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Pikeman Page 2

by Kristen Kelly

  His hands are all over me now. On my breasts and between my legs. I sizzle and I writhe as a finger circles my little nub, squirming as he explores every inch of me. Sliding his finger in and out, the little bundle of nerves spring to life. “Mmmm. Such a pretty, naughty little girl. Now what should we do with you?” His brown eyes practically glow in the dim light and I can see he likes seeing me undone. He’s pushing me. Taking it slow yet igniting all my senses one by erotically one. The perfect teacher. The perfect partner. My breath comes in short hot pants, anticipation fueling me. I feel the loss terribly when he pulls his finger out.

  His controlled features break into a grin. “Now, where are my manners? You said you came here to see something.”

  “Mmmm hmm,” I say. My heart thuds faster.

  “I think I know what you want to see but first...” His arms wrap around me while he slides off my bra off one shoulder and then the other. I gasp, melted from his hot stare as his hands travel down himself, hooking a thumb inside his waistband. This is it! This is it, Amy Lynn! Fuck! Already I can feel him. Stretching and moving inside me. The pulse of his cock. The way my clit grabs and holds him there. My own gradual rise into womanhood. Fuck, I want him. I want him more than anything I’ve ever wanted in my life. Brock Fitzgerald isn’t a boy. But I didn’t want a boy for my first time. I wanted a man. This man.

  “I wonder if I should punish you for going where its forbidden,” he says taking the last of my bra and flicking it over his shoulder. It slaps against the wall. I lick my lips, hoping he isn’t serious but prepared for it just the same.

  The overhead fan kicks on fluttering an American flag that’s suspended from the ceiling making me shiver. Pulling me closer, large hands stroke me from hip to my neck. He leans in, cups my chin in one hand while sliding a tongue inside my mouth. Tasting and sucking with fever. With the other hand he squeezes my ass with one hard-muscled hand. The kiss deepens, my skin burning beneath his touch. It’s the most erotic kiss I’d ever experienced and I want to fuck him right here. Right now. On this desk.

  “Awe baby, you’re freezing.” Without taking his eyes off me, he reaches over my head for a black and yellow fire jacket. He slips it on me, leaving it open in the front. My nipples stiffen in the cold and he offers an appraising smile. “Now stand up and slip that naughty little skirt off.”

  I unzip the skirt in the back, a little black number made of leather that shows off my long legs. Something I never would be caught dead in until today. It puddles by my feet as I step out of it.

  “Now the panties,” he commands in a firm masculine voice.

  “M…My panties?”

  “If you’re sure you still want this.” He holds back, waiting, the air still charged around us. “We can stop right now if you want.” He laughs. “But I sure as hell hope you don’t want to.”

  I take a step back, confused at my own hesitancy. I’m almost naked beneath the coat but for some reason taking the panties off makes me heart seize. I bite back tears knowing what he expects and hoping I don’t disappoint. I want him. I want…this. It will hurt though. I know that.

  “It’s all right,” he soothes, wiping a tear from my cheek with his thumb. “Should we stop now?”


  “Okay. We can work around the panties. For now. I guess it’s your turn anyway.”

  “M…m….my turn?”

  He backs up slowly. I make to follow but he halts me in my tracks. “No. No, you stay where you are…and watch. I want to see your reaction. I want to see…the hunger in your eyes.”

  I am hungry for him and even more ravenous when I see what he has to offer. I watch, gob smacked as he undoes his belt buckle and unzips his pants. As my eyes loom large, he yanks the belt out of the loops with one swift whoosh. He tosses it forward, startling me as a hard silver buckle depicting a fireman cradling a baby hits the desk with a loud clank—dangerously close to my right hip. I glance back at the man before me. So hot and oozing of raw need and male dominance that I would go with him anywhere. Do whatever he wanted. Does he like what he sees? Does he want me as bad as I want him? The bulge in his boxers tells all . My nipples chafe against the coat almost painfully. “I want you, sweetheart.” That smile. The heat behind his eyes. The way he moves. Sleek. Graceful. A man who knows what he wants and takes it.


  “Come here, baby girl. Come see what you came for.” I stroll toward the desk, trying to act sexy but I’m still wobbly in my four inch black stilettos. Amber eyes stare back at me as he slides down his pants. A hand reaches for mine and before I know what he is doing, my palm is on his cock. Tentative fingers wrap around the hardness of him but I’m not really sure what to do. “Move your hand like this,” he coaxes sliding my fist up and down him. “Aw fuck. Your hands are like magic.” I want to see him, see how excited he is but we’re so close all I can do is feel. Then his tongue is in my mouth, his lips pressed to mine. He breaks off, breathing heavy. “I’ve been horny as hell, little girl. Ever since I saw you downstairs in those fuck-me-up-the-side-of-a wall heels. I knew you were up here. Knew that fine ass was waiting for me.”

  Holy shit! What is he, a mind reader?

  He tilts up my chin, presses his lips to mine, our tongues swirling and dancing, stealing each other’s breath before he bites my bottom lip. His hands mold my breasts. Pinching. Pulling. Little nips along my neck. I spread my thighs wide at his command and shimmy forward on the desk, pushing against his cock. Glancing down I see tiny ripples in the skin and something shiny on the tip. I’m so fucking drenched, I can smell my own sex. It arouses me even more. That magnificent cock jumps. Hard. Enormous. Eager to come out and play. Velvety smooth, my hands wrap around him again, but I’m afraid to squeeze too hard. “It won’t bite, little girl.” He growls into my hair. “Take it out and play. It’s yours.” Every sense in my body is screaming, demanding I take what is offered. “See what you do to me with your hot little body? See how fucking hard I am.” His fingers dip below my panties as I grip him in my fist. “Stroke it. Stroke it, baby girl.”

  I get into a rhythm, rubbing. He groans while his fingers brush my sex. I push forward letting go of his cock so I can grab onto the desk for leverage. Wanting his dick inside me. Needing it. Wanting more. Harder. Faster. Wishing I could tell him but I’m too shy. Too young. I’m panting and I nearly shout as the pads of his fingers slide up and down my tender folds, bruising the bundle of nerves there. When he focuses his touch on the little nerve endings, it’s almost too much. My heart nearly stops and then starts up again triple time. “Oh god!”

  “So sensitive and sweet. That’s it. Feel it. Let your body go, sweetheart.”

  I do. So much. Letting every atom of my body rise in glorious erotic pleasure, I utter a timid moan.

  “No one will here you if you scream.”

  Scream? Why would I? “Oh my fucking god. Yes!”

  “What’s your name…sweetheart?” Absurdly I realize I hadn’t even introduced myself. What is wrong with m? Fuck! Coming. Coming! I can hardly get the words out. “Amy…Amy Lynn. Oh god. Oh!”

  He stares down at my hand, which has gravitated to his cock again. “Yeah, just like…Like that. Ah fuck. Fuck! You’re going to make me come.” He dives in for another kiss, all lips and wet tongue, claiming me. It makes me happier than I’ve ever been which seems ludicrous. I’ve given myself up to him. This man. This older, chiseled in the image of the god, man, that I’ve fantasized about for months, is coming all over my hand.

  His hot look rises from his fondling to my face, scorching me ten degrees higher as it settles on my eyes. Right before I’m about to come, his fingers stop, poised inside my pussy. “Please! Why are you stopping?”

  “I have to. Too fast. If I don’t… Hold on. Hold on.” He leads me to the other side of the room. Taking a fireman’s cap off a shelf, he places it gently on my head. “Perfect,” he says, standing back to admire me. “A dirty little girl wearing the halo of a hero.” His rich
whiskey voice soothes me. With both hands flat along the wall caging me, he kisses me while reaching down between our bodies. I feel tugging. Fear mixed with excitement skitters through my veins. A faint rip and my panties are flying across the room. A finger slips inside my core. Exploring. Tantalizing. Claiming me once again. I’m so close. So close I can taste it.

  He’s groaning and sweating, hot breath breathing against my neck. His hard muscled body coils around my own. I know this is wrong and naughty like he said. Oh so naughty, but every time he calls me a little girl, it makes me hotter. Deep down, this was what I was hoping for when I snuck in here. I know it was. I didn’t really yearn to see where he slept. I wanted this.

  “Oh!” His thumb presses the bundle of nerves between my legs and it swells, almost pulsing. My body wriggles up against the wall. “Oh god. Fuck! Brock, yes.”

  “That’s it. That’s it. Say my name, you dirty little girl. Say my name while you come for me.” The way he talks should disgust me. I should slap him in the face. I should be insulted. I’m not. Not even a little. I fucking love the filthy way he talks to me. He groans, his touch becoming slower. I feel his cock along my leg and I wince as he strokes himself. “It’s okay, baby. Just relax. I’ll be gentle. Okay?”

  I murmur my agreement but I’m scared as hell, trying to slow my heart. I feel his cock at the tip of my entrance. Gripped tightly in his fist, he rubs the tip up and down my inner thigh while stroking my clit with his other hand. An orgasm grabs hold. Higher and higher. All my senses on overload as I shoot off that high ridge. Like a rocket, I’m spun into fucking orbit.

  “Brock! Yes. Yes.” My eyes close tight because I don’t want it to be over but it’s out of my control. Drenched with heat, my palms sweat. I don’t recognize who I am. Brock owns me. He controls every nerve inside in my body. Making me feel all things at once. So high. So fucking high. Every muscle. I’m keening and I don’t want him to stop as he brings me to glorious earth shaking climax. But he isn’t finished. His fingers pause but only for a second then resume the infinite stroking of my clit. I notice he’s barely touched himself through it all. Is he waiting for fuck me?

  “So wet for me, little girl. So fucking wet. I bet you can do that again too.”

  Is he kidding?

  His fingers move faster, the friction making little slapping sounds. My body shudders with hot sparks. Again! Oh my god, Again. My body climbs to a credenza,.

  “Come, little girl. Come for me even higher this time. Come. Come.” The words breathed into my ear—it heightens my pleasure.

  The second orgasm grips me by the teeth, shakes me with its fangs with even more ferocity than before. The difference between a landslide and an avalanche. When I’m thoroughly sated, he says, “not done with you yet, little girl.”

  I couldn’t ‘t possibly go again. “Brock. No. I…”

  In a hot frenzied flash and still holding his cock with one hand, he flips the coat completely off my shoulders and it puddles to the floor, leaving me totally naked. I gasp as the cool air grips me, a little shocked. It happened so fast.

  “Beautiful.” We switch positions. He perches his ass on the edge of the desk, cock pointing north, feet dangling. “Just stand there and let me look at you,” he says. “Let me look at this dirty little girl who stole into my sanctuary. She doesn’t want to volunteer to be a firefighter but she does want to see something.” His huge veined cock bobs up and down, the rosy pink slit glistening with pre-cum. “Touch yourself, Amy Lynn. Show me what a bad girl you are.”

  I’ve never done anything like that in my life so I need a little coaxing. He guides my hand between my legs. “I find that sexy,” he breathes. “More than anything in the world.” I want to please him. “Pinch those nipples. That’s it and tell me how it feels. Tell me how wet you are for me. Ahhh,” He hisses through his teeth. “Tell me,” he commands in that alpha male voice of his.

  “Yes. Yes,” I whisper. “I’m…I’m hot for you, Brock. So hot.”

  “That’s it. That’s it. Now stroke yourself . Stroke that hot pussy that wants me to fuck it for the first time. And I will fuck you, Amy Lynn. Ahhhh!” His breathing escalates. “ Maybe not today but soon. And I’m the only one that will fuck you. Do you hear?” His big fist slides along his cock. Pulling and groaning as he strokes himself faster. I spread my legs a little, bringing my own joy to my clit . I fall back a bit, my balance off in these stupid heels of mine. If I could take them off gracefully and chuck them I would.

  The hat falls off my head. “Oh!” I go to retrieve it, bending over just for him. I grab the edge of the desk, keeping myself from falling.

  “Leave it, Amy Lynn. Leave the hat and bend over some more. Oh, baby, just like that. You have a fantastic ass! Good girl. Stroke that hot pussy and make yourself come for me again.”

  I’m bent sideways, holding onto the desk for support, my ass open to Brock’s cock. Something hard and hot rests upon my bottom. I can feel his eyes, burrowing into my backside—he nearly burns me with his heat.

  “I need to touch you,” he says. “I want to come all over that sweet ass of yours.”

  I can’t see him but I can feel his pre-cum dripping. So sexy. So fucking sexy. Feeling my own swollen lips still pulsing with pleasure, I reach behind, settle my fingers around his cock and guide him up and down my cleft. “Like that?” My legs quake and finally I manage to slip the fuckers off but now I’m too short so I have to bend myself over more. It’s just enough.

  His groaning grows louder. For a minute, I wonder about all those other firemen. Can they hear us down below? Do they know not to investigate? Is it understood? is this something they hear often? Before I can agonize too much, I hear Brock come with an earth quaking assault all over my ass, body shaking from the effort. Hot wet cream scalds my skin, drips along my crack and inner leg.

  The way he talks should disgust me. I should slap him. I should be insulted. I’m not. Not even a little. I fucking love the filthy way he talks to me.

  His crooked smile owns me. Fucking owns me and I know without a doubt, before any real words are exchanged, I would go anywhere with this man. I know it makes no sense. I know it could be the hormones talking but somehow I feel it.

  Taking me in his arms he reaches around to my backside, his hard sculpted chest nestled inside my softness. He cups my bottom with both hands and rubs his cum into my back, legs, and hips. It feels dirty and wrong. But more right than anything I ever felt. He holds me at arm’s length, gently pushes me from him. “I should get you home. The breakfast is about over and the men will be returning. We want to get you out before they do.”

  “I don’t care if they find us,” I said sternly, which gives him a great chuckle and the biggest smile I’ve seen.

  “Hot dirty little girl.” He appears to ponder my words, flexing his lips. “Nope. Not yet.” Then he gives me one of those lion roaring kisses that turn my insides to jelly. As I bend to pick up my skirt, he gives my ass a hard smack. Not quite hard enough to leave a handprint. I would have fallen but Brock catches me quickly. He picks up the skirt and apologizes but there’s fire in his eyes as I slip back on my shoes. “I want you to turn around when you get home, look in the mirror and remember where you’ve been.” Then he tucks his business into his pants and begins buttoning his shirt. “Remember who has claimed you, Amy Lynn. No other shall have that sweet, sweet pussy but me.”

  My heart soars with the revelation. I don’t want any other man either. Even though we’ve just met, I’ve been watching him, reading about his rescues, drinking in every word. Saw the interviews. Studied his career. I know he went to Harvard, studied physics and that he lifts weights every day. I know he’s never been married, is an only child, that he’s the most coveted bachelor on the planet. They even had a spread on him in GQ. I had my suspicions though—that there is more to Brock Fitzgerald than meets the eye.

  “Oh, and Amy Lynn…” His eyes darken with danger, his eyes hooded. “Don’t rub my seed off until morning.�


  “I told you. You are mine. Wash my seed off that perfect baby skin and I may have to punish you. You probably deserve it after sneaking up here. Bend over, little girl.”

  I look at him in shock, my mouth open, but then he laughs. “Just kidding.” Whether he means what he says or not, doesn’t bother me in the least, as long as he fucks me.

  “I want you to be the first.” I whimper as his big arms wrap protectively around me, crushing me to him.

  “I know,” he growls.

  Now that we are face to face, I see faint lines around his eyes, dark stubble hiding the tougher skin, his eyes flashing with unbridled passion. He looks older than I thought he would—but that just makes me want him more. Unable to look away, I swallow, my cheeks warming.

  I’ve always been a good girl, never crossing the line, always taking responsibility, but like Jane said, ‘it’s time’ and I want it. Need it like I’ve never needed anything in my life. Sex. Raw and dirty but I want more than that. I wanted this man.


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