup after we eat all the muffins.”

  “Cool,” he said with a broad grin. “I’ll put this with the rest of the snacks."

  The small apartment was only an apartment in the academic sense. It was a studio apartment with a tiny kitchen area.

  A huge photograph of a scenic sunset dominated the one wall. Sebastian's bed was tucked in the corner, haphazardly made, but relatively tidy with an olive green duvet.

  A small futon served as the seating area with a low trunk in front of it, serving as both a table and storage.

  The top of the trunk was covered with a table cloth, on top of which sat a variety of snack foods.

  Sebastian set the cupcakes on the trunk and plopped down on the futon. He picked up the TV remote control and patted the futon next to him. “Not a lot of space, I’m afraid, so we’ll have to be cozy. Hope you don't mind."

  Liz swallowed hard.


  It would have been more than she could have wished for, had Sebastian been interested. That was a special kind of torture she would get in line for.

  They were into the second hour of the TV show what Liz felt Sebastian nudge her with his elbow.

  “Hey, you look like you’re a thousand miles away. Everything Okay?”

  “Oh, sorry, I just get into this show so much I kind of… daydream I guess.” She lied badly, which was better than admitting the truth that she had been fantasizing about the two of them doing more than watching TV.

  “Yeah, I get into it, too,” he said with a smile. He pushed himself off the couch and dropped the remote next to her. “I’m going to take a bathroom break, then I’ll order those pizzas.”

  “That would be great,” Liz said, squeezing her knees together in an attempt to calm the heat that was rising up her thighs.

  Liz scolded herself for her uncontrollable imagination.

  She was not going to let her raging libido ruin her chance to hang out with the most handsome man on the planet.

  Who was in charge here? Her brain or her raging hormones?

  As if her body felt the need to answer, she felt the crotch of her panties growing hot and moist.

  * * *

  Chapter Five

  Sebastian hung up the phone and said, “Pizza will be here within the hour.” He opened the container of cupcakes and plucked one out, biting into it as soon as he sat down.

  “This is delicious
,” he said, licking the chocolate icing from his fingers. Liz’s world suddenly went into slow motion as she watched his fingers go in and out of his mouth his tongue swirl around his long fingers. The fire in her belly began to rage.

  “Ready for this?” Sebastian asked.

  Liz’s mouth hung open. “I’m sorry, ready for what?”

  “Episode three,” Sebastian said. He picked up the remote and aimed it at the TV.

  “Um, yes, sure, let’s go,” Liz said. She tried to inconspicuously shift her position on the couch. Her panties were drenched now and making her uncomfortable, in more ways than one.

  Oblivious to Liz’s plight, Sebastian turned his attention back to the mystery unfolding on the screen.

  However, all of Liz's attention was focused on Sebastian.

  She watched from the corner of her eye as he brought the cupcake up to his lips for the next bite.

  His lips were covered with chocolate, and his tongue darted out to clean it.

  Liz found herself licking her own in an involuntary response.

  It was beyond Liz how Sebastian managed to be so sexy while his mouth was covered in chocolate.

  Liz had never been one for food in the bedroom, claiming that the potential mess far outweighed any eroticism.

  However, as she watched Sebastian, she longed for the opportunity to rectify the error of her ways.

  She would bathe in chocolate syrup just to feel that velvety tongue on her body.

  * * *

  Chapter Six

  A few hours later they sat on the futon watching the last episode of the show. Despite their bellies being full of pizza and chocolate cupcakes, the fantasies playing in Liz’s head never stopped.

  She couldn’t recount a single thing that had happened on the TV because the dirty movie playing in her mind was far more interesting.

  Sebastian’s voice snapped her out of her daydream.

  “Didn't see that coming, did you?”


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