Chasing Bad Boys: A Bad Boy Romance Series (Chasing Bad Boys Book 1)

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Chasing Bad Boys: A Bad Boy Romance Series (Chasing Bad Boys Book 1) Page 24

by Kylie Parker

  “It’s probably a threat on my life. He’s done that before.” Anna’s voice was steady as she addressed him. She kept her cool and did not sound worried at all.

  “How come you’re so…”

  “Calm?” She finished his sentence. “I’m not afraid of him. Not anymore.”

  “You’re driving me crazy here!” Jimmy complained. “I’m going to ask you one last time: What happened between you two?”

  Anna squeezed her lips, raising her eyes to meet his. Her past with Ben was clearly not pleasant. Jimmy reached out his right arm and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, but he would not utter another word. Anna blinked back tears, before sucking in a deep breath.

  “Ok…” She sighed. “You need to know a few things about my past first. My parents were killed in a car accident about eight years ago. I was in my freshman year at college when that happened. About three months later, Andy said he needed some money to buy a car. He borrowed five thousand dollars, but he gambled it. Long story short, he gambled away my college fund. I had to get a job, but not just any job. It had to pay well. That’s when I met Isaac Stillwell. He’s a strip club owner in Chicago. He offered me a job. I’m very experienced; that’s why I’m so expensive. Anyway, I graduated college and I stopped working for a few months. But Isaac insisted I worked a little more. I said ‘ok, but not on such a regular basis.’ I performed twice a month. I should have said ‘no’, but the money was just too good. It helped Andy with his gambling problem and I didn’t have to worry about getting a job. I met Ben in April 2014. He was good to me at first, but like every guy I’ve met, he didn’t like my job. But I wasn’t going to quit, just because he didn’t approve of what I did. A couple of months after we started dating, he started to get jealous. I couldn’t even talk to another guy. One night, someone in the club that I was working in offered me a drink. Ben pulled a gun on him. We broke up after that, but then, he made my life a living hell. He stalked me, followed me around all the time. Three weeks later, I went to the supermarket. I saw him there, but I wouldn’t talk to him. He got mad. Ben got out and smashed my car windows, but the security cameras caught it. That’s when I got the restraining order against him. He didn’t bother me again. About a month later, I got a job as a teacher.”

  “That’s some story.” Jimmy commented. “Wait a minute. Why did you leave Chicago? Why did you give up your life there?”

  “Because Andy kept asking for more and more money.” Anna’s voice broke. A tear rolled down her right cheek, as she forced her gaze away from Jimmy. “I couldn’t stand that. I had to come back here, so I could keep an eye on him, make sure he stops gambling. He already owes too much money.”

  “How much?”

  “Forty six thousand dollars.” She replied.

  “Holy cow.” Jimmy whispered.

  “I can make that money in a few months.” Anna stated. “But he’s got to stay away from it.”

  “I don’t know if he can.” Jimmy shrugged his shoulders. “He’s addicted to it, sort of. And he’s told me that a couple of his coworkers gamble a lot, too. It’s going to be hard for him.”

  “Well,” Anna sniffled. “I really don’t care.”

  “What are you going to do if he keeps on gambling?” He asked.

  “I’ll go back to Chicago, I guess.” Anna’s reply was sharp.

  “Then we’d better make sure he stops.” Jimmy said with a crooked smile on his face.

  “How?” She wondered.

  “We’ll figure it out.” He said, as he wrapped his right arm around her neck. Jimmy pulled her closer. Anna collapsed in his embrace, filling his nostrils with her scent. He kissed her hair, caressing her upper back.

  “Thank you so much.” A deep, heavy sigh escaped her. “But I have to say.” She muttered, leaning back. “You’re confusing me.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “The Jimmy Holden my brother described is not so caring. Or understanding. He’s… loud, swears a lot and likes to party with women.” She explained.

  “I’m confused as to what we were doing a few minutes ago.” Jimmy got sarcastic. “In my book, that’s partying.”

  “It is.” Anna agreed. “But you’re still here. It shows you care.”

  “Well, I do want to kick your ex’s ass again.” Jimmy joked, attempting to change the subject. At last, a smile spread across Anna’s face.

  “Be my guest.” She said in a lazy tone. “You can deny it all you want, but it doesn’t change a thing. It’s like when I saw you on my porch, looking up in the sky. You denied it there, too. You’re not the man you think you are, Jimmy.”

  Once again, Jimmy chose to ignore her nice comments. He was by no means a good talker and he knew it. He also knew that he did not want to discuss anything else. Jimmy got lost in the warmth of her big, almond-shaped, green eyes. Anna’s image helped him get rid of any dark thoughts about Ben. The only thing on his mind was how to make her happy. He would not admit it to her or to himself, but being with her filled his heart with joy.

  They stayed up all night, talking and having sex. Jimmy had had dozens of one-night stands in the past, but something in her voice told him that Anna was more than just a woman that he could spend a single night with. He desired her, but he discovered that he wanted more from her. The fact that Anna had finally come clean played a big role in his decision to keep her in his life. Nevertheless, he had not been honest with her. In Anna’s mind, he was the brave realtor that saved her from the trouble of having to confront Ben, a good listener and a great lover.

  “I wonder if you can accept me for what I am, Anna. How would it make you feel if you found out that I put a gun to your head that night? Would you still think I’m relationship material? Relationship… It feels weird just thinking about it. I haven’t been in one in years.”

  Chapter Nine

  With everything happening so fast, it occurred to Jimmy that he had not read the news in days. He had no idea whether the cops had anything on him or his crew and he was nowhere near a computer. Besides, he was old fashioned. He never liked computers and he would certainly not ask Anna about the case. But Andy was a different matter... Anna would have definitely spoken to him about the night of the robbery. Jimmy had to know if the police had found any traces of him or his partners. They had taken every precaution, but Jimmy had to make sure that nothing had gone wrong. He contacted Andy the following afternoon, but he couldn’t ask him over the phone. The two men agreed to meet at Wendy’s, a local coffee shop, a few hundred yards south of Andy’s house.

  Jimmy was so tense that he arrived there twenty minutes early. Wendy’s was a really nice coffee shop with fast service and tastefully decorated, but, just a few seconds after he had sat at his table, Jimmy caught a glimpse of a familiar figure in the lower left corner. Ben Thomson, enjoying a piece of pie. He was all alone. Nevertheless, Jimmy could not even speak to him. Wendy’s was a popular place and as such, it was almost always crowded. Jimmy wished that Ben provoked him. However, the FBI agent did not even glance at him. He seemed to be enjoying that pie a little too much.

  “Hey, Jimmy.” Andy’s voice forced his gaze away from his rival.

  “Hi. How’s the stomach?” He asked, waving him to the other seat.

  “Better. Let’s just cut to the chase.” Andy spoke in a commanding tone. It was rather unusual of him.

  “Cut to the chase?”

  “Yeah. My sister said you guys met. I think she likes you.” Andy’s intense stare was not a good sign. He looked very serious.

  “Yeah, we did.” Jimmy confessed. “I like her, too.”

  “Why did you want to see me, Jimmy? You want my permission? Is that it?” Andy put a little force in his voice.

  “I would talk to you about us, but this is not why I wanted to see you.” Jimmy assured him. “I read she was behind the wheel, the night the truck got robbed.”

  “How many women have you slept with since you got here, Jimmy?” Andy asked in anger.

our. Why?”

  “Do you think my sister’s just some… cheap tramp you picked up in a bar?” Andy continued.

  “No.” Jimmy replied.

  “You guys don’t really need my permission. Don’t break her heart, Jimmy. That’s all I’m asking.” Andy requested in a much lower tone.

  “Relationships are complicated, Andy. You know that. I can’t promise anything, but I can try.” Jimmy stated.

  “Good.” Andy said with a sigh. “Yeah, she was filling in for me. The cops questioned her for hours that night. They thought she was involved. They questioned me yesterday, too.”

  “You?” Jimmy laughed. “You weren’t even there!”

  “Yeah, but they believed I was behind this. They know me, Jimmy. They know about my gambling problem.” One more, even longer sigh left his lips.

  “Have they found anything? Fingerprints? Hair, maybe?” Jimmy went on.

  “Nope. The cops said it was a clean job.” Andy explained. Jimmy had to try hard to hide his joy.

  “I’m guessing you know about Anna’s… other job.” He implied.

  “She told you?” Andy sounded surprised. “How come?”

  “Well, I saw her perform the other day. I recognized her.” Jimmy said. “That’s why I wanted to see you. Stop gambling, Andy. Before it’s too late.”

  “I’m trying, Jimmy.” Andy croaked. “Why do you care anyway? It’s not like we’re best friends or anything.”

  “You asked me not to break her heart. I’m just asking you to do the same.” Jimmy claimed. “Look what she’s done for you, man.”

  “I said I’m trying, Jimmy.” Andy said. “Big brothers are supposed to take care of their little sisters. She’s been taking care of me for years. I’ve let her down.”

  “Just make sure you don’t fail her again.” Jimmy advised. “How much time do you have to pay off that debt?”

  “It depends on who I owe money to. It’s not just one guy.” Andy responded.

  “We’re going to get through this.” Jimmy winked at him.

  “Yeah, right.” Andy didn’t believe him, but Jimmy would not elaborate. He had stayed there long enough. Thomson was still at his table; Jimmy couldn’t stand being in the same room with him.

  “I’ll be seeing you, Andy. Take care.” He mumbled, before putting his hands down on the table. Jimmy rose from his seat. Seconds later, he was outside. He couldn’t wait to see Anna again, but they had not arranged a date. He pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and called her.

  “Hey, handsome. I was wondering when you’d call me.”

  “Hi. I need to see you.”

  “Sounds urgent.”

  “I just… missed you.”

  “I’ve missed you, too.”

  “Where do you want to go?”

  “Have you ever been to the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden?”

  “A garden? I’m not a florist, Anna.” Her loud laughter filled his ears.

  “You don’t have to be.” She chuckled. “Just come pick me up at seven.”

  “Ok. Later.”


  Chapter Ten

  The Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden that Anna was referring to was actually one of the most romantic places in the city of Dallas. Nestled along the shores of White Rock Lake, it featured endless seasonal flowers, ornamental shrubs, as well as exotic plants and was one of the most visited botanical gardens in the country.

  They had to endure the traffic jam and even though Anna’s spirits were not dampened, Jimmy got really upset. Forty-five minutes after seven, the wait was over, as the sun set in the sky.

  Anna was ecstatic, as she laid her eyes on the kaleidoscope of color. Crimson red Azaleas, purple orchids, lilies, numerous carnations, roses… The Garden was full of fragrances and beauty and it smelled wonderful, with all of the flower scents that were mixed. Anna kept smelling one flower after another, acting like a child with a new toy. And, she had been given hundreds of them that afternoon. In fact, she was so excited that she hardly spoke to Jimmy for more than fifteen minutes. On the other hand, he did not share her enthusiasm. Yes, they looked fantastic, but flowers are a girly thing.

  “Anna, do you like Harleys?” He inquired, as she sniffed a pinkish Camellia.

  “Yeah. Why are you asking?” She got curious.

  “Imagine going to a motorcycle show. I would ask everything about the models. Price, top speed, horsepower, torque, range, handling, comfort. Those things are very important, but I’m sure they’d bore you to death.” Jimmy said.

  “I’m boring you?” Anna sounded worried.

  “Relax. You’re not. Just talk to me, ok? You’ve been here before, right?” Jimmy asked.

  “Yeah, lots of times. I’m sorry, I just really love flowers.” She admitted.

  “It’s cool.” He smiled. “I talked to Andy today. He said he’d try to quit gambling.”

  “I’ve heard that before, Jimmy.” Anna grumbled. “What makes you think he’s going to change?”

  “I don’t think he’s going to.” She frowned, upon hearing his conclusion. “But he loves you and I think he’ll try harder this time. I talked to him about us, too. I didn’t tell him about last night, but he got the picture.”

  “Well, I wanted to be the one to talk to him about us, but thanks. I’m…” Anna faltered. “Relieved, sort of.”

  “You were right.” Jimmy said with a nod, staring at the blooming Azaleas. “I didn’t have to be a florist to come here. It’s beautiful.”

  “See?” She chirped. “I told you you’d like it.”

  “Are you always so friendly with people you’ve just met?” Jimmy inquire, returning his gaze to her.

  “No, Mr. Holden. I just feel like I’ve known you for a long time.” Her quick response surprised him, but also flattered him.

  “Andy told you the truth about me. When I first saw you, I just wanted to walk up to you and ask you out.” Jimmy confessed. “And I don’t take ‘no’ for an answer. I’m pretty rough around the edges, if you know what I mean.”

  “I’m happy to say that the Jimmy Holden I met is nothing like that.” Anna said with a grin. “He’s a little macho, but just the perfect amount.”

  Jimmy drew in a deep breath, as the thought of coming clean with her haunted his mind. However, before he could do so, he had another confession to make.

  “Those two have something in common.” His sadness sent his voice down an octave.

  “What, great looks?” Anna’s smile grew wider.

  “I’ve never been in love, Anna.” Jimmy muttered. “It’s pretty pathetic if you think about it, but it’s true.”

  “What?!” She exclaimed, opening her eyes wide in disbelief. “Never?”

  “Not once.” He shook his head sideways. “A few years ago, I asked a friend of mine how it felt. He said something like ‘it’s a wonderful feeling’, but he couldn’t describe it so well.”

  “It’s more than just ‘wonderful’.” Anna spoke her mind. “You want to be with your partner all of the time. I could go on for hours about that feeling.”

  “I take it you’ve been in love then.” Jimmy spoke with a faint voice.

  “Twice. With my high school sweetheart and Ben. That’s before he started acting like a jerk.” Anna sighed. “We’re going to change that. I’m going to change that.” She claimed, as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “You sound pretty confident.” He commented.

  “If I wasn’t confident, my brother would be in jail or dead by now.” She laughed. “I really like you, Jimmy Holden.”

  “I like you too, Anna.” He whispered, pulling her near. They were surrounded by dozens of outsiders and even families with young children, but Jimmy felt the uncontrollable urge to kiss her and he would not let this opportunity pass him by. He closed his eyes, as she leaned towards him. Her warm lips on his mouth sent his pulse rising. Anna put her hand on the back of his neck, as they got lost in a soft, gentle kiss. Once again, her f
eatherlike touch made him feel on top of the world. Jimmy didn’t know if Anna could do what she had just said, but something was changing inside him, fast.

  “Now what, you crazy little thing?” He whispered.

  “My place.” She replied, her voice soft. “I can’t stop thinking about the moment I saw you looking up in the sky, you know that?”

  “Is that why you want to go there? You want to see me on that porch of yours again?” Jimmy smiled.

  “That, too.” Anna laughed. “Come on. Let’s get out of here.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Jimmy was glad that the drive back to Highland Park was short. The traffic was thin at the time and it only took them fifteen minutes to go back to Anna’s house. He decided to act innocent and not lay a hand on her, even after they stepped inside, curious to see whether Anna had any more moves or not. To his disappointment though, she did not touch him either.

  “I need to take a shower.” She said, looking up at him over her right shoulder. “Feel free to gaze at the stars while I’m gone.”

  Jimmy smiled to himself, watching her walk away from him. Anna’s suggestion sounded interesting, even though he would be all alone.

  “Yeah, I’m doing what you said, darling. But if it takes you more than fifteen minutes to get out of that shower, guess what: I’m going to join you in there. That bathtub looks very comfortable. It’s big enough to fit us both and I can’t wait to touch you. You’ve told me everything about your past. I appreciate that. But I don’t know if I should tell you about mine. It may destroy the only good thing that’s happened to me in years. Nah, who am I kidding? It will definitely ruin everything. You’ll run and you’ll be right to do so. Who wants to date a criminal like me? But you’ve been so good to me that I’m seriously thinking about coming clean with you. If someone deserves to know the truth, it’s you.”

  Staring at the starry sky and lost in his thoughts, Jimmy didn’t hear the sound of Anna’s bathroom door. A few minutes later, something else drew his attention; music. Or, funny music, as he used to call it. He could still recall his reaction, the first time that someone had played him “Principles of Lust”, a very sensual song by the famous band “Enigma”. Jimmy had laughed very hard indeed. He could hardly understand what was being said and mocked it. This time though, things were very different. Enigma’s music sounded more like the sound of a Siren, trying to seduce his senses. Intrigued, Jimmy soon left the porch. The music was coming from Anna’s bedroom, on the left of her living room. Jimmy stopped under the doorframe. Her room was quite dark. There was a single candle on her nightstand. She was in the right corner of her room, next to her small stereo, but it was her outfit that really blew his mind: Anna wore black garters and stockings, no panties and no bra, either.


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